
Immigration for one.

Anything else you need cleared up for you?
So, The party of Trump hasn’t moved to the right of Reagan on immigration?


You’re not very good at this, kid.

So, The party of Trump hasn’t moved to the right of Reagan on immigration?


You’re not very good at this, kid.
TBF, trump has mentioned amnesty for millions of people.
I agree. But how can anyone who has been paying attention to politics over the last 20, 30 years honestly say the Republican Party hasn’t moved right on any issue? Especially on immigration.

The American people decided it was time to start aggressively enforcing our immigration laws which have been on the books for years. Good Americans are smart enough to see that the browner this nation becomes the more of a nasty shithole it becomes. They decided to end the free for all for obvious reasons.
Do you always consider the enforcement of law as a move toward the Right?
Who pulled your string, stormfront reject?

My opinion on immigration is not the issue. PmsForever claimed that the Republican Party hasn’t moved to the right on any issue since Goldwater. He’s wrong.

Carry on, clown.
on what have they moved. the correct response would have included an example of something. We have plenty on the left, just ask JFK, 'ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Sad. or even Clinton's state of the union speech concerning borders and immigration. shit just ask hitlery about her campaign and where you are today with immigration. wow. but seriously, name something the right has moved further right of.
Cool story. The conversation is about the Republican Party moving to the right.

You’re welcome to start a thread about Democrats, though :thup:
So, The party of Trump hasn’t moved to the right of Reagan on immigration?


You’re not very good at this, kid.

TBF, trump has mentioned amnesty for millions of people.
I agree. But how can anyone who has been paying attention to politics over the last 20, 30 years honestly say the Republican Party hasn’t moved right on any issue? Especially on immigration.

The American people decided it was time to start aggressively enforcing our immigration laws which have been on the books for years. Good Americans are smart enough to see that the browner this nation becomes the more of a nasty shithole it becomes. They decided to end the free for all for obvious reasons.
Do you always consider the enforcement of law as a move toward the Right?
Who pulled your string, stormfront reject?

My opinion on immigration is not the issue. PmsForever claimed that the Republican Party hasn’t moved to the right on any issue since Goldwater. He’s wrong.

Carry on, clown.
on what have they moved. the correct response would have included an example of something. We have plenty on the left, just ask JFK, 'ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Sad. or even Clinton's state of the union speech concerning borders and immigration. shit just ask hitlery about her campaign and where you are today with immigration. wow. but seriously, name something the right has moved further right of.
Cool story. The conversation is about the Republican Party moving to the right.

You’re welcome to start a thread about Democrats, though :thup:
Republicans aren’t moving to the right.
The followup video is equally compelling
Ayanna Pressley defeats 10-term incumbent Mike Capuano in Democratic primary

It's another upset for insurgent left, which has had its biggest successes when people of color embrace progressive ideology.

by Alex Seitz-Wald / Sep.04.2018 / 7:04 PM ET / Updated Sep.04.2018 / 8:42 PM ET

Ayanna Pressley delivers her victory speech Tuesday night in Dorchester, Massachusetts.Joseph Prezioso / AFP - Getty Images
WASHINGTON — A month ago, Ayanna Pressley told NBC News she was in “a fight for the soul of our party.” On Tuesday night, she won it.

In a stunning upset in John F. Kennedy’s old congressional district, Pressley, the first woman of color elected to Boston’s City Council, defeated Rep. Mike Capuano, D-Mass., a 10-term incumbent in a high-profile Democratic primary.

Polls had shown Capuano, who has never faced a serious challenge since being elected in 1998, with big leads. But Pressley defied the odds to not just win, but outpace Capuano so decisively that he conceded the race less than an hour and a half after polls closed.

She appears to have done it by turning out young people and people of color, neither of whom typically vote in party primaries. With more than 90 percent of precincts reporting, Pressley had 58.4 percent, or 50,917 votes, to Capuano's 41.6 percent, or 36,234 votes.

"Clearly the district wanted a lot of change,” Capuano told supporters.
Unlike Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., who was caught off-guard when he lost his own primary this summer, Capuano recognized the threat early. And unlike Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who beat Crowley, Pressley has been a rising Democratic star for years.

“Ayanna Pressley is going to be a good congresswoman and I will tell you that Massachusetts will be well served,” the defeated congressman said.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who donated to Capuano's campaign, thanked him for his long service, before saying she looked forward to welcoming Pressley to the caucus. The heavily Democratic district has no danger of falling into Republicans' hands.

