Congressman Grimm to Resign Tomorrow

Interesting to see who defends the racist.

I don't think anybody would, but what has this got to do with tax fraud which is what the thread is about, not racism.

You did

I did what?
What it says in the posts you quoted. Did you read them?

I call that sarcasm not defending.

OK - I'm sorry. My humor meter is obviously malfunctioning today as I did the same thing in another thread. My bad. My apologizes.
How about this Salice clown, third ranking member of GOP having that video of him surfacing where he's giving a speech to K K K?
This is like the telephone heard a rumor and totally screwed it up and spread it anyway
Try to find a restaurant owner on Staten Is. who doesn't evade taxes. Thanks to democrat administrations who are set on ruining the former "empire state" the only way you can survive in NY is to evade taxes or become a democrat or hire a high priced lawyer that charges more than the tax penalty is worth. For some perspective, the democrat party once gave a standing ovation to a congressman who returned to duty after being convicted of raping a male congressional intern.
I remember one being censured for sex with a minor, reelected several times and applauded. Liberal gay predator ...what a Studd :lol:

@ R.D.
OK, Whitehall disappeared rather than produce his link. You got it?
I gave you a hint

Sheesh some people are lazy ;) Gerry Studds - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A hint? Gee, thanks.
Thank you sincerely for the actual link.
Republicans see tax evasion as their patriotic duty, I am surprised the guy resigned.
Al Sharpton hasn't.
When was Sharpton elected to congress?
Sharpton is far more dangerous walking the streets of America than is Grimm walking the halls of Congress. :slap:
That is a matter of opinion, but Sharpton is not the topic at hand. The topic is a guy who refused to drop his run for office in the face of an indictment and is now probably going to cost his state a fair sum to hold a special election to replace him before he was even sworn in. What an egomaniac this guy must be.
Where are all the "fiscal conservatives" on this one?
This asshole could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money by not running for reelection in the first place. Now they're on the hook for a special election. Then again, they kind of deserve it for reelecting him despite knowing how corrupt he is.

Michael Grimm To Resign From Congress Reports

Great news.

Maybe this will force the media to cover this bs rather than Obama ruining a wedding.
Al Sharpton hasn't.
When was Sharpton elected to congress?
Sharpton is far more dangerous walking the streets of America than is Grimm walking the halls of Congress. :slap:
That is a matter of opinion, but Sharpton is not the topic at hand. The topic is a guy who refused to drop his run for office in the face of an indictment and is now probably going to cost his state a fair sum to hold a special election to replace him before he was even sworn in. What an egomaniac this guy must be.
So the guy is a shithead. And? If he were a Democrat you'd be making excuses all over the place.
Probably not, why do you feel the need to defend him?
He has an 'R' next to his name.
When were they indicted on felony tax fraud?
So the standard now is "indicted"?
What is your standard? Unsubstantiated rumor?
Smidgen of corruption.
Somehow I doubt that you apply that high standard equally across all party lines. Being indicted for a crime is good enough proof to me the congressman has to go and I can promise you right now that I would not be caught dead on a thread trying to deflect attention from a democrat indicted on similar charges.
A prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. Indictment means nothing legally.
It means something to Darren Wilson.
bout time. he should have done it before the election
So remind me what your opinion was on the dem in Louisiana that not only won reelection but Pelosi complained she couldn't promote him to a better subcommittee because of the charges? You remember, the one that got caught taking a bribe and they found all the money in his freezer? The one that tried to use his Congressional Office in DC to hide evidence and the Dems complained when a search warrant was legally served on him there on a weekend so as not to disrupt Congress?
Did he run and win reelection knowing he was about to be convicted of a felony?

If not, your analogy is a FAIL.
Anyway, Grimm strikes me as one of the biggest assholes in Washington (and THAT is saying something) but if he is the one the constituency wants representing them, then I don't think he should resign. If that's who they want, then they should endure the embarrassment that is Grimm for his full term.

^^^ He died earlier this year in a tractor accident.
This asshole could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money by not running for reelection in the first place. Now they're on the hook for a special election. Then again, they kind of deserve it for reelecting him despite knowing how corrupt he is.

