Congrats skeptical pure bloods you've been promoted to a "major killing force "

The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic Was Just Released

The most gullible and compliant nation on the planet today re. Covid is America .
Outside of the US any statements coming from Tedros and his corrupt fellows are near laughed at and mocked.

So , overall the tide has turned and we have passed the tipping point .
WHO is more and more recognised as a cesspit of iniquity paid for and owned by Big Pharma .

Science is emerging and one by one the lies and deliberate misinformation become clear .
The sheer weight of evidence that Covid was a scam and that gene therapy is a bio weapon is gathering .

It will not be long before people like Hotez will be ridiculed , spat on and sometimes much worse.

Remember the W.H.O. loves and cares for each and everyone of you equally !
Keep following the approved science and get boosted !

This is called Eau de Desperation.

New study out shows that people with MORE shots and boosters are getting MORE infections. So on top of all the terrible side effects--it's not even preventing infection, it's encouraging infection.
Let's be fair, your chances of living long enough in Africa that you'll be at risk of dying from the flu is pretty slim.

Everything from mosquitoes to guerilla armies in that continent is constantly trying to kill you.

Yet St. William of the Gates of Hell thinks they need to be killed faster.


Well, now, doesn't this just confirm what we've been saying about WHO all along?

Good news! They are proving exactly what they are in full view of the world.

Let's be fair, your chances of living long enough in Africa that you'll be at risk of dying from the flu is pretty slim.

Everything from mosquitoes to guerilla armies in that continent is constantly trying to kill you.
That's why Africans are just dying to flee Afreaka!

Yet St. William of the Gates of Hell thinks they need to be killed faster.

Must be worrying for Africans realising that the Covid scam largely by- passed them and that the Cabal will want to rectify this oversight.
What viral hemorrhagic disease will they release , followed doubtless by a gene therapy "vaccine" with AIDS sliced into the sequence to get some serious killing done .
Must be worrying for Africans realising that the Covid scam largely by- passed them and that the Cabal will want to rectify this oversight.
What viral hemorrhagic disease will they release , followed doubtless by a gene therapy "vaccine" with AIDS sliced into the sequence to get some serious killing done .

Have you read the novel "The Eyes Of Darkness" written by American author Dean Koontz in 1981? I am just about to finish it and it chillingly is talking about exactly what we are going through right now with this bio weapon. Shadowy organizations purposely infecting populations with a coronavirus.


Have you read the novel "The Eyes Of Darkness" written by American author Dean Koontz in 1981? I am just about to finish it and it chillingly is talking about exactly what we are going through right now with this bio weapon. Shadowy organizations purposely infecting populations with a coronavirus.

Aware of the author --- name only being truthful
But thanks for the recommendation . Will ask Santa if he would like to drop this novel into my blue stocking .
Only £2.99 at Bookwise .
Aware of the author --- name only being truthful
But thanks for the recommendation . Will ask Santa if he would like to drop this novel into my blue stocking .
Only £2.99 at Bookwise .

I like his novels because they are often about really evil adversaries who get thoroughly trounced by the good guys. The Cavalry always rides in at the most crucial moment and saves the world.

It's escapism from the ugly reality of today's world where the hero seems to be taking his own sweet time deciding to get into the fight.

The most gullible and compliant nation on the planet today re. Covid is America .
Outside of the US any statements coming from Tedros and his corrupt fellows are near laughed at and mocked.

So , overall the tide has turned and we have passed the tipping point .
WHO is more and more recognised as a cesspit of iniquity paid for and owned by Big Pharma .

Science is emerging and one by one the lies and deliberate misinformation become clear .
The sheer weight of evidence that Covid was a scam and that gene therapy is a bio weapon is gathering .

It will not be long before people like Hotez will be ridiculed , spat on and sometimes much worse.

Always good to get confirmation. My English friends say the same thing.

So they deplete the immune system so their next release will wipe out the compromised who have taken multiple mRNA injections. They got big plans folks.

Remember the "simulated" event 201? And then it really happened.

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