Congratulations Cons U.S. Military Surrenders Base To Russia

We abandoned military bases in Vietnam. We left and the communists moved in.

Abandoned US military bases in Vietnam - Abandoned Spaces

Did democrats think that we were going to permanently occupy Syria? Did any of you pearl clutchers imagine that this was a permanent base.
This was a gift by our president to Turkey and Russia and a demoralizing humiliation to US forces, no other way to spin it.
You are a vote for permanent occupation.

You know that Russia has had a permanent naval base in Syria for years. Did you think we should both have bases in Syria?

Our military was completely demoralized and humiliated by shitstain obama. The difference is, under the shitstain they were dying for NOTHING.
You dumb fucks are just gunna die with the lie on this idiot of a pres
The Russians can have the base. You can bet all of our equipment is gone along with our troops

Hope Trump pulls all of our troops out of the ME. As for Syria, the Russians can have that shit hole and the deaths and costs that go with it.
Trump's not stopping NATO. I'm asking YOU.

Trump is in charge of American diplomacy. Did he ask NATO to step in and fill the void?
Other NATO nations seem to be the parties at interest, not the U.S. Those pussies can't provide for their own defense?


Ask Trump.
Why would he know or care? Why should we?



As President, it is Trump's responsibility to honour the treaties and agreements made by his predecessors. Trump's failure to do this is beyond shameful, and will cost him the military vote.
What if his predecessors were M/IC, warmongering dumb fucks?

Why is Syria any of our fucking business?

Did you support Bush's revenge war with Saddam?

No matter what, the Left is gonna hate Trump (and any Republican President)
No matter what, the Right is gonna hate Obama (and any Democratic President)

Yeah, we're a hopelessly divided nation.

Anything new in this thread?

The House Resolution signed by all house democrats and most house republicans condemning the idiot decision that led to smirking Russian soldiers taking over US bases as the US military retreated?
You are a bunch of LeBrons! Whose your daddy?
The invasion of Iraq was criminal, putting US troops in Syria was criminal, blowing up Qaddafi's forces was criminal, installing the Sisi dictatorship in Egypt was criminal, etc.
And the US claims all these criminal acts are to make us safer?
The truth is obvious.
That the US destroys democracies in the MIdeast because then we would have to pay more for oil.
The invasion of Iraq was criminal, putting US troops in Syria was criminal, blowing up Qaddafi's forces was criminal, installing the Sisi dictatorship in Egypt was criminal, etc.
And the US claims all these criminal acts are to make us safer?
The truth is obvious.
That the US destroys democracies in the MIdeast because then we would have to pay more for oil.

The invasion of Iraq by coalition forces was authorized by UN Resolution 1441. The occupation of Iraq by the coalition was authorized by UN resolution 1483. Where are the resolutions condemning the United States or calling for it to withdraw its troops, either in the Security Council or in the General Assembly? They don't exist.
No matter what, the Left is gonna hate Trump (and any Republican President)
No matter what, the Right is gonna hate Obama (and any Democratic President)

Yeah, we're a hopelessly divided nation.

Anything new in this thread?

The House Resolution signed by all house democrats and most house republicans condemning the idiot decision that led to smirking Russian soldiers taking over US bases as the US military retreated?
You are a bunch of LeBrons! Whose your daddy?

Me, all by myself?

Or me, all the house democrats and most house republicans, who all supported the resolution condemning Trump's idiot decision to let smirking Russian troops take over our bases as American troops retreated?
The first time in history? No wonder angry cray lefties have no perspective of history. FDR/Truman surrendered Berlin to the Russians. Truman surrendered North Korea to the Russians (disguised as a truce). Ike surrendered Cuba to the Russians. LBJ surrendered Vietnam to the Russians. Bush/Obama surrendered outer space to the freaking Russians in the "international" Space Station.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

Congress voted 354 to 60 to snivel and whine at the President.

But did they declare war or say how they would fund it? No. Given the chance they bailed out. With no support from Congress, President can't conduct a war. It's that simple.
The invasion of Iraq was criminal, putting US troops in Syria was criminal, blowing up Qaddafi's forces was criminal, installing the Sisi dictatorship in Egypt was criminal, etc.
And the US claims all these criminal acts are to make us safer?
The truth is obvious.
That the US destroys democracies in the MIdeast because then we would have to pay more for oil.
I agree, but it's not that we would pay more for oil. U.S. energy companies are using the FedGov as a security force overseas to protect their private investments on foreign soil. And, I am saying this as a Texan.

The invasion of Iraq was criminal, putting US troops in Syria was criminal, blowing up Qaddafi's forces was criminal, installing the Sisi dictatorship in Egypt was criminal, etc.
And the US claims all these criminal acts are to make us safer?
The truth is obvious.
That the US destroys democracies in the MIdeast because then we would have to pay more for oil.

