Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

Liberals still think the scandals are myths, while pushing the global warming myth.

All while truly believing they are oh so smart.
Liberals still think the scandals are myths, while pushing the global warming myth.

All while truly believing they are oh so smart.

Benghazi was a tragedy, not a scandal.

Global climate change is real enough for the Rockefeller Foundation to divest their portfolio of fossil fuels and invest in alternative energy instead.

And just in case you are unaware the Rockefeller fortune was built on fossil fuels originally. The fact they are moving on should tell you that those who are in the know can see the writing on the wall that blind partisans pretend are "just scandals".
No, but your fucking jew ass will not hold the democrats to account for the fact that they propagated the existence of WMDS when Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, lng before BOOOOOOSH took fucking office, you fucking moron.

You will gleefully run to the fucking voting booth to vote for Hillary, who voted for the war, and also propagated the existence of WMDs before Booooooosh took fucking office.

You already do not know how this country changed its paradigm on how to deal with perceived threats post 911. Hell, you are the stupid peacenik hypocritical pieces of shit who cry over 3 terrorists being water boarded who masterminded 911. Hell, we pretty much know you are a fucking truther anyway.

Either way, you are a fucking disgrace to Israel. You are a piece of shit hypocrite who cries over the fact that Saddam is gone, while you saw Israel celebrated it.

You are a pathetic brainwashed moron who has nothing but cliches. Plus, if you are so fucking turned off about the Iraq and the "invasion" (it was an actual liberation you moron and it was a tyrant that was deposed you stupid left wing moron) then sure as shit better not vote for any democrat who voted for that war.

You stupid fucking moron. Now, go celebrate your new year and consider what a fucking disgrace you and the rest of your people that live in this country to Israel.
First of all, I'm not a Jew and I certainly don't put Israel above America. Second of all, Clinton never led a full scale invasion of Iraq as Bush did so I don't really care about the Iraq Liberation Act.

I had the chance to vote for Hillary in 2008 and declined to do so because of her support for the Iraq War. I've never voted for anyone who voted Yes for the Iraq War.

I did see how this country changed it's paradigm after 9/11 and it was a huge fucking mistake. People like you cheering it on make me fucking sick, you piece of trash.

You do not think our paradigm should have changed post 911? You stupid piece of naive shit.

Look everyone, a moron who thinks he has intelligence, wants us to go back to pre-911 protocol.

Clinton did not lead a "full scale" invasion? I think it is pretty funny how you cry over saddam and are flat out stating that the world is better off with him in power.

Yet, you fucking hypocrites claim to be against people being tortured. You double talking sack of shit.

Wait, I forgot, You only hold America to account for violating the Geneva convention. I never see any of you snotty nosed snooty assholes ever express your disgust when America's enemies violate the Geneva convention. You stupid hacks actually celebrate it.

I see you wastes of shit accuse America incessantly for water boarding the poor peaceful goat herders. Regardless of the fact they masterminded 911.

Why am I even trying to communicate to a fucking truther anyway. A person who claims it was a mistake to change the way we deal with perceived threats. Then again, those of that live in the real world (and not some gum drop liberal hippy world) where we saw the devastation that 19 men WITH OUT A GUN could do.

Your logic resembles the last shit I took. Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking moronic peacenik hippy.
I never said our paradigm should not have change post-9/11, what it became under Bush is where my problem is. All that the Iraq War did was completely destabilize a region and create more terrorists. Saddam was never a threat to us. No matter how much you wish he was, he just wasn't.

I am against torture. Our job isn't to be the world's policeman though. Your logic is that we can go around bombing whoever we want, real nice.

Assholes like you will never change, you are the reason why we are so involved in Middle Eastern affairs. You are being marginalized though and there will be less of you around as time goes on.

The region was not "stable" you deranged cocksucker. I love too how you do not deny that you are flat out saying saddam was actually a good guy. Of course, do not ever feign your fucking outrage on how much you hate torture.

