Congressman Steve King: Obama Lacked 'American Experience' Growing Up; Can't Vouch Where He Was Born

Learning to put his hand over his heart when saying the pledge. He missed out on being born to two U.S. citizen parents which would have guaranteed constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizenship granting him born sole allegiance and love to America. He missed out being raised a Christian rather than a Muslim.

Is that a criminal offense now? And, let me ask.....was that picture taken DURING the pledge? Was it just before? Was it just after? How do you know what was going on At....That....Moment when the picture was taken?

According to: Barack Obama and the National Anthem

It is very true.
Experts on the national anthem say the law seems a bit out of date, given its reference to a man's "headdress." Yet it's still cited in several military manuals found on the Web.

Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of The Star-Spangled Banner.

"I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."
Read more at Barack Obama and the National Anthem
Putting your hand over your heart during the pledge should come naturally without 2nd thought..............if you are a true American in his 50s. Unfortununately with Obama, he's not one.

Since that was the singing of the national anthem, not the pledge.....Stevie the racist is just lying again.
I did say the anthem. You are selectively editing my posts out of context.
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Is that a criminal offense now? And, let me ask.....was that picture taken DURING the pledge? Was it just before? Was it just after? How do you know what was going on At....That....Moment when the picture was taken?

According to: Barack Obama and the National Anthem

It is very true.
Experts on the national anthem say the law seems a bit out of date, given its reference to a man's "headdress." Yet it's still cited in several military manuals found on the Web.

Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart, said Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of The Star-Spangled Banner.

"I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."
Read more at Barack Obama and the National Anthem
Putting your hand over your heart during the pledge should come naturally without 2nd thought..............if you are a true American in his 50s. Unfortununately with Obama, he's not one.

Since that was the singing of the national anthem, not the pledge.....Stevie the racist is just lying again.
I did say the anthem. You are selectively editing my posts out of contexts.

No- you just are lying again- but then again you are posting so pointing out you are lying is somewhat redundant.

Stevie the racist posting/lying:
Learning to put his hand over his heart when saying the pledge. He missed out on being born to two U.S. citizen parents which would have guaranteed constitutional Article 2 Section 1 natural born citizenship granting him born sole allegiance and love to America. He missed out being raised a Christian rather than a Muslim

Stevie the racist posting/lying:
Putting your hand over your heart during the pledge should come naturally without 2nd thought..............if you are a true American in his 50s. Unfortununately with Obama, he's not one

All referring to a photo of President Barack Obama during the singing of the National Anthem.
the facts as I understand them. Please feel free to disagree but say how and why you disagree.

1. Obama was born in Hawaii, the newpaper notices would be hard to forge.
2. He was raised in his early years not in America but in Indonesia by his step Father and Mother. That is where his documents were forged saying his name was Barry Soroto.
3. Using his allias he attended a muslim school for a number of years.
4. When abandoned by both his mother and father he was then raised in Hawaii by his Maternal Grandmother and Grandfather.
5. He was deeply influenced by Frank Davis.
6. He admits to both the frequent use of MJ, cocaine and driving DUI.
7. Somehow someway with admittedly marginal grades he was accepted to Columbia and then Harvard Law school. Where, without writing much of note he was made president of the Harvard Law Review.
8. Somehow being a community organizer he also became a millionaire.
9. Having never lived in Connecticut he has a SS number indicating that he did.
10. He won elections not so much on merit but by destroying his opponents.
11. He traveled, at times, to countries not allowed to US citizens.

There is more but by what we know his experience is not exactly that of most Americans and certainly not that of black Americans.

1) correct.
2) He was raised for most of his childhood in Hawaii- but spent 4 years in Indonesia with his mother- and her husband. There is no evidence that his 'documents' were ever forged.
3) Under the name Barry Soetoro he attended both a Catholic School and a public Muslim school.
4) His mother did not abandon him- she sent him back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents and attend American school. Not an unusual arrangement for ex-pats.
5) He was deeply influenced by his grandparents.
6) He admitted to frequent use of pot and having used cocaine, while in high school
7) There is no indication that President Obama ever had 'marginal grades'. He went first to Occidental College, and then transferred to Columbia. After working for about 2 years he applied and was accepted into Harvard Law.
8) Barack Obama was a 'community organizer' before going to Harvard Law School. After graduating from Columbia, Obama spent a year with a publishing house, and then spent about 3 years as a community organizer helping poor residents of Chicago. Then he went to Harvard Law School, and after Harvard Law school, taught law. He became a millionaire by writing two best selling books.
9) Social Security numbers do not indicate where someone has lived.
10) Barack Obama was elected President twice, both by large margins. IF you think that was because he 'destroyed McCain and Romney's records'- well that is your issue.
11) Barack Obama never traveled to any countries American were not allowed to travel in. Just a Birther lie spread to confuse the gullible.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Having an American mother?
Who was a race traitor mudshark .

I missed this gem from the Stevie the racist earlier.

No wonder Stevie hates Obama- not only did he consort with white women- they were hotter than Stevie could ever imagine himself being with

What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Having an American mother?
Who was a race traitor mudshark .

I missed this gem from the Stevie the racist earlier.

No wonder Stevie hates Obama- not only did he consort with white women- they were hotter than Stevie could ever imagine himself being with

You're in ecstasy obsessively playing the race card! Seek therapy.
What "American Experiences" did Obama miss out on growing up?

Playing for his High School Basketball team?
Dating white girls?
Going to the prom?
Hanging out with his friends?

Having an American mother?
Who was a race traitor mudshark .

I missed this gem from the Stevie the racist earlier.

No wonder Stevie hates Obama- not only did he consort with white women- they were hotter than Stevie could ever imagine himself being with

You're in ecstasy obsessively playing the race card! Seek therapy.

LOL.....I bet your blood pressure spikes every time you see a black man with a white woman.....


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