

May 18, 2011
:confused: I would feel more comfortable voting in 2012 if I knew the stance of liberals, independents and conservatives on the following issues. If we could compare the three in a comprehensive manner that would be super.

Politics/ economics2003 invasion of Iraq;
ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union;
Affirmative action;
African American Alberta secessionism.
American Hunters and Shooters Association
History of Jews in the United States- historical review of American Jews.
Anti-Irish racism
Asian American
Osama bin Laden
Black supremacy
British National Party
Capital Punishment
Cherokee Americans - who have Cherokee ancestry.
People's Republic of China - economy, military, human rights issues.
Chinese spies
CIA leak scandal, aka Plame affair (controversies include naming of articles)
CIA leak scandal timeline, aka Plame affair timeline (controversies include naming of articles)
Communist government
Communist state
Conservatism in the USA
Copyright, Free software, viral license, Copyright infringement of software, DMCA, copyright term extension, Inducement/Child Exploitation
Crime in the USA
Criticism of Wal-Mart
Culture war in American politics
Cyprus dispute
Deaf American (rising self-identify among the hearing impaired as an "ethnic group").
Demographics of Europe
Demographics of the United States
Domestic violence
Economy of Japan
European Union (EU)
Federal Marriage Amendment
Fox News
Free trade
Freedom fighter
Gay rights, LGBT rights
Genocide denial
Gun politics
Harry's Place
Hate crimes
Health care reform in the United States
Hitler - in regards to his biography, political career and personal issues (i.e. possible homosexuality or mental illness disorder).
Homosexual agenda
Human rights in Cuba
Human Rights in the United States
Hyphenated American
Illegal drugs and drug abuse
Illegal Immigration into the USA
India- economy and politics
Politics of Iran
Ireland and Irish people - alledged anti-British sentiment and alleged British Bias.
Isa Gambar
History of Israel
Israel-Palestine conflict and all related issues.
Italian American (anti-Italianism)
Japan - history of being a world power.
Jewish Americans as a lobbying interest group.
Joe Biden
John Kerry
John McCain
Korean War
Louisiana politics, as well alleged corruption (also the adage of "Chicago-way or New Jersey-style politics").
Lebanon - ethnic/religious conflicts.
Liberalism in the USA
Los Macheteros
Macedonia, Republic of Macedonia, Macedonian Slavs
Moldavia, Moldovans
Mexico - economic and political systems.
Morality and ethics
Movement to impeach George W. Bush
Muslim Brotherhood
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) - (rel. bombing of Dresden)
Native American name controversy
National Anarchism
Nazi Germany
New World Order (conspiracy theory)
Politics of North Korea
Northern Ireland
Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali
Palestine Liberation Organization
Park51, a proposed (as of September 2010) Islamic community center and mosque to be built near the World Trade Center site
Patriotism in the USA
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Pioneer Fund - US racial research group.
Polish people (Anti-Polish sentiment)
Political correctness
Political parties and partisan politics.
Poverty in USA and worldwide
Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act
Public education in the USA
Puerto Ricans in the United States
Quebec, Canada
Race relations in the USA
Racial quota
Race/ethnicity issues in many countries, such as in Demographics of Chile.
Racism - definition of
Salvador Allende
Same-sex marriage
Sarah Palin
Saskatchewan Party
Laura Schlessinger
School violence
Republika Srpska, Republic of Serbian Krajina
Sexual harassment
September 11, 2001 attacks also known as 9/11.
Ariel Sharon
Spain - autonomous movements in each province of the country.
Switzerland- Banking
Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Tea Party movement and Tea Party protests
Terrorist groups
Tobin tax
Torture (see also Medical torture) .
Universal Health care proposals in the USA.
United Nations (UN)
The United States's War on Terror
Valencianism Valencian people vs. Catalan people (Catalan nationalism) over what to classify the Valencian language a "dialect" of Catalan language.
Vector Marketing
Western civilization
White Americans - non-racist white identity.
