Congress: Middle class incomes drop as immigration surges

Please explain why importing millions of low skilled workers does not increase the supply of low skilled workers and thus lower price (ie wages).
Perhaps you need to review the OP which talks about middle class workers.

Perhaps you need to consider that being in the Middle Class didn't use to require a college degree.

YOu know, before the labor market was flooded with cheap imports.
Bush lied, people died. ANyone want the rest of this sandwich?

I'm not going to try to guess what you mean by that. It seems you are trying to blame a generations long decline on the actions of GWBush, but, with no explanation, I don't want to be accused of putting words in your mouth.
What I mean is that your post is mere gibberish.


THat is nothing but a pathetic dodge.
No, you're right, it's better to simply assume causation because it looks right.
Now, what are you going to do about the carnage being caused by Nicholas Cage?

Funny how you missed my bit about how the Law of Supply and Demand explained the connection.

Would you like to explain the connection between Nicholas Cage and those deaths?
Sure, it's's in a graph...just like your argument.

I have expanded the argument from the Graph.

An achievement you seem unable to match.

You also have not been able to dispute my point about Supply and Demand.

Hell, you are unable to address it at all.

I assume you understand it?
Your "achievement" appears to be chiefly in your head. You have explained nothing. You might as well attribute it to "the rule of 72".

If you disagree, then explain your disagreement.

Pretending to not see my argument is pathetic.
I already explained that you cannot attribute declines in middle class incomes to rises in unskilled workers, and you can more easily the decline in incomes to Obama's policies, which have destroyed business creation and expansion.
THe Laws of Supply and Demand explain the connection.

Do you want to try to preform controlled experiments with large national economies with varying degrees of immigration and otherwise identical factors?

Want to tell me how you plan to do that?
No, you're right, it's better to simply assume causation because it looks right.
Now, what are you going to do about the carnage being caused by Nicholas Cage?

Funny how you missed my bit about how the Law of Supply and Demand explained the connection.

Would you like to explain the connection between Nicholas Cage and those deaths?
Sure, it's's in a graph...just like your argument.

I have expanded the argument from the Graph.

An achievement you seem unable to match.

You also have not been able to dispute my point about Supply and Demand.

Hell, you are unable to address it at all.

I assume you understand it?
You haven't expanded anything.
You've made a suggestion with no supporting evidence.

You want me to support the idea that increased supply reduces cost?
Perhaps you need to review the OP which talks about middle class workers.

Perhaps you need to consider that being in the Middle Class didn't use to require a college degree.

YOu know, before the labor market was flooded with cheap imports.
Bush lied, people died. ANyone want the rest of this sandwich?

I'm not going to try to guess what you mean by that. It seems you are trying to blame a generations long decline on the actions of GWBush, but, with no explanation, I don't want to be accused of putting words in your mouth.
What I mean is that your post is mere gibberish.


THat is nothing but a pathetic dodge.
It's actually the truth. Pity you can't see it.
No, you're right, it's better to simply assume causation because it looks right.
Now, what are you going to do about the carnage being caused by Nicholas Cage?

Funny how you missed my bit about how the Law of Supply and Demand explained the connection.

Would you like to explain the connection between Nicholas Cage and those deaths?
Sure, it's's in a graph...just like your argument.

I have expanded the argument from the Graph.

An achievement you seem unable to match.

You also have not been able to dispute my point about Supply and Demand.

Hell, you are unable to address it at all.

I assume you understand it?
You haven't expanded anything.
You've made a suggestion with no supporting evidence.

You want me to support the idea that increased supply reduces cost?
No I want you to STFU. You are blathering about shit you clearly know nothing about. It's like a little kid who learns one fact and has to repeat it endlessly to show how smart he is.
Please explain why importing millions of low skilled workers does not increase the supply of low skilled workers and thus lower price (ie wages).

Isn't the low wages the exact reason that the employers do not want to be held solely responsible for verifying whether or not they have illegals employed? They like the work ethic and the low pay of imported workers.

Hell we have Americans complaining that other Americans are already overpaid in their MW jobs. And they believe there should be no MW laws.

