Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

Here, Kiwiman.....I'll make it easy for you to find the video. It's right HERE.
They could find it, they just don't give a rat's ass if it sheds any light on the gross incompetence of their mangod.

Yes, one of the little mysteries is why "Bob" did what he did. Bob never made a move, never took a shit without authorization from above.
according to whom?
and "Bob" did was attempting to get more resources.

LMAO. Really? So now you're a CIA expert?
it's sort of a matter of record.
During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10
Oh it was framed for you alright, shithead -- in the video, in this thread, by multiple people, numerous times.

So to be clear, your listening comprehension is just as bad as your reading comprehension. No surprise.

So what is it you bring to the table, other than the same old stale Dummie-crat talking points, absolutely no integrity, a truck load of stupidity, and shit-for-brains? I think you suffer from mental instability as well.

it's simple, if you want to prove you're an adult, you can answer some pretty basic questions.

what do you think is still being hidden about benghazi, and what new information do you believe was presented in the clip?

these are your claims, i'm just asking you to do more than make vague allusions to things and actually form a coherent thought that you can share with the rest of us.

It's real simple. Your problem is you're a petulant child who has to be told to behave over and over and over...or to listen to what is actually being said in the video...over and over and over. And over.




Your little temper tantrums serve my purses too. Keep em up!
Here, Kiwiman.....I'll make it easy for you to find the video. It's right HERE.
They could find it, they just don't give a rat's ass if it sheds any light on the gross incompetence of their mangod.
what 'light' does it shed? what new information is presented?

Oh looooky. It's the broken record who wants everyone to divert eyes from Benghazi. Cue the temper tantrum.

do you really not understand how this works? we present ideas, evidence for those ideas, and then discuss the merits of them.
you don't seem to get it. i'm asking you to present your idea completely. what about benghazi was i supposed to learn from the video, because i didn't learn a thing and if there was new information in it, as you claim, then i must have missed it and would like to be brought up to speed.

LMAO, moron. You really think I'm here to do nothing but tutor and coach YOU!!!! It does take a minimal level of intelligence to grasp the Benghazi facts, so perhaps that's your problem.

Oh, wait. That IS your problem.

it's simple, if you want to prove you're an adult, you can answer some pretty basic questions.

what do you think is still being hidden about benghazi, and what new information do you believe was presented in the clip?

these are your claims, i'm just asking you to do more than make vague allusions to things and actually form a coherent thought that you can share with the rest of us.

It's real simple. Your problem is you're a petulant child who has to be told to behave over and over and over...or to listen to what is actually being said in the video...over and over and over. And over.




Your little temper tantrums serve my purses too. Keep em up!
Here, Kiwiman.....I'll make it easy for you to find the video. It's right HERE.
They could find it, they just don't give a rat's ass if it sheds any light on the gross incompetence of their mangod.
what 'light' does it shed? what new information is presented?

Oh looooky. It's the broken record who wants everyone to divert eyes from Benghazi. Cue the temper tantrum.

do you really not understand how this works? we present ideas, evidence for those ideas, and then discuss the merits of them.
you don't seem to get it. i'm asking you to present your idea completely. what about benghazi was i supposed to learn from the video, because i didn't learn a thing and if there was new information in it, as you claim, then i must have missed it and would like to be brought up to speed.

LMAO, moron. You really think I'm here to do nothing but tutor and coach YOU!!!! It does take a minimal level of intelligence to grasp the Benghazi facts, so perhaps that's your problem.

Oh, wait. That IS your problem.

no, you have time to search out and insert crying baby pictures, but presenting your own ideas coherently, or evidence to back up your claims, is beyond your skill set.
I do wish the GOP would put this much energy into clearly articulating a strong, inspirational, specific, united, workable and positive vision of America.

This stuff is much easier, obviously.


Oh look it's my favorite anti-military moron. As usual, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about in the foreign pol arena.

Oh, and nitwit.....I'm not the GOP.
I do wish the GOP would put this much energy into clearly articulating a strong, inspirational, specific, united, workable and positive vision of America.

This stuff is much easier, obviously.


Oh look it's my favorite anti-military moron. As usual, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about in the foreign pol arena.

Oh, and nitwit.....I'm not the GOP.

Did I refer to you?

Believe it or not, it's not all about you.

It's real simple. Your problem is you're a petulant child who has to be told to behave over and over and over...or to listen to what is actually being said in the video...over and over and over. And over.




Your little temper tantrums serve my purses too. Keep em up!
They could find it, they just don't give a rat's ass if it sheds any light on the gross incompetence of their mangod.
what 'light' does it shed? what new information is presented?