Paul Wolfowitz
Womyn - alternative spelling of women.
Yugoslavia - breakup of the country.
Zaire now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[edit] History2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami
1953 Iranian coup d'état.
1973 coup in Chile.
1992 Los Angeles riots.
9/11 or September 11 terrorist attacks.
American Airlines Flight 77
American Revolution
Apollo moon landing hoax accusations
Armenian Genocide
Aryan invasion theory
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
Berlin wall
Black Power
Bloody Sunday (1972)
Bosnia and Herzegovina - 1992-1995 war.
Bromberg Bloody Sunday
Centre Party Germany
Chicano nationalism - also see Mexican American.
Cold war era - i.e. Cuban missile crisis
Communism - histories of communist regimes.
Confederate States of America
Jim Crow laws or racial segregation
Constitutional law
Crusades into the holy land
Cyprus dispute
D-Day 1944 allied invasion of France.
East Germany (the German Democratic Republic 1949-90).
Falkland Islands
French Revolution
Great Depression
Green Revolution
Holocaust denial
Ireland - history, including 1850s Irish Potato Famine.
Irredentism in Italy, China, Mexico and elsewhere.
Japanese American internment during WWII.
Jesus Christ - historical/ biographical studies (the Bible and other sources).
Jews in Ukraine and Poland, "Ukrainian and Polish antisemitism".
Kennedy assassinations of 1963 and 1968.
Kosovo War
Kuril Islands
Libyan Civil War
Louisiana Purchase of 1803
Majestic 12
Marijuana - illegalization of the drug.
Mexican-American War (see also History of Mexican-Americans).
Middle Ages
Native Americans in the United States
Nordic race theories of global domination (see also Aryan race and white race)
Okinawa - U.S. rule 1945-1972.
Operation Wetback - mass deportation program of Mexicans (either illegal aliens, naturalized citizens and Mexican-Americans) from the US in the 1950s.
Other Losses
Panama canal, US rule in Canal Zone 1903-1979.
Philippines under US rule 1898-1946.
Prohibition in the US 1919-33.
Puerto Rico - annexation of the island by the U.S.
Quebec separatism
Roswell UFO Incident
Numerous episodes of Russian-Polish relations
Soviet Union or the USSR.
Spanish-American war
Spanish civil war
Spanish Inquisition
Stem cell research
Texas Revolution of 1836, known by the battle of the Alamo.
The Rape of Nanking (book).
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
Trail of Tears
TWA Flight 800
U.S. Civil War
U.S. Latinos or Hispanics.
U.S. War of 1812
United States presidential election, 2000
Unidentified flying objects or UFOs
Numerous episodes of Ukrainian-Polish relations
Numerous episodes of Ukrainian-Russian relations.
Vietnam war
Watergate scandal
White supremacy
Women's rights and feminism.
causes and effects of World War I.
causes and effects of World War II.
[edit] Religion2012, 2012 phenomenon, and the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar
American Family Association
Apollo Quiboloy
Biblical literalism
Christian Coalition
Christian science
Conservative Judaism and Criticism of Conservative Judaism
Dorje Shugden controversy
Eastern Orthodoxy
Falun Gong
Feminism and religion.
Gay Marriage - opposition of.
Gnosticism and the New Testament
Guru (structure and criticism)
Hare Krishna
Hate group (new religious movements)
Historicity of Jesus
Homosexuality and religion.
Iglesia ni Cristo
Imperium (Warhammer 40,000)
Islam - certain radical and politicized groups, and not entirely understood in the western world. [original research?]
Jehovah's witnesses
Judas Iscariot
Kashrut and Kosher
Ku Klux Klan - radical Christian hate group.
Last Supper of Jesus
Makkah/Mecca ('Offensive' spelling).
Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Mennonites - most notably the old order Amish.
Mormonism - to a certain extent (subset of the Latter Day Saint movement).
Neocatechumenal Way
New Age
New Kadampa Tradition
Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way Buddhism
Opus Dei
Paganism - various sects
Paul and Gnosticism
Politics and religion.
