Congress votes to certify Biden's win


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2014
At 3:32 a.m. ET, Congress had certified enough electoral votes to surpass the 270 threshold that guaranteed Biden would become the 46th president, effectively ending a futile bid by Trump and his supporters to overturn the results of November’s election.

The guys at OANN must be so confused. They never saw this coming.
At 3:32 a.m. ET, Congress had certified enough electoral votes to surpass the 270 threshold that guaranteed Biden would become the 46th president, effectively ending a futile bid by Trump and his supporters to overturn the results of November’s election.

The guys at OANN must be so confused. They never saw this coming.

He looks happy.
At 3:32 a.m. ET, Congress had certified enough electoral votes to surpass the 270 threshold that guaranteed Biden would become the 46th president, effectively ending a futile bid by Trump and his supporters to overturn the results of November’s election.

The guys at OANN must be so confused. They never saw this coming.
View attachment 438554

He looks happy.

In fairness, he looks as happy as you'd expect a guy at 3:30 in the morning would after spending half the day in a bunker.
That Biden is President is nothing to celebrate. Mediocrity remains mediocre.
That insurrectionists attack the Capitol is nothing to defend, and anyone doing it is a traitor.
At 3:32 a.m. ET, Congress had certified enough electoral votes to surpass the 270 threshold that guaranteed Biden would become the 46th president, effectively ending a futile bid by Trump and his supporters to overturn the results of November’s election.

The guys at OANN must be so confused. They never saw this coming.
View attachment 438554

He looks happy.

Happy the day if over and he better stay away from tramp.
That Biden is President is nothing to celebrate. Mediocrity remains mediocre.
That insurrectionists attack the Capitol is nothing to defend, and anyone doing it is a traitor.

I'm not doing backflips over Biden. But even mediocre is so, so much better than the unmitigated dipshittery, corruption and spectacular incompetence we've had for 4 years.
At 3:32 a.m. ET, Congress had certified enough electoral votes to surpass the 270 threshold that guaranteed Biden would become the 46th president, effectively ending a futile bid by Trump and his supporters to overturn the results of November’s election.

The guys at OANN must be so confused. They never saw this coming.

Think we should tell them?




Someone from Newsmax is going to get a nasty tweet or a thousand:

That Biden is President is nothing to celebrate. Mediocrity remains mediocre.
That insurrectionists attack the Capitol is nothing to defend, and anyone doing it is a traitor.

I'm not doing backflips over Biden. But even mediocre is so, so much better than the unmitigated dipshittery, corruption and spectacular incompetence we've had for 4 years.
Same here. Anyone but the blob.
This is not about Biden. This is not about the duopoly at all. This is another level. The duopoly has brought us here, but it is beyond that now. This is Fort Sumpter. This is not "right" or "left". This is American or not.
This is not about Biden. This is not about the duopoly at all. This is another level. The duopoly has brought us here, but it is beyond that now. This is Fort Sumpter. This is not "right" or "left". This is American or not.

Let me be clear that if a Civil War were to break out the U.N. along with NATO will put boots on the ground to end that war and why?

We have a Nuclear Arsenal that the World will want to secure and prevent any mad man or woman from using...

These are dangerous times and yes Biden is imperfect but all the Trump base had to do is wait four years and beat Harris!

In 2022 the House was going to Flip and the Senate might have flipped back also and in 2024 the GOP could run Pence and beat Harris easily but now Trump has destroyed that possibility...

Biden won and I have said this from the moment I came back Biden will be President no matter what and if Civil War erupts over him being President then Trump base better know they will not only be fighting brother versus brother and sister versus sister but we will be invaded and the rebellion will be halted!
At 3:32 a.m. ET, Congress had certified enough electoral votes to surpass the 270 threshold that guaranteed Biden would become the 46th president, effectively ending a futile bid by Trump and his supporters to overturn the results of November’s election.

The guys at OANN must be so confused. They never saw this coming.
View attachment 438554

He looks happy.

In fairness, he looks as happy as you'd expect a guy at 3:30 in the morning would after spending half the day in a bunker.
He looks like he spent the entire 4 years in a bunker!
This is not about Biden. This is not about the duopoly at all. This is another level. The duopoly has brought us here, but it is beyond that now. This is Fort Sumpter. This is not "right" or "left". This is American or not.

Let me be clear that if a Civil War were to break out the U.N. along with NATO will put boots on the ground to end that war and why? ...

Wrong scenario. In case the tyrant Donald Trump overtakes the USA with a perversion of justice, military coup or civil war every member of the free world has the duty to eliminate Donald Trump and his criminal gang.

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This is not about Biden. This is not about the duopoly at all. This is another level. The duopoly has brought us here, but it is beyond that now. This is Fort Sumpter. This is not "right" or "left". This is American or not.

Let me be clear that if a Civil War were to break out the U.N. along with NATO will put boots on the ground to end that war and why? ...

