Congressman Grimm to Resign Tomorrow

Anyway, Grimm strikes me as one of the biggest assholes in Washington (and THAT is saying something) but if he is the one the constituency wants representing them, then I don't think he should resign. If that's who they want, then they should endure the embarrassment that is Grimm for his full term.
This asshole could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money by not running for reelection in the first place. Now they're on the hook for a special election. Then again, they kind of deserve it for reelecting him despite knowing how corrupt he is.

Michael Grimm To Resign From Congress Reports
Are you surprised that this Republican slimeball was guilty all-along AND that he refused to step down, AND that his far RW constituents voted him BACK in despite what they knew about his illegal ways already?

It really speaks to the type of people that voted him in really. Nothing but enablers.

All in the name of politics and party.

Damn shame really.

"... Are you surprised that this Republican slimeball was guilty all-along AND that he refused to step down, AND that his far RW constituents voted him BACK ..."

Well .... yeah. I AM surprised he got voted back in. Kinda like the DC mayor who got re-elected after his release from prison.
Republicans see tax evasion as their patriotic duty, I am surprised the guy resigned.
Al Sharpton hasn't.
When was Sharpton elected to congress?
Sharpton is far more dangerous walking the streets of America than is Grimm walking the halls of Congress. :slap:
That is a matter of opinion, but Sharpton is not the topic at hand. The topic is a guy who refused to drop his run for office in the face of an indictment and is now probably going to cost his state a fair sum to hold a special election to replace him before he was even sworn in. What an egomaniac this guy must be.
It really speaks more to the people that voted him back in. How partisan they must be. They really knew better, the evidence of his deeds were already laid before them.

Try to find a restaurant owner on Staten Is. who doesn't evade taxes. Thanks to democrat administrations who are set on ruining the former "empire state" the only way you can survive in NY is to evade taxes or become a democrat or hire a high priced lawyer that charges more than the tax penalty is worth. For some perspective, the democrat party once gave a standing ovation to a congressman who returned to duty after being convicted of raping a male congressional intern.
Republicans see tax evasion as their patriotic duty, I am surprised the guy resigned.
Al Sharpton hasn't.
When was Sharpton elected to congress?
Sharpton is far more dangerous walking the streets of America than is Grimm walking the halls of Congress. :slap:
That is a matter of opinion, but Sharpton is not the topic at hand. The topic is a guy who refused to drop his run for office in the face of an indictment and is now probably going to cost his state a fair sum to hold a special election to replace him before he was even sworn in. What an egomaniac this guy must be.
So the guy is a shithead. And? If he were a Democrat you'd be making excuses all over the place.
You mean like you're doing now...making excuses all over the place for this slimeball who sh ould be in jail?
Republicans see tax evasion as their patriotic duty, I am surprised the guy resigned.
Al Sharpton hasn't.
When was Sharpton elected to congress?
Sharpton is far more dangerous walking the streets of America than is Grimm walking the halls of Congress. :slap:
That is a matter of opinion, but Sharpton is not the topic at hand. The topic is a guy who refused to drop his run for office in the face of an indictment and is now probably going to cost his state a fair sum to hold a special election to replace him before he was even sworn in. What an egomaniac this guy must be.
So the guy is a shithead. And? If he were a Democrat you'd be making excuses all over the place.
You mean like you're doing now...making excuses all over the place for this slimeball who sh ould be in jail?
The reason Grimm resigned is that he is probably going to be doing jail time. If it was likely that he'd walk with some fine or community service, I think he'd likely have stayed.

I think the guy should have resigned after threatening..on camera.. to throw a member of the press off of a balcony at the Capitol building.
I think he should have been arrested the next day for that stunt.

I'm shocked and offended he didn't.

It was on a national TV, and circulated widely.

Just goes to show how those in power live a life above the law.
It should be an even playing field.
I am glad that this guy is resigning he should have never run in the first place.

I also think that Rangel, Geithner and Daschle should have resigned when they were charged with tax evasion. Instead they get slaps on the hand.
Exhibit A:

More RW false equivalency BS.

We have seen the people of both parties elect or re-elect criminals and/or sleazeballs. I have said each time that the people of these congressional districts are communicating to the world "this is the best guy we could find in our district to represent us".

It's a really, really, really stupid message to send out to the world.

If shitbags like these are the best people you can find, then that speaks volumes about all of the people in your districts.
It should be an even playing field.
I am glad that this guy is resigning he should have never run in the first place.

I also think that Rangel, Geithner and Daschle should have resigned when they were charged with tax evasion. Instead they get slaps on the hand.

Oh! A deflection trifecta!! Awesome. I think it is admirable that some of our nutters can bring themselves to hate on a GOP congressman. But it's kind of weird that they can't do it without also referring to others who they want to hate on. Ever.

You don't think that its a double standard?

Of course it is. But....that double standard exists on both sides of the aisle. What I am telling you is that IT IS BORING AS HELL when people here use their own double standard to complain about the double standard.

I mean...years and years of the same shit every time a thread about a crooked politician is posted. IT IS FUCKING BORING!! Stop doing it.

Most Republican Congressman who evade taxes usually resign and or get some jail time. A very small amount of Democrats get the same treatment.
Rangel on the other hand, is seen with the IRS Commissioner as he campaigned. Was charged with 11 of the 13 counts of ethics violation and just got a slap on the hand.
The members who have been here for awhile see the same ole, same ole all the time. The new members haven't, so yes you will continue to see some of boring things over and over again. It's also human nature that people use their own double standard to complain about the double standard. :laugh:
If you don't like it, don't post on the threads that you think is boring. :biggrin:
1 VERY IMPORTANT thing is missing from your little diatribe though...I believe it's called an indictment.

I still say that they don't get convicted on tax felony charges if you are powerful on a committee like Rangel was. It happens in both parties.
whatever you need to tell yourself :rolleyes-41: definition of an ideologue. :thup:

So many on the far right can look at the proof that 1 plus 1 actually does equal 2 and still say "yeah, but I just don't believe it."

But "the media" is their big problem ..........

The far left does the same thing
The hack can't even DENY their partisan BS.

"... Are you surprised that this Republican slimeball was guilty all-along AND that he refused to step down, AND that his far RW constituents voted him BACK ..."

Well .... yeah. I AM surprised he got voted back in. Kinda like the DC mayor who got re-elected after his release from prison.
That was a documented witch-hunt. Not to mention an extravagant setup.

False equivalency.
Republicans see tax evasion as their patriotic duty, I am surprised the guy resigned.
Al Sharpton hasn't.
When was Sharpton elected to congress?
Sharpton is far more dangerous walking the streets of America than is Grimm walking the halls of Congress. :slap:
I guess you missed seeing the video of Grimm threatening that nyc reporter when he was asked about the tax fraud issue? Grimm threatened to toss him off the balcony

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