Congratulations Cons U.S. Military Surrenders Base To Russia


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.
It is basic military tactics to never leave a base or equipment that can be used by anyone else. Why the hell was that place intact? It should have been a flaming crater two minutes after the US forces left.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

Hmm, you cry way too much. You must be a liberal.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

I never thought I would see such a thing. Ever.

trump has done so much damage. I don't know if it can ever be repaired.

I realized in the bush boy years that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. At the time I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy but at the time I just couldn't imagine how it could get worse. I sure didn't want to live through it.

What really should scare everyone, the next republican president will be worse than trump.

I served in the Air National Guard in the 1980s.
'Congratulations Cons U.S. Military Surrenders Base To Russia'

The US should NEVER have been in Syria.

The only reason US troops are in Syria is because the Nobel Peace Prize Winner decided to invade Syria.

The only reason US bases are located in Syria for Russian troops to take over is because the Nobel Peace Prize Winner decided to invade Syria.

If we had stayed in Syria for another 10 years ... OR MORE ... eventually (hopefully) our troops would have been pulled out, leaving bases empty for Syria, Russia, or whoever to take over; so this thread is dub as hell.

Can some snowflake tell me what our objective in Syria is / was?

1. Defeat ISIS?

Congrats, snowflake, we FAILED! ISIS / terrorism is an IDEOLOGY. Ideologies can NOT be defeated militarily. Also, there was no way in hell the US - or anyone else - was going to eradicate ISIS. Again, being an ideology, it is like jello: Squeeze it, and it escapes through cracks. It was reported today that ISIS committed several terrorist attacks in AFGHANISTAN. WHAT? I thought ISIS was in SYRIA?! I thought we were going to wipe ISIS off the map by defeating them in SYIA?! Bwuhahahaha....wake the hell up. 'DEFEATING' / 'ERADICATING' ISIS IS NOT AN ACHIEVABLE OBJECTIVE IN SYRIA!

2. Use US military troops as 'Human Shields' for the Kurds / civilian populace against the Turks...against ISIS....against al-Assad's forces...against Russia? The Turks have already invaded Syria 3 times - this is reportedly their 4th time in years / decades. How long do snowflakes / people want to keep US troops in Syria, where we never should have gone, to be 'Human Shields' to protect these people from current and future attacks? Unless you intend to keep US troops in Syria FOREVER we will eventually have to leave and leave the Kurds and others on their own. They are not like Afghanistan or Iraq, a nation attempting to stand up on their own and will one day defend themselves. These are people without a nation - for the foreseeable future thy will NEVER be able to defend themselves. So, AGAIN, how long - specifically - do you want US troops to remain in Syria to be Human Shields / Body Guards for these people?

No clear achievable objective, no idea how long you need to stay because you have no clear achievable objective....this is the quagmire Barry has dragged he US into....

...and again, there would be no US bases for Russia to take over right now if the Nobel Peace Prize Winner had not decided to invade Syria with no clear-cut achievable objectives!
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

Hmm, you cry way too much. You must be a liberal.
Hmm, you really suck, you you must be a Russian.
We abandoned military bases in Vietnam. We left and the communists moved in.

Abandoned US military bases in Vietnam - Abandoned Spaces

Did democrats think that we were going to permanently occupy Syria? Did any of you pearl clutchers imagine that this was a permanent base.
This was a gift by our president to Turkey and Russia and a demoralizing humiliation to US forces, no other way to spin it.
You are a vote for permanent occupation.

You know that Russia has had a permanent naval base in Syria for years. Did you think we should both have bases in Syria?

Our military was completely demoralized and humiliated by shitstain obama. The difference is, under the shitstain they were dying for NOTHING.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

WTF?! How can a military base the military is leaving - shut down - no longer conducting military missions from - be considered an 'ACTIVE' base? ST|FU! You have no idea what you are talking about.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

Again, you show your complete and utter ignorance - the US military NEVER takes any such equipment when it closes and leaves a base - NEVER! You think the military is going to line the runways with C-130s, C-5s, etc and drive heavy bulldozers, and equipment to take out with us? You have NO CLUE about the military - you made this clear.