I really don't think the low wages are a problem for the "job creators".that all the right wingers care so much about.
The lower the wages, the higher the profit margin.
No, you're right, it's better to simply assume causation because it looks right.
Now, what are you going to do about the carnage being caused by Nicholas Cage?

Funny how you missed my bit about how the Law of Supply and Demand explained the connection.

Would you like to explain the connection between Nicholas Cage and those deaths?
Sure, it's's in a graph...just like your argument.

I have expanded the argument from the Graph.

An achievement you seem unable to match.

You also have not been able to dispute my point about Supply and Demand.

Hell, you are unable to address it at all.

I assume you understand it?
Your "achievement" appears to be chiefly in your head. You have explained nothing. You might as well attribute it to "the rule of 72".

If you disagree, then explain your disagreement.

Pretending to not see my argument is pathetic.
I've already explained my I being too obtuse for you?
You have assumed a causation without any proof.
I have nothing to are making the claim.
You might be right but you might also be wrong.
We can never know without supporting evidence.
Please explain why importing millions of low skilled workers does not increase the supply of low skilled workers and thus lower price (ie wages).

Isn't the low wages the exact reason that the employers do not want to be held solely responsible for verifying whether or not they have illegals employed? They like the work ethic and the low pay of imported workers.

Hell we have Americans complaining that other Americans are already overpaid in their MW jobs. And they believe there should be no MW laws.

I really don't think the low wages are a problem for the "job creators".that all the right wingers care so much about.
The lower the wages, the higher the profit margin.
Damn, another post by Zeke, brainless moron of USMB.
Hey, Zeke, why do foreign workers have a better work ethic than Americans? Isnt that pretty telling?
No, you're right, it's better to simply assume causation because it looks right.
Now, what are you going to do about the carnage being caused by Nicholas Cage?

Funny how you missed my bit about how the Law of Supply and Demand explained the connection.

Would you like to explain the connection between Nicholas Cage and those deaths?
Sure, it's's in a graph...just like your argument.

I have expanded the argument from the Graph.

An achievement you seem unable to match.

You also have not been able to dispute my point about Supply and Demand.

Hell, you are unable to address it at all.

I assume you understand it?
You haven't expanded anything.
You've made a suggestion with no supporting evidence.

You want me to support the idea that increased supply reduces cost?
You can if you want...I don't care.
But that isn't what you're it?
Hey, Zeke, why do foreign workers have a better work ethic than Americans? Isnt that pretty telling?

Hey rabbit. You should be able to answer your question yourself.

Why does low pay imported labor have a better work ethic than you for instance? The reason is the illegal or even legal immigrant think the money they are making is good money for them. Compared to where they came from. And usually their reason for being here is to work and make money .They don't want to be sent home so they work hard. They don't always have their family with them, so they wok hard. Sometimes they are supporting family in their home country,. so they work hard. Some of them even like what they do and take pride in working hard. Lots of reasons rabbit.

Low skill American workers such as your self, who knows what it takes to motivate workers like you..

Rabbit, what would motivate you to get off your ass and get a job?
Did the idiots in Congress just figure this out.

Years after everyone else did?

This isn't immigration.

It's trespassing.

Given the numbers, and the time-frame, it's more like an invasion, quite honestly.

Nothing will be done about this on Obumble's watch.

Perhaps we (collectively) will begin to recover our sanity in such matters, after January 20, 2017.

I think the term "invasion" is a little bit of an exaggeration.
What do you call 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, now present upon United States soil,without our express prior consent?

"Invasion" is a defensible metaphor, in this instance.

With the added side-benefit of serving as an ideal rallying-cry for those who advocate for us to fight and reverse this trend.
No, it isn't. How many invaders come over looking for work?
The hell is isn't.

"Invasion" is an excellent metaphor to describe the presence of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens upon US soil without our permission.

How many of them came looking for work?

It doesn't matter one good goddamn - one would be too many, never mind millions - they have depressed wages and taken jobs from US tradesmen.

How many of them came looking to improve their condition?

It doesn't matter one good goddamn - one would be too many, never mind millions - let them improve their condition on their own dime, in their own country

Not our problem, except when they illegally cross our national borders.

They are a Plague of Locusts.

We have been invaded.

