Confirmed: Fraudulent Polygamy Cult Tipster is Barack Obama Delegate

Today, I have a problem with it. If I had lived then and there, I surely would not have had a problem with it. Neither would you have..
I wouldnt have. So you think pedophilia was ok then? Sorry, us non pedophiles simply cant get sexually aroused by the body of a 7 year old. Anyone who can, 15,000 years ago, 1500 years ago, or today, is seriously sick

Wow. That was such a cute and funny story. Pointless... but so cute.

Pointless only to the simple minded.
Point was, the guy had already admitted he didnt know anything about mohamads wives, but when it was something he obviously perceived as bad, suddenly his knowledge of history was sharp
riiight right..

because we aren't debating a CHRISTIAN cult right now, are we?


(is this where you usually start swinging you make your point?

:rofl: :rofl?

swinging? SORRY, you are the self admitted violent one

I mean, jesus DID say to abserve the OT, right stupid? sister fucking, bear mauling, qonquering in the name of and all, right stupid?

Showing your ignorance of the OT does nothing to bolster your credibility.
You see, like a lot of other idiots, you dont know which of those are merely history being recorded, which were laws between God and the Nation of Jews only, which were temporary laws, which were laws made by the Jews themselves.

AHhh, but ignorance is bliss, aint it?
If that's your position, then the cult member's rights have also not been infringed. The taking of the kids doesn't count. They are not property.

By that logic, then if abortion were made illegal, no rights would be taken away
I'm afraid that's pretty far afield and has nothing to do with this discussion.

Do you know of any other sects in this country that use underage girls for sex slaves. If you do, please do us a favor and notify the authorities immediately.

sects for sex?

actually, it is common with asians, and russians. Maybe others
Ya, the Texas Rangers knew to go to Colorado because they can read tea leaves, right?

Read the damn story. It states the calls were clearly marked as from a Colorado area code. Oh and I suggest if your phone lies to you, get a better phone carrier, mine shows me the phone number, including area code of all unblocked callers. I suspect those kind of crisis centers can even see blocked numbers.

If he calls you from his cell phone from anywhere in the country his texas phone number will appear on your caller id list. DUH! Also, a lot of people use calling cards. My brother calls me from Alabama and it always shows the state where the calling card center is located...Colorado.

Anyway, they haven't actually decided if this woman is the one that made the call. You are really good a cherrying picking.

I'm still waiting for you to explain how a sixteen year old can make an informed decision if she has to get her parent's permission to do it?
If he calls you from his cell phone from anywhere in the country his texas phone number will appear on your caller id list. DUH! Also, a lot of people use calling cards. My brother calls me from Alabama and it always shows the state where the calling card center is located...Colorado.

Anyway, they haven't actually decided if this woman is the one that made the call. You are really good a cherrying picking.

I'm still waiting for you to explain how a sixteen year old can make an informed decision if she has to get her parent's permission to do it?

It does not matter if a 16 year old can make a decision at all, it is LEGAL in Texas for a 16 year old to marry. Unless you are going to try and claim she would not have her parents permission in this group as well.
It does not matter if a 16 year old can make a decision at all, it is LEGAL in Texas for a 16 year old to marry. Unless you are going to try and claim she would not have her parents permission in this group as well.

Sure it matters, it's a stupid law. Granted, it doesn't really have much to do with the discussion.

I really seriously doubt they were getting married and complying to the state's rules since polygamy is illegal to begin with. So, no, they didn't have state sanctioned marriages, basically they were just shacking up with underage girls. So the parents gave permission for this to happen.

Illegal. Not to mention immoral.
Sure it matters, it's a stupid law. Granted, it doesn't really have much to do with the discussion.

I really seriously doubt they were getting married and complying to the state's rules since polygamy is illegal to begin with. So, no, they didn't have state sanctioned marriages, basically they were just shacking up with underage girls. So the parents gave permission for this to happen.

Illegal. Not to mention immoral.

And notice his refusal to address the question of how he can condone raping underage girls.
You are an ignorant person if that is your position. Next you will be telling us the State should tell us all how to raise our children, how to dress them, how to teach them, what religion is acceptable. You are a good little lemming.

It's not my position. My position is that it's an infringment in both cases. I strive to be consistent and non-hypocritical in my views and opinions. I was just trying to get you to try to do the same. Obviously I failed. Good day.
Actually, the media is claiming they are a sect of the Mormon Church that broke away in the 1890's over polygamy laws. I believe the FLDS claims to be part of the Mormon Church.

Doesn't FLDS abbreviate Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints?

Thank You Gunny:clap2:

I like how RGS cherry-picks all the information he wants, but ignores the numerous things this sect does....marry underage girls forcefully, forces sex upon them, practice polygamy (which is illegal in Texas to begin with), beats infants in a "procedure" called "breaking."

Well done RGS, you've officially cast your vote in favor of child-molesting. If I'm a moron, I couldn't imagine what you are, considering you've made yourself look like an ass on this thread.
RGS with your "extensive" knowledge of the law, you should change your nickname to "Retired Lawyer." :rolleyes:

And you could change your Avatar to:



It's not my position. My position is that it's an infringment in both cases. I strive to be consistent and non-hypocritical in my views and opinions. I was just trying to get you to try to do the same. Obviously I failed. Good day.

Why do you feel that it is an infringement in the FLDS case?
Why do you feel that it is an infringement in the FLDS case?

Honestly, I haven't made it a point to research it in depth. However, from my limited understanding, I'd say they were not afforded due process. I'd hate to think my daughter could be taken away on account of a neighbor's phone call.
Honestly, I haven't made it a point to research it in depth. However, from my limited understanding, I'd say they were not afforded due process. I'd hate to think my daughter could be taken away on account of a neighbor's phone call.

So you're operating under the assumption that the state is lying when it claims to have evidence of abuse?
So you're operating under the assumption that the state is lying when it claims to have evidence of abuse?

No, not at all.

However I think there is a high likelihood they acted prior to having said evidence. The fact that these scumbags are guilty as hell doesn't change that. And furthermore, if it's determined that any of this evidence is inadmissable because it was obtained improperly, that would piss me off to no end.
No, not at all.

However I think there is a high likelihood they acted prior to having said evidence. The fact that these scumbags are guilty as hell doesn't change that. And furthermore, if it's determined that any of this evidence is inadmissable because it was obtained improperly, that would piss me off to no end.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Sure it matters, it's a stupid law. Granted, it doesn't really have much to do with the discussion.

I really seriously doubt they were getting married and complying to the state's rules since polygamy is illegal to begin with. So, no, they didn't have state sanctioned marriages, basically they were just shacking up with underage girls. So the parents gave permission for this to happen.

Illegal. Not to mention immoral.

It's not illegal. Whether or not it's a state-sanctioned marriage, it's a marriage in the eyes of the parents and they have the authority to permit it.

I'm sure you'd rather these girls were screwing their dope dealers. So long as they get an abortion after wards. THOSE girls are making reasoned decisions.


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