The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.
WHY? Do you SERIOUSLY think by having 1,000 - 2,000 US military personnel in Syria we were going to wipe ISIS off the face of the globe? Are you just this stupid or has your hatred for Trump driven you this insane? ISIS has been conducting attacks outside of Syria while we occupied territory in Syria and fought them. So your claim that any ISIS attack should be credited to Trump because of his removing US troops from Syria is just plain stupid.

I cried .....I cry ......
Yeah, because you are a big, ignorant, emotional / emotionally-manipulated pu$$y who has no ide what you are talking about and only regurgitate the crap you are fed by your Democrat puppet masters.

I spent 30 years fighting for my country all over the globe in some of the shittiest places you will never see. You talk about humiliated military personnel, about Viet nam, etc.....I have been sent to places with no clear objective because politicians made the decision for us to go and gave no clear objectives but then tried to micro-manage the mission, which is how Viet Nam turned into a disaster...and other incidents since then.

I feel for the Kurds, have trained them, fought beside them, but we never should have been in Syria, should not be used as Human Shields for them with no end in sight.

For decades Dems / snowflakes attacked the GOP claiming we are not the world's policeman, calling the GOP war-mongers who embrace WAR, but it was BARRY who ordered the US to invade Syria, not Trump or any Republican, and his ass walked out the door in 2016 leaving US troops in Syria still fighting his war with no clear objectives and no timeline for pulling out.


Again, STFU!

In 2012, Barry whispered to Medvedev to pass on to Putin he would be more flexible after his re-election.

In 2014 Barry gave Putin US uranium, Crimea, and a complete pass to conduct un-challenged operations and interference in the United States. His own administration admitted they did not do enough to stop the Russians even though they knew about it. In THEIR words, they 'CHOKED'. Barry knew what the Russians were doing but let the Russians continue for 2 years!

Barry was Putin's bit@h!

Hillary Clinton PAID for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda through a foreign spy!

You are just embarrassing yourself, demonstrating you are an ignorant, hate-driven, reality-injecting criminal Socialist Democrat-supporting moron...either that or YOU are one of Barry's pet Russians he gave a free pass to from 2014 - 2016!
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

I never thought I would see such a thing. Ever.

trump has done so much damage. I don't know if it can ever be repaired.

I realized in the bush boy years that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. At the time I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy but at the time I just couldn't imagine how it could get worse. I sure didn't want to live through it.

What really should scare everyone, the next republican president will be worse than trump.

I served in the Air National Guard in the 1980s.

Only a dead from the neck up, Goosestepping, Seig Heil Shouting GroppenFuhrer follower would think the surrender of a United States Army Base to Russia is funny.

45 is fuck wad traitor. His shit about how the Kurds never help "Us" at Normandy is total fucking bullshit. HE is a 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward. He never spent a day of his life in uniform. Thanks this cowardly Orange Shit Gibbon, our forces have shelled by Turkish Forces. Our Military has surrendered Army Bases to Russia. And fuck shit Cons find that funny.

Fuck them. They are Traitors.

Fuck 45. He is a Traitor.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

You do know that Obama did it in Iraq...........................................and ISIS got the equipment
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

We have no business being over there... end of story
The Wagner Group is the mercenary force which invaded Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. They work for Putin.

This is the same force to which Trump has just surrendered in Syria.
This was a gift by our president to Turkey and Russia and a demoralizing humiliation to US forces, no other way to spin it.
How long do you want US troops to stay in Syria to be 'Human Shields' for nomad / refuges who do not have their own country and who can not and never will be able to stand up and defend themselves from Turkey, Syria, Russia, etc...? Give me an EXACT timeline / deadline / time! 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?

Why aren't you giving the Nobel Peace Prize Winner shit for causing all of this by invading Syria? If Barry had not ordered the invasion we would not have troops or bases here! If you want to rest the blame for this at anyone's feet, don't be an emotional, hate-driven little bitch - be honest. The man to blame for US Bases in Syria being taken over is the man who ordered the invasion of Syria to begin with - your Nobel Peace Prize Winner!
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

We have no business being over there... end of story
Thanks for your input, Barack.
The Wagner Group is the mercenary force which invaded Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. They work for Putin.

This is the same force to which Trump has just surrendered in Syria.

So what.

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