Prem Rawat and Divine Light Mission
Project Chanology
Protestant Reformation
U.S. Republican Party connection with the religious right.
Religion and sexuality and various related topics.
Role of women in religion, Religious feminism, and related topics
Separation of Church and State
Sathya Sai Baba enduring dispute about the amount of space devoted to describing the views of proponents and critics as published on their homepages
Temple Mount and related topics
United Submitters International, Qur'an alone, Rashad Khalifa peacock words, critical sources removed, lack of RS, failure to describe size and importance and relation to older Islamic groups, linkfarming
Universal Life Church
Westboro Baptist Church
[edit] Science / Biology / HealthAbortion
AIDS denialism
Allergy - causes of.
Allopathic medicine
Alzheimer's disease
Alternative medicine and closely related issues
Assisted suicide
Aspartame controversy
Asperger's syndrome and Autism
Astrology as a "science"
Bates method
Biology and sexual orientation
Birth defect
Black hole information paradox
Blood transfusions
Cancer cures
Cesarean section
Cold fusion
Conjoined twins
Depleted uranium
Ebola virus
Electrical sensitivity
Family Planning
Female genital cutting
Flat Earth Society
Genetic Engineering
Genetically modified foods (or GM food(s))
Gender differences.
Gypsies as a race.
Heritability of IQ
HIV - virus that causes AIDS.
HMO - US health care coverage.
Hodgkin's Disease
Human cloning
Human evolution debate
Human longevity
Huntington's disease
Influenza strains like the H5N1 virus or bird flu
Intelligent design
Jewish people as a "race".
Lactose intolerance as a genetic inherited trait
Life extension
Master race
Medical torture
Mental illness
Mental retardation
Mind control
Mucoid plaque
Organ donor and transplants
Paternity testing
Pharmaceutical industry in the USA
Pluto demoted as a planet
Poppers *- the use of alkyl nitrites as a drug)
Premature birth
Prenatal care
Race and science.
Race and intelligence
Recapitulation theory
Sexually transmitted diseases
Smoking and tobacco
Sperm donor and Egg donor
Stem cell research
Surrogate mother - child custody battles
Tay-Sachs disease
Test-tube babies
Transgendered, Transsexual, and BIID persons
Twin paradox
Universe - such as the Big Bang theory
Veganism and Vegetarianism
Woman and female health issues (see pregnancy, menopause, breast cancer and ovarian cancer).
[edit] Sexuality69ing
Sexuality of Abraham Lincoln
Adultery ("consensual sex without wedlock")
Age of consent
Anal sex
Adult grooming and child grooming, where sexual abuse and murder victims first meet their perpretators online and in some cases, actually set up to meet IRL (In Real Life).
Asian fetish
Attraction to disability
Child sexuality
Conversion therapy (also called "reparative therapy")
Fingering and fisting
Genetic sexual attraction
Genital modification and mutilation
Hentai ("anime porn")
North American Man/Boy Love Association
Oral sex
Pregnancy fetishism
Sex offender
Sexual abuse
Swinging ("bisexuals" and "singles")
Women (see Women and Sexuality)
[edit] SportsBarry Bonds' credibility on his career home run record during the BALCO drug doping scandal.
Tour de France - such as American champions Floyd Landis and Lance Armstrong over alleged drug use.
UEFA Cup records and statistics
UEFA Cup finals
Liverpool FC
World Cup of association football (soccer).
Ted Williams - frozen corpse scandal in a cryogenic lab.
Mike Phelps
2008 World Series - Game 5
WNBA and Women's sports (professional or amateur levels).
[edit] EntertainmentBullfighting
Entertainment Software Rating Board
Duke Nukem Forever and other development hell games
Girls Gone Wild
Hip hop culture, hip hop music, and rapping
Entertainment restriction
MPAA film rating system
Playboy Magazine
Pop punk
Smooth jazz
Video game controversy
Disc jockeys
List of best-selling albums worldwide
[edit] Environment2005 hurricane season
Agent Orange chemical compounds.