Michael Grimm To Resign From Congress Reports
Are you surprised that this Republican slimeball was guilty all-along AND that he refused to step down, AND that his far RW constituents voted him BACK in despite what they knew about his illegal ways already?

It really speaks to the type of people that voted him in really. Nothing but enablers.

All in the name of politics and party.

Damn shame really.

And the kicker? His Staten Island district is full of NYPD residences/voters. His biggest constituency is cops.
How about this Salice clown, third ranking member of GOP having that video of him surfacing where he's giving a speech to K K K?
This is like the telephone heard a rumor and totally screwed it up and spread it anyway

The rally was in support of David Duke, heavily attended by white supremacists, and dumb dumb spoke at it. 13 years ago? Who cares? Some here give a pass to Strom Thurmond and jump on Byrd for stuff seventy years ago. You folks are going to be called out every time you do it.
This asshole could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money by not running for reelection in the first place. Now they're on the hook for a special election. Then again, they kind of deserve it for reelecting him despite knowing how corrupt he is.

Michael Grimm To Resign From Congress Reports
Are you surprised that this Republican slimeball was guilty all-along AND that he refused to step down, AND that his far RW constituents voted him BACK in despite what they knew about his illegal ways already?

It really speaks to the type of people that voted him in really. Nothing but enablers.

All in the name of politics and party.

Damn shame really.

And the kicker? His Staten Island district is full of NYPD residences/voters. His biggest constituency is cops.

Grimm is a thug, nothing more.

If he had pulled that balcony incident at the Salt Lake City capitol building, he would have been stun gunned by the police on duty.

Begin federal action to take his pension.
How about this Salice clown, third ranking member of GOP having that video of him surfacing where he's giving a speech to K K K?
This is like the telephone heard a rumor and totally screwed it up and spread it anyway

The rally was in support of David Duke, heavily attended by white supremacists, and dumb dumb spoke at it. 13 years ago? Who cares? Some here give a pass to Strom Thurmond and jump on Byrd for stuff seventy years ago. You folks are going to be called out every time you do it.

It was a seminar, hosted by a white supremacy group that was founded by Duke.
How about this Salice clown, third ranking member of GOP having that video of him surfacing where he's giving a speech to K K K?
This is like the telephone heard a rumor and totally screwed it up and spread it anyway

The rally was in support of David Duke, heavily attended by white supremacists, and dumb dumb spoke at it. 13 years ago? Who cares? Some here give a pass to Strom Thurmond and jump on Byrd for stuff seventy years ago. You folks are going to be called out every time you do it.

It was a seminar, hosted by a white supremacy group that was founded by Duke.

Thanks for the correction. Does anyone have a copy of the speech.
Great news.

Report N.Y. Rep. Grimm to resign in wake of tax plea

Rep. Michael Grimm, R-N.Y., plans to resign from the House in the wake of his guilty plea in a tax evasion case, the New York Daily News reportedlate Monday, citing an unnamed source.

Grimm was charged in April with hiding more than $1 million in revenue from a restaurant he owned before he ran for Congress; he maintained his innocence and was re-elected in November.

He has offered a guilty plea on just one count of tax evasion.

The indictment has 20 full charges on it, charges that go way beyond tax evasion.

I see nothing that indicates that a plea bargain was made, so further court cases are possible.

Mr. Grimm is the same person who threatened the life of a reporter in September 2013, if I recall, threatened to break his body and throw him over the railing of a very large stairwell that went down a good 20 feet or more.

Speculation is that Grimm is suffering from PTSD.

The CD that he won, he just won barely, twice. This is a likely D-pick-up once the special election comes.

John Boehner is calling his resignation "honorable". I see nothing honorable in being forced to resign for having committed felony offenses. "Disgraceful" would be the more appropriate word.
bout time. he should have done it before the election
So remind me what your opinion was on the dem in Louisiana that not only won reelection but Pelosi complained she couldn't promote him to a better subcommittee because of the charges? You remember, the one that got caught taking a bribe and they found all the money in his freezer? The one that tried to use his Congressional Office in DC to hide evidence and the Dems complained when a search warrant was legally served on him there on a weekend so as not to disrupt Congress?
He's black, there's a different set of rules for him.

Hey, aren't you the one who loves to accuse Libs of using the "race card"?? Well, looky, looky what YOU just did.

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