Wrong scenario. In case the tyrant Donald Trump overtakes the USA with a perversion of justice, military coup or civil war every member of the free world has the duty to eliminate Donald Trump and his criminal gang.

In their hearts nearly all Europeans - including nearly all US-Americans - are like Scots. Very most have somewhere Celtic ancestors in their blood. Donald Trumps mother was unfortunatelly not able to educate this criminal idiot. I hope others will be able to do so.

I am warning his cult that this will happen and that they better slow their nonsense before they discover Trump lead them over a cliff to their own demise and destruction of our fine Nation...

Trump wanted what happen yesterday with the hope it would untie enough people behind him but instead it caused a major shift that even Pence made clear that Trump base was wrong for their actions!

Everyone involved in the insurrection will face many legal issues and will lose so much and yet idiots will condemn the government while condoning the lawlessness of those idiots.

So let me make it clear to everyone that if a Civil War breaks out or if Trump overthrows the rightfully elected government then the U.N. and NATO will put boots on the ground and end the rebellion!

Trump need to go!
This is not about Biden. This is not about the duopoly at all. This is another level. The duopoly has brought us here, but it is beyond that now. This is Fort Sumpter. This is not "right" or "left". This is American or not.

Let me be clear that if a Civil War were to break out the U.N. along with NATO will put boots on the ground to end that war and why?

We have a Nuclear Arsenal that the World will want to secure and prevent any mad man or woman from using...

These are dangerous times and yes Biden is imperfect but all the Trump base had to do is wait four years and beat Harris!

In 2022 the House was going to Flip and the Senate might have flipped back also and in 2024 the GOP could run Pence and beat Harris easily but now Trump has destroyed that possibility...

Biden won and I have said this from the moment I came back Biden will be President no matter what and if Civil War erupts over him being President then Trump base better know they will not only be fighting brother versus brother and sister versus sister but we will be invaded and the rebellion will be halted!

BIDEN will likely be President until January 20, 2029. There is not going to be any Civil War because the overwhelming majority of Americans believe in law and order. After weeks of planning, you had at most 45,000 Trump supporters in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. Invading the capital building and vandalizing it accomplishes nothing. The British Army did the same thing in 1814, burned the White House and the Capital to the ground I believe, then they left. The government came back and continued their business. That is essentially what happened last night and early today.

The number of people who want a "civil war" or "revolution" is tiny and few of these people who want to do that actually know anything about pulling one off. Vandalizing a building and attacking people is not a revolution, that's just terrorism.

Half of the U.S. active Nuclear arsenal is deployed on Submarines out at sea. The other half is deployed either at bases in the upper mid-west, ICBM's, or bases where strategic bombers are located. Anyone dumb enough to try and get into those areas would be shot long before they got close to anything of importance.

NATO is not worried about the United States government and military. I am sure they are concerned about certain U.S. citizens and the crimes they could commit. But at the end of the day, it does not amount to a Revolution or Civil War. Its David Koresh and his cult in Waco Texas in 1993 or Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995. Cults, loners, terrorist, maybe a small militia. Although, I'm not sure if the Proud Boys would qualify as a militia.
6a AM and still no story from OAN. I guess they don’t want to break it to Trump until he sees it on Twitter when they unlock him.
This is not about Biden. This is not about the duopoly at all. This is another level. The duopoly has brought us here, but it is beyond that now. This is Fort Sumpter. This is not "right" or "left". This is American or not.

Let me be clear that if a Civil War were to break out the U.N. along with NATO will put boots on the ground to end that war and why?

We have a Nuclear Arsenal that the World will want to secure and prevent any mad man or woman from using...

These are dangerous times and yes Biden is imperfect but all the Trump base had to do is wait four years and beat Harris!

In 2022 the House was going to Flip and the Senate might have flipped back also and in 2024 the GOP could run Pence and beat Harris easily but now Trump has destroyed that possibility...

Biden won and I have said this from the moment I came back Biden will be President no matter what and if Civil War erupts over him being President then Trump base better know they will not only be fighting brother versus brother and sister versus sister but we will be invaded and the rebellion will be halted!

Bullshit. Trump didn't destroy anything. His supporter did. If Trump runs in 2024 he will get voted in. People are pissed about this stolen election and who can blame them. Storming the Govt buildings wasn't smart, nor do I condone what was done but they all know this election was stolen and no official wanted to do anything about it.

2022 will see the Reps get the House and Senate back because the tax payers will be sick of Biden/Harris and the crap he will do in those two years which will be payed for with OUR tax dollars.

Make no mistake. The Dems will shoot themselves in the foot until 2022.
Eventually they're going to have to face the reality that Biden will be the president.
The real disgrace is the mainstream media, the entertainers and the ports players. They caused a lot of grief and suffering for many people for the Progressive Socialist policies. You stole that election.

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