Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

As I mentioned 15 minutes ago, I have to actually work to pay for the welfare queens on here....I'm off to work and pay taxes but I WILL BE BACK.

You cowards wanna fight? Game on.

What is this work thing of which you speak?
Looking forward to this faceoff between a politician....and survivors on the ground. On Fox at 10 PM Hannity.

It's too bad that they couldn't of arranged the debate with the military officers who have all stated there was not any stand down order being as they were part of the Benghazi process. I can't see why that couldn't of been approached that way, considering their testimonies had been declassified and were public knowledge.
Here's a small synopsis of the transcripts for those who are too lazy to read the transcripts; National News Testimony refutes Benghazi stand down theory 07 11 14

Which military Officers have called them Liars............Which ones...........

These guys will show up if they want a public confrontation over what happened there.

None of the military officers called anyone liars. However, their under oath testimonies clearly state there was no stand down order which contradicts those "who were there". Isn't that what this whole thing is about?
Looking forward to this faceoff between a politician....and survivors on the ground. On Fox at 10 PM Hannity.

It's too bad that they couldn't of arranged the debate with the military officers who have all stated there was not any stand down order being as they were part of the Benghazi process. I can't see why that couldn't of been approached that way, considering their testimonies had been declassified and were public knowledge.
Here's a small synopsis of the transcripts for those who are too lazy to read the transcripts; National News Testimony refutes Benghazi stand down theory 07 11 14

Which military Officers have called them Liars............Which ones...........

These guys will show up if they want a public confrontation over what happened there.

None of the military officers called anyone liars. However, their under oath testimonies clearly state there was no stand down order which contradicts those "who were there". Isn't that what this whole thing is about?

No.........They were told to stand down and not go 1 mile from the attack. During that time the terrorist insurgents whatever.........threw diesel into the compound and lit it. They were ready to go 5 minutes in, and waited 20 minutes to go with the people at the compound begging for help. That is when they said to hell with this and went anyway. They went into the fire trying to get Stevens out but couldn't find him without getting overwelmed by the smoke. So they had to leave him and fight off the attackers.

These guys are mad over this. They aren't happy at all with the official statements of a video caused all of this. They weren't happy with the security before the attack, and told those personnel at the compound that if they were attacked they were dead. They commented on how nice the pool was, but on being able to defend it was in poor design.
Looking forward to this faceoff between a politician....and survivors on the ground. On Fox at 10 PM Hannity.

It's too bad that they couldn't of arranged the debate with the military officers who have all stated there was not any stand down order being as they were part of the Benghazi process. I can't see why that couldn't of been approached that way, considering their testimonies had been declassified and were public knowledge.
Here's a small synopsis of the transcripts for those who are too lazy to read the transcripts; National News Testimony refutes Benghazi stand down theory 07 11 14

Which military Officers have called them Liars............Which ones...........

These guys will show up if they want a public confrontation over what happened there.

None of the military officers called anyone liars. However, their under oath testimonies clearly state there was no stand down order which contradicts those "who were there". Isn't that what this whole thing is about?

In post 237 you made the comment that they should face the officers............I didn't. Now are you agreeing that these men were told to stand down 1 mile from the compound. They were told to stand down. The food chain of that order is still in question. Whether a local decision or from above. According to them Bob couldn't fart without higher authority.

White wash cover up and it stinks.
Looking forward to this faceoff between a politician....and survivors on the ground. On Fox at 10 PM Hannity.

It's too bad that they couldn't of arranged the debate with the military officers who have all stated there was not any stand down order being as they were part of the Benghazi process. I can't see why that couldn't of been approached that way, considering their testimonies had been declassified and were public knowledge.
Here's a small synopsis of the transcripts for those who are too lazy to read the transcripts; National News Testimony refutes Benghazi stand down theory 07 11 14

Which military Officers have called them Liars............Which ones...........

These guys will show up if they want a public confrontation over what happened there.

None of the military officers called anyone liars. However, their under oath testimonies clearly state there was no stand down order which contradicts those "who were there". Isn't that what this whole thing is about?