Capuano had no whiff of scandal and has a nearly perfect progressive voting record. But he hails from an older, more parochial school of politics which Pressley said didn't cut it anymore in the Donald Trump era.

More importantly, Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional District is the only one in New England where racial minorities outnumber whites and Pressley argued she could better represent the Boston and Cambridge-area district than Capuano, who is white.

"It's not just good enough to see the Democrats back in power, it matters who those Democrats are," Pressley told her own supporters. "While our president is a racist, misogynistic, truly empathy-bankrupt man, the conditions which have made the 7th CD one of the most unequal in America were cemented through policies made long before he ever descended the escalator at Trump tower."

Pressley, too, took a moment to praise her opponent, recalling moments when they shared a bullhorn at local political rallies and demonstrations. "He forced me to bring my best, just like in this," she said.

While there was little ideological daylight between the candidates, it’s another victory for the insurgent left, which has seen its biggest successes with candidates of color who embrace progressive ideology, such as with Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum and Ocasio-Cortez, who vocally supported Pressley.

"The winning strategy in the future of the Democratic Party points to exciting a broad, multiracial coalition of the grassroots — new voters, young voters, and people of color," said Mari Urbana, the political director of the liberal group Indivisible.

Urbana said Indivisible has been pushing Democratic voters to get more involved in primaries, where individuals can often have a bigger impact, and Pressley's victory is proof of that strategy. "It’s just such a big deal for the entire movement," she said.

Jeffrey Brown, an associate pastor at the Twelfth Baptist Church in Roxbury, an African-American neighborhood in Boston, said residents there have dreamed of getting a person of color in the district. In fact, it was specifically redrawn to make that possibility more likely.

"They were taking up not only the hope of Pressley as a congresswoman, but the hope that this community will finally get some of their issues heard and addressed from someone who truly understands them," said Brown, who endorsed Pressley.

Pressley has spoken often about being raised by a single mother because her father was incarcerated or struggling with addiction, and her campaign focused on themes of racial, economic, and geographic inequality.

Most elected Democrats in Massachusetts and Washington sided with Capuano. And Brown said he was disappointed to see the Congressional Black Caucus prioritize loyalty to a fellow incumbent over the possibility of growing their ranks.

"I don’t even know if she should join the Congressional Black Caucus. None of them supported her," he said.

Even those who did not endorse Pressley for political reasons have said nice things about her.

“I’m excited for her. I’m really feeling enormous sense of pride for what’s she’s accomplished,” former Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry said on MSNBC Tuesday night. “I’m happy for Massachusetts.”
So, The party of Trump hasn’t moved to the right of Reagan on immigration?


You’re not very good at this, kid.

I agree. But how can anyone who has been paying attention to politics over the last 20, 30 years honestly say the Republican Party hasn’t moved right on any issue? Especially on immigration.

The American people decided it was time to start aggressively enforcing our immigration laws which have been on the books for years. Good Americans are smart enough to see that the browner this nation becomes the more of a nasty shithole it becomes. They decided to end the free for all for obvious reasons.
Do you always consider the enforcement of law as a move toward the Right?
Who pulled your string, stormfront reject?

My opinion on immigration is not the issue. PmsForever claimed that the Republican Party hasn’t moved to the right on any issue since Goldwater. He’s wrong.

Carry on, clown.
on what have they moved. the correct response would have included an example of something. We have plenty on the left, just ask JFK, 'ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Sad. or even Clinton's state of the union speech concerning borders and immigration. shit just ask hitlery about her campaign and where you are today with immigration. wow. but seriously, name something the right has moved further right of.
Cool story. The conversation is about the Republican Party moving to the right.

You’re welcome to start a thread about Democrats, though :thup:
Republicans aren’t moving to the right.
Yes they are
Everybody sane knows the GOP has done nothing but move toward center over the last several years.

Why is it that Democrats never seem to actually understand the political spectrum?
Apparently, you don’t understand shit, or don’t want to understand. Forget Goldwater. Did Reagan give amnesty to illegal immigrants? Yes. That’s a fact. Would the current Republican Party support that now? No. That is a fact. Therefore, it is a fact that the Republican Party has moved further to the right in recent decades.
This was the case of another low turnout.