That is right, every time you left wing piles of shit pretend to actually care whether or not a person is tortured, I will always throw it in your stupid fucking face on how much you wish saddam was still in power torturing those brown people that you supposedly care about. No, the simple fact is you do not care. You pretend to care. All to score political points. You are nothing.

Also, saddam violated at least 17 resolutions as confirmed by the UN independent council (UNSCOM.) You have to no concept of history and it is obvious that you do not know why the UN was even established. You just sit there thinking you just get everything, when you clearly don't.

You all still do not know why your pathetic socialist in chief has not called for an independent investigation on Bush and Cheney. It is you pathetic blobs afterall that say Bush is as guilty as Hitler. Get that? Hitler, whose henchmen went to trial at Nuremberg for their war crimes. Oh, never mind.

Just keep asking yourself whether or not the socialist in chief is privy to intel he was not prior to being president and that is the reason he expanded the war on terror and has not closed GTMO like he promised. Then he again, he has to placate his moronic base. Meaning know it alls like you.

I never did say Saddam was a good guy but sometimes the devil you do know is better than the devil you don't know. Every time we "fix" a problem in the Middle East, a new and worse problem pops up.

In regards to torture, once again, we aren't the world's policeman. Saddam didn't have a monopoly on torture. If we were, we'd have to invade a few dozen more countries, including our own.

I can't help but to chuckle every time I see an assclown like you still defending the Iraq invasion.

You see folks? They take on both sides of every issue. Especially the Iraq issue.

He now all of a sudden of course claims saddam was not a "good guy" he only wishes he was still in power. Torturing and subjugating his people. You ever hear or see any liberal displaying their disgust for the actions taken by saddam and his sons? I don't. Never have.

I do however see the cocksucking hypocrites feign outrage over us using ENHANCED interrogation techniques in order to extrapolate crucial information to prevent mass destruction. ONE FUCKING OUNCE OF WEAPONIZED ANTHRAX can kill more than half of NYC. Not that any fucking liberal would care. They cry about the poor innocent goat herders who masterminded 911 being water boarded, they wish saddam was still in power torturing and murdering innocent people, all while they will be voting for Hillary who voted for the war they claim they hate and propagated the existence of WMDs that they claim never existed.


Fuck you Ace and all of your typical double talking hypocrisy. You ignorant ass. Tell us again how the middle east was stable.
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Rep Adam Smith and Adam Schiff have said there was no Stand Down Order. The Benghazi Security Team who was actually on the ground say Smith and Schiff are lying.

Tonight Smith will face off with Benghazi Security Team. Worth seeing first hand.

Durr hurr hurr, there was a terror attack overseas and pyyple died. And? Did you expect something different to happen?

Why do Wrongpublicans insist upon making Benghazi another "9/11 NEVER FORGET" even in American history? What makes it so special in your mind that you just can't let it go?

Speaking of 9/11, how many hearings did Congress have on Bush's "complete failure to protect American lives hurr durr muh talking points" or whatever garbage you're leveling against President Obama? Why have you allowed the whole thermite/controlled demolition bullshit conspiracy theory to die, but not this one? Don't you just hate President Obama because he's African-American and successful? Isn't that really all you have against him?

He's just worthless and incompetent. Noting that once again a lib brings race in to pump up O.

EconChick, I see you don't have what it takes to answer the challenge I laid down with Post # 256. I thought it'd be a snap for you being as you worked in the State Department!
Either respond to my challenge or admit you're a phony, which I believe you are based on your sub par posts that simply echo every talking point out there. If you knew what you're talking about, you certainly wouldn't be using a media talking points constantly, would you?
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[QUOTE="EconChick, post: 9864744, member: 47383 clue.

While you probably enjoy wallowing in the partisan gutter that is your own mind others prefer to take a higher road. What we have established beyond all reasonable doubt is that even on your very best day you could never match wits with an average 4th grader.

