Ocasio-Cortez-backed Dem defeats 10-term congressman in primary, calls it fight for party's 'soul'
Ayanna Pressley, Dem backed by Ocasio-Cortez, upsets Michael Capuano in Massachusetts House primary

Boston city councilor Ayanna Pressley unseated 10-term U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano in a Democratic primary Tuesday in the latest shakeup of the House Democratic caucus by a far-left challenger.

Capuano conceded defeat to Pressley in the race to represent Massachusetts' 7th District approximately 30 minutes before The Associated Press formally called the race. With 69 percent of precincts reporting late Tuesday, Pressley had the lead by 10,682 votes.

Not lookin' good, Libtards, unless you're a left wing socialist wacko.
Neither side is defeated in a primary! Wake the fuck up!
/—-/ Capuano will be relived to hear he didn’t lose,
/———/ The old guard, shoe- in, corrupt, careeer political hack was defeated. Just ask him.
That does not mean a loss for the democrats! Parties win and lose in the general election! Get real!
/——/ I know how primaries work. Establishment lost, upstart wins.
Well calling the demacrats the establishment when they hold no seats and have no power is kinda funny! Who knows may be a good thing may be a bad thing for them! MAking the call right now is grossly premature! My very conservative grand mother used to have a saying "DO not count your chickens before they hatch!
they hold no seats? WTF?
Next to none! The Democrats do not have a majority in either house and the republicans hold the presidency. Dems are not the establishment right now republicans are in full control!
/—-/ Then why are democRATs squaring like scalded rats in the Kavanaugh hearings?
Ocasio-Cortez-backed Dem defeats 10-term congressman in primary, calls it fight for party's 'soul'
Ayanna Pressley, Dem backed by Ocasio-Cortez, upsets Michael Capuano in Massachusetts House primary

Boston city councilor Ayanna Pressley unseated 10-term U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano in a Democratic primary Tuesday in the latest shakeup of the House Democratic caucus by a far-left challenger.

Capuano conceded defeat to Pressley in the race to represent Massachusetts' 7th District approximately 30 minutes before The Associated Press formally called the race. With 69 percent of precincts reporting late Tuesday, Pressley had the lead by 10,682 votes.

Not lookin' good, Libtards, unless you're a left wing socialist wacko.
Neither side is defeated in a primary! Wake the fuck up!
/—-/ Capuano will be relived to hear he didn’t lose,

The thing about primaries is they are are between the same party, thus there is no losing or winning party like in a general election.

These are important concepts that you really should grasp prior to placing a vote.
Ocasio-Cortez-backed Dem defeats 10-term congressman in primary, calls it fight for party's 'soul'
Ayanna Pressley, Dem backed by Ocasio-Cortez, upsets Michael Capuano in Massachusetts House primary

Boston city councilor Ayanna Pressley unseated 10-term U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano in a Democratic primary Tuesday in the latest shakeup of the House Democratic caucus by a far-left challenger.

Capuano conceded defeat to Pressley in the race to represent Massachusetts' 7th District approximately 30 minutes before The Associated Press formally called the race. With 69 percent of precincts reporting late Tuesday, Pressley had the lead by 10,682 votes.

Not lookin' good, Libtards, unless you're a left wing socialist wacko.
Neither side is defeated in a primary! Wake the fuck up!
/—-/ Capuano will be relived to hear he didn’t lose,
You are an idiot. He lost not the party!
/———/ The old guard, shoe- in, corrupt, careeer political hack was defeated. Just ask him.
That does not mean a loss for the democrats! Parties win and lose in the general election! Get real!
/——/ I know how primaries work. Establishment lost, upstart wins.
Well calling the demacrats the establishment when they hold no seats and have no power is kinda funny! Who knows may be a good thing may be a bad thing for them! MAking the call right now is grossly premature! My very conservative grand mother used to have a saying "DO not count your chickens before they hatch!
they hold no seats? WTF?
Next to none! The Democrats do not have a majority in either house and the republicans hold the presidency. Dems are not the establishment right now republicans are in full control!
So Conservatives control the culture and the schools?
Longtime incumbent Democratic Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA) lost his primary on Tuesday to anti-establishment insurgent Ayanna Pressley in the latest of a series of powerful incumbents to lose to grassroots-fueled outsiders.