Capuano had 253,354 votes out of 256,911 cast in 2016
This primary only had a total of 93,000 vote. 35%?
Longtime incumbent Democratic Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA) lost his primary on Tuesday to anti-establishment insurgent Ayanna Pressley in the latest of a series of powerful incumbents to lose to grassroots-fueled outsiders.

Another Democrat Falls to Leftist Resistance: Incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano Loses Primary to Ocasio-Cortez-Backed Ayanna Pressley

The dems think they are doing good lmao i fyou only knew how you all have already lost as you think your BLUE wave is coming ding, ding no it's not oh wait it is possible because there are tons of thieves, cheaters, liars all working in the background to go for the win.
So, The party of Trump hasn’t moved to the right of Reagan on immigration?


You’re not very good at this, kid.

TBF, trump has mentioned amnesty for millions of people.
I agree. But how can anyone who has been paying attention to politics over the last 20, 30 years honestly say the Republican Party hasn’t moved right on any issue? Especially on immigration.

The American people decided it was time to start aggressively enforcing our immigration laws which have been on the books for years. Good Americans are smart enough to see that the browner this nation becomes the more of a nasty shithole it becomes. They decided to end the free for all for obvious reasons.
Do you always consider the enforcement of law as a move toward the Right?
Who pulled your string, stormfront reject?

My opinion on immigration is not the issue. PmsForever claimed that the Republican Party hasn’t moved to the right on any issue since Goldwater. He’s wrong.

Carry on, clown.
on what have they moved. the correct response would have included an example of something. We have plenty on the left, just ask JFK, 'ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Sad. or even Clinton's state of the union speech concerning borders and immigration. shit just ask hitlery about her campaign and where you are today with immigration. wow. but seriously, name something the right has moved further right of.
Cool story. The conversation is about the Republican Party moving to the right.

You’re welcome to start a thread about Democrats, though :thup:
well you're welcome to post an example, all I asked. so you don't have any so, you don't have anything right?

BTW, the OP is about democrats, so perhaps you should take your own advice and start a thread about republicans moving right. and then provide an example so we can discuss. but hey, take your fingers out of your ass and follow the OP.
The American people decided it was time to start aggressively enforcing our immigration laws which have been on the books for years. Good Americans are smart enough to see that the browner this nation becomes the more of a nasty shithole it becomes. They decided to end the free for all for obvious reasons.
Do you always consider the enforcement of law as a move toward the Right?
Who pulled your string, stormfront reject?

My opinion on immigration is not the issue. PmsForever claimed that the Republican Party hasn’t moved to the right on any issue since Goldwater. He’s wrong.

Carry on, clown.
on what have they moved. the correct response would have included an example of something. We have plenty on the left, just ask JFK, 'ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Sad. or even Clinton's state of the union speech concerning borders and immigration. shit just ask hitlery about her campaign and where you are today with immigration. wow. but seriously, name something the right has moved further right of.
Cool story. The conversation is about the Republican Party moving to the right.

You’re welcome to start a thread about Democrats, though :thup:
Republicans aren’t moving to the right.
Yes they are
wrong thread. get on topic.
Everybody sane knows the GOP has done nothing but move toward center over the last several years.

Why is it that Democrats never seem to actually understand the political spectrum?
Apparently, you don’t understand shit, or don’t want to understand. Forget Goldwater. Did Reagan give amnesty to illegal immigrants? Yes. That’s a fact. Would the current Republican Party support that now? No. That is a fact. Therefore, it is a fact that the Republican Party has moved further to the right in recent decades.
off topic. get on to the OP.
Ocasio-Cortez-backed Dem defeats 10-term congressman in primary, calls it fight for party's 'soul'
Ayanna Pressley, Dem backed by Ocasio-Cortez, upsets Michael Capuano in Massachusetts House primary

Boston city councilor Ayanna Pressley unseated 10-term U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano in a Democratic primary Tuesday in the latest shakeup of the House Democratic caucus by a far-left challenger.

Capuano conceded defeat to Pressley in the race to represent Massachusetts' 7th District approximately 30 minutes before The Associated Press formally called the race. With 69 percent of precincts reporting late Tuesday, Pressley had the lead by 10,682 votes.

Not lookin' good, Libtards, unless you're a left wing socialist wacko.
Neither side is defeated in a primary! Wake the fuck up!
/———/ The old guard, shoe- in, corrupt, careeer political hack was defeated. Just ask him.
If you guys can find the platform, I will be there.