In post 237 you made the comment that they should face the officers............I didn't. Now are you agreeing that these men were told to stand down 1 mile from the compound. They were told to stand down. The food chain of that order is still in question. Whether a local decision or from above. According to them Bob couldn't fart without higher authority.

White wash cover up and it stinks.

I never said they were told to stand down, neither did the military officers.
I suggest you read their transcripts from their testimonies.
Throwing in some dumbass politicians is one thing, but throwing those who were part of the chain-of-command would be much more profound and probably would put everything into a non-political prospective.
This whole thing reeks of partisan politics. A perfect example is no one seems to want to take the time to read the transcripts. Why is that? As a matter of fact, Fox News with all the time they have spent on Benghazi, never acknowledged the existence of the testimonies transcripts. Funny how they have left that out.
Why isn't anyone willing to point out the "new information"?

Watch it straight from their mouths instead of the spin you hacks engage in. People need to hear it straight from their mouths.
why can't you tell us what the 'new information' was? i've watched the video. i learned nothing new, except that the mercenaries are still willing to give uneducated opinions about the cause of the attack. i guess that's not new information though.
I guess you flew right over the email I posted showing they knew it was a 'complex attack', not a spontaneous protest. New info? No, but it must be to you and others, obviously, that keep trying to push the original falsification of a video, by Rice, after that email was written on the12th, the day the attack was still going on in the early morning hours.
Based on your posts that I have read, you are the last poster on these boards who has the right to determine who is a independent thinker. You are a simple echo chamber of talking points. I gave you a link to the nine military officers transcripts of their testimony which contradicts your obsession and did you read those transcripts? Nope. Way to keep your mind in a secure lock down.

And I told YOU they weren't on the ground, genius!! People are playing games with semantics so watch the fucking video and get things straight from the horses' mouths.

Or not.
yeah. get it straight from the mercenaries mouth with a book to sell. don't believe those honorably serving their country in uniform

You wouldn't say that to their faces, would you, you piece of shit? They are former Rangers, SEALs, Marines and others.

Please keep digging your hole, OgiPanogey.

yes. i would. but again, i'm never going to meet them. so if you want to thump your chest about what you think i would or wouldn't say to someone, that's fine.

let me just clear it up for you though - i have absolutely no respect for anyone, no matter their history, doing the job of a mercenary.

They were hired as Security Personnel for the embassy and compound. They are trained professionals whose job is to defend our assets in the world. They performed the mission assigned even though they were ordered not to go.

They are Americans. Who are good with a gun, with specialized military training for this type of work, and WHY the place held it's ground against 3 attacks.


I say to you and Jon Stewart that there are unanswered questions being kept secret by this administration re: Benghazi which need to be investigated.

Ted Cruz Wants Answers to These 4 Questions on Benghazi

Ted Cruz Wants Answers to These 4 Questions on Benghazi
Rob Bluey

May 6, 2014 at 9:30 am


Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is frustrated by the Obama administration’s “stonewalling” on the Benghazi investigation – and he wants answers about the 2012 terrorist attack.

Speaking to Fox News’ Neil Cavuto yesterday, Cruz said: “We have four dead Americans. We have the first dead U.S. Ambassador killed in service since 1979. In the 19 months that have followed, we don’t have a single dead terrorist or a single terrorist apprehended, and what we have seen from the president and Senate Democrats has been stonewalling.”

Here are the four questions Cruz wants the Obama administration to answer:

  1. Why did the State Department repeatedly refuse to provide additional security as was requested by personnel on the ground?

  2. Why did the United States not have military assets in place to protect American men and women on Sept. 11, 2012, when there was increased terrorist activity in the region?

  3. During the Benghazi attack, why didn’t the United States send in forces to protect the four men who lost their lives?

  4. In the 19 months that have followed, why has no one been apprehended, and no one been brought to justice?
Last year, Cruz introduced a Senate resolution calling for a joint select committee to investigate the Benghazi attacks. The House of Representatives is moving forward with its own select committee, which will be led by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

>>> Q&A: Does a Benghazi Select Committee Matter?

“The truth shouldn’t be partisan,” Cruz said. “Finding out what happened, finding out how we could have prevented it, and acting to actually apprehend these guys, should not be partisan.”

This story was produced by The Foundry’s news team. Nothing here should be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of The Heritage Foundation.


