Congressional Budget Office: Premiums to double under Trumpcare

Trump is waiting to "borrow" someone else's replacement plan so he can claim authorship.
Trump is waiting to "borrow" someone else's replacement plan so he can claim authorship.

Really? Link?
It's what he does. He does not have a plan. He never had one.

Not long after he met with Paul Ryan, his campaign site suddenly had talking points which amazingly aligned with what Paul Ryan has been saying for years.
The Unaffordable Health Care Act is the biggest government scam in US history.
No, the $1.2 trillion in annual tax expenditures are the biggest scam in history. By a long shot.

The ACA is a distant second, at best.
Fake News. Move along.
Typing "
There is no such thing as Trumpcare. After Trump takes over the ACA remains 'Obamacare'. They voted for it, they rammed it down the throats of Americans, and it remains all Obama's and the Democrats.

The more and more I hear how bad trying to save, repeal, replace, fix the ACA is going to be, I am tempted - or would be if I were a GOP politician - to absolutely do NOTHING and let it collapse on it's own. I would have something in my hip pocket to institute right after it collapsed, but I would just let Obama's socialist health care wet dream die of its own natural causes 1st.
Sorry, but you cannot run away from Trumpcare.
ObamaCare will be repealed and Trumpcare is what you get. If you regret voting for Trump, it's s too late for remorse.
Trump is waiting to "borrow" someone else's replacement plan so he can claim authorship.

Really? Link?
It's what he does. He does not have a plan. He never had one.

Not long after he met with Paul Ryan, his campaign site suddenly had talking points which amazingly aligned with what Paul Ryan has been saying for years.

You really think Obama wrote Obamacare? Please, that relic had been sitting in a desk drawer for years... probably dated back to Bill Clinton's term.
Fake News. Move along.
Typing "
There is no such thing as Trumpcare. After Trump takes over the ACA remains 'Obamacare'. They voted for it, they rammed it down the throats of Americans, and it remains all Obama's and the Democrats.

The more and more I hear how bad trying to save, repeal, replace, fix the ACA is going to be, I am tempted - or would be if I were a GOP politician - to absolutely do NOTHING and let it collapse on it's own. I would have something in my hip pocket to institute right after it collapsed, but I would just let Obama's socialist health care wet dream die of its own natural causes 1st.
Sorry, but you cannot run away from Trumpcare.
ObamaCare will be repealed and Trumpcare is what you get. If you regret voting for Trump, it's s too late for remorse.

I in no way regret voting for Trump... yet.
Sorry, but you cannot run away from Trumpcare.
ObamaCare will be repealed and Trumpcare is what you get. If you regret voting for Trump, it's s too late for remorse.
1st, again, there is no such thing as Trumpcare.

2ndly, all actions that are taken henceforth in terms of health care is being driven by necessity due to Obamacare. Everything that happens from now own is a result of the ACA.

Obama / Liberals destroyed the existing health care system and replaced it with Obamacare. it is failing. It is collapsing. It is necessary to come up with something because the liberals destroyed the old system and their new system is collapsing on its own failure. liberals and Obama have forced the GOP's hand by passing the disastrous, failed ACA.

Liberals are really good at f*ing things up then passing the buck. They take over, f* things up so badly that they are voted out of power, and on the way out they leave disasters for others to clean up...and - as normal - cleaning up is painful. Libs blame the pain on those having to clean up their shyt, and con the people into giving them another shot when it was them that caused the pain to begin with.
Sorry, but you cannot run away from Trumpcare.
ObamaCare will be repealed and Trumpcare is what you get. If you regret voting for Trump, it's s too late for remorse.
1st, again, there is no such thing as Trumpcare.

2ndly, all actions that are taken henceforth in terms of health care is being driven by necessity due to Obamacare. Everything that happens from now own is a result of the ACA.

Obama / Liberals destroyed the existing health care system and replaced it with Obamacare. it is failing. It is collapsing. It is necessary to come up with something because the liberals destroyed the old system and their new system is collapsing on its own failure. liberals and Obama have forced the GOP's hand by passing the disastrous, failed ACA.

Liberals are really good at f*ing things up then passing the buck. They take over, f* things up so badly that they are voted out of power, and on the way out they leave disasters for others to clean up...and - as normal - cleaning up is painful. Libs blame the pain on those having to clean up their shyt, and con the people into giving them another shot when it was them that caused the pain to begin with.

The ACA was designed to fail. These rubes refuse to see that the ultimate goal was to collapse the insurance markets and then "well, we tried. Now we have to go to single payer".

Progressives are evil fucks, pure 100% evil.
You really think Obama wrote Obamacare?
Part of it, yes! Obama brought in a liberal think-tank 'scientist' whose only contribution to society (his study of choice) was on how to ration health care and other resources in the future in case of some disaster / nuclear attack. This is how the idea of health care rationing and how to deal with patients under Obamacare came about. (This can arguably be seen in the VA Scandal as well - while liberal bureaucrats were giving themselves massive bonuses they were letting VA patients die off.)

The NY Times even supported it by writing arcticles about how necessary health care rationing was:

The politicians who voted on the bill certainly - and admittedly - never read it before they passed it. SOME did, especially those who demanded 'deals', like the 'Cornhusker Kickback'.
Sorry, but you cannot run away from Trumpcare.
ObamaCare will be repealed and Trumpcare is what you get. If you regret voting for Trump, it's s too late for remorse.
1st, again, there is no such thing as Trumpcare.