I will debate ANY socialist. Be they a university professor, a talented politician, or global leader of a socialist nation. Give me an hour and I predict I leave the debate with only a scratch or two. Hell, we can have the debate at Berkeley as long as they pat down the students for weapons.

I can deal with the hissing and booing, they won't be be to deal with the truth. Socialism in the U.S.A will destroy your nation, and possibly even capitalism everywhere. Certainly your individual rights will be extinguished.

Well spoken. I would be happy to join your side in any such debate; any place, any time.
Let the democrook party go all the way left.

Pretty soon they'll be marching around with green woolen uniforms and red stars on their hats.


If that meat puppet faggot wasn't bad enough, these assholes let him in the WH pretending to be "centrist" and he would have been out in 2012 if the republicrats didn't try and pass of a sweeter version of that traitor Mclame to replace him.

There is a reason the DNC holds less seats right now than since 1929 and it's because their moonbat messiah dragged them harder left than hitlery wanted too. Now they have a few newer pieces of stalinist shit they're trying to pass off and I hope they continue to ensure republicrat victories until the DNC simply dissolves and the hardcore fucking retards go CPUSA, and the half that don't need plastic sheets will join the republicrats.

Then the Libertarian Party can hopefully rise up and become the actual opposition of global collectivists.
Completely? Hmm, something's wrong with that system.

Not at all. Every state has deadlines that have to be meet, keeps them from reprinting ballots 20 times

Though I guess they could do a write in campaign and see if that works.

So a write-in is possible, correct? (Seems highly unlikely, but whatever)

I assume that a write in is always possible. You willing to bet your house on the chances of a write in winning?

I do believe I've already clarified my position on that. Something wrong with your reading comprehension?

If you wanna put your house up against my $10, sure. :dunno:

Sorry, I missed the 2nd line of your post! my bad!

But yeah, since I do not own a house right now, I still cannot lose! :113:

In which case, I would not recommend betting your house against his.
Ocasio-Cortez-backed Dem defeats 10-term congressman in primary, calls it fight for party's 'soul'
Ayanna Pressley, Dem backed by Ocasio-Cortez, upsets Michael Capuano in Massachusetts House primary

Boston city councilor Ayanna Pressley unseated 10-term U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano in a Democratic primary Tuesday in the latest shakeup of the House Democratic caucus by a far-left challenger.

Capuano conceded defeat to Pressley in the race to represent Massachusetts' 7th District approximately 30 minutes before The Associated Press formally called the race. With 69 percent of precincts reporting late Tuesday, Pressley had the lead by 10,682 votes.

Not lookin' good, Libtards, unless you're a left wing socialist wacko.
Neither side is defeated in a primary! Wake the fuck up!
/———/ The old guard, shoe- in, corrupt, careeer political hack was defeated. Just ask him.
That does not mean a loss for the democrats! Parties win and lose in the general election! Get real!
Her victory is yet another testament in 2018 to the wave of pent-up ambition surging through the party.
Her victory is testament that Democrats are now officially retarded as a party.

You can say goodbye to most scientists and highly educated people being Democrats in the future.


yeah, they are suddenly going to jump to the anti-science Repubs!


This shit is comedy gold!
You do realize that Democrats now reject basic biology, right?

You do realize that gender is not a biological concept, but a literary one, right?

Biology deals with sexes, not genders.

An antipositivist who manages to contradict the entirety of radical American Left ideology in a record two posts. Meteoric dirt diving.
Ocasio-Cortez-backed Dem defeats 10-term congressman in primary, calls it fight for party's 'soul'
Ayanna Pressley, Dem backed by Ocasio-Cortez, upsets Michael Capuano in Massachusetts House primary

Boston city councilor Ayanna Pressley unseated 10-term U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano in a Democratic primary Tuesday in the latest shakeup of the House Democratic caucus by a far-left challenger.

Capuano conceded defeat to Pressley in the race to represent Massachusetts' 7th District approximately 30 minutes before The Associated Press formally called the race. With 69 percent of precincts reporting late Tuesday, Pressley had the lead by 10,682 votes.

Not lookin' good, Libtards, unless you're a left wing socialist wacko.
Neither side is defeated in a primary! Wake the fuck up!
/———/ The old guard, shoe- in, corrupt, careeer political hack was defeated. Just ask him.
That does not mean a loss for the democrats! Parties win and lose in the general election! Get real!
/——/ I know how primaries work. Establishment lost, upstart wins.

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