Congressional Hearing Disrupted by Leftist Activists - Insurrection 2.0?

About 10,000 shreds of evidence which, put together easily logically prove the steal to any open, rational mind, just no judge willing to put his life, family and career on the line ruling on it then having to face the savage threats and attacks against him for doing what was right. Big difference, Holmes. You are obviously unaccustomed to critical thinking and are way out of your game.

In other words, this "evidence" you speak of got dismissed by judges who are sane.
I thought people disrupt Congressional hearing are thrown into political prison. Where's the Shaman?

Gun control activists swarmed the Capitol on Thursday, disrupting a congressional hearing concerning possible efforts made by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to curb Americans' Second Amendment rights.
Gun control activists also threw a fit inside the Capitol, shouting through a hearing entitled "ATF's Assault on the Second Amendment," held by a subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, reported Reuters.

One of the activists yelled, "All of you are full of s***," reported the Washington Examiner.
Activists evidently chose to ignore the chairman's warning and continued to interfere with the hearing, prompting Fallon to wonder aloud, "Is this an insurrection? ... I don't want another January 6, do we?"

Fallon asked, "Does the Capitol Police not do their jobs? What in the hell is going on?" ahead of calling a recess.
Capitol Police indicated that one of the activists, Manuel Oliver, was arrested after he disrupted a hearing, refused to stop shouting, and then attempted to go back inside the hearing room.

Oliver's arrest was caught on camera:

The Miami Herald reported that Oliver was not put in jail and his wife, Patricia — the other agitator who had disrupted the hearing with him — was not arrested.

Police told the Washington Post, "Anyone who disrupts a congressional hearing and disregards a law enforcement officer’s orders to stop are going to be arrested."

Fallon and Biggs had called the hearing to examine the ATF actions "aimed at curtailing the ability of lawful gun owners to exercise their Second Amendment rights."

'Rules for thee, not for me'

Another hypocritical demonstration of the Democrats' corrupt, partisan, authoritarian, hypicritical, 2-tiered Justice system...

Welcome to the liberal 3rd-World Banana Republic formerly known as the USA.
Maybe the MSM decided a handful of punks getting dragged out of the Capitol just wasn't that big of a deal.

Everything is about partisan politics.

Conservative 'insurrection' ranks page 1.
Liberal 'mostly peaceful protests' don't make the cut.
Everything is about partisan politics.

Conservative 'insurrection' ranks page 1.
Liberal 'mostly peaceful protests' don't make the cut.

Conservative insurrections involving 5000+ people who trespass and vandalize federal property ranks page 1; a handful of noisy, wimply liberals getting dragged out of the Capitol don't make the cut.
How old are you? I bet your age is higher than your IQ.
I'm sensing some adult beverages have been added to an already shaky brain. I wonder if he was also holding his breath during this tantrum?
MSM covers their ass all the time, silences reporting of their crimes / insurrections.
They're having hearings right now about it. Problem is, otherwise what has brought about the house and congressional hearings, is because the leftist don't recognize the American system of justice anymore, and infact they have infiltrated it in order to break it from the inside out by way of the Trojan horse they somehow road in on.

Meanwhile the republican's are still trying to use the system that they've had since America was founded (the constitution).

Is it working ? Will it work or will the Democrat's actually destroy what's left of the justice system in this COUNTRY ?

Now they've got a WAR insulating them from scrutiny, otherwise because they will hide within it if they have too. That can be very dangerous for the country as a whole... Why ? It will be because just as it was in many other big event's we've seen, they have very ignorantly not been unable to conduct themselves properly in the situation's, and so they might ultimately escalate the situation to level 9 on a scale of 1 through 10 if they are left to their own folly.

Already moves have been made by other countries that are unprecedented, and it'll keep on going if we as a nation don't show ourselves to be able to resolve even the smallest crisis within through our own justice system, much less big crisis like we've seen in Afghanistan, and the train derailment, and all the new mass shootings, our energy crisis they created on purpose, and on and on it went or goes.

The Democrat's are far to weak in character to run anything, much less a powerful nation.
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