Al Gore - US vice president (1993-2000) turned environmental activist.
Bubonic plague
Carbon footprint
Dust bowl
Endangered species
Energy consumption
Environmental vegetarianism
Fossil fuels
Global warming and Global cooling theories.
Green as in "eco consciousness".
Gulf War Syndrome as a form of chemical poisoning in many Gulf War veterans.
Human population (Estimated 7 billion people on Earth in the years 2010-12). [citation needed]
Hydrogen Bomb and Atomic Bomb testing effects.
An Inconvenient Truth - 2006 documentary movie on humanity's involvement in climate change.
Ice Age with Creationist theories.
Kyoto Protocol treaty (1997).
Lead poisoning
Love Canal
Mercury poisoning and cause of Minamata Syndrome in a Japanese fishing village during the 1960s.
Nuclear power
Oil drilling and ANWR petroleum reserves in Alaska's North Slope.
Overpopulation (see global human Population explosion)
Ozone depletion
Ozone hole
PETA and Animal Rights groups.
Sea level rise.
Smog in world major cities like Los Angeles and Mexico City, two examples of extreme air pollution.
Three Mile Island
Toxic waste
Water shortages and droughts/floods.
Weather modification
[edit] Law and OrderCrime in America
Illegal drugs
Judicial system
Jury duty
Law enforcement
Legal status of Minors and Juveniles (see Teenagers).
Public education (also mandatory school attendance laws).
Selective Service and Military draft
Tax (see also the IRS/ U.S. Internal Revenue Service).
[edit] LinguisticsAncient Macedonian language
Balto-Slavic languages
Basque language - unrelated to any Indo-European or any other language in the world.
Bilingualism in Canada
Celtic revival - the restoration of Celtic languages in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall, England as well in Brittany in France.
Chinese language policies.
Creole languages.
Dene-Caucasian languages
French language in Canada
Hate crimes and discrimination against different language speakers.
Indo-European (languages and the "Aryan" race theory).
Japanese language and Korean language, theorized similarities and self-isolates from any other language.
Language revival
Macedonian language
Norwegian language controversies.
Occitan Language, Occitania and vergonha (linguicide in France).
Pidgin English
Quebec (French as the official language of the province over English).
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Sami language spoken by the Sami people indigenous to Scandinavia.
Spanish in the United States
Turanism of Turkic languages
Welsh Language
Yiddish language
[edit] PhilosophyFriedrich Nietzsche
Meaning of life
Scientific Method
[edit] PsychiatryBruno Bettelheim
Carl Jung
Dr. Laura
Dr. Ruth
Hans Asperger
Joseph J. Caruso
Sigmund Freud
Marc Emery
[edit] TechnologyBit Torrent
BitTorrent (protocol)
Blu-ray Disc
Criticism of Microsoft
Criticism of Windows Vista
Criticism of Apple
Console wars
Digital rights management esp re opening -- see talk and archive
Electric car
Electronic voting
Factory farming
File sharing
GNU/Linux naming controversy – discussed extensively at Talk:Linux
HD DVD - online privacy and security issues
Net neutrality
Norton AntiVirus
Nuclear power
Object-oriented programming
Removal of Internet Explorer
Solar Power
Standardization of Office Open XML
The Pirate Bay
Windows Vista
[edit] Media/cultureAnime shows for mature audiences such as Death Note and Ghost in the Shell.
Beavis and Butthead.
Black Entertainment Television.
Cable News: CNN, MSNBC and Fox News Channel, as well the BBC and Al-Jazeera.
Censorship laws.
Chinese television (CCTV).
Digimon per clashes among fans and critics over this and Pokémon.
Digital television conversion in US.
Diversity on prime-time TV.
Disco music.
Drawn Together.
European culture.
Family Guy.
Federal Communications Commission or US FCC.