Oh looooky. It's the broken record who wants everyone to divert eyes from Benghazi. Cue the temper tantrum.

do you really not understand how this works? we present ideas, evidence for those ideas, and then discuss the merits of them.
you don't seem to get it. i'm asking you to present your idea completely. what about benghazi was i supposed to learn from the video, because i didn't learn a thing and if there was new information in it, as you claim, then i must have missed it and would like to be brought up to speed.

LMAO, moron. You really think I'm here to do nothing but tutor and coach YOU!!!! It does take a minimal level of intelligence to grasp the Benghazi facts, so perhaps that's your problem.

Oh, wait. That IS your problem.

no, you have time to search out and insert crying baby pictures, but presenting your own ideas coherently, or evidence to back up your claims, is beyond your skill set.

The evidence is all over this thread AND in the video and in Judicial Watch's blogs and in many places were you interested in actually looking.

But you're right about my skill set being limited to only finding pictures of YOU having a temper tantrum. Roll eyes, LOL.

I do wish the GOP would put this much energy into clearly articulating a strong, inspirational, specific, united, workable and positive vision of America.

This stuff is much easier, obviously.


Oh look it's my favorite anti-military moron. As usual, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about in the foreign pol arena.

Oh, and nitwit.....I'm not the GOP.

Did I refer to you?

Believe it or not, it's not all about you.


Show me where the GOP has anything to do with this thread, idiot?
I do wish the GOP would put this much energy into clearly articulating a strong, inspirational, specific, united, workable and positive vision of America.

This stuff is much easier, obviously.


Oh look it's my favorite anti-military moron. As usual, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about in the foreign pol arena.

Oh, and nitwit.....I'm not the GOP.

Did I refer to you?

Believe it or not, it's not all about you.


Show me where the GOP has anything to do with this thread, idiot?

You may not have noticed this from so deep in your ideological cocoon, but there are many Republicans who are spending a great deal of time and effort on this topic.

You're very defensive, and that simply isn't my problem.

The evidence is all over this thread AND in the video and in Judicial Watch's blogs and in many places were you interested in actually looking.

But you're right about my skill set being limited to only finding pictures of YOU having a temper tantrum. Roll eyes, LOL.

i'm not sure you understand what evidence is. for instance, when you said you wanted to know why "bob" did what he did because you claimed he couldn't do anything without approval from his superiors i showed you the passage in the senate intelligence committee report that says exactly what was going on during those 25 minutes - attempts at obtaining militia help and arms.

now, do you have the ability to do me the same courtesy? what was the new information in the hannity clip?
I do wish the GOP would put this much energy into clearly articulating a strong, inspirational, specific, united, workable and positive vision of America.

This stuff is much easier, obviously.


Oh look it's my favorite anti-military moron. As usual, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about in the foreign pol arena.

Oh, and nitwit.....I'm not the GOP.

Did I refer to you?

Believe it or not, it's not all about you.


Show me where the GOP has anything to do with this thread, idiot?

You may not have noticed this from so deep in your ideological cocoon, but there are many Republicans who are spending a great deal of time and effort on this topic.

You're very defensive, and that simply isn't my problem.


Dude, you want to be treated with respect on this topic? Say why you're convinced it's a NON ISSUE or that it IS an issue, but there's nothing more slimey and immature than to jump on here and make a partisan statement that doesn't get at whether this was a coverup up not.

Especially since you have stated over and over how much you hate discussions with partisans. Do you not see your hypocrisy??????
Last edited:
The evidence is all over this thread AND in the video and in Judicial Watch's blogs and in many places were you interested in actually looking.

But you're right about my skill set being limited to only finding pictures of YOU having a temper tantrum. Roll eyes, LOL.

i'm not sure you understand what evidence is. for instance, when you said you wanted to know why "bob" did what he did because you claimed he couldn't do anything without approval from his superiors i showed you the passage in the senate intelligence committee report that says exactly what was going on during those 25 minutes - attempts at obtaining militia help and arms.

now, do you have the ability to do me the same courtesy? what was the new information in the hannity clip?

You really really really think that's the whole story?

Did you not just read when I mentioned Judicial Watch getting the reply to their first FOIA which revealed a massive lie on the part of the White House about Benghazi????

You don't strike me as someone actually doing any independent research other than what is spoon fed by one party. The Senate is run by the biggest idiot Democrat ever to serve there.
The evidence is all over this thread AND in the video and in Judicial Watch's blogs and in many places were you interested in actually looking.

But you're right about my skill set being limited to only finding pictures of YOU having a temper tantrum. Roll eyes, LOL.

i'm not sure you understand what evidence is. for instance, when you said you wanted to know why "bob" did what he did because you claimed he couldn't do anything without approval from his superiors i showed you the passage in the senate intelligence committee report that says exactly what was going on during those 25 minutes - attempts at obtaining militia help and arms.

now, do you have the ability to do me the same courtesy? what was the new information in the hannity clip?