From the other posts in this thread I gather that you have never served in uniform whereas posters like Lakhota (and myself) actually have done so and are therefore more qualified than you will ever be to comprehend what happens in real life situations. Your Hollywood version with FauxNews graphics makes us laugh at your expense.

What happened in Benghazi was a tragedy but if you know any adults who have actually served you can ask them how quickly a real firefight starts and ends. How much you are actually aware of while it is happening and how long it takes for even air support to arrive on the scene.

Your feeble attempts to second guess and armchair quarterback those who have been in similar situations says volumes about your nefarious partisan motives. No amount of inane questioning is going to uncover any "new facts" about what happened.

The smart move here is to learn the hard lesson and never let it happen again.

But no one has ever accused you of making the smart move, have they?

You're too easy, Princess DeeDee.

I'll ask you the same thing I ask every other liberal liar that lies this blatantly about my background. And I expect you to do the same thing - which is run.

I'm willing to lose $2,000 and give it to the USMB kitty if I'm wrong and you're right. Are you willing to bet 2000 smackaroos to back your lie up?

Here's your laughingly stupid quote I pasted from above:

"From the other posts in this thread I gather that you have never served in uniform whereas posters like Lakhota (and myself) actually have done so and are therefore more qualified than you will ever be to comprehend what happens in real life situations. Your Hollywood version with FauxNews graphics makes us laugh at your expense.

What happened in Benghazi was a tragedy but if you know any adults who have actually served...."

And here's my response:

I spent 10 years in a uniform in the Air Force, dumb ass. It's right there to be found on a DD214.

Of you course you won't bet because you have no integrity, Princess DeeDee.

Your piss poor analytical abilities are on display here ....just like in the rest of the thread
Ooops, that's the sound of liberal Dee Dee getting pummeled.......just like the liberal Congressmen in the video getting pummeled by the Benghazi Security Team.

Everyone can see the pattern......libs will lie out their teeth because there IS still something to hide about Benghazi.
Ohh, and Dee Dee, my very first job in the Air Force was working in Squadrons briefing and debriefing Air Force pilots about guessed it.....air support. So was my second job, and that was with forward air controllers.

So dumb shit, by all means, keep stepping on your dick. It's pretty small already so you might want to stop.
EcoliChic meltdown :popcorn:

Ooops, that's the sound of liberal Dee Dee getting pummeled.......just like the liberal Congressmen in the video getting pummeled by the Benghazi Security Team.

Everyone can see the pattern......libs will lie out their teeth because there IS still something to hide about Benghazi.
What do you think is being hidden?
Oh, and guess what else, Princess Dee Dee. My fighter pilots didn't talk anything close to your antiseptic, nambie pambie, limp ass, vernacular. Where ya think I got my potty mouth from.

The fact that profanity scares you can only mean one thing. You washed dishes in the military. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you need to stick to analysis of bridal registries, not war.
Oh, and guess what else, Princess Dee Dee. My fighter pilots didn't talk anything close to your antiseptic, nambie pambie, limp ass, vernacular. Where ya think I got my potty mouth from.

The fact that profanity scares you can only mean one thing. You washed dishes in the military. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you need to stick to analysis of bridal registries, not war.
You might be the most insecure person on the internet
Oh, and guess what else, Princess Dee Dee. My fighter pilots didn't talk anything close to your antiseptic, nambie pambie, limp ass, vernacular. Where ya think I got my potty mouth from.

The fact that profanity scares you can only mean one thing. You washed dishes in the military. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you need to stick to analysis of bridal registries, not war.
You might be the most insecure person on the internet

Awwww, running out of other things to say, ding bat? Awww, I imagine it's hard to be a lib these days. You're getting your asses nailed to the wall.

When you can't offer TRUTH about yet another situation Obama got ya in, diversion is all ya got, hun.

Oh, and guess what else, Princess Dee Dee. My fighter pilots didn't talk anything close to your antiseptic, nambie pambie, limp ass, vernacular. Where ya think I got my potty mouth from.