Gay culture.
Google and facebook (privacy issues).
Gothic subculture.
Harry Potter.
Heavy metal, black metal and death metal.
Internet forum/message board.
Liberal media.
Mad TV.
Media bias.
Pentagon Papers of the New York Times 1971.
Rap and hip-hop.
Rave and Rave culture.
Sasha Baron Cohen, for his controversial live-action characters Ali G, Borat and Brüno.
The Simpsons.
South Park.
Telemundo and Univision - Spanish language Television in the US.
Talk radio- limits on free speech.
Time-Warner and Viacom as multi-corporate monopolies.
Trinity Broadcasting Network and televangelists.
Twitter as a social trend.
Virgin Records.
World Wide Web or the internet.
Youtube (content issues).
[edit] People/ public figures/ infamous personsNero and Caligula, Roman emperors.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran.
Syed Ahmed
Muhammed Ali - formerly Cassius Clay, conversion to Islam and anti-Vietnam war comments.
Kirstie Alley
Idi Amin, Ugandan dictator.
Criss Angel
Yasir Arafat
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Gilad Atzmon
Michelle Bachelet
Brigitte Bardot
Glenn Beck
David Beckham
Joy Behar
Art Bell - radio program discussions on conspiracy theories.
Tony Blair
Robert Blake - 2002 homicide defendant case.
Hans Blix
Barry Bonds and the BALCO drug scandal (includes other major league baseball athletes José Canseco, Mark McGwire and Alex Rodriguez).
Bonnie and Clyde
Ruđer Bošković - ethnicity.
Lorena Bobbitt - In 1994, mutilated her husband's penis in self-defense from marital rape.
Leonid Brezhnev
Anita Bryant
Kobe Bryant
Pat Buchanan
George W. Bush and his father George H.W. Bush, U.S. Presidents.
Jeb Bush
Richard Butler - founder of the Aryan Nations group.
George Carlin
Jimmy Carter, U.S. President and peace negotiator.
Fidel Castro and brother Raul Castro, leaders of Cuba.
Cesar Chavez
Hugo Chávez
Dave Chappelle - satirist and comedian.
Dick Cheney, U.S. Vice President and CEO of Halliburton.
Cher and her ex-husband Sonny Bono and his widow Mary Bono Mack in politics.
Jacques Chirac
Margaret Cho
Seung-Hui Cho - Virginia Tech University gunman killed himself and 32 others in 2007 massacre.
Chris Christie, governor of the state of New Jersey.
Ward Churchill - Colorado State professor known for comments about 9-11 survivors, and involved in radical left and American Indian political movements.
Bill Clinton and wife Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. President and U.S. Secretary of State, respectively. Hillary Clinton was also among the board of executives of Wal-Mart while she was wife of then-governor Bill in 1980's.
Kurt Cobain - 1994 suicide (or murder) controversy.
Christopher Columbus
Sean "Puffy" Combs - aka "Puff Daddy".
Nicolaus Copernicus - (Copernicus' nationality either Polish or German).
Stephen Colbert
John Corzine, governor of the state of New Jersey.
Ann Coulter
Tom Cruise - recent actions and Scientology controversy.
Salvador Dalí
Jeffrey Dahmer
Angela Davis - former black panther member in 1973 federal homicide case.
Hassan Diab - alleged role in the 1980 Paris synagogue bombing.
Andrew Dice Clay - satirist and comedian known for vulgar performances in the 1980's and early 1990's.
The Dixie Chicks - politically charged anti-Bush comments in 2003.
Walt Disney - alleged antisemitism and alcoholism.
Phil Donahue
David Duke
Andrea Dworkin
Eminem real name Marshall Mathers, rapper.
Pablo Escobar
Jerry Falwell
Melissa Farley
Gerald Ford - 1975 Watergate pardons; U.S. President.
Henry Ford
Michael J. Fox and late Christopher Reeve - stem cell research advocates.
Al Franken
Kenny G - dispute over genre.
