Congressman Say US Economy Going Down the Tube


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Congressman: Greece-like ‘day of reckoning’ complete with ‘riots’ to hit America soon if country keeps going down same path

Louisiana Republican Rep. John Fleming told The Daily Caller that, ever since President Barack Obama’s re-election last Tuesday, he has been advising Americans to play it safe financially because he believes the economy — and the state of the country — may soon get much worse.

Read more: Congressman: Greece-like

Yet another right win nay sayer. Had Romney won he would have been singing a different song.

I am not saying he is entirely wrong, but his reasons for that conclusion is wrong.
If Romney had won, the economy would be recovering, not going down the tubes.
Yet another right win nay sayer. Had Romney won he would have been singing a different song.

I am not saying he is entirely wrong, but his reasons for that conclusion is wrong.
So the "Power of Positive Thinking" will kick start the Economy? :lol:
Yet another right win nay sayer. Had Romney won he would have been singing a different song.

I am not saying he is entirely wrong, but his reasons for that conclusion is wrong.
I disagree with the second paragraph. The same result would have been seen for the same reasons under a Romney administration.
Louisiana Republican Rep. John Fleming told The Daily Caller that, ever since President Barack Obama’s re-election last Tuesday, he has been advising Americans to play it safe financially because he believes the economy — and the state of the country — may soon get much worse.

Given that said Congressman has been advocating policies that would result in another Depression his waarning comes a little late.
Yet another right win nay sayer. Had Romney won he would have been singing a different song.

I am not saying he is entirely wrong, but his reasons for that conclusion is wrong.
So the "Power of Positive Thinking" will kick start the Economy? :lol:
Which romney policy. One he pushed recently? One he used to swear by. Has anyone seen his economic plan?

too stupid!! He wanted eliminate Obamacare and move toward capitalism like any Republican or libertarian. What planet have you been on???
Louisiana Republican Rep. John Fleming told The Daily Caller that, ever since President Barack Obama’s re-election last Tuesday, he has been advising Americans to play it safe financially because he believes the economy — and the state of the country — may soon get much worse.

Given that said Congressman has been advocating policies that would result in another Depression his waarning comes a little late.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to identify the policies. What does your fear tell you about your IQ and character??
Yet another right win nay sayer. Had Romney won he would have been singing a different song.

I am not saying he is entirely wrong, but his reasons for that conclusion is wrong.
So the "Power of Positive Thinking" will kick start the Economy? :lol:
Which romney policy. One he pushed recently? One he used to swear by. Has anyone seen his economic plan?

It was "Trust me" I think.
You must have faith in your party.
So the "Power of Positive Thinking" will kick start the Economy? :lol:
Which romney policy. One he pushed recently? One he used to swear by. Has anyone seen his economic plan?

It was "Trust me" I think.
You must have faith in your party.

since Jefferson it has been, trust me we are more capitalist than they are and capitalism seems to work, which is why China switched from socialism to capitalism and why our perfect idiot liberals want to switch to socialism and are encouraging China and East German to do the same.
Louisiana Republican Rep. John Fleming told The Daily Caller that, ever since President Barack Obama’s re-election last Tuesday, he has been advising Americans to play it safe financially because he believes the economy — and the state of the country — may soon get much worse.

Given that said Congressman has been advocating policies that would result in another Depression his waarning comes a little late.
You do realize that the misery index, Inflation plus unemployment, is higher now than in 1933 if total inflation not just core inflation is used?
Louisiana Republican Rep. John Fleming told The Daily Caller that, ever since President Barack Obama’s re-election last Tuesday, he has been advising Americans to play it safe financially because he believes the economy — and the state of the country — may soon get much worse.

Given that said Congressman has been advocating policies that would result in another Depression his waarning comes a little late.
You do realize that the misery index, Inflation plus unemployment, is higher now than in 1933 if total inflation not just core inflation is used?
Hard to believe. unemployment was as high as 24.9% in 1933, versus 7.8% now. Inflation was negative in 1933. As low as -10% and averaging over 5% for the full year of 1933. So I am not sure what the effort to prove the misery index is worse now than in 1933 in is all about, but I would suggest it proves nothing in this case. Because, you see, a negative inflation rate is not a good thing.

Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2012, Annual and Monthly Tables - US Inflation Calculator
Which romney policy.

since Jefferson the Republican/Romney plan has been, trust me we are more capitalist than they are and capitalism actually seems to work, which is why China switched from socialism to capitalism and why our perfect idiot liberals want to switch to socialism and why they are encouraging China and East Germany to do the same.
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Which romney policy.

since Jefferson the Republican/Romney plan has been, trust me we are more capitalist than they are and capitalism actually seems to work, which is why China switched from socialism to capitalism and why our perfect idiot liberals want to switch to socialism and why they are encouraging China and East Germany to do the same.

You said the exact same thing in Post# 12. :lol: Except this time you spelled "Germany" correctly! :eusa_clap:
Regarding China, China has what is called State Capitalism, hardly modeled after true capitalism. Look it up. Also, the socialistic policies of the Chinese government makes the US's limited social programs look tame.
East Germany? East Germany ceased to exist in 1990, what are you babbling about? :lol:
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oldfart said:
Given that said Congressman has been advocating policies that would result in another Depression his waarning comes a little late.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to identify the policies. What does your fear tell you about your IQ and character??

The policies I am refering to are the efforts to reduce spending in the face of a major downturn in the economy. It's called an "Eisenhower" after the president who last tried to balance the budget by reducing spending in a downturn. The only reason two of his three recessions (a record which stands today for any one president) were mild was that at te same time was backing the largest public works program in American history, the centerpiece of which was the Interstate Highway System. You know, the guy they refer to by the blue signs with five stars in a circle on all the Interstates?
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The policies I am referring to are the efforts to reduce spending in the face of a major downturn in the economy.

too stupid and perfectly 1000% liberal!!! Of course you must reduce drug consumption when you are hopelessly addicted.

Would you tell a drunk to drink more when he is dying of alcoholism?

Would you tell a nation to create new Solyndra soviet mal-investment bubbles when it is already enduring a liberal mal-investment housing depression bubble.

Would you tell a nation to create a new
liberal bubble to replace the previous liberal bubble with a new one?

Any 10 year old can understand that people and nations must live within their means, just not liberals who really have less intelligence than 10 year olds.

Why not wait till college or go over your posts with your Mom before you post here??
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The policies I am referring to are the efforts to reduce spending in the face of a major downturn in the economy.

too stupid and perfectly 1000% liberal!!! Of course you must reduce drug consumption when you are hopelessly addicted.

Would you tell a drunk to drink more when he is dying of alcoholism?

Would you tell a nation to create new Solyndra soviet mal-investment bubbles when it is already enduring a liberal mal-investment housing depression bubble.

Would you tell a nation to create a new
liberal bubble to replace the previous liberal bubble with a new one?

Any 10 year old can understand that people and nations must live within their means, just not liberals who really have less intelligence than 10 year olds.

Why not wait till college or go over your posts with your Mom before you post here??
Ed, you really need to get back on your meds. You are completely out of your comfort zone. You know, trying to pretend like you actually know something.
The policies I am referring to are the efforts to reduce spending in the face of a major downturn in the economy.

too stupid and perfectly 1000% liberal!!! Of course you must reduce drug consumption when you are hopelessly addicted.

Would you tell a drunk to drink more when he is dying of alcoholism?

Would you tell a nation to create new Solyndra soviet mal-investment bubbles when it is already enduring a liberal mal-investment housing depression bubble.

Would you tell a nation to create a new
liberal bubble to replace the previous liberal bubble with a new one?

Any 10 year old can understand that people and nations must live within their means, just not liberals who really have less intelligence than 10 year olds.

Why not wait till college or go over your posts with your Mom before you post here??
Ed, you really need to get back on your meds. You are completely out of your comfort zone. You know, trying to pretend like you actually know something.

too stupid and perfectly 1000% liberal!!! Of course you must reduce drug consumption when you are hopelessly addicted.

Would you tell a drunk to drink more when he is dying of alcoholism?

Would you tell a nation to create new Solyndra soviet mal-investment bubbles when it is already enduring a liberal mal-investment housing depression bubble.

Would you tell a nation to create a new
liberal bubble to replace the previous liberal bubble with a new one?

Any 10 year old can understand that people and nations must live within their means, just not liberals who really have less intelligence than 10 year olds.

Why not wait till college or go over your posts with your Mom before you post here??

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