Another Democrat Falls to Leftist Resistance: Incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano Loses Primary to Ocasio-Cortez-Backed Ayanna Pressley

The dems think they are doing good lmao i fyou only knew how you all have already lost as you think your BLUE wave is coming ding, ding no it's not oh wait it is possible because there are tons of thieves, cheaters, liars all working in the background to go for the win.

Horrors! A career politician unseated? WHAT'LL WE DO??

A future without the Same Old Swamp Thing?? :eek:

the infamy.
That does not mean a loss for the democrats! Parties win and lose in the general election! Get real!
/——/ I know how primaries work. Establishment lost, upstart wins.
Well calling the demacrats the establishment when they hold no seats and have no power is kinda funny! Who knows may be a good thing may be a bad thing for them! MAking the call right now is grossly premature! My very conservative grand mother used to have a saying "DO not count your chickens before they hatch!
they hold no seats? WTF?
Next to none! The Democrats do not have a majority in either house and the republicans hold the presidency. Dems are not the establishment right now republicans are in full control!
So Conservatives control the culture and the schools?
they also don't have the judicial branch. I wish leftists were aware of things.
That does not mean a loss for the democrats! Parties win and lose in the general election! Get real!
/——/ I know how primaries work. Establishment lost, upstart wins.
Well calling the demacrats the establishment when they hold no seats and have no power is kinda funny! Who knows may be a good thing may be a bad thing for them! MAking the call right now is grossly premature! My very conservative grand mother used to have a saying "DO not count your chickens before they hatch!
they hold no seats? WTF?
Next to none! The Democrats do not have a majority in either house and the republicans hold the presidency. Dems are not the establishment right now republicans are in full control!
So Conservatives control the culture and the schools?
Yes more than the Dems do! That is how power works when one party owns the both houses and the presidency the other party can get nothing done! How are the democrats passing any thing? They can pass nothing with out republican help and a lot of it!
/——/ I know how primaries work. Establishment lost, upstart wins.
Well calling the demacrats the establishment when they hold no seats and have no power is kinda funny! Who knows may be a good thing may be a bad thing for them! MAking the call right now is grossly premature! My very conservative grand mother used to have a saying "DO not count your chickens before they hatch!
they hold no seats? WTF?
Next to none! The Democrats do not have a majority in either house and the republicans hold the presidency. Dems are not the establishment right now republicans are in full control!
So Conservatives control the culture and the schools?
Yes more than the Dems do! That is how power works when one party owns the both houses and the presidency the other party can get nothing done! How are the democrats passing any thing? They can pass nothing with out republican help and a lot of it!
the senate is not controlled wholly by the GOP. need nine demolosers. you should read up.
/——/ I know how primaries work. Establishment lost, upstart wins.
Well calling the demacrats the establishment when they hold no seats and have no power is kinda funny! Who knows may be a good thing may be a bad thing for them! MAking the call right now is grossly premature! My very conservative grand mother used to have a saying "DO not count your chickens before they hatch!
they hold no seats? WTF?
Next to none! The Democrats do not have a majority in either house and the republicans hold the presidency. Dems are not the establishment right now republicans are in full control!
So Conservatives control the culture and the schools?
they also don't have the judicial branch. I wish leftists were aware of things.
I wish you were not so stupid to say the party that has no majority any where is in control! The only way you control any thing with out a majority some where is if the other party is monumentaly stupdi and let you!
Well calling the demacrats the establishment when they hold no seats and have no power is kinda funny! Who knows may be a good thing may be a bad thing for them! MAking the call right now is grossly premature! My very conservative grand mother used to have a saying "DO not count your chickens before they hatch!
they hold no seats? WTF?
Next to none! The Democrats do not have a majority in either house and the republicans hold the presidency. Dems are not the establishment right now republicans are in full control!
So Conservatives control the culture and the schools?
Yes more than the Dems do! That is how power works when one party owns the both houses and the presidency the other party can get nothing done! How are the democrats passing any thing? They can pass nothing with out republican help and a lot of it!
the senate is not controlled wholly by the GOP. need nine demolosers. you should read up.
You should read up if you think the dmes are in control you are to stupid to talk to!
The election is less than 2 months away, it is not even possible for that to happen!

Completely? Hmm, something's wrong with that system.

Not at all. Every state has deadlines that have to be meet, keeps them from reprinting ballots 20 times

Though I guess they could do a write in campaign and see if that works.
Murkowski did that successfully in Alaska.

