Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

Hell, even Obama's people have finally admitted the video was a lie. You're not as smart as you think you are, Kiwi.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?
Last edited:
It's not about the numbers dumb ass. It's about the lying afterward.

"A House investigation into the Benghazi embassy attack concluded that the Obama administration was not guilty of any deliberate, negligent wrongdoing, according to Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.). Thompson told SFGate that the report, from a GOP-led panel, "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order" was given to troops in the area."
House intel report on Benghazi finds no secret Obama scandal - The Week

Just keep on spinning away with your narrow-minded hate and keep on looking like an egotistical political hack! :eusa_clap:
I'm severely bored with you! You are way too easy. You need to tear yourself away from the obvious strongly biased talking points that have already been debunked. :disbelief: :lmao:
It's not about the numbers dumb ass. It's about the lying afterward.

"A House investigation into the Benghazi embassy attack concluded that the Obama administration was not guilty of any deliberate, negligent wrongdoing, according to Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.). Thompson told SFGate that the report, from a GOP-led panel, "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order" was given to troops in the area."
House intel report on Benghazi finds no secret Obama scandal - The Week

Just keep on spinning away with your narrow-minded hate and keep on looking like an egotistical political hack! :eusa_clap:
I'm severely bored with you! You are way too easy. You need to tear yourself away from the obvious strongly biased talking points that have already been debunked. :disbelief: :lmao:

You're an idiot Kiwi. The more you post in this thread, the more of an idiot I see you are. What you just posted as your justification just about made me fall in the floor with laughter. It's ok though....the little light will go off for you at some point. As for talking points, shits for brains....that's you darling. My insight on this doesn't come from liberal ass articles or severely outdated reports you put so much more stock in than decorated Veterans that were actually there.

But thanks for bumping my thread, dumb ass.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?
Oh, and I forgot to add the quote about the dumbass Democrat Thompson highlighted in this article.....that you just provided as evidence:

Certainly it's possible Thompson was sugar-coating the report ahead of its formal release.......
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

LOL, Lakkkky, one thing I've learned about many of you libs on this board is you're not here for intellectual debate. I've never seen so many stupid people in such close proximity as you tards. There are some libs on here that do have class and do want an intellectual exchange, but lackkkkydoooooo, you're not even close to falling in that category.

To show how stupid you are, I've already answered a number of those questions. So stick to your diversion schtick and stop pretending to ask real questions.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

LOL, Lakkkky, one thing I've learned about many of you libs on this board is you're not here for intellectual debate. I've never seen so many stupid people in such close proximity as you tards. There are some libs on here that do have class and do want an intellectual exchange, but lackkkkydoooooo, you're not even close to falling in that category.

To show how stupid you are, I've already answered a number of those questions. So stick to your diversion schtick and stop pretending to ask real questions.

Those are real questions. You just throw rightwing Benghazi talking points on the wall hoping something will stick. I want an honest Conservative to answer my questions the way I have laid them out. I'm not trying to be devious - I honestly want to know - and I want it all TOGETHER. Judging from your childish last post - I believe you're afraid to answer them - or you can't answer them without looking ridiculous.
Last edited:
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

LOL, Lakkkky, one thing I've learned about many of you libs on this board is you're not here for intellectual debate. I've never seen so many stupid people in such close proximity as you tards. There are some libs on here that do have class and do want an intellectual exchange, but lackkkkydoooooo, you're not even close to falling in that category.

To show how stupid you are, I've already answered a number of those questions. So stick to your diversion schtick and stop pretending to ask real questions.

Those are real questions. You just throw rightwing Benghazi talking points on the wall hoping something will stick. I want an honest Conservative to answer my questions the way I have laid them out. I'm not trying to be devious - I honestly want to know - and I want it all TOGETHER. Judging from your childish last post - I believe you're afraid to answer them - or you can't answer them without looking ridiculous.

Those are real questions you already have the answers to. No need to take up space answering what you already know.

Catch a clue shittingbull.

The administration lied about Benghazi from the get go even though they knew via the CIA that it was a terrorist attack. The anniversay of 9-11 Duuuh.

