Congress: Fix the Extended Unemployment Benefits Program "look-back trigger anomaly"


Dec 15, 2012
The current Extended Benefits law, was not written to deal with with such a long period of high unemployment over so many years. This is why the EB program has been "triggered OFF" in every state over the past year. We still have high unemployment with little year to year change. Our rates now would "trigger ON" the EB program again in almost all states, when compared to the unemployment rate just prior to start of the "financial meltdown/economic recession/downturn".

But, instead the law has only been updated in 2010 to "look back" three years to compare UI rates for triggering ON/OFF these vital benefits (that most people never got access to because the law was written to pay EUC08 before EB, usually forcing the claimant to lose EB entitlement entirely over multiple benefit years that otherwise had eligibility). It is now 2013 and the UI rate continues to reflect the same economic conditions that the law fails to take into account.

Originally the EB program was meant to cover a two year "recession" or less. This is reflected in the law by the "two year look-back trigger", which is how States know to turn ON or OFF the EB Program during a "recession or severe economic downturn". The "trigger" compares the Unemployment Rate from the past two years, to the present day and will either trigger ON or OFF depending on this unemployment data.

In December of 2010, Congress recognized that two years was not enough given our high rates of sustained unemployment. So they extended the trigger to three years.

But, Congress has barely kept up with our Economic Problems that have far exceeded everyone's worst fears. It is 2013, and Congress allowed the EB program to expire, State by State, through most of 2012 despite Economic Warnings that have come true. This has led to the year long extension of the EUC08 program (with all its unresolved flaws), through the end of 2013, but NO consideration has been given to the Extended Benefits program, which has suffered from being stuck with the same "three year look-back trigger" that they extended in 2010 but have not looked at again since then despite a great need from them to do so.

We the People, should not let bitter congressional partisan politics, and their total detachment from our day to day fears, needs and struggling realities, keep us from petitioning them to make a logical change to the law that they already have examined at least once during our economic woes.

They should have addressed this issue with the extension of the EUC08 program, but recent partisan matters surrounding the "Fiscal Cliff Fiasco", have shown how lacking our congressional representatives are. They should have examined our economic situation much more thoroughly, but instead are too busy with partisan infighting to do right by the rest of citizens of this country.

Ask Congress to amend the Extended Benefits Law, to address the EB Program "look-back trigger anomaly", so that these important benefits may once again be "triggered ON", to help to speed up our too slow Recovery Efforts.

THE GOVERNMENT won't help us, so we have to help each other, and force them to realize that they serve us, not the other way around. Please sign this petition. Its the first step towards making a lasting change for the better.

The Petition

Supporting News and Data

1. The U6 Unemployment Rate (the REAL Unemployment Rate)
Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate

2. from Upcoming Unemployment Insurance Benefit Expirations

3. from Unemployment Insurance: Legislative Issues in the 112th Congress

4. BLS Recession Data 2007-2009

5. State of California Unemployment Data (example)
(a) Unemployment Rates 1976-2011

(b) Unemployment History

(c) City by City reveals very UI high rates continue

(d) Other states 2012 UI Rates are still higher than before the "meltdown/recession"

(e) BLS UI rates 2006/2007

(f) BLS UI Rates 2003-2013 by Month

6. "The Unemployment Report Wasn’t Rigged, but It’s Not Accurate, Either"
U.S. Unemployment Rate Blind Spot: Discouraged Workers Muddy the Stats |

7. If the economy’s still weak, why are states cutting unemployment benefits?
If the economy?s still weak, why are states cutting unemployment benefits?

8. States End Extended Benefits Despite Dismal Outlook
States End Extended Benefits Despite Dismal Outlook : NPR

9. What the Current Economic Outlook Means for American Families
Economic Outlook for 2013 |
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