Lieberman in connecticut
When the positions held by a candidate align with the views of the majority of people in the nation, it is weird to say that they are too far left.

Medicare for all.
Campaign finance reform.
Comprehensive immigration reform.
Expanding SS.
Believing climate scientists.

These are mainstream issues.
it takes but one question, where does the funding come from? I'll wait.

The democrat primaries are really between two distinct ideologies. There are American democrats and Democrat socialists. In areas where the American population has largely been replaced, democrat socialists are winning quite easily.
Yes, they sure can try!

Let me know when it works out for them!
Considering that Cortez is probably going to lose in a district that was thought to be beyond safe for Democrats, I would say that I am letting you know right now.

Cortez will win easily. The Republican running against her is a figurehead with no real interest in winning. I guess they wanted somebody's name to be on the ballot.

The candidate we are discussing in this thread has already won as the Republicans didn't bother to field a candidate,
Crowley is splitting the vote.

And that still might not be enough. Crowley is just a sore loser.
She only got 16,000 votes.

Her ceiling is extremely low.

Crowley is not running in Massachusetts. He is running in NY and you should never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Polls don't mean shit anymore after 2016. We have all seen they are wrong most of the time.
The election is less than 2 months away, it is not even possible for that to happen!

Completely? Hmm, something's wrong with that system.

Not at all. Every state has deadlines that have to be meet, keeps them from reprinting ballots 20 times

Though I guess they could do a write in campaign and see if that works.
Murkowski did that successfully in Alaska.

Lieberman in connecticut

Lieberman didn't run as a write-in. He formed an actual party.

>> The party was established on July 10, 2006, and began collecting signatures in case Lieberman did not win the Connecticut Democratic primary.[4] On August 8, 2006, Lieberman lost the Democratic primary to Lamont. The next day, over 7,500 signatures were filed with the Secretary of State's office in support of Lieberman's candidacy. On August 23, the Secretary of State announced that the party had filed enough valid signatures and would appear on the ballot in November.[5] <<
Murkowski was the second Senate candidate to win as a write-in. The first was Strom Thurmond in 1954 after the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot. That's how he got into the Senate.
The election is less than 2 months away, it is not even possible for that to happen!

Completely? Hmm, something's wrong with that system.

Not at all. Every state has deadlines that have to be meet, keeps them from reprinting ballots 20 times

Though I guess they could do a write in campaign and see if that works.
Murkowski did that successfully in Alaska.

Lieberman in connecticut

Lieberman didn't run as a write-in. He formed an actual party.

>> The party was established on July 10, 2006, and began collecting signatures in case Lieberman did not win the Connecticut Democratic primary.[4] On August 8, 2006, Lieberman lost the Democratic primary to Lamont. The next day, over 7,500 signatures were filed with the Secretary of State's office in support of Lieberman's candidacy. On August 23, the Secretary of State announced that the party had filed enough valid signatures and would appear on the ballot in November.[5] <<
Murkowski was the second Senate candidate to win as a write-in. The first was Strom Thurmond in 1954 after the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot. That's how he got into the Senate.

No shit, captain obvious. Everyone knows how anal you are. I mean everyone
Joe Crowley Part II: Electric Boogaloo. Another white male Democrat gets eaten by his party's own divisive racial and gender pimping.

BOSTON — Ayanna Pressley upended the Massachusetts political order on Tuesday, scoring a stunning upset of 10-term Representative Michael Capuano, who conceded to her in a Democratic primary that few said she could win.

Ms. Pressley, 44, is now poised to become the first African-American in the state to be elected to the House of Representatives. There is no Republican on the November ballot in this storied Boston-based district, which was once represented by John F. Kennedy and is one of the most left leaning in the country.

Ayanna Pressley Stuns Capuano in Massachusetts House Race in Upset for Insurgents
Another black female breaks glass ceilings by being the first black councilperson in Boston's history, then by maybe being the first black congressperson from Massachusetts, ever.... for shame, for shame, Democrats...:rolleyes:
Aside from being black, what qualifications does she have?
Your Google's broken again, eh? Sorry to hear it....
Another black female breaks glass ceilings by being the first black councilperson in Boston's history, then by maybe being the first black congressperson from Massachusetts, ever.... for shame, for shame, Democrats...:rolleyes:
Idiot. The first black US senator was from Mass. Why do you wallow in such ignorance?
Sorry, representative. Thank you for googling it for me, son.

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