An attack that could have been prevented if Hilbats State Department had beefed up security or pulled out people out. Barry's State Department screwed the pooch plain and simple. Barry's administration. Plain and simple.

Your a fucking biased moron Shittingbull. A moron who can't see the forrest for the fucking trees.

If Bush had been POTUS during Benghazi you'd be screaming an entirely different tune and you know it.

Benghazi was a tragedy that didn't have to happen. Hell. It meant so little to Barry that he jetted off to his Vegas fundraiser the very next day. Shows where his priorities were and they sure werent' on Benghazi and four dead men. One of whom was HIS ambassador.

Fuck off Shitter. Your a moron of gigantic proportions.
The evidence is all over this thread AND in the video and in Judicial Watch's blogs and in many places were you interested in actually looking.

But you're right about my skill set being limited to only finding pictures of YOU having a temper tantrum. Roll eyes, LOL.

i'm not sure you understand what evidence is. for instance, when you said you wanted to know why "bob" did what he did because you claimed he couldn't do anything without approval from his superiors i showed you the passage in the senate intelligence committee report that says exactly what was going on during those 25 minutes - attempts at obtaining militia help and arms.

now, do you have the ability to do me the same courtesy? what was the new information in the hannity clip?

You really really really think that's the whole story?

Did you not just read when I mentioned Judicial Watch getting the reply to their first FOIA which revealed a massive lie on the part of the White House about Benghazi????

You don't strike me as someone actually doing any independent research other than what is spoon fed by one party. The Senate is run by the biggest idiot Democrat ever to serve there.
i'm having difficulty finding the judicial watch foia request that was granted about a month ago that either exposed a massive lie or blew the lid off of anything.

would it be possible for you to provide a link?

I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email

Since when is something that came out 5 months ago "new facts"?

Furthermore there is absolutely nothing in that email that wasn't already known.when Susan Rice was first interviewed following the actual Benghazi attack.

Are you are addicted to soap opera reruns too?
Worth Watching. These guys were only a mile away when it went down. They were repeatedly told not to go, by their account, even though they were ready to go in 5 minutes. They were never given permission to go. They went on their own.
the problem you have is your spin here ... you said they were told to stand down ... they themselves said they were told to hold ... they were told that there were several hot spots around them and they were holding... to say they were told to stand down is a lie...
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

LOL, Lakkkky, one thing I've learned about many of you libs on this board is you're not here for intellectual debate. I've never seen so many stupid people in such close proximity as you tards. There are some libs on here that do have class and do want an intellectual exchange, but lackkkkydoooooo, you're not even close to falling in that category.

To show how stupid you are, I've already answered a number of those questions. So stick to your diversion schtick and stop pretending to ask real questions.
tranaslation = you couldn't answer one question... and you talk of stupidity??? reallly??? pot calling kettle black I would say
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

LOL, Lakkkky, one thing I've learned about many of you libs on this board is you're not here for intellectual debate. I've never seen so many stupid people in such close proximity as you tards. There are some libs on here that do have class and do want an intellectual exchange, but lackkkkydoooooo, you're not even close to falling in that category.

To show how stupid you are, I've already answered a number of those questions. So stick to your diversion schtick and stop pretending to ask real questions.

Those are real questions. You just throw rightwing Benghazi talking points on the wall hoping something will stick. I want an honest Conservative to answer my questions the way I have laid them out. I'm not trying to be devious - I honestly want to know - and I want it all TOGETHER. Judging from your childish last post - I believe you're afraid to answer them - or you can't answer them without looking ridiculous.

Those are real questions you already have the answers to. No need to take up space answering what you already know.

Catch a clue shittingbull.

The administration lied about Benghazi from the get go even though they knew via the CIA that it was a terrorist attack. The anniversay of 9-11 Duuuh.

An attack that could have been prevented if Hilbats State Department had beefed up security or pulled out people out. Barry's State Department screwed the pooch plain and simple. Barry's administration. Plain and simple.

Your a fucking biased moron Shittingbull. A moron who can't see the forrest for the fucking trees.

If Bush had been POTUS during Benghazi you'd be screaming an entirely different tune and you know it.