William Gaillard
Janeane Garofalo
Charles de Gaulle
Mel Gibson- for verbal anti-Semitic and homophobic comments in DUI arrest.
Kathie Lee Gifford - 1995 children's sweatshop scandal involved her clothing brand, her ex-husband Frank Gifford's affairs and her political/religious views spoofed in comedy.
Newt Gingrich, U.S. Speaker of the House.
Girls Aloud - numerous controversies.
Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of New York City and U.S. Presidential candidate.
Nancy Grace
Wayne Gretzky and wife Janet Jones in sports gambling scandal.
Joseph Goebbels
Whoopi Goldberg - political comments as co-host on the show The View.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Al Gore, U.S. Vice President.
Temple Grandin, Livestock handling architect diagonsed with autism involved in the redesign of the cattle/livestock industry and leading figure of the Autism community.
Woody Guthrie - His song lyrics endorsed leftism/socialism and portrayed farm workers as victims of the Great Depression.
Guns and Roses rock band - Axl Rose
Ferenc Gyurcsány
Ted Haggard
Tarja Halonen
Sean Hannity
Phil Hendrie - radio comedian.
Patty Hearst - 1974 kidnapping/conversion by the Symbionese Liberation Army, bank robbery suspect with the group and arrested, convicted and released from prison.
Hideki Tojo - Militarist leader of WWII Imperial Japan, executed by International Court tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity in 1948.
Paris Hilton
Anita Hill in the 1991 Clarence Thomas sexual harassment case.
Heinrich Himmler
Emperor Hirohito- involvement in WWII Imperial Japan policy.
Adolf Hitler, German Fuehrer and responsible for the Holocaust to exterminate nearly all of European Jews and other victims (i.e. Roma people, Slavs, homosexuals and communists), remains an infamous emotionally charged figure when it comes to associated issues of racism and antisemitism.
Erich Honecker - Communist leader of the last years of East Germany (1971-89).
Jimmy Hoffa - 1975 kidnapping/disappearance.
J. Edgar Hoover
Katie Hopkins
John Howard
L. Ron Hubbard
Mike Huckabee
Rock Hudson
Saddam Hussein, Iraqi dictator and was a secular leader against the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East.
Yusuf Islam (Catt Stevens)
Andrew Jackson, U.S. President and designer of federal government policy on American Indians and the Trail of Tears.
George Jackson.
Jesse Jackson
Michael Jackson - People v. Jackson case in 2005, and several other controversies.
Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President and drafter of the US constitution.
Sheila Jeffreys
Elton John
Magic Johnson - HIV diagnosis.
Michael Jordan
Jenny Jones
John F. Kennedy, with brothers Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy - U.S. President, U.S. Presidential candidate, and U.S. Senator, respectively.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - widow of John F. Kennedy, remarried to Greek billionaire.
Kim Kardashian
Andy Kaufman
Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet leader.
Kid Rock
Martin Luther King Jr.
Rodney King
Philip J. Klass
Shosei Koda
Junichiro Koizumi, Japanese leader.
K.D. Lang - homosexuality and animal rights activism.
Ricki Lake
Lyndon LaRouche
Carlos Latuff - controversial cartoonist.
Norman Lear - producer of groundbreaking 1970's TV comedies on social satire.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
Heath Ledger
Vladimir I. Lenin, Soviet leader.
John Lennon - US CIA investigations in the early 1970s.
Lewis Libby
Rush Limbaugh
Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President during the American Civil War and suspended civil liberties such as habeas corpus as a wartime measure.
Jennifer Lopez
Trent Lott
Courtney Love
Martin Luther
Catherine MacKinnon
John Major
Nelson Mandela South African civil rights activist and leader released from prison, and his wife Winnie Mandela, whose jail sentence is from criminal offenses.
Charles Manson
Marilyn Manson
Ferdinand Marcos and wife Imelda Marcos, Philippine leaders.
Rachel Marsden
Karl Marx
Jackie Mason
Paul McCartney - alleged domestic abuse of ex-wife Heather.