2ndly, all actions that are taken henceforth in terms of health care is being driven by necessity due to Obamacare. Everything that happens from now own is a result of the ACA.

Obama / Liberals destroyed the existing health care system and replaced it with Obamacare. it is failing. It is collapsing. It is necessary to come up with something because the liberals destroyed the old system and their new system is collapsing on its own failure. liberals and Obama have forced the GOP's hand by passing the disastrous, failed ACA.

Liberals are really good at f*ing things up then passing the buck. They take over, f* things up so badly that they are voted out of power, and on the way out they leave disasters for others to clean up...and - as normal - cleaning up is painful. Libs blame the pain on those having to clean up their shyt, and con the people into giving them another shot when it was them that caused the pain to begin with.

You're right. There is no such thing as Trumpcare. The right might try to change the name, or some of the aspects of it. It might get better or worse, but Obama was the one who brought us healthcare for everyone, and he will forever get the credit for that. The country thanks you for that Mr Obama.
Trump is waiting to "borrow" someone else's replacement plan so he can claim authorship.

Really? Link?
It's what he does. He does not have a plan. He never had one.

Not long after he met with Paul Ryan, his campaign site suddenly had talking points which amazingly aligned with what Paul Ryan has been saying for years.

You really think Obama wrote Obamacare? Please, that relic had been sitting in a desk drawer for years... probably dated back to Bill Clinton's term.
Obama laid out his plan 18 months prior to the election.

The Obama Health Plan

We are STILL waiting for the Republican plan. Ten fucking years later.

But speaking of a relic sitting in a desk drawer, I have talked about that many times on this forum. The Democrats telegraphed for DECADES what they would do if given a chance. And it was way before Clinton. Ted Kennedy had been talking about it while Obama was still a child.

And what did the Republicans do? NOTHING. We are STILL waiting.

Health care costs had been rising faster than inflation for decades, and when the GOP got total control of the government, they did NOTHING about it. In fact, health care costs spiked even more than ever all during the Bush Administration.

Instead of doing something about it, which would have stopped the Democratic plan in its tracks, the GOP added a whole new trillion dollar government entitlement program in order to win the senior vote in the 2004 elections.

An entitlement program which forbade negotiating drug prices, by the way. That's another thing Obama said he wanted to do when he ran in 2008. He wanted to be able to negotiate drug prices for Medicare. And once elected, he tried to do just that.

And the GOP stopped him every time.

Now Trump says he wants to do the same thing. He has always been a Democrat. A liberal. And now he will get all you pseudocons to be liberals, too.

Because Republicans let health care costs spike while they had power, the American people were ready for ObamaCare.
How does the CBO know what the effects of "Trumpcare" would be given the details haven't been released?

The CBO doesn't "know" anything. The CBO is a government calculator, that makes no judgement on the inputs given to it, and just goes through the math to produce results of questionable veracity.

The CBO is defined by the old programming concept of GIGO, Garbage In, Garbage Out.

That is a right-wing myth that keep gets regurgitated, but it's not true.

CBO does it's best to inform the Congress and American public of expected policy outcomes.

For example this is CBO defining minimal considered-coverage standard :

How Does CBO Define and Estimate Health Insurance Coverage for People Under Age 65?

You cannot "feed" CBO your own standard so it will give an estimate you want on coverage.
but Obama was the one who brought us healthcare for everyone, and he will forever get the credit for that. The country thanks you for that Mr Obama.

Obama and liberals created this disaster in backrooms, as opposed to having all meetings on TV as Obama promised. they took this minority-supported socialist piece of legislation, wrapped it in the biggest lies ever told about a piece of legislation, then rammed it down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it. They were exposed as not even having read it when they voted for it. They knew it was so bad they immediately exempted themselves after they passed it. They forced people to buy a government-defined, government-mandated product and imposed a penalty / tax on those who refused.
No, not all people have insurance - some can not afford to buy the insurance due to doubling / extremely high premiums...and for their inability to pay for the product Obama rewards them with a tax penalty (yeah, that will help them be able to afford it). It was SO friggin' horrible the Liberals did not want anyone to know about it until the betrayal was done. Nancy Pelosi declared to Americans that they had no Right to know what was in the edict until it had been passed.

The scam has cost Americans an ass-load in fraud, scams, etc. It is collapsing under it's own weight - IT CAN NOT SURVIVE as is.

So, Thank You Barry, for this epic POS - Your Legacy!
As I've been saying from the beginning, Obamacare will be such a disaster, the American people will cry out for single payer.

The ACA was just a stepping stone toward single payer.

And for the reasons I stated in my last post, it's obvious the GOP sold us all down the river to single payer decades ago. All the whining and renting of clothes was just theater for the rubes. I had a health care lobbyist in DC all but admit that to me a couple years ago. He laughed his ass off when I said "theater for the rubes" and said he was going to steal that.
By the end of Trump's first term, everyone will be talking about single payer being just plain common sense.

Trump is the limousine pied piper leading the pseudocons to the liberal cave.
The repeal of Obamacare (Trumpcare) will result in the following cost in health care premiums for Americans:


How Repealing Portions of the Affordable Care Act Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums

So eat was their assessment of aca.....I love these projections they are always wrong.

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