Confirmed: The "Whistle Blower," had no direct access to any of the information,assumed it was tru

he received information from multiple people who were there.
Which means he is releasing classified information he obtained illegally... All bets are off.. This fucker needs to be prosecuted along with those who "told" him..
Yet a Transcript is a written report of the call

So to do this transcript they have to listen to the original call which is preserved for prosperity

its pretty obvious that the call was between two people and whomever was listening in on it.

And Trump does not deny it

There was a call.
They talked about The Ukraine having corrupt officials in 2016 (as did the US)
They talked about cooperating in getting to the bottom of it.

That is why the dems freaked out
They are the root cause of the corruption.

The dems actually asked Ukraine to interfere....

New Documents Could Spell Trouble For Biden In Ukraine Scandal, Report Says

Investigative reporter John Solomon said on Wednesday night that he has obtained over 450 pages of legal documents that could spell serious problems for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden regarding the ongoing Ukraine scandal.

“Listen there were three attempts in 2016 by the Democratic Party, in the Democratic establishment, to get Ukraine involved in our elections so Democrats were for Ukraine interference in our election before they were against it, that is an irrefutable fact that documents and the statements on the record have been reported in my column,” Solomon began. “You can download the documents, don’t trust me, go read them yourselves.”

Solomon then transitioned into talking about the big development in the story: the hundreds of pages of legal documents he obtained that he claims show that the story that Biden has told the American public is not true.

“Here’s the most important thing: Joe Biden has staked out a very specific story now and with impeachment proceedings, that story is fair game to investigate,” Solomon continued. “He says when he fired the Ukraine general prosecutor … he did so solely because he believed that prosecutor was corrupt and not because that prosecutor was investigating his son’s company and making plans to hunt interview Hunter Biden at the very moment he was fired. That’s his story, that has to hold up.”

Yes, I'm aware.
Too bad ol'Trumpybear arrogantly confirmed many of the details himself, though!

Def. did the Dems a "Favor"

Na. Not really. No one is watching this for starters. This won't change anyone's mind on either side. Even if it's true no one would believe anything because of how unhinged the DNC leadership has become.
The report from the Whistle Blower is out....and it turns out this asshat had no direct contact or access to any of the information he was blowing on.................

To even the left wing morons here on U.S.messageboard can understand....

He had no direct contact, or access to the information he was reporting on, he had all of his information from "hearsay" by other officials......

And because of this...nothing he said was even remotely accurate or true...

Breaking: Whistleblower complaint released


And as reported earlier, all of the complaint comes from second-hand knowledge of the call and the events that transpired afterward:

Had the complainant actually read the transcript or been in the room, he might have noticed that Zelensky brought up Giuliani and the Biden investigation first, although Trump was certainly happy to discuss it. The Crowdstrike reference is accurate, though, as is its likely value to Trump. However, Trump never mentions his own election bid in the transcript nor does he pressure Zelensky in any obvious way.

The egg on the faces of democrats is going to start to smell ...........
I noticed that the "whistle blower" didn't name any names of those who told him the information he reported (without first-hand knowledge).

We know the "whistle blower" could not be identified by process of elimination because he was not on the phone call. So, he has no excuse for NOT naming names.

The whistleblower was hired by leftist lawyers to be a whistleblower. Who is funding these leftist groups?
Message to the whistle blower...this is a new age will eventually be exposed...there are no lines anymore....And I can't wait to find out who this punk ass bitch is....
Deep State Scum:

Byron York Dismantles Inspector General's 'Confusing, Ass-Covering Mess' To Explain Whistleblower Form

"After-the-fact justification..."

Only AFTER The Federalist's Sean Davis dropped a bombshell last Friday that the intelligence community "secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings," lawyers from the Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG) cobbled together a confusing response over the weekend to justify why a CIA 'whistleblower' was allowed to submit second-hand information to complain about Trump's communications with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky, concerning former VP Joe Biden's corruption scandal.

So confusing, in fact, that the Washington Examiner's chief White House correspondent Byron York broke down the ICIG's response in spectacular fashion via Twitter.

  • ICIG says it gave whistleblower a procedures form saying in order to find urgent concern 'credible,' complainant must have 'reliable, first-hand information.' Without that, ICIG 'will not be able to process the complaint.'
  • ICIG also notes whistleblower claimed he had both second-hand *and* first-hand information.
  • Not clear what first-hand information in whistleblower complaint is. Key accusations concerning Trump-Zelensky call and alleged WH coverup afterward are entirely second-hand.
OLD FORM: Note that First Hand Information is REQUIRED

New form:

So the Whistleblower was given the OLD form. Then after Trump-Ukraine exploded, they changed form to allow nothing more than rumors!
Lol at the left relying on whistleblowers when the whole transcript has been released.
Lol at the left relying on whistleblowers when the whole transcript has been released.
The Whistle Blower also committed Felony Perjury on the Complaint by concealing his illegal coordintion with Schiff, which Schiff also lied about.

And it may turn out that the "Whistle Blower" a CIA Spy planted at the WH, wasn't even at the WH at the time of the call.

Intel Chiefs Need to Explain Who Signed Off On Inserting CIA Agent Into WH.

“What the president needs to do is pull his CIA director tomorrow and FBI director and his DNI, acting, and say who signed off on this. Someone signed off on this in order for this person to move this thing forward. If they didn’t, then let’s throw them in jail for falsification of a document.”​

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