Congratulations dickless Democrats -- illegal aliens will continue to rape the American people

You can all go fuck yourselves.

It's funny how half the people here are talking about how the democrats screwed the country while the other half about how Nancy spanked Trump.


Trump closed down much of the government until he forced BOTH sides to come to the table and really iron something out! They have three weeks. Trump wants his wall. I want Trump's wall. If this is just another clusterfuck by the Left, there will be hell to pay in three weeks. ITMT, folks will get their paychecks and essential services caught up. The democrats are now in a politically WEAKER position if they renege now and Trump is actually in a stronger position. Don't look now folks but Trump actually quietly won this by letting the Dems think they were saving face! The real shit hits the fan in 21 days if the entire Congress doesn't get something productive done.
I think that Blackrook passed me on the interstate today. I have a bumper sticker reading, "Not My President", and some kid yelled at me as he passed me at 65 MPH while flipping me off. It made my day, actually. Up until now, all I have gotten is an occasional thumbs up from other drivers.
TO Donald Trump,

Enclosed is a key to the House. Be aware, however, that the locksmith is on call to change the locks in 3 weeks if necessary...


Dear Nancy,

Is this a bad time to ask for an appropriation to fix the leaky toilet in the Oval Office?


Donald Trump
Relax folks the game isn't over yet, I figure wait 3/4 weeks..

Democrats are forced to do their job (legislate and solve the issue) or continue playing to their adolescent drama queens.

I agree with toobfreak ..the shit really hits the fan in 3 weeks.

Trump should relax and take a vacation, he's earned it.
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You can all go fuck yourselves.
Thread title is extremely ironic considering who showed he has no balls in this little episode.

Cheeto Jesus folded like a cheap lawn chair.

Pelosi owns him now.

You can all go fuck yourselves.

It's funny how half the people here are talking about how the democrats screwed the country while the other half about how Nancy spanked Trump.


Trump closed down much of the government until he forced BOTH sides to come to the table and really iron something out! They have three weeks. Trump wants his wall. I want Trump's wall. If this is just another clusterfuck by the Left, there will be hell to pay in three weeks. ITMT, folks will get their paychecks and essential services caught up. The democrats are now in a politically WEAKER position if they renege now and Trump is actually in a stronger position. Don't look now folks but Trump actually quietly won this by letting the Dems think they were saving face! The real shit hits the fan in 21 days if the entire Congress doesn't get something productive done.
That's right, buck up little soldier!! Put on a happy face!
You can all go fuck yourselves.
Blackrook, it is sad this issue became a signature issue for Trump, although he made it so himself and his fans took up the cause even knowing he couldn't keep his campaign promise of no-cost-to-American-taxpayers. Then using manufactured horror stories to gin up support and paint opponents as evil instead of simple disagree-ers to the point they exacerbate our divisions. He had no choice today but to accept the very agreement he nixed that caused the shutdown. I am actually sorry that the far right is literally flaying him for doing what he had to do, and that the left is gloating. I wish we could just be grateful all those working-furloughed are back on the books. And all of us need to back off and let our elected leaders come up with a workable solution on border security, like what to use and where to use it. Few of us will be satisfied, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. ALL of us is never satisfied with what comes out of DC, but it's still the best.

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