Jenny McCarthy - TV show hostess turned activist for autism research and mother of a son diagnosed with autism.
Steve McNair - his murder-suicide by girlfriend.
Timothy McVeigh
Qassim Malik - Keele ISOC match-fixing scandal.
Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev
Carlos Mencia - satirist/comedian.
Angela Merkel, German prime minister.
Freddie Mercury - rumors of homosexuality proven after death from AIDS.
Harvey Milk
Demi Moore
Michael Moore
Jim Morrison- his mysterious death in 1971 at Paris.
Mother Teresa
Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator, founder of fascism.
Napoleon, French leader.
Nicole Polizzi - "Snooki" of MTV reality show Jersey Shore and the show's portrayal of Italian Americans condemned as ethnic stereotypes (she's of Chilean descent). [citation needed]
Olivia Newton-John - environmental activism.
Richard Nixon, U.S. President.
Notorious B.I.G.
Rosie O'Donnell
Opie & Anthony
Bill O'Reilly.
Barack Obama, U.S. President.
Keith Olberman
Ozzy Osbourne
Donny Osmond and sister Marie Osmond, due to child stardom as part of the Osmond family in the 1970s, their clinical depression (Marie's son committed suicide) and their Mormon religion.
Terrell Owens - recent near-death, suicide attempt claims.
Sarah Palin, U.S. Vice Presidential candidate.
Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Speaker of the House 2007-10.
Juan Peron and wife Eva Peron, Argentine leaders.
Scott Peterson convicted of murder of his missing pregnant wife Laci.
Augusto Pinochet, Chilean general became presidential dictator.
Valerie Plame
Pope Benedict XIV
Pope John Paul II
Pope Pius XII
Elvis Presley and his highly publicized death in 1977.
Prince Charles, ex-wife Princess Diana and new wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, British royals.
Prince Harry and Prince William, heirs of the British crown.
Pol Pot, Cambodian leader.
Vladimir Putin, Russian leader.
Qaddafi or Kaddafi, Libyan leader.
JonBenet Ramsey - unsolved homicide case.
Ronald Reagan, U.S. President.
Janet Reno, U.S. Attorney General.
Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Secretary of State.
Michael Richards - Due to the Laugh Factory incident.
Yvonne Ridley
Alberto Rivera
Geraldo Rivera
Geshe Michael Roach
Oral Roberts
Pat Robertson
John Rocker, baseball pitcher renowned for comments about New York City, racial minorities and homosexuals in a 1999 Sports Illustrated interview.
Kid Rock
Mitt Romney, U.S. Presidential candidate.
Linda Ronstadt - Political activism and lesbianism.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his cousin Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. Presidents.
Ben Rothlisberger
Pete Rose
Karl Rove
Babe Ruth
Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Bobby Sands
Nicolas Sarkozy
Michael Savage
Terri Schiavo
Laura Schlesinger (Dr. Laura).
Gerhard Schroder
Arnold Schwarzenegger as California state governor, rather than as actor.
Teofilo Vargas Sein
Selena - disputed theories over her 1995 murder.
William Shakespeare - regarding deletions of references to authorship question.
Tupac Shakur and his shooting death in 1996.
Al Sharpton, African American activist.
Charlie Sheen
Matthew Shepard - media-publicized 1999 hate crime murder.
Sifl and Olly
O.J. Simpson, accused of notorious crimes (double murder of his ex-wife and boyfriend in 1994).
Anna Nicole Smith
Sonia Sotomayor
Snoop Doggy Dogg- real name Calvin Broadus.
Britney Spears and ex husband Kevin Federline.
Spice Girls - numerous controversies.
Jerry Springer
Jon Stossel
Barbra Streisand
Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator lead the USSR during the Depression and WWII, and thought to be the most murderous man of all time (estimated 20 to 40 million).
Gloria Steinem
Erika Steinbach
Howard Stern, radio "shock jock" and liberal activist.
