Confirmed: Fraudulent Polygamy Cult Tipster is Barack Obama Delegate

Marriage hasn't always been about individual choice. It has for many societies and for many years been about the structuring of social relations. The individual was secondary to the lineage group.

Questions of sexual maturity also differ with societies, as do questions of adulthood. This is nothing groundbreaking. It has been common knowledge for a very long time.

SO you approve of a grown man over 30 years old having sex with a 7 year old? THen I guess you cant bitch about doing it with a 13 year old, at least the 13 year old is near, or has gone through puberty

Funny thing the other day, a muslim guy was at my house, I asked him how much he knows about the history of Islam and its leader, mohamad. He said "I dont know anything about that, nothing at all"

Then when I told him about the pedophilia of his great prophet, he suddenly had great knowledge of history and proclaimed mohamad never did that
SO you approve of a grown man over 30 years old having sex with a 7 year old? THen I guess you cant bitch about doing it with a 13 year old, at least the 13 year old is near, or has gone through puberty

Today, I have a problem with it. If I had lived then and there, I surely would not have had a problem with it. Neither would you have.

Funny thing the other day, a muslim guy was at my house, I asked him how much he knows about the history of Islam and its leader, mohamad. He said "I dont know anything about that, nothing at all"

Then when I told him about the pedophilia of his great prophet, he suddenly had great knowledge of history and proclaimed mohamad never did that

Wow. That was such a cute and funny story. Pointless... but so cute.
SO you approve of a grown man over 30 years old having sex with a 7 year old? THen I guess you cant bitch about doing it with a 13 year old, at least the 13 year old is near, or has gone through puberty

Funny thing the other day, a muslim guy was at my house, I asked him how much he knows about the history of Islam and its leader, mohamad. He said "I dont know anything about that, nothing at all"

Then when I told him about the pedophilia of his great prophet, he suddenly had great knowledge of history and proclaimed mohamad never did that

Strange... Only ones I have coming to my door are the JW's and Baptist.
TO have any legitimacy, your accusations would need to be leveled at JESUS, leader of Christianity, AND Christianity would have to be a religous group currently allowed to be off limits for the most part, to govt officials.

But hey, I know those little details elude you, constucting a good analogy is not your, not any Demerals strong suit

riiight right..

because we aren't debating a CHRISTIAN cult right now, are we?


(is this where you usually start swinging you make your point?

:rofl: :rofl:

I mean, jesus DID say to abserve the OT, right stupid? sister fucking, bear mauling, qonquering in the name of and all, right stupid?
SO you approve of a grown man over 30 years old having sex with a 7 year old? THen I guess you cant bitch about doing it with a 13 year old, at least the 13 year old is near, or has gone through puberty

Funny thing the other day, a muslim guy was at my house, I asked him how much he knows about the history of Islam and its leader, mohamad. He said "I dont know anything about that, nothing at all"

Then when I told him about the pedophilia of his great prophet, he suddenly had great knowledge of history and proclaimed mohamad never did that

Mohammed is irrelevant to this thread. He was not a US citizen, nor did he live in our society with our morals. There is no comparison.

Thsi thread also is not about religion. It's about the law. Religion or no, do people have a right to do what these people are alleged to being doing? Not in THIS state.

The bottom line issue is where do individual rights and the state's responsibility to protect its citizens -- especially the innocent -- begin?

There IS a legal double standard, in this state and others, where an accusation results in immediately removing the child from a possibly abusive environment and THEN an investigation being conducted. For almost any other crime, evidence has to come first.

So it boils down to asking yourself whether the child's safety is paramount, or is the rights of the parents?

IMO, the child's safety is paramount because the child has no recourse. If the parents are abusive, there IS no one but "us" -- the law -- to intercede on their behalf.

And again, that is based on the situation. I could care less about their religion and this woman made a fraudulent phone call then she should be held legally accountable for doing so.
If that's your position, then the cult member's rights have also not been infringed. The taking of the kids doesn't count. They are not property.

You are an ignorant person if that is your position. Next you will be telling us the State should tell us all how to raise our children, how to dress them, how to teach them, what religion is acceptable. You are a good little lemming.
You are an ignorant person if that is your position. Next you will be telling us the State should tell us all how to raise our children, how to dress them, how to teach them, what religion is acceptable. You are a good little lemming.

well, i mean, if your religion teaches that 45 year old men can fuck 13 year olds then...
Once again, you pull "claims" out of thin air. What claim is it that I have made??? YOU claimed that only 3 out of 10,000 were sex-offenders, and I simply called you on your lack of evidence.

You're too easy.

