Confirmed: Obama’s Birthday Bash Was a Super Spreader Event

The MSM is always tracking "A" list stars. If one of them suddenly disappears (in isolation) the speculations start flying.

You claim the MSM has covered that up, since nobody is reporting any stars missing.
and thats what makes you a useful idiot,,

You're the one claiming the MSM is covering up missing "A" list stars in order to shield Obama.
You're the one claiming the MSM is covering up missing "A" list stars in order to shield Obama.

I said they would not that they did,, how would I know if they did??
This is a simple case. The people at Obama's party are either out of about, and doing their usual public appearances. Or they're in hiding for the next 14 days, and the MSM conspiring to cover up their absence.

And that hasn't happened.
This is a simple case. The people at Obama's party are either out of about, and doing their usual public appearances. Or they're in hiding for the next 14 days, and the MSM conspiring to cover up their absence.

And that hasn't happened.
got a link to prove that??
Your source is another retarded repub rag. Can you supply a link that is credible?
Your source is another retarded repub rag. Can you supply a link that is credible?
Hilarious. Now The NY Times is a repug rag because it makes Obamamessiah look bad.
sorry to hurt your feelings but the original source is the new york times,,,

maybe next time you read it before running your mouth and you wouldnt look like such an idiot
The new York times was talking about THE WEEK BEFORE Obamas birthday party, the first week of August their covid cases went way up....way way way up.... They had 48 cases.... No hospitalizations and MV has had no deaths from covid since it got here last year.

Ok, this new nyt article was written the 12th so it covered through 5 days after his party. The articles I read yesterday were a few days older.

Cases are rising....they had hotspots in town with 3 restaurants having to close from workers being affected, and another cluster of infections at the Harbor View hotel, (which is where Matt and I stay when vacationing there in Edgar town)
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Damn! Barack is a fucking Typhoid Mary!!! Spread that shit to EVERYONE! Look at that graph! HUGE spike right after the party.

According to the New York Times, the 14-day change in COVID-19 cases in Dukes County, MA (Martha’s Vineyard) has increased from yesterday and is now at +2,050%:

And even though we’re talking about only a handful of cases, via the NYT. . .

An average of 6 cases per day were reported in Dukes County, a 2,050 percent increase from the average two weeks ago. Since the beginning of the pandemic, at least 1 in 12 residents have been infected, a total of 1,502 reported cases. Right now, Dukes County is at a very high risk for unvaccinated people. Read more about risk below.
. . .the local Vineyard Gazette is reporting that a number of businesses have had to close because of the outbreak:

A local health official told the Gazette that the outbreak is among the seasonal employees who often work more than one job, you know, like they work at a restaurant and then help cater large parties with hundreds of unmasked guests as a side gig:

Edgartown health agent Matt Poole said in an interview that the closures were part bad luck, part the unfortunate reality of working in the food service industry on Martha’s Vineyard, where employees often live in close quarters and work in multiple establishments.
“Part of what you’re seeing here are employees working in more than one establishment,” Mr. Poole said. “Employee housing is also a significant complicating factor. The transmission that you’re seeing is often happening in housing, not in the workplace.”
Over to you, Mr. Obama. Any comment?

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