Jon Stewart
Jimmy Swaggart
Nikola Tesla (his nationality being Serb vs. Croat).
Margaret Thatcher, U.K. Prime Minister.
Pierre Trudeau
Harry Truman - U.S. President; also, decision while in that office to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan to end WWII.
Donald Trump
Ted Turner
U2 - Irish rock band involved in political activist causes.
Joran Van der Sloot
Michael Vick due to his involvement in illegal dogfighting.
Varg Vikernes
Andy Warhol
John Walsh - Anti-crime activist/ child safety advocate after his son Adam Walsh was kidnapped, later found dead in 1981.
Joseph C. Wilson
Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President.
Oprah Winfrey
Tiger Woods
Malcolm X
Andrea Yates - Mass murderer of her 6 children in her home, claimed to suffer from mental illness and post-natal depression.
Boris Yeltsin, Russian leader.
Zinedine Zidane
Since this is in the Military forum, I'll ask Gunny Ermey to give his views:

Daveman, I hate to be this way, but I don't understand individual rights over the good of the whole. Can you help me with that?
Daveman, I hate to be this way, but I don't understand individual rights over the good of the whole. Can you help me with that?
You have a right to kill yourself

in your case, that would be good for everyone

got it?
Daveman, I hate to be this way, but I don't understand individual rights over the good of the whole. Can you help me with that?

The concept of individual rights is essentially an attempt to put limits on "might makes right". Without a persistent effort to defend individual freedom, all that would ever prevail would be the overwhelming momentum of the mob. Despited a dedicate policy to defend individual rights, the majority still gets its way in most cases, which is why you don't hear as many pleas to defend the rights of the 'many'. It would be like demanding 'affirmative action' for whites.
Well, can you tell this? Did individual rights lead us to Roe v Wade and separation of chuch from state?
I'm an old girl. I saw both those laws come into being during my childhood/teenage years. I personally think those two rights have turned the United States on it's ear. Particularly, Roe V Wade, that was done as a, bottom line, an attorney trying to make a name for herself. And church from state split without batting an eye as to the detriment it would cause "American society". Other individual rights like can I have a blue bicycle instead of a red one that's fine. It's about an individual person. But, when it effects the good of the whole, is that part addressed in the legal process?
But, when it effects the good of the whole, is that part addressed in the legal process?

Well, that's what I was getting at earlier. The "whole" is pretty adept at looking out for it's own "good". One of the most important justifications of government is to protect the weak from the strong. If the good of the whole is all you're after, straight-up anarchy would handle it pretty well. The biggest mob wins pretty much every time. But we strive for something better than that. We want a government that protects minorities from abuse at the hands of the minority - whether it's for the 'good' of the majority, or not.
We suck at being a police state. :lol:

Granted, ineptness government's saving grace.

I suppose you were just indicating that it's not all that much of police state, and I agree. But there are plenty of people who want to see more of that - witness this thread. So, I answered 'yes', because we're trending in that direction.

I see a both sides pushing toward the same end and it's disturbing. The Democrats want to use government to control us, nominally to take care of the poor, and the Republicans want to control us, nominally to protect the interests of taxpayers. I'm not really interested in the excuses, the net result is more government, and more intrusive government, at every turn. Neither major party is pushing in the other direction.
We suck at being a police state. :lol:

Granted, ineptness government's saving grace.

I suppose you were just indicating that it's not all that much of police state, and I agree. But there are plenty of people who want to see more of that - witness this thread. So, I answered 'yes', because we're trending in that direction.

I see a both sides pushing toward the same end and it's disturbing. The Democrats want to use government to control us, nominally to take care of the poor, and the Republicans want to control us, nominally to protect the interests of taxpayers. I'm not really interested in the excuses, the net result is more government, and more intrusive government, at every turn. Neither major party is pushing in the other direction.
On that, we agree.
So protecting individual rights leads to police states. And protecting the "majority" say creates mobs right?

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