The invasion of Iraq by coalition forces was authorized by UN Resolution 1441. The occupation of Iraq by the coalition was authorized by UN resolution 1483. Where are the resolutions condemning the United States or calling for it to withdraw its troops, either in the Security Council or in the General Assembly? They don't exist.
I don't give a rat shit what the worthless UN "authorized." The UN neither controls our sovereignty nor our military. The UN can fuck off. We do not recognize the UN as a governing body, no should we. It's nothing more than a place for people to bitch and moan. It does absolutely NOTHING!!!

Schizophrenia defined.

REPORT: Obama withdraws troops from the Middle East.

PSEUDOCONS: Goddam motherfucking terrorist loving muslim kenyan!

REPORT: Trump withdraws even more troops from the Middle East, turns region over to Russia.

REPORT: Obama withdraws troops from the Middle East.


REPORT: Trump withdraws even more troops from the Middle East, turns region over to Russia.



REPORT: GOP House proceeds with impeachment inquiry on Bill Clinton.

LIBERTY LOVERS: What a bunch of partisan, cocksucking BULLSHIT!!!

REPORT: Dem House proceeds with impeachment inquiry on Donald Trump.

LIBERTY LOVERS: What a bunch of partisan, cocksucking BULLSHIT!!!

Isn't that like starting a song in the middle of the chorus?

Very few liberty lovers were opposed to going after the terrorists who struck us on 9-11. A few perked up when that effort became a nation building effort in Afghanistan when Bin Laden slipped away. Many more spoke up about the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Liberty lovers may have said Bravo when we left almost on the schedule but Republicans bashed the President at the time, and still try to bash him for that. But at least it was planned for.

Even fewer liberty lovers opposed forming a coalition to fight ISIS and deny them the territory and resources to use after they gained control of territory in that war torn region.
Schizophrenia defined.

REPORT: Obama withdraws troops from the Middle East.

PSEUDOCONS: Goddam motherfucking terrorist loving muslim kenyan!

REPORT: Trump withdraws even more troops from the Middle East, turns region over to Russia.

REPORT: Obama withdraws troops from the Middle East.


REPORT: Trump withdraws even more troops from the Middle East, turns region over to Russia.



REPORT: GOP House proceeds with impeachment inquiry on Bill Clinton.

LIBERTY LOVERS: What a bunch of partisan, cocksucking BULLSHIT!!!

REPORT: Dem House proceeds with impeachment inquiry on Donald Trump.

LIBERTY LOVERS: What a bunch of partisan, cocksucking BULLSHIT!!!
I know you say you are a Libertarian. Believe me, I know exactly where you are coming from.

However, the vast, vast, vast majority of pseudocon Trump supporters foamed at the mouth over Obama's withdrawing of troops from the Middle East. And that includes Trump himself. He blamed ISIS on Obama's withdrawal of troops, even thought that is a total hoax.

So my depiction is accurate, based on actual pseudocon exploding heads over Obama's troop drawdown.

If you are a non-Democrat who supported Obama's drawdown, you are a unicorn.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

Your link has nothing to do with your thread title. Congratulations, dumbass!
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

I never thought I would see such a thing. Ever.

trump has done so much damage. I don't know if it can ever be repaired.

I realized in the bush boy years that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. At the time I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy but at the time I just couldn't imagine how it could get worse. I sure didn't want to live through it.

What really should scare everyone, the next republican president will be worse than trump.

I served in the Air National Guard in the 1980s.

Only a dead from the neck up, Goosestepping, Seig Heil Shouting GroppenFuhrer follower would think the surrender of a United States Army Base to Russia is funny.

45 is fuck wad traitor. His shit about how the Kurds never help "Us" at Normandy is total fucking bullshit. HE is a 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward. He never spent a day of his life in uniform. Thanks this cowardly Orange Shit Gibbon, our forces have shelled by Turkish Forces. Our Military has surrendered Army Bases to Russia. And fuck shit Cons find that funny.

Fuck them. They are Traitors.

Fuck 45. He is a Traitor.

Is Bravo actual your airsoft call sign?
We abandoned military bases in Vietnam. We left and the communists moved in.

Abandoned US military bases in Vietnam - Abandoned Spaces

Did democrats think that we were going to permanently occupy Syria? Did any of you pearl clutchers imagine that this was a permanent base.
This was a gift by our president to Turkey and Russia and a demoralizing humiliation to US forces, no other way to spin it.
You are a vote for permanent occupation.

You know that Russia has had a permanent naval base in Syria for years. Did you think we should both have bases in Syria?

Our military was completely demoralized and humiliated by shitstain obama. The difference is, under the shitstain they were dying for NOTHING.
Erdogan called up Trump and told him to retreat. I smell blackmail because even Trump had to know this was going to be a disaster. If he didn't realize that then he has less tactical awareness than a stoned teenager playing "risk".

OK, General Occupied, what would YOU have done?

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