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Rep. Steve King: Obama Wasn't Raised American With An American Experience

I'll believe that hatred of Obama is not about race - when Obama haters elect a black presidential candidate.

I don't foresee Allen West, Ben Carson, or Herman Cain residing in the White House anytime soon.

They are only used by the Obama haters as token smokescreens.
I saw a study that people who believe that vaccinations cause autism are the same people who believe Obama was born outside the country. Too stupid to protect their own children? Seems to be the case.

You do realize of course that for the most part, the anti-vaccination crowd are liberals don't you?
And he is right. Here is what the good patriotic congressman actually stated:

“His vision of America isn’t like our version of America. That we know,” King said of Obama. “Now I don’t assert where he was born, I will just tell you that we are all certain that he was not raised with an American experience. So these things that beat in our hearts when we hear the National Anthem and when we say the Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t beat the same for him.”

What King is referring to is the fact that Obama is not what the founders envisioned when they framed Article 2 Section 1 for the presidency. It was designed so we could have a true natural born Citizen president born to U.S. citizen parents and raised in this country to ensure sole allegiance to the United States as a safety net for national security purposes so no foreign influences would affect their decision making and put America in jeopardy. It's apparent with Obama that his early upbringing by his alleged mother and alleged foreign step father (who was a Muslim) in a foreign country clearly negated what it is for him to experience pure traditional American values, ethics and exceptionalism and have those qualities instilled in him. Now America's sovereignty is suffering at a catastrophic state due to his misunderstanding of what it is to be a true American natural born Citizen. The congressman is right, Obama was not raised with an American Experience.


this fraud is being more and more exposed for the foreign facist dictater he really is.
I anxiously await the day when birther conspiracy advocates have anything of any relevance to say about anything.

You must've missed where they said he magically flew from Kenya (which didn't even exist then) to Hawaii, placed two birth announcements in two different newspapers and then magically flew back to Kenya in time to be born.

And, THEY missed the fact that it was the health department who actually placed those birth announcements.

Gotta love it.
Gotta love the facts that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the way births were allowed to be recorded back in 1961 triggering the birth announcements through the Hawaii Health Dept. I will let the Maricopa County Lead investigator Mike Zullo explain how it was done. Pay attention at 48:00 to 51:00 of the official press conference.

And why the Hawaii newspaper birth announcements doesn't mean he was actually born in Hawaii, go to exactly 118:00 of the first press conference as Maricopa County investigator Zullo explains.

these trolls probably think that hawaii lady official that came out and said documents show he is not a us citizen dying a mysterious death was jjust a coincidence as well im sure.:cuckoo: Heck they probably think all the witnesses in dealy plaza on nov 22nd 1963 who gave versions different than the warren commission who all ended up dying mysterious deaths afterwards were not killed off by the government either.:lol::lol::D

they all think obama is looking out for our best interests serving the people and would NEVER have this lady killed off for exposing him.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

Mysterious Death Related to Obama's Fake Birth Certificate - Victoria Jackson

even though clinton did the same thing having the CIA kill off people who knew about him allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the mena arkansas airport when he was governor there.:cuckoo:
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You must've missed where they said he magically flew from Kenya (which didn't even exist then) to Hawaii, placed two birth announcements in two different newspapers and then magically flew back to Kenya in time to be born.

And, THEY missed the fact that it was the health department who actually placed those birth announcements.

Gotta love it.
Gotta love the facts that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the way births were allowed to be recorded back in 1961 triggering the birth announcements through the Hawaii Health Dept. I will let the Maricopa County Lead investigator Mike Zullo explain how it was done. Pay attention at 48:00 to 51:00 of the official press conference.

And why the Hawaii newspaper birth announcements doesn't mean he was actually born in Hawaii, go to exactly 118:00 of the first press conference as Maricopa County investigator Zullo explains.

these trolls probably think that hawaii lady official that came out and said documents show he is not a us citizen dying a mysterious death was jjust a coincidence as well im sure.:cuckoo: Heck they probably think all the witnesses in dealy plaza on nov 22nd 1963 who gave versions different than the warren commission who all ended up dying mysterious deaths afterwards were not killed off by the government either.:lol::lol::D

they all think obama is looking out for our best interests serving the people and would NEVER have this lady killed off for exposing him.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

Mysterious Death Related to Obama's Fake Birth Certificate - Victoria Jackson

even though clinton did the same thing having the CIA kill off people who knew about him allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the mena arkansas airport when he was governor there.:cuckoo:

Victoria Jackson quoting Orly Taitz.....:lol:
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You must've missed where they said he magically flew from Kenya (which didn't even exist then) to Hawaii, placed two birth announcements in two different newspapers and then magically flew back to Kenya in time to be born.

And, THEY missed the fact that it was the health department who actually placed those birth announcements.

Gotta love it.
Gotta love the facts that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the way births were allowed to be recorded back in 1961 triggering the birth announcements through the Hawaii Health Dept. I will let the Maricopa County Lead investigator Mike Zullo explain how it was done. Pay attention at 48:00 to 51:00 of the official press conference.

And why the Hawaii newspaper birth announcements doesn't mean he was actually born in Hawaii, go to exactly 118:00 of the first press conference as Maricopa County investigator Zullo explains.

these trolls probably think that hawaii lady official that came out and said documents show he is not a us citizen dying a mysterious death was jjust a coincidence as well im sure.:cuckoo: Heck they probably think all the witnesses in dealy plaza on nov 22nd 1963 who gave versions different than the warren commission who all ended up dying mysterious deaths afterwards were not killed off by the government either.:lol::lol::D

they all think obama is looking out for our best interests serving the people and would NEVER have this lady killed off for exposing him.:cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

Mysterious Death Related to Obama's Fake Birth Certificate - Victoria Jackson

even though clinton did the same thing having the CIA kill off people who knew about him allowing the CIA to smuggle drugs into the mena arkansas airport when he was governor there.:cuckoo:

Victoria Jackson? Another prestigious and reliable source.
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Victoria Jackson???