You really really really think that's the whole story?

Did you not just read when I mentioned Judicial Watch getting the reply to their first FOIA which revealed a massive lie on the part of the White House about Benghazi????

You don't strike me as someone actually doing any independent research other than what is spoon fed by one party. The Senate is run by the biggest idiot Democrat ever to serve there.
i'm having difficulty finding the judicial watch foia request that was granted about a month ago that either exposed a massive lie or blew the lid off of anything.

would it be possible for you to provide a link?
I do wish the GOP would put this much energy into clearly articulating a strong, inspirational, specific, united, workable and positive vision of America.

This stuff is much easier, obviously.


Oh look it's my favorite anti-military moron. As usual, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about in the foreign pol arena.

Oh, and nitwit.....I'm not the GOP.

Did I refer to you?

Believe it or not, it's not all about you.


Show me where the GOP has anything to do with this thread, idiot?

You may not have noticed this from so deep in your ideological cocoon, but there are many Republicans who are spending a great deal of time and effort on this topic.

You're very defensive, and that simply isn't my problem.


Dude, you want to be treated with respect on this topic? Say why you're convinced it's a NON ISSUE or that it IS an issue, but there's nothing more slimey and immature than to jump on here and make a partisan statement that doesn't get at whether this was a coverup up not.

Especially since you have stated over and over how much you hate discussions with partisans. Do you not see your hypocrisy??????

My statement was hopeful, not partisan. I wonder how you think wishing the GOP would improve is partisan. Partisan for which side? A partisan left winger would not want such a thing.

Fortunately, I am under no obligation to post based on your set of rules.

And, judging by your behavior on this board, I'm not concerned whether I have the respect of someone like you or not.

The evidence is all over this thread AND in the video and in Judicial Watch's blogs and in many places were you interested in actually looking.

But you're right about my skill set being limited to only finding pictures of YOU having a temper tantrum. Roll eyes, LOL.

i'm not sure you understand what evidence is. for instance, when you said you wanted to know why "bob" did what he did because you claimed he couldn't do anything without approval from his superiors i showed you the passage in the senate intelligence committee report that says exactly what was going on during those 25 minutes - attempts at obtaining militia help and arms.

now, do you have the ability to do me the same courtesy? what was the new information in the hannity clip?

You really really really think that's the whole story?

Did you not just read when I mentioned Judicial Watch getting the reply to their first FOIA which revealed a massive lie on the part of the White House about Benghazi????

You don't strike me as someone actually doing any independent research other than what is spoon fed by one party. The Senate is run by the biggest idiot Democrat ever to serve there.
i'm having difficulty finding the judicial watch foia request that was granted about a month ago that either exposed a massive lie or blew the lid off of anything.

would it be possible for you to provide a link?

I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.
Oh look it's my favorite anti-military moron. As usual, you have nooooooooo idea what you're talking about in the foreign pol arena.

Oh, and nitwit.....I'm not the GOP.

Did I refer to you?

Believe it or not, it's not all about you.


Show me where the GOP has anything to do with this thread, idiot?

You may not have noticed this from so deep in your ideological cocoon, but there are many Republicans who are spending a great deal of time and effort on this topic.

You're very defensive, and that simply isn't my problem.


Dude, you want to be treated with respect on this topic? Say why you're convinced it's a NON ISSUE or that it IS an issue, but there's nothing more slimey and immature than to jump on here and make a partisan statement that doesn't get at whether this was a coverup up not.

Especially since you have stated over and over how much you hate discussions with partisans. Do you not see your hypocrisy??????

My statement was hopeful, not partisan. I wonder how you think wishing the GOP would improve is partisan. Partisan for which side? A partisan left winger would not want such a thing.

Fortunately, I am under no obligation to post based on your set of rules.

And, judging by your behavior on this board, I'm not concerned whether I have the respect of someone like you or not.


You're doing a very poor job of trying to dig out of the hole you dug.

Thinking people see RIGHT THROUGH your BS reply.
I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.
hold on, that doesn't blow the lid off of anything, and there is no massive lie revealed.
care to try again?
I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.
hold on, that doesn't blow the lid off of anything, and there is no massive lie revealed.
care to try again?

And what part of my statement below did you disagree with?

"I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi."

LOL, look, shit for brains. You can play semantic games all you want. Everyone knows you're not interested in facts.

Independent thinkers that read that clearly saw the White House was guilty of stonewalling.

You're a liberal hack.

A desperate one at that. LMAO. It must suck to be you as your party crashes and burns on one thing after another after another.....


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