Congratulations to Bernie Sanders supporters and campaigners!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Hey just want to give a shout out of Congratulations
to all supporters of Bernie Sanders and his campaign base.

Great job, and I hope you continue to do well on all fronts.

For the good ideas on economic and govt reforms that Sanders is pushing, those need
to be implemented anyway, even in revised form if the given proposal isn't fully workable.

Why not collaborate on how to make these ideas work.
If govt is not the best venue for pushing these reforms, why not set them up
through private business and nonprofit groups, or even by political parties.
[ie why not fund and manage the proposed solutions through the political support base,
by voluntary participation, and prove they work first, then figure out how to model govt after programs that work. Not the other way -- quit proposing things like "health care reform" at taxpayers' expense where we pay for the experiment, whether it works or fails, and the govt
officials who vote on the policies aren't affected by them so they have no vested interest
in correcting any problems. They just use the opposition as bait to push for votes and elections.]

For those who plan to vote for Trump or other Republicans,
Sanders is still good news as opposed to pushing Hillary Clinton.

If Clinton owes restitution for wrongdoing, why not assign her
to reform the prisons and immigration detention centers, if
she is going to face the possibility of prison anyway. I doubt
it will go that far, but I do believe taxpayers and troops are owed
restitution for govt corruption and abuse that have cost people dearly.

Anyone with a grievance about this corruption ought to get some restitution, after all, it's we the taxpayers who have been stuck footing the bill, so we should use that as leverage.

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