Congres Aidin & Abbettin U.S. Enemies Repealin "Don't Ask Don't Tell"!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Epitomizing Congress's judgment depravity, the Senate plans to repeal a monumental policy for the U.S. Armed forces by attaching the law repealling "don't ask don't tell" policy (the ban on openly gay people serving in the military) by attaching it to the 2011 Defense Authorization bill. It is extremely telling here the Democrats in the Senate inserting this profound impact law into a "must pass" bill, America unfortunately has a history of politicians when they do bad things doing it in a sneaky and underhanded manner like this "defense authorization bill" move. Repealing this ban, except in so far as it applies to specialist positions, is an historic blunder for America's government, time will show that it will have weakened the military, caused the deaths of U.S. military personnel and failure of U.S. military missions and operations! How people that are supposed to be wise and greatly patriotic like U.S. Senators could do such an act is incomprehensible to an awful lot of good Americans I think an accurate survey would reveal.

Allowing openly gay people to serve in regular combat units will be the cause, over time, of a material number of excellent heterosexual soldiers in these units leaving the military, that is, not re-enlisting when their tour of duty has ended. Soldiers due to the nature of their work have to in fact live together, many heterosexual men aren't going to want to live with openly gay men, the issue is that simple! It isn't that their homophobes or "discriminatory toward gays" people, it is just people's behavior is often dictated by their likes and dislikes and many heterosexual men just simply will not like living with openly gay men, they won't like having to shower with them or sleep in the same quarters with them, etc.. Losing excellent soldiers like this will have the obvious effect of weakening affected military units which will likely result in increased deaths and casualty rates and diminished effectiveness for these units when they go into battle!

The Senate in their actions here is not fully considering human nature. This move is going to hurt the spirit and effectiveness of U.S. military units. It will result in the increase of members of units trying to and actually pursuing romantic relationships with fellow members of their unit. This will cause a lot of strained relationships amongst members of a unit even between those members not involved in the relationship especially when those romantic relationships don't work out and there is hard feelings amongst the parties involved. Further, for many heterosexual men in units they will not be fully receptive or fully open to friendships with homosexual members of the unit because of their sexual orientation and this will hurt probably in many cases to a dramatic degree unit cohesiveness, morale and effectiveness, clear thinking would conclude it is a catastrophe what Congress is embarking on here with its repeal!

Many people like this writer believe there is a "God and when this God sees America's leaders hurt the greatest country in the world in an extreme manner like Washington politicians are poised to do with this repeal there will be retribution from God against this group! It wouldn't surprise this writer if the penalty against these leaders will fit their moral violation at issue here which means a devastating harm befalling members of this group because as stated people will die as a result of this irresponsible decision here, that is American soldiers and civilians who American soldiers often are protecting in or by their missions will lose their lives, Congress and the President aren't appreciating their tinkering around with a country's armed forces here!
He must be from that dumb church that hold up "God hates soldiers" and "God hates gays" Westboro.. What an idiot.

I don't personally care if a gay man or woman watches my back whilst I sleep. In fact I welcome it.
Epitomizing Congress's judgment depravity, the Senate plans to repeal a monumental policy for the U.S. Armed forces by attaching the law repealling "don't ask don't tell" policy (the ban on openly gay people serving in the military) by attaching it to the 2011 Defense Authorization bill. It is extremely telling here the Democrats in the Senate inserting this profound impact law into a "must pass" bill, America unfortunately has a history of politicians when they do bad things doing it in a sneaky and underhanded manner like this "defense authorization bill" move. Repealing this ban, except in so far as it applies to specialist positions, is an historic blunder for America's government, time will show that it will have weakened the military, caused the deaths of U.S. military personnel and failure of U.S. military missions and operations! How people that are supposed to be wise and greatly patriotic like U.S. Senators could do such an act is incomprehensible to an awful lot of good Americans I think an accurate survey would reveal.

Allowing openly gay people to serve in regular combat units will be the cause, over time, of a material number of excellent heterosexual soldiers in these units leaving the military, that is, not re-enlisting when their tour of duty has ended. Soldiers due to the nature of their work have to in fact live together, many heterosexual men aren't going to want to live with openly gay men, the issue is that simple! It isn't that their homophobes or "discriminatory toward gays" people, it is just people's behavior is often dictated by their likes and dislikes and many heterosexual men just simply will not like living with openly gay men, they won't like having to shower with them or sleep in the same quarters with them, etc.. Losing excellent soldiers like this will have the obvious effect of weakening affected military units which will likely result in increased deaths and casualty rates and diminished effectiveness for these units when they go into battle!

The Senate in their actions here is not fully considering human nature. This move is going to hurt the spirit and effectiveness of U.S. military units. It will result in the increase of members of units trying to and actually pursuing romantic relationships with fellow members of their unit. This will cause a lot of strained relationships amongst members of a unit even between those members not involved in the relationship especially when those romantic relationships don't work out and there is hard feelings amongst the parties involved. Further, for many heterosexual men in units they will not be fully receptive or fully open to friendships with homosexual members of the unit because of their sexual orientation and this will hurt probably in many cases to a dramatic degree unit cohesiveness, morale and effectiveness, clear thinking would conclude it is a catastrophe what Congress is embarking on here with its repeal!

Many people like this writer believe there is a "God and when this God sees America's leaders hurt the greatest country in the world in an extreme manner like Washington politicians are poised to do with this repeal there will be retribution from God against this group! It wouldn't surprise this writer if the penalty against these leaders will fit their moral violation at issue here which means a devastating harm befalling members of this group because as stated people will die as a result of this irresponsible decision here, that is American soldiers and civilians who American soldiers often are protecting in or by their missions will lose their lives, Congress and the President aren't appreciating their tinkering around with a country's armed forces here!

Repeal of DADT? :clap2::clap2::clap2: GOOD!

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