The fact that profanity scares you can only mean one thing. You washed dishes in the military. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you need to stick to analysis of bridal registries, not war.
You might be the most insecure person on the internet

Awwww, running out of other things to say, ding bat? Awww, I imagine it's hard to be a lib these days. You're getting your asses nailed to the wall.

When you can't offer TRUTH about yet another situation Obama got ya in, diversion is all ya got, hun.

What is it you feel is still being hidden, and what new information did the hannity clip produce?

These are yout claims, you should be able to back them up without going on a tirade about your supposed service, my supposed cowardice, and without calling anyone names.

Four, count them, 4 whining posts from the OP about me!

Thanks for the free space in your head and am I right in assuming that the little shriveled quivering pink lump in the back corner is what passes for your brain? ;)

If you actually served then good for you but given that your job was the AF equivalent of a hat check for the pilot's equipment when they arrived for briefings it is understandable why you have no first hand understanding of what happens in ground combat situations.

Now I am going to make a bet that you lack the self control to refrain from responding. Something that anyone who did serve would have from years of discipline.

Ball is in your court and oh, I almost forgot, I found this picture online of you in your AF uniform! :D

Oh, and guess what else, Princess Dee Dee. My fighter pilots didn't talk anything close to your antiseptic, nambie pambie, limp ass, vernacular. Where ya think I got my potty mouth from.

The fact that profanity scares you can only mean one thing. You washed dishes in the military. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you need to stick to analysis of bridal registries, not war.
You might be the most insecure person on the internet

Awwww, running out of other things to say, ding bat? Awww, I imagine it's hard to be a lib these days. You're getting your asses nailed to the wall.

When you can't offer TRUTH about yet another situation Obama got ya in, diversion is all ya got, hun.

Oh, and guess what else, Princess Dee Dee. My fighter pilots didn't talk anything close to your antiseptic, nambie pambie, limp ass, vernacular. Where ya think I got my potty mouth from.

The fact that profanity scares you can only mean one thing. You washed dishes in the military. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you need to stick to analysis of bridal registries, not war.
You might be the most insecure person on the internet

Awwww, running out of other things to say, ding bat? Awww, I imagine it's hard to be a lib these days. You're getting your asses nailed to the wall.

When you can't offer TRUTH about yet another situation Obama got ya in, diversion is all ya got, hun.

What is it you feel is still being hidden, and what new information did the hannity clip produce?

These are yout claims, you should be able to back them up without going on a tirade about your supposed service, my supposed cowardice, and without calling anyone names.

You mean like the "I didn't have sex with that woman" type of lie you libs are famous for? Or how about Schiff's lies that even Congressman Smith backpedaled from.

Look shit-for-brains, you have no credibility OR integrity. You're just slime; why do you expect any of us to take anything you say OR ask seriously? You're a diversion agent - fine. That's cool. You're allowed.

As for the wining about name-calling.....LMAO....anyone can see you idiot libs started THAT little game on this thread. You can be found doing it yourself. So spare me the hypocrisy AND the crying.


Four, count them, 4 whining posts from the OP about me!

Thanks for the free space in your head and am I right in assuming that the little shriveled quivering pink lump in the back corner is what passes for your brain? ;)

If you actually served then good for you but given that your job was the AF equivalent of a hat check for the pilot's equipment when they arrived for briefings it is understandable why you have no first hand understanding of what happens in ground combat situations.

Now I am going to make a bet that you lack the self control to refrain from responding. Something that anyone who did serve would have from years of discipline.

Ball is in your court and oh, I almost forgot, I found this picture online of you in your AF uniform! :D


Darn, and I did EVERYTHING to hide that picture!


You're not a worthy opponent, dum dum. A 7 year old could do a better post than that. LOL

But thanks for the thread bump so more people can be reminded what liars this president's supporters are.

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