What a moron, YOU have claimed that these 3 prove that the entire religion is full of sex offenders, talk about to easy, prove your claim.
Mohammed is irrelevant to this thread. He was not a US citizen, nor did he live in our society with our morals. There is no comparison.

Thsi thread also is not about religion. It's about the law. Religion or no, do people have a right to do what these people are alleged to being doing? Not in THIS state.

The bottom line issue is where do individual rights and the state's responsibility to protect its citizens -- especially the innocent -- begin?

There IS a legal double standard, in this state and others, where an accusation results in immediately removing the child from a possibly abusive environment and THEN an investigation being conducted. For almost any other crime, evidence has to come first.

So it boils down to asking yourself whether the child's safety is paramount, or is the rights of the parents?

IMO, the child's safety is paramount because the child has no recourse. If the parents are abusive, there IS no one but "us" -- the law -- to intercede on their behalf.

And again, that is based on the situation. I could care less about their religion and this woman made a fraudulent phone call then she should be held legally accountable for doing so.

Well except for the fact the State KNEW the call came from Colorado and NOT from the compound. BEFORE they ever got a search warrant to find this girl who could not have been there based on the PHONE CALL. Then they created the fake premise that boys were being brainwashed into being abusers and the claim that a single hair on a MADE bed in the temple was some how proof of imminent danger.

They then LIED to continue the search for a girl they KNEW could not be on the premises because THEY KNEW the call was from Colorado. They removed 400 plus children, not because of danger but because the system does not like the group. That is NOT how the system works, not even in Texas. One must show cause to remove children, The State has in fact not done that at all. The claim that a 13 year old gave birth is in regards to a woman NOW 23. She wasn't even IN Texas when she had the child.

The excuse is to protect the children when we have just been provided the facts that foster care is more dangerous, proven so, then any environment they already lived in.

Further the State used volunteers to care for the children for at least 3 weeks. They just took up any joe blow that claimed to want to help and left them unsupervised to care for these children after they KICKED the mothers out for not telling them what they wanted to hear.

If the safety and welfare of the children was truly the goal they would not be in foster care at all. They would be in the care of their mothers with State Supervision.
What a moron, YOU have claimed that these 3 prove that the entire religion is full of sex offenders, talk about to easy, prove your claim.

I didn't say this entire religion dumbass....I said this entire sect....and followers thereof.

I named 3 out of this particular sect that are sex-offenders...and that's just on the news.

I tell you what. You find a statement (made by me) that says "these 3 sex-offenders prove that the entire religion is full of sex-offenders. I said SECT.

And as far as the government telling people how to raise their're right they can. If you want to dress your kid in a trashbag everyday, and don't feed it right, or force it to marry a 50 year old at 14, then the state can take your kids away.

Is Michael in there with you?? How 'bout Mr. Jeffs...? Good friend of yours??

You avoid the fact that this sect tortures infants to "break" them. This comes from former sect members (Primary Source).

You avoid the fact that this sect (and sects alike) throw young boys out into society and expect them to survive because they are competition to the older men.

You avoid the fact that three publicized members of this individual sect are sex-offenders.

You avoid the fact that underage girls are marrying older men, and forced to have sex.

You're avoiding numerous amounts of FIRST HAND information of these sects. Typical of you though, to ignore evidence and start bitching about false claims that no one else made, as well as put words in other people's posts. You did this on the thread about the South seceding...started making up bullshit that I certainly did not say. I'm beginning to think you and The Bad Shephard are in cahoots.
How about not doing anything to them unless it is planned terrorist attacks.

And thats the point, the guberment is practicing selective enforcement.

I'm afraid that's pretty far afield and has nothing to do with this discussion.

Do you know of any other sects in this country that use underage girls for sex slaves. If you do, please do us a favor and notify the authorities immediately.
Well except for the fact the State KNEW the call came from Colorado and NOT from the compound. BEFORE they ever got a search warrant to find this girl who could not have been there based on the PHONE CALL. Then they created the fake premise that boys were being brainwashed into being abusers and the claim that a single hair on a MADE bed in the temple was some how proof of imminent danger.

They then LIED to continue the search for a girl they KNEW could not be on the premises because THEY KNEW the call was from Colorado. They removed 400 plus children, not because of danger but because the system does not like the group. That is NOT how the system works, not even in Texas. One must show cause to remove children, The State has in fact not done that at all. The claim that a 13 year old gave birth is in regards to a woman NOW 23. She wasn't even IN Texas when she had the child.

The excuse is to protect the children when we have just been provided the facts that foster care is more dangerous, proven so, then any environment they already lived in.

