Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team


The Benghazi Hoax: The Truth Behind The Right's Campaign To Politicize An American Tragedy - Blog Media Matters for America

LOL, as I've said before on this thread, thanks for the bump. Not only is it fun slamming stupid libs, it's even more fun using you as pawns in my goal of keeping this thread front & center.

You're welcome. We're just trying to help you get the word out.

Why thanks, Lakkkky. Here it is for people new (not knew, LOL) to the thread. And it's spelled B-E-N-G-H-A-Z-I darlin, LOL. It helps to know how to spell the subject matter.

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If you REALLY wanna keep me happy, Lakky, please put it in the very first slot, not the 9th one!!

You're a doll!

LOL, as I've said before on this thread, thanks for the bump. Not only is it fun slamming stupid libs, it's even more fun using you as pawns in my goal of keeping this thread front & center.

You're welcome. We're just trying to help you get the word out.

Why thanks, Lakkkky. Here it is for people knew to the thread. And it's spelled B-E-N-G-H-A-Z-I darlin, LOL. It helps to know how to spell the subject matter.

Yep, this will be great for all the knew people.

LOL, as I've said before on this thread, thanks for the bump. Not only is it fun slamming stupid libs, it's even more fun using you as pawns in my goal of keeping this thread front & center.

You're welcome. We're just trying to help you get the word out.

Why thanks, Lakkkky. Here it is for people knew to the thread. And it's spelled B-E-N-G-H-A-Z-I darlin, LOL. It helps to know how to spell the subject matter.

Yep, this will be great for all the knew people.

Why thank ya've put me in the #1 slot!!

And I appreciate your catching the spelling error....I'm heading to bed soon. You really can be a doll baby.
We still have 40 FOIA requests to sift through when they come back to Judicial Watch.

The Benghazi fishing hole has already been fished out.

There's something fishy about conservatives' Benghazi obsession - LA Times

Benghazi is dead.

No. You just wish it was dead.

The only thing dead about Benghazi were the four men who thought their bosses had their backs. The four dead men.

If you think Benghazi is dead then your one dumb ass. Loads to learn about Benghazi and I hope they find out every little thing.

You can bet Hilbat will hear plenty about Benghazi it that battleaxe decides to run.
The libs were all worked up over Bush's National Guard record but we are supposed to sweep Benghazi under the rug so America doesn't get exposed to the government corruption in order to manipulate the election? Good luck.
Benghazi! Benghazibenghazibenghazi!!!!!

Yeahhhh, if you were actually military, you'd know the guys on the ground have the most info. You're also the idiot that threw our Marine in Mexico under the bus. Everyone else knows the Marine was innocent. You're pretty pathetic.
Cuz we all know that the U.S. can pick and choose which laws it's military members have to follow in foreign countries. :D
Benghazi! Benghazibenghazibenghazi!!!!!

Yeahhhh, if you were actually military, you'd know the guys on the ground have the most info. You're also the idiot that threw our Marine in Mexico under the bus. Everyone else knows the Marine was innocent. You're pretty pathetic.
Cuz we all know that the U.S. can pick and choose which laws it's military members have to follow in foreign countries. :D

Thanks for that flakey post about TROOPS ON THE GROUND. It only served to bump this thread. THX!
Speaking of backing Obama and his followers in a corner......this topic will do the same very soon now. Just watch, Obama lovers, just watch.



If you weren't so stupid, you'd know what a useful idiot you're being for me right now with your Benghazi posts.

It's like putting money in savings and just leaving it alone while it grows. LOL

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