Congress Approved $2.4 Trillion In Additional Debt During Fiscal Year 2018: Watchdog

Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!

Small government conservatives my saggy old ass.
Not that much difference between republicans and democrats when it comes to spending our hard earned money
and money we don't even have. It really is a shame

'Tax and spend' is far better than 'not tax and spend'!
I've been posting this for years:

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend

Except Obama borrowed ten trillion.
Nope. Less than eight trillion.

I predicted a while ago that the amount you tards claim Obama borrowed would increase the bigger Trump's debt gets. :lol:
Well, good, I'll give you less than 8 trillion borrowed.
Geeze, that still seems like a lot
Deficits by year:

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

FY 2009 through FY 2016 = $7.187 trillion.

As you can see, there was a steady downward trend while Obama was President.

With Trump and the GOP, there is a steady upward trend. Trump is well on his way to busting Obama's record wide open.

U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts
Dems ran up the debt nearly ten trillion, doubling the overall debt. What did we get besides high unemployment and welfare rates and jobs shipped overseas?

At least President Trump is fixing our economy from the disaster the Hussein left behind. That being said, I do agree we need to start cutting spending big time. Feel free to propose what we should cut.

Really and who was in charge of the purse strings the last 6 years Obama was in office.

No one, since they couldn’t pass a budget and got so many continuing resolutions during the Hussein era.

No, that would be the Rethugs, you know your guys! Sorry but it is true, look who held the majority in Congress during that time. Better sit down though.
I suspect that as Trump's debt approaches $8 trillion, the pseudocons will be claiming Obama ran up $16 trillion in debt. ;)
Fuck the Obama excuse, GOPers controlled the house and senate for most of the eight years. The GOPers are, and always have been, hypocrites on fiscal responsibility.
Fuck the Obama excuse, GOPers controlled the house and senate for most of the eight years. The GOPers are, and always have been, hypocrites on fiscal responsibility.
And yet the pseudocons STILL haven't caught on they have been hoaxed.
According to the IIF, $68 trillion, the largest chunk, belongs to (unnamed) non-financial companies.

The next biggest borrowers are governments around the world, which have $63 trillion in debt. Financial institutions have $58 trillion of borrowings.
So the greatest number of people to whom this debt is owed, are those who have created it out of thin air and are oh-so-conveniently unnamed.

You know absolutely zero about the nature of debt-based fiat "money", do ya?
Trump is ACCELERATING our deficits!

He's also accelerating GDP growth, which cancels out the increase in deficits.


Bull shit. One, there has only been one good quarter out of of 5 with the GDP under Trump and second GDP does not cancel the deficits...where the fuck did you come up with such a stupid idea?

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Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!

The president doesn’t spend....Congress does...Isn’t that what you told us when the ghetto Kenyan was spending like a drunk sailor in a whore house full of Playboy models?
What I find entertaining is those who should worry the least about national debt and deficit spending suddenly care the most...fucking weird.
I’ve asked over and over again how the debt has affected these lowlifes and not a one can give a logical answer....can you?
Dems ran up the debt nearly ten trillion, doubling the overall debt. What did we get besides high unemployment and welfare rates and jobs shipped overseas?

At least President Trump is fixing our economy from the disaster the Hussein left behind. That being said, I do agree we need to start cutting spending big time. Feel free to propose what we should cut.

Really and who was in charge of the purse strings the last 6 years Obama was in office.

No one, since they couldn’t pass a budget and got so many continuing resolutions during the Hussein era.

And that has changed under Trump how?

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Conservatives deficit spend as much as liberals, if not more so - particularly with regard to wars and the military.
Deficits by year:

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

FY 2009 through FY 2016 = $7.187 trillion.

As you can see, there was a steady downward trend while Obama was President.
So they went down from scandalous to absurd, only to start trending back up after a few years...I'm soooo un-releived.
Congress approved $2.4 trillion in additional debt during fiscal year 2018: Watchdog

In April, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that debt held by the public would rise from $14.6 trillion in 2017 to $27.1 trillion in 2027.

“At a time when debt is already at record-high levels and growing unsustainably, the $2.4 trillion added to the projected debt over the past year is incredibly irresponsible," CFRB wrong in a blog post. "These changes alone will increase projected debt from 86 percent of GDP to 94 percent."

We will now observe the pseudocons demonstrating they are literally physically incapable of uttering a single syllable of criticism toward Trump about his astronomical deficits, despite being very, very vocal about deficits when the black guy was President.

In fact, we will see them look at the facts, and stupidly sputter, "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" rather than admit they hired an apprentice President who is an even bigger spender than his predecessor.

Even worse, they will go full Keynes and claim all that overspending is good for the economy!

The president doesn’t spend....Congress does...Isn’t that what you told us when the ghetto Kenyan was spending like a drunk sailor in a whore house full of Playboy models?
What I find entertaining is those who should worry the least about national debt and deficit spending suddenly care the most...fucking weird.
I’ve asked over and over again how the debt has affected these lowlifes and not a one can give a logical answer....can you?

who signs spending bills you moron ?
No, these are actual conservatives doing what conservatives have always done.

The notion of conservatives being "deficit hawks" has always been a myth.
I am a conservative deficit hawk. I am not a myth.
obviously you are since so called conservatives rack up debt every time they are in office just like the democrats do
I have proposed very specific methods for reducing the debt since I arrived on this forum in 2011. Many, many, many times. More than any other subject.

Not only have I proposed methods for reducing the debt and balancing the budget, but I have also concurrently proposed a method which would also allow us to lower tax rates on EVERYONE.

It just does not get more fiscally conservative than that.

I am not a myth.

Yes you are

you are an anonymous poster on a message board ergo you do not exist in the real world

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