Ted Cruz Wants Answers to These 4 Questions on Benghazi

I say to everyone, The only fools that can't accept Benghazi and the reality of the scenario are cartoon RW puppets just like former Sec of Defense Gates says you are ....

The End.
Why isn't anyone willing to point out the "new information"?

Watch it straight from their mouths instead of the spin you hacks engage in. People need to hear it straight from their mouths.
why can't you tell us what the 'new information' was? i've watched the video. i learned nothing new, except that the mercenaries are still willing to give uneducated opinions about the cause of the attack. i guess that's not new information though.
I guess you flew right over the email I posted showing they knew it was a 'complex attack', not a spontaneous protest. New info? No, but it must be to you and others, obviously, that keep trying to push the original falsification of a video, by Rice, after that email was written on the12th, the day the attack was still going on in the early morning hours.
That isn't new information. The context is placed under different perspectives and importance. That is a big part of the controversy. The captured terrorist comments that the attack was connected to the video complicates the debate, as do the other demonstrations occurring in that time frame. And anyhow, you and others make the assumption that a group of demonstrators who decided to turn a demonstration into an attack could not mount a complex attack. Benghazi was full of combat experienced rebels and fighters. How long do you think it would take experienced veterans to get together and figure out how to attack a facility? Especially ones who served in the same unit.
You have nothing man. Stop it. You are ignorant as all fuck.
Please don't tell me that you really believe the Iraq War was necessary. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that it wasn't. You're either too big of a hack to admit it or you're one of the true believers.

No, but your fucking jew ass will not hold the democrats to account for the fact that they propagated the existence of WMDS when Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, lng before BOOOOOOSH took fucking office, you fucking moron.

You will gleefully run to the fucking voting booth to vote for Hillary, who voted for the war, and also propagated the existence of WMDs before Booooooosh took fucking office.

You already do not know how this country changed its paradigm on how to deal with perceived threats post 911. Hell, you are the stupid peacenik hypocritical pieces of shit who cry over 3 terrorists being water boarded who masterminded 911. Hell, we pretty much know you are a fucking truther anyway.

Either way, you are a fucking disgrace to Israel. You are a piece of shit hypocrite who cries over the fact that Saddam is gone, while you saw Israel celebrated it.

You are a pathetic brainwashed moron who has nothing but cliches. Plus, if you are so fucking turned off about the Iraq and the "invasion" (it was an actual liberation you moron and it was a tyrant that was deposed you stupid left wing moron) then sure as shit better not vote for any democrat who voted for that war.

You stupid fucking moron. Now, go celebrate your new year and consider what a fucking disgrace you and the rest of your people that live in this country to Israel.
First of all, I'm not a Jew and I certainly don't put Israel above America. Second of all, Clinton never led a full scale invasion of Iraq as Bush did so I don't really care about the Iraq Liberation Act.

I had the chance to vote for Hillary in 2008 and declined to do so because of her support for the Iraq War. I've never voted for anyone who voted Yes for the Iraq War.

I did see how this country changed it's paradigm after 9/11 and it was a huge fucking mistake. People like you cheering it on make me fucking sick, you piece of trash.

You do not think our paradigm should have changed post 911? You stupid piece of naive shit.

Look everyone, a moron who thinks he has intelligence, wants us to go back to pre-911 protocol.

Clinton did not lead a "full scale" invasion? I think it is pretty funny how you cry over saddam and are flat out stating that the world is better off with him in power.

Yet, you fucking hypocrites claim to be against people being tortured. You double talking sack of shit.

Wait, I forgot, You only hold America to account for violating the Geneva convention. I never see any of you snotty nosed snooty assholes ever express your disgust when America's enemies violate the Geneva convention. You stupid hacks actually celebrate it.

I see you wastes of shit accuse America incessantly for water boarding the poor peaceful goat herders. Regardless of the fact they masterminded 911.

Why am I even trying to communicate to a fucking truther anyway. A person who claims it was a mistake to change the way we deal with perceived threats. Then again, those of that live in the real world (and not some gum drop liberal hippy world) where we saw the devastation that 19 men WITH OUT A GUN could do.

