Congressional Budget Office: Premiums to double under Trumpcare

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
The repeal of Obamacare (Trumpcare) will result in the following cost in health care premiums for Americans:


How Repealing Portions of the Affordable Care Act Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?

With all the wild and crazy predictions out there, I'm thinking there's been a mega sale on crystal balls and tarot cards.
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?
Trump doesn't have a replacement plan.

So repealing Obamacare without a replacement means health insurance costs would skyrocket for a lot of people.
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?

The CBO doesn't "know" anything. The CBO is a government calculator, that makes no judgement on the inputs given to it, and just goes through the math to produce results of questionable veracity.

The CBO is defined by the old programming concept of GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out.
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?
Trump doesn't have a replacement plan.

So repealing Obamacare without a replacement means health insurance costs would skyrocket for a lot of people.

Kind of like it was supposed to go down for me, and if I liked my plan I could keep it?
Doubled by 2026 as opposed to Obamacare which will have doubled in the first 5 years? I also noted how specific this OP was in terms of specific groups, not a new plan overall; which doesn't even exist yet.
There is no such thing as Trumpcare. After Trump takes over the ACA remains 'Obamacare'. They voted for it, they rammed it down the throats of Americans, and it remains all Obama's and the Democrats.

The more and more I hear how bad trying to save, repeal, replace, fix the ACA is going to be, I am tempted - or would be if I were a GOP politician - to absolutely do NOTHING and let it collapse on it's own. I would have something in my hip pocket to institute right after it collapsed, but I would just let Obama's socialist health care wet dream die of its own natural causes 1st.
Doubled by 2026 as opposed to Obamacare which will have doubled in the first 5 years? I also noted how specific this OP was in terms of specific groups, not a new plan overall; which doesn't even exist yet.
So they've gone up by half when it was touted that they'd go down by 2500 dollars.....if this chart is to be believed. In either case, the CBO numbers are surgically targeted to specific subset in the insurance industry, not an overall proof of concept for the entire plan, which doesn't even exist.
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?
Trump doesn't have a replacement plan.

So repealing Obamacare without a replacement means health insurance costs would skyrocket for a lot of people.

They already have skyrocketed, along with out-of-pocket amounts due to the ACA. The ACA reporting requirements alone have cost businesses enormously.

Do try and keep up Guno.
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?
Trump doesn't have a replacement plan.

So repealing Obamacare without a replacement means health insurance costs would skyrocket for a lot of people.

They already have skyrocketed, along with out-of-pocket amounts due to the ACA. The ACA reporting requirements alone have cost businesses enormously.

Do try and keep up Guno.
Healthcare costs have not come close to the skyrocketing they experienced while the GOP owned all three branches of government, and did NOTHING about it.

Oh, wait. They did add a new trillion dollar government medical entitlement program without paying for it. Almost forgot.

All caught up now, Uncensored?
Doubled by 2026 as opposed to Obamacare which will have doubled in the first 5 years? I also noted how specific this OP was in terms of specific groups, not a new plan overall; which doesn't even exist yet.
So they've gone up by half when it was touted that they'd go down by 2500 dollars.....if this chart is to be believed. In either case, the CBO numbers are surgically targeted to specific subset in the insurance industry, not an overall proof of concept for the entire plan, which doesn't even exist.

The rates are at least 2500 less than they would have been if they followed the same rate of increase as before ACA.
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?
Trump doesn't have a replacement plan.

So repealing Obamacare without a replacement means health insurance costs would skyrocket for a lot of people.

They already have skyrocketed, along with out-of-pocket amounts due to the ACA. The ACA reporting requirements alone have cost businesses enormously.

Do try and keep up Guno.
Healthcare costs have not come close to the skyrocketing they experienced while the GOP owned all three branches of government, and did NOTHING about it.

Oh, wait. They did add a new trillion dollar government medical entitlement program without paying for it. Almost forgot.

You're insane.

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