Further the State used volunteers to care for the children for at least 3 weeks. They just took up any joe blow that claimed to want to help and left them unsupervised to care for these children after they KICKED the mothers out for not telling them what they wanted to hear.

If the safety and welfare of the children was truly the goal they would not be in foster care at all. They would be in the care of their mothers with State Supervision.

I don't even know where to begin. Your entire post is nothing but speculation, unsupported accusations, and generally a conspiracy theory from Hell.
I didn't say this entire religion dumbass....I said this entire sect....and followers thereof.

I named 3 out of this particular sect that are sex-offenders...and that's just on the news.

I tell you what. You find a statement (made by me) that says "these 3 sex-offenders prove that the entire religion is full of sex-offenders. I said SECT.

And as far as the government telling people how to raise their're right they can. If you want to dress your kid in a trashbag everyday, and don't feed it right, or force it to marry a 50 year old at 14, then the state can take your kids away.

Is Michael in there with you?? How 'bout Mr. Jeffs...? Good friend of yours??

You avoid the fact that this sect tortures infants to "break" them. This comes from former sect members (Primary Source).

You avoid the fact that this sect (and sects alike) throw young boys out into society and expect them to survive because they are competition to the older men.

You avoid the fact that three publicized members of this individual sect are sex-offenders.

You avoid the fact that underage girls are marrying older men, and forced to have sex.

You're avoiding numerous amounts of FIRST HAND information of these sects. Typical of you though, to ignore evidence and start bitching about false claims that no one else made, as well as put words in other people's posts. You did this on the thread about the South seceding...started making up bullshit that I certainly did not say. I'm beginning to think you and The Bad Shephard are in cahoots.

What a moron, the "sect" is the religion. FLDS. You do not even know what you are babbling about. Or are you trying to claim they are Mormons? If so you are even dumber then I thought.
I don't even know where to begin. Your entire post is nothing but speculation, unsupported accusations, and generally a conspiracy theory from Hell.

Really? The State KNEW the call was from Colorado. What more needs to be said. End of story.
What a moron, the "sect" is the religion. FLDS. You do not even know what you are babbling about. Or are you trying to claim they are Mormons? If so you are even dumber then I thought.

Actually, the media is claiming they are a sect of the Mormon Church that broke away in the 1890's over polygamy laws. I believe the FLDS claims to be part of the Mormon Church.

Doesn't FLDS abbreviate Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints?
Really? The State KNEW the call was from Colorado. What more needs to be said. End of story.

Wrong. One, prove it. Two, that the call came from CO means WHAT, exactly?

If I go to NH hand call you guess where my phone is going to say I'm calling from? Yep ... Texas.
Actually, the media is claiming they are a sect of the Mormon Church that broke away in the 1890's over polygamy laws. I believe the FLDS claims to be part of the Mormon Church.

Doesn't FLDS abbreviate Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints?

Once again they are Mormons if Baptists are Catholics. If a group broke from the Catholic Church and named them selves the Fundamentalist Catholic Church but did not preach nor adhere to the principles of the Catholic church or believe the Pope was their religious leader, would they be Catholics?

LDS kicks out any member that practices polygamy. The LDS has a Prophet and Church leader and it is NOT Jeffs. The church banned Polygamy in 1890. They did so by proclaiming it was against God's wishes. How did they know this, because the President of the Church is a Prophet and can receive divine word from God.

FLDS was formed in the 1930's and is NOT recognized by the LDS nor sanctioned, nor are they considered members of the religion. In fact they can NOT be members because they practice polygamy.
Wrong. One, prove it. Two, that the call came from CO means WHAT, exactly?

If I go to NH hand call you guess where my phone is going to say I'm calling from? Yep ... Texas.

Ya, the Texas Rangers knew to go to Colorado because they can read tea leaves, right?

Read the damn story. It states the calls were clearly marked as from a Colorado area code. Oh and I suggest if your phone lies to you, get a better phone carrier, mine shows me the phone number, including area code of all unblocked callers. I suspect those kind of crisis centers can even see blocked numbers.

So lets take this slowly, shall we?

A Girl calls and claims to be 16, beaten and raped and held captive with small children IN a compound in Texas. The Crisis center can see the call is actually coming from a Colorado Area Code. Ya sounds reasonable to believe her.

Add in the fact that the girl never existed, it was a hoax. Then explain why the State claimed they had confirmation from other unnamed girls in the compound a girl "fitting the description" was there. Oh, ya play the tape I wanna hear if she described herself at all. If she did not, how exactly did they get anyone to say they saw a girl "matching her description" in the compound.

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