Your logic resembles the last shit I took. Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking moronic peacenik hippy.
I never said our paradigm should not have change post-9/11, what it became under Bush is where my problem is. All that the Iraq War did was completely destabilize a region and create more terrorists. Saddam was never a threat to us. No matter how much you wish he was, he just wasn't.

I am against torture. Our job isn't to be the world's policeman though. Your logic is that we can go around bombing whoever we want, real nice.

Assholes like you will never change, you are the reason why we are so involved in Middle Eastern affairs. You are being marginalized though and there will be less of you around as time goes on.

The region was not "stable" you deranged cocksucker. I love too how you do not deny that you are flat out saying saddam was actually a good guy. Of course, do not ever feign your fucking outrage on how much you hate torture.

That is right, every time you left wing piles of shit pretend to actually care whether or not a person is tortured, I will always throw it in your stupid fucking face on how much you wish saddam was still in power torturing those brown people that you supposedly care about. No, the simple fact is you do not care. You pretend to care. All to score political points. You are nothing.

Also, saddam violated at least 17 resolutions as confirmed by the UN independent council (UNSCOM.) You have to no concept of history and it is obvious that you do not know why the UN was even established. You just sit there thinking you just get everything, when you clearly don't.

You all still do not know why your pathetic socialist in chief has not called for an independent investigation on Bush and Cheney. It is you pathetic blobs afterall that say Bush is as guilty as Hitler. Get that? Hitler, whose henchmen went to trial at Nuremberg for their war crimes. Oh, never mind.

Just keep asking yourself whether or not the socialist in chief is privy to intel he was not prior to being president and that is the reason he expanded the war on terror and has not closed GTMO like he promised. Then he again, he has to placate his moronic base. Meaning know it alls like you.

Until somebody within the lynch mob reads the transcripts of what the 9 military officers who were in the upper levels of command overseeing Libya/Benghazi and takes the testimony apart to show they are right, they don't have a leg to stand on. There was no stand down order.
So again, I'll leave the link for the Benghazi, Benghazi crowd. My above statement is a challenge.
Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans
Please don't tell me that you really believe the Iraq War was necessary. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that it wasn't. You're either too big of a hack to admit it or you're one of the true believers.

No, but your fucking jew ass will not hold the democrats to account for the fact that they propagated the existence of WMDS when Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, lng before BOOOOOOSH took fucking office, you fucking moron.

You will gleefully run to the fucking voting booth to vote for Hillary, who voted for the war, and also propagated the existence of WMDs before Booooooosh took fucking office.

You already do not know how this country changed its paradigm on how to deal with perceived threats post 911. Hell, you are the stupid peacenik hypocritical pieces of shit who cry over 3 terrorists being water boarded who masterminded 911. Hell, we pretty much know you are a fucking truther anyway.

Either way, you are a fucking disgrace to Israel. You are a piece of shit hypocrite who cries over the fact that Saddam is gone, while you saw Israel celebrated it.

You are a pathetic brainwashed moron who has nothing but cliches. Plus, if you are so fucking turned off about the Iraq and the "invasion" (it was an actual liberation you moron and it was a tyrant that was deposed you stupid left wing moron) then sure as shit better not vote for any democrat who voted for that war.

You stupid fucking moron. Now, go celebrate your new year and consider what a fucking disgrace you and the rest of your people that live in this country to Israel.
First of all, I'm not a Jew and I certainly don't put Israel above America. Second of all, Clinton never led a full scale invasion of Iraq as Bush did so I don't really care about the Iraq Liberation Act.

I had the chance to vote for Hillary in 2008 and declined to do so because of her support for the Iraq War. I've never voted for anyone who voted Yes for the Iraq War.

I did see how this country changed it's paradigm after 9/11 and it was a huge fucking mistake. People like you cheering it on make me fucking sick, you piece of trash.

You do not think our paradigm should have changed post 911? You stupid piece of naive shit.

Look everyone, a moron who thinks he has intelligence, wants us to go back to pre-911 protocol.

Clinton did not lead a "full scale" invasion? I think it is pretty funny how you cry over saddam and are flat out stating that the world is better off with him in power.

Yet, you fucking hypocrites claim to be against people being tortured. You double talking sack of shit.