As in, the failed comedienne with the screechy voice and the completely whacked inability to grasp reality?

THAT Victoria Jackson?


Next, you fools will be quoting Arpaio's phony posse.

Oh wait.

Never mind.
You know when you wipe and those little clingers hang on? That's like birthers. No matter how much real evidence they are given, they still cling to the silliness.
Victoria Jackson???

As in, the failed comedienne with the screechy voice and the completely whacked inability to grasp reality?

THAT Victoria Jackson?


Next, you fools will be quoting Arpaio's phony posse.

Oh wait.

Never mind.

It's only fair. You guys have Bill Maher and Michael Moore, soooo.........
Wow! So now, Americans that have expanded their cultural realm, and had the chance to experience other cultures, LIKE I DID, and other nations in their youth, are NOW UNAMERICAN?

Tell that to all the Air Force brats that got the same experience as Obama living overseas...

It's TIME, to nip this kind of backward or back woods thinking, in the bud.

Well, that's pretty obvious. King nailed it. Although, i would add he's a criminal traitor as well. He's consistently put foreign interests and his own, above the American Peoples' interests. But he can't help it. It's how he was raised. He was raised to despise America and 'Get Whitey.' It's what his 'Church' in Chicago was all about. But besides all that, he should have already been Impeached for his awful IRS abuses alone. He's a criminal. Period, end of story.
these trolls probably think that hawaii lady official that came out and said documents show he is not a us citizen dying a mysterious death was jjust a coincidence as well

Loretta Fuddy never said that the 'documents show he is not a US citizen'. Ever. You've completely hallucinated that. In fact, when the Secretary of State of Arizona requested that the State of Hawaii confirm Obama was born in the State and is eligible to be president, it was Fuddy's office that confirmed it.

With the Secretary of State of Arizona forced to admit, publicly, that Obama was born in Hawaii and is eligible.

And neither did Dr. Chiyome Fukino, who also inspected the documents as Director of Health of Hawaii before Fuddy. And in press conferences indicated that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States. This is a woman appointed by a republican governor. And they say the same thing as everyone else:

Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen of the United States.

they all think obama is looking out for our best interests serving the people and would NEVER have this lady killed off for exposing him

The obvious problem being.....no 'killed off' Loretta Fuddy. She died in a plane crash. Full autopsies were done and there's zero indication of foul play. Let alone foul play perpetrated by Obama.

You've imagined it all. Just like you imagined that Fuddy had "came out and said documents show he is not a us citizen". None of that actually happened.

In short, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Wow! So now, Americans that have expanded their cultural realm, and had the chance to experience other cultures, LIKE I DID, and other nations in their youth, are NOW UNAMERICAN?

Yup. The only way you can visit a foreign country and not become 'tainted' is if you're fighting a war there. At least in the minds of many conservatives.

IF you even know a foreign language, you're suspect.....as both Romney and Huntsman both learned. With Santorum getting surprising approval from the fringe right for the disdain he expressed for the college educated.

There's a fierce vein of anti-intellectualism and outright xenophobia in the republican party that's pretty loathsome. And depressingly embedded.
You know when you wipe and those little clingers hang on? That's like birthers. No matter how much real evidence they are given, they still cling to the silliness.

What possible use would evidence be for those who don't use it?
Gotta love the facts that you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the way births were allowed to be recorded back in 1961 triggering the birth announcements through the Hawaii Health Dept. I will let the Maricopa County Lead investigator Mike Zullo explain how it was done. Pay attention at 48:00 to 51:00 of the official press conference.

The obvious problem with that narrative being....

Birthers wave off those birth announcements, saying that Obama family members 48 years ago could have phoned in false information to both newspapers.

Such vital statistics, however, were not sent to the newspapers by the general public but by the Health Department, which received the information directly from hospitals, Okubo said.

Hawaii officials confirm Obama’s original birth certificate still exists | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper

The Health Department of Hawaii beats any 'posse' in Arizona. Hands down.
No one really knows much about Barack Hussein Obama. That's the sad disturbing reality. His life is a mystery and a lie. He's also a criminal.
No one really knows much about Barack Hussein Obama. That's the sad disturbing reality. His life is a mystery and a lie. He's also a criminal.

Then you're arguing that you don't know what you're talking about and can't contribute anything intelligent to the conversation.

Yet still feel the need to comment. Odd that.
Looks like Obama has had more of an American Experience than Steve King
Looks like Obama has had more of an American Experience than Steve King

Not by King's standards. By the thinking of some conservatives, the more you know about the world outside our borders, the less American you are.

Which is why both Romney and Huntsman were criticized in the Republican primaries for knowing foreign languages. And Obama is criticized for (gasp!) actually living in a foreign country. Ignorance, it seems, is slowly becoming a GOP value.

Though apparently consistency isn't. As you never hear the 'American Experience' argument used on say, Ted Cruz. A natural born Canadian born to a Cuban Canadian father who lived for 4 years with our neighbors to the north.

But then, if Barack Obama had been Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin, you probably wouldn't be hearing any of this 'American Experience' gibberish from the right either.

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