Benghazi was a tragedy that didn't have to happen. Hell. It meant so little to Barry that he jetted off to his Vegas fundraiser the very next day. Shows where his priorities were and they sure werent' on Benghazi and four dead men. One of whom was HIS ambassador.

Fuck off Shitter. Your a moron of gigantic proportions.
heres a dumb F$#K that hasn't clue one
Select Committee on Benghazi
how could that be? It is expected the special investigation will take up to 2 years to complete, dear.
It's not about the numbers dumb ass. It's about the lying afterward.

"A House investigation into the Benghazi embassy attack concluded that the Obama administration was not guilty of any deliberate, negligent wrongdoing, according to Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.). Thompson told SFGate that the report, from a GOP-led panel, "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order" was given to troops in the area."
House intel report on Benghazi finds no secret Obama scandal - The Week

Just keep on spinning away with your narrow-minded hate and keep on looking like an egotistical political hack! :eusa_clap:
I'm severely bored with you! You are way too easy. You need to tear yourself away from the obvious strongly biased talking points that have already been debunked. :disbelief: :lmao:
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?
Last edited:
The evidence is all over this thread AND in the video and in Judicial Watch's blogs and in many places were you interested in actually looking.

But you're right about my skill set being limited to only finding pictures of YOU having a temper tantrum. Roll eyes, LOL.

i'm not sure you understand what evidence is. for instance, when you said you wanted to know why "bob" did what he did because you claimed he couldn't do anything without approval from his superiors i showed you the passage in the senate intelligence committee report that says exactly what was going on during those 25 minutes - attempts at obtaining militia help and arms.

now, do you have the ability to do me the same courtesy? what was the new information in the hannity clip?

You really really really think that's the whole story?

Did you not just read when I mentioned Judicial Watch getting the reply to their first FOIA which revealed a massive lie on the part of the White House about Benghazi????

You don't strike me as someone actually doing any independent research other than what is spoon fed by one party. The Senate is run by the biggest idiot Democrat ever to serve there.
i'm having difficulty finding the judicial watch foia request that was granted about a month ago that either exposed a massive lie or blew the lid off of anything.

would it be possible for you to provide a link?

I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email

Since when is something that came out 5 months ago "new facts"?

Furthermore there is absolutely nothing in that email that wasn't already known.when Susan Rice was first interviewed following the actual Benghazi attack.

Are you are addicted to soap opera reruns too?

Your credibility in this thread was completely trounced when you swore to everyone I never wore a uniform. Which I did for almost 10 years. And you know that's EASY to prove. It was just one of many lies from you.

So where was the apology, you fucking piece of shit. You're a liberal liar, not someone with any class.

You ran off with your tale between your legs..................keep running, liar.
Select Committee on Benghazi
how could that be? It is expected the special investigation will take up to 2 years to complete, dear.
It's not about the numbers dumb ass. It's about the lying afterward.

"A House investigation into the Benghazi embassy attack concluded that the Obama administration was not guilty of any deliberate, negligent wrongdoing, according to Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.). Thompson told SFGate that the report, from a GOP-led panel, "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order" was given to troops in the area."
House intel report on Benghazi finds no secret Obama scandal - The Week

Just keep on spinning away with your narrow-minded hate and keep on looking like an egotistical political hack! :eusa_clap:
I'm severely bored with you! You are way too easy. You need to tear yourself away from the obvious strongly biased talking points that have already been debunked. :disbelief: :lmao:

LOL, it's so easy for independent thinkers to see how they contribute to the cover up and/or suppression of information.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their quest to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

LOL, Lakkkky, one thing I've learned about many of you libs on this board is you're not here for intellectual debate. I've never seen so many stupid people in such close proximity as you tards. There are some libs on here that do have class and do want an intellectual exchange, but lackkkkydoooooo, you're not even close to falling in that category.

To show how stupid you are, I've already answered a number of those questions. So stick to your diversion schtick and stop pretending to ask real questions.
tranaslation = you couldn't answer one question... and you talk of stupidity??? reallly??? pot calling kettle black I would say

If you can't find answers to those questions in this thread, you're an even bigger liar and idiot than I imagined.

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