Those too myopic or naive or soft-headed or soft-hearted or stupid to recognize this for what it is, are dangerous to the future prospects of the Republic and its People, and should never be granted political power, to allow them to realize their foolhardy ambitions at the expense of the American People.

In some cases, it is a matter of waiting until an existing pudding-head leaves office, to have any chance at reversing existing disasterous policies.

Like January 20, 2017.

Although, come to think of it, the Whores in Washington on both sides of the aisle don't seem terribly interested in fixing this - eaah side for its own selfish and partisan reasons.

But the label "invasion" stands as an excellent descriptive metaphor and rallying point - your gainsay notwithstanding.
Mexican immigrants are middle class? Who knew...
No, but that Plague of Locusts has eroded the tradesman's labor market and depressed wages and made decent-paying jobs more scarce for middle-class Americans.

Actually, as baby boomers retire, there is becoming a shortage of skilled trade workers. Jobs millennials don't wanna do...
Jobs the loser Boomers never wanted to do lol.

Even the recent Congressional study - undertaken as a bipartisan effort - say differently.

You clowns who defend Illegal Immigrants have been milking that old bullshit excuse (they only take the jobs nobody else wants) for far too long.

There have been multiple credible private-sector studies which say differently.

And now Congress has finally come around - years too late to do the American People any good - and they say differently, too.

Your bullshit excuse has been un-masked by Congress itself for the bullshit that it truly is.

Fun-time's over.

It's time we begin calling this Invasion what it is... a metaphorical Plague of Locusts... consuming Middle American and Working Class tradesmen and their livelihoods.

It has to be stopped, and reversed.

Now, all we need to do is elect politicians with the balls to do so.
No, but that Plague of Locusts has eroded the tradesman's labor market and depressed wages and made decent-paying jobs more scarce for middle-class Americans.

Actually, as baby boomers retire, there is becoming a shortage of skilled trade workers. Jobs millennials don't wanna do...
Disagree. Given that our nation has double in population-size since the Boomers were born, we have more than enough native-borns to fill those slots.

Filling positions isn't just a matter of counting heads.

Right. Skilled trades require skills.
Quit playing games/being ignorant. Commercial dry wall hangers, painters, electricians used to make good money with Benefits up to the 80s
As well as roofers, road construction-crews, and general construction workers, to name just a few more.
Did the idiots in Congress just figure this out.

Years after everyone else did?

This isn't immigration.

It's trespassing.

Given the numbers, and the time-frame, it's more like an invasion, quite honestly.

Nothing will be done about this on Obumble's watch.

Perhaps we (collectively) will begin to recover our sanity in such matters, after January 20, 2017.

I think the term "invasion" is a little bit of an exaggeration.
What do you call 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, now present upon United States soil,without our express prior consent?

"Invasion" is a defensible metaphor, in this instance.

With the added side-benefit of serving as an ideal rallying-cry for those who advocate for us to fight and reverse this trend.
No, it isn't. How many invaders come over looking for work?
The hell is isn't.

"Invasion" is an excellent metaphor to describe the presence of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens upon US soil without our permission.

How many of them came looking for work?

It doesn't matter one good goddamn - one would be too many, never mind millions - they have depressed wages and taken jobs from US tradesmen.

How many of them came looking to improve their condition?

It doesn't matter one good goddamn - one would be too many, never mind millions - let them improve their condition on their own dime, in their own country

Not our problem, except when they illegally cross our national borders.

They are a Plague of Locusts.

We have been invaded.

Those too myopic or naive or soft-headed or soft-hearted or stupid to recognize this for what it is, are dangerous to the future prospects of the Republic and its People, and should never be granted political power, to allow them to realize their foolhardy ambitions at the expense of the American People.

In some cases, it is a matter of waiting until an existing pudding-head leaves office, to have any chance at reversing existing disasterous policies.

Like January 20, 2017.

Although, come to think of it, the Whores in Washington on both sides of the aisle don't seem terribly interested in fixing this - eaah side for its own selfish and partisan reasons.

But the label "invasion" stands as an excellent descriptive metaphor and rallying point - your gainsay notwithstanding.

Ok; then, some on the left claim we only have a problem with losing money on Commerce at our borders, simply because the right cannot tell the difference between Commerce (well regulated) and a Burden; or between the common Defense and the common Offense.

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