Wait, I forgot, You only hold America to account for violating the Geneva convention. I never see any of you snotty nosed snooty assholes ever express your disgust when America's enemies violate the Geneva convention. You stupid hacks actually celebrate it.

I see you wastes of shit accuse America incessantly for water boarding the poor peaceful goat herders. Regardless of the fact they masterminded 911.

Why am I even trying to communicate to a fucking truther anyway. A person who claims it was a mistake to change the way we deal with perceived threats. Then again, those of that live in the real world (and not some gum drop liberal hippy world) where we saw the devastation that 19 men WITH OUT A GUN could do.

Your logic resembles the last shit I took. Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking moronic peacenik hippy.
I never said our paradigm should not have change post-9/11, what it became under Bush is where my problem is. All that the Iraq War did was completely destabilize a region and create more terrorists. Saddam was never a threat to us. No matter how much you wish he was, he just wasn't.

I am against torture. Our job isn't to be the world's policeman though. Your logic is that we can go around bombing whoever we want, real nice.

Assholes like you will never change, you are the reason why we are so involved in Middle Eastern affairs. You are being marginalized though and there will be less of you around as time goes on.

The region was not "stable" you deranged cocksucker. I love too how you do not deny that you are flat out saying saddam was actually a good guy. Of course, do not ever feign your fucking outrage on how much you hate torture.

That is right, every time you left wing piles of shit pretend to actually care whether or not a person is tortured, I will always throw it in your stupid fucking face on how much you wish saddam was still in power torturing those brown people that you supposedly care about. No, the simple fact is you do not care. You pretend to care. All to score political points. You are nothing.

Also, saddam violated at least 17 resolutions as confirmed by the UN independent council (UNSCOM.) You have to no concept of history and it is obvious that you do not know why the UN was even established. You just sit there thinking you just get everything, when you clearly don't.

You all still do not know why your pathetic socialist in chief has not called for an independent investigation on Bush and Cheney. It is you pathetic blobs afterall that say Bush is as guilty as Hitler. Get that? Hitler, whose henchmen went to trial at Nuremberg for their war crimes. Oh, never mind.

Just keep asking yourself whether or not the socialist in chief is privy to intel he was not prior to being president and that is the reason he expanded the war on terror and has not closed GTMO like he promised. Then he again, he has to placate his moronic base. Meaning know it alls like you.

I never did say Saddam was a good guy but sometimes the devil you do know is better than the devil you don't know. Every time we "fix" a problem in the Middle East, a new and worse problem pops up.

In regards to torture, once again, we aren't the world's policeman. Saddam didn't have a monopoly on torture. If we were, we'd have to invade a few dozen more countries, including our own.

I can't help but to chuckle every time I see an assclown like you still defending the Iraq invasion.
Newsflash for the OP, I am an independent and if you are deluding yourself that your Benghazi obsession is going to sway a single one of them then it is little wonder that the extreme right is dragging the GOP into political irrelevance.

LOL, you can call yourself Queen of Sheba for all I care. And you are NOT an independent thinker, LMAO.

Oh, the irony that went over your head at Mach 3!

Oh nothing's gone over my head, moron. I just don't need to play down at your piss ant level.


Yes, I am laughing at your expense because there is now a cadre of posters holding your feet to the fire over your obsession with Benghazi.

You wanted more attention in this thread and now that you have it your are discovering that it isn't what you imagined.

Be careful what you wish for, duckie!

Where'd ya go, fucker? What's wrong, you realizing this topic will OVERWHELM you?

Game on. Come on. Bring it, coward.

The moment you resorted to vulgarities you conceded defeat, sweetcheeks!

Please don't tell me that you really believe the Iraq War was necessary. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that it wasn't. You're either too big of a hack to admit it or you're one of the true believers.

No, but your fucking jew ass will not hold the democrats to account for the fact that they propagated the existence of WMDS when Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, lng before BOOOOOOSH took fucking office, you fucking moron.

You will gleefully run to the fucking voting booth to vote for Hillary, who voted for the war, and also propagated the existence of WMDs before Booooooosh took fucking office.

You already do not know how this country changed its paradigm on how to deal with perceived threats post 911. Hell, you are the stupid peacenik hypocritical pieces of shit who cry over 3 terrorists being water boarded who masterminded 911. Hell, we pretty much know you are a fucking truther anyway.

Either way, you are a fucking disgrace to Israel. You are a piece of shit hypocrite who cries over the fact that Saddam is gone, while you saw Israel celebrated it.

You are a pathetic brainwashed moron who has nothing but cliches. Plus, if you are so fucking turned off about the Iraq and the "invasion" (it was an actual liberation you moron and it was a tyrant that was deposed you stupid left wing moron) then sure as shit better not vote for any democrat who voted for that war.

You stupid fucking moron. Now, go celebrate your new year and consider what a fucking disgrace you and the rest of your people that live in this country to Israel.
First of all, I'm not a Jew and I certainly don't put Israel above America. Second of all, Clinton never led a full scale invasion of Iraq as Bush did so I don't really care about the Iraq Liberation Act.

I had the chance to vote for Hillary in 2008 and declined to do so because of her support for the Iraq War. I've never voted for anyone who voted Yes for the Iraq War.

I did see how this country changed it's paradigm after 9/11 and it was a huge fucking mistake. People like you cheering it on make me fucking sick, you piece of trash.

You do not think our paradigm should have changed post 911? You stupid piece of naive shit.

Look everyone, a moron who thinks he has intelligence, wants us to go back to pre-911 protocol.

Clinton did not lead a "full scale" invasion? I think it is pretty funny how you cry over saddam and are flat out stating that the world is better off with him in power.

Yet, you fucking hypocrites claim to be against people being tortured. You double talking sack of shit.

Wait, I forgot, You only hold America to account for violating the Geneva convention. I never see any of you snotty nosed snooty assholes ever express your disgust when America's enemies violate the Geneva convention. You stupid hacks actually celebrate it.

I see you wastes of shit accuse America incessantly for water boarding the poor peaceful goat herders. Regardless of the fact they masterminded 911.

Why am I even trying to communicate to a fucking truther anyway. A person who claims it was a mistake to change the way we deal with perceived threats. Then again, those of that live in the real world (and not some gum drop liberal hippy world) where we saw the devastation that 19 men WITH OUT A GUN could do.

Your logic resembles the last shit I took. Go fuck yourself you stupid fucking moronic peacenik hippy.
I never said our paradigm should not have change post-9/11, what it became under Bush is where my problem is. All that the Iraq War did was completely destabilize a region and create more terrorists. Saddam was never a threat to us. No matter how much you wish he was, he just wasn't.

I am against torture. Our job isn't to be the world's policeman though. Your logic is that we can go around bombing whoever we want, real nice.

Assholes like you will never change, you are the reason why we are so involved in Middle Eastern affairs. You are being marginalized though and there will be less of you around as time goes on.

The region was not "stable" you deranged cocksucker. I love too how you do not deny that you are flat out saying saddam was actually a good guy. Of course, do not ever feign your fucking outrage on how much you hate torture.

That is right, every time you left wing piles of shit pretend to actually care whether or not a person is tortured, I will always throw it in your stupid fucking face on how much you wish saddam was still in power torturing those brown people that you supposedly care about. No, the simple fact is you do not care. You pretend to care. All to score political points. You are nothing.

Also, saddam violated at least 17 resolutions as confirmed by the UN independent council (UNSCOM.) You have to no concept of history and it is obvious that you do not know why the UN was even established. You just sit there thinking you just get everything, when you clearly don't.

You all still do not know why your pathetic socialist in chief has not called for an independent investigation on Bush and Cheney. It is you pathetic blobs afterall that say Bush is as guilty as Hitler. Get that? Hitler, whose henchmen went to trial at Nuremberg for their war crimes. Oh, never mind.

Just keep asking yourself whether or not the socialist in chief is privy to intel he was not prior to being president and that is the reason he expanded the war on terror and has not closed GTMO like he promised. Then he again, he has to placate his moronic base. Meaning know it alls like you.


Wow, Owl, go, hun!
I'm gone for 7 hours and that's the best libs can do???

Diversions, just diversions.

Again, what scares you libs about actually hearing the guys on the ground???

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