Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.
hold on, that doesn't blow the lid off of anything, and there is no massive lie revealed.
care to try again?

"is no massive lie revealed"

It's pretty common for a pathological liar like yourself to not see lies that are right in front of them.

Good luck trying to convince people there was no lie, darling.

Viggo Mortensen may be just an actor - but he's dead right about Fox News.

Viggo Mortensen: There's A 'Brazen Form Of Lying' On Fox News

Wow, a massively liberal ACTOR doesn't like Fox? LOL

But what does that have to do with actually watching the Benghazi Security Team and Congressmen debate??????? LOL.

Lakky, you keep revealing your non-existent intellect.


I can't even see your image, nothing but X in a box. But I'm sure it was juvenile and had nothing to do with the topic, LOL

“The hottest competition in Washington this week is among House Republicans vying for a seat on the Benghazi kangaroo court, also known as the Select House Committee to Inflate a Tragedy Into a Scandal. Half the House has asked to ‘serve’ on the committee, which is understandable since it’s the perfect opportunity to avoid any real work while waving frantically to right-wing voters stomping their feet in the grandstand.”

“…won’t pass a serious jobs bill, or raise the minimum wage, or reform immigration, but House Republicans think they can earn their pay for the rest of the year by exposing nonexistent malfeasance on the part of the Obama administration.”

“…they would love to blame for the administration’s crackdown on conservative groups, if only they could prove there was a crackdown, which they can’t, because there wasn’t.”

“…need to rouse the most fervent anti-Obama wing of the party and keep it angry enough to deliver its donations and votes to Republicans in the November elections. For a while it seemed as if the Affordable Care Act would perform that role, but Republicans ran into a problem when the country began to realize that it was not destroying American civilization but in fact helping millions of people.”

“Democrats who are now debating whether to participate in the committee shouldn’t hesitate to skip it. Their presence would only lend legitimacy to a farce.”

More: Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

"It's Gowdy Doody Time" pretty much sums up the Benghazi circus.

“The hottest competition in Washington this week is among House Republicans vying for a seat on the Benghazi kangaroo court, also known as the Select House Committee to Inflate a Tragedy Into a Scandal. Half the House has asked to ‘serve’ on the committee, which is understandable since it’s the perfect opportunity to avoid any real work while waving frantically to right-wing voters stomping their feet in the grandstand.”

“…won’t pass a serious jobs bill, or raise the minimum wage, or reform immigration, but House Republicans think they can earn their pay for the rest of the year by exposing nonexistent malfeasance on the part of the Obama administration.”

“…they would love to blame for the administration’s crackdown on conservative groups, if only they could prove there was a crackdown, which they can’t, because there wasn’t.”

“…need to rouse the most fervent anti-Obama wing of the party and keep it angry enough to deliver its donations and votes to Republicans in the November elections. For a while it seemed as if the Affordable Care Act would perform that role, but Republicans ran into a problem when the country began to realize that it was not destroying American civilization but in fact helping millions of people.”

“Democrats who are now debating whether to participate in the committee shouldn’t hesitate to skip it. Their presence would only lend legitimacy to a farce.”

More: Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

"It's Gowdy Doody Time" pretty much sums up the Benghazi circus.

And yet here we have evidence those dumbass Democrats thinking of skipping the committee had no idea what they were talking about.

The video of the debate from a few days ago clearly showed that. No matter how many liars say otherwise.

The Benghazi Security Team PUMMELED the Congressmen.

It's here for all the world to see.

For those who have open eyes.

“The hottest competition in Washington this week is among House Republicans vying for a seat on the Benghazi kangaroo court, also known as the Select House Committee to Inflate a Tragedy Into a Scandal. Half the House has asked to ‘serve’ on the committee, which is understandable since it’s the perfect opportunity to avoid any real work while waving frantically to right-wing voters stomping their feet in the grandstand.”

“…won’t pass a serious jobs bill, or raise the minimum wage, or reform immigration, but House Republicans think they can earn their pay for the rest of the year by exposing nonexistent malfeasance on the part of the Obama administration.”

“…they would love to blame for the administration’s crackdown on conservative groups, if only they could prove there was a crackdown, which they can’t, because there wasn’t.”

“…need to rouse the most fervent anti-Obama wing of the party and keep it angry enough to deliver its donations and votes to Republicans in the November elections. For a while it seemed as if the Affordable Care Act would perform that role, but Republicans ran into a problem when the country began to realize that it was not destroying American civilization but in fact helping millions of people.”

“Democrats who are now debating whether to participate in the committee shouldn’t hesitate to skip it. Their presence would only lend legitimacy to a farce.”

More: Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

"It's Gowdy Doody Time" pretty much sums up the Benghazi circus.

And yet here we have evidence those dumbass Democrats thinking of skipping the committee had no idea what they were talking about.

The video of the debate from a few days ago clearly showed that. No matter how many liars say otherwise.

The Benghazi Security Team PUMMELED the Congressmen.

It's here for all the world to see.

For those who have open eyes.

Normal people don't see things the way Fox News disciples see things.

“The hottest competition in Washington this week is among House Republicans vying for a seat on the Benghazi kangaroo court, also known as the Select House Committee to Inflate a Tragedy Into a Scandal. Half the House has asked to ‘serve’ on the committee, which is understandable since it’s the perfect opportunity to avoid any real work while waving frantically to right-wing voters stomping their feet in the grandstand.”

“…won’t pass a serious jobs bill, or raise the minimum wage, or reform immigration, but House Republicans think they can earn their pay for the rest of the year by exposing nonexistent malfeasance on the part of the Obama administration.”

“…they would love to blame for the administration’s crackdown on conservative groups, if only they could prove there was a crackdown, which they can’t, because there wasn’t.”

“…need to rouse the most fervent anti-Obama wing of the party and keep it angry enough to deliver its donations and votes to Republicans in the November elections. For a while it seemed as if the Affordable Care Act would perform that role, but Republicans ran into a problem when the country began to realize that it was not destroying American civilization but in fact helping millions of people.”

“Democrats who are now debating whether to participate in the committee shouldn’t hesitate to skip it. Their presence would only lend legitimacy to a farce.”

More: Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

"It's Gowdy Doody Time" pretty much sums up the Benghazi circus.

And yet here we have evidence those dumbass Democrats thinking of skipping the committee had no idea what they were talking about.

The video of the debate from a few days ago clearly showed that. No matter how many liars say otherwise.

The Benghazi Security Team PUMMELED the Congressmen.

It's here for all the world to see.

For those who have open eyes.

Normal people don't see things the way Fox News disciples see things.

"Normal" people don't see things the way YOU see things, Lakkkky man.

When you NaziCons hold Bush accountable - I'll take a fresh look at Obama.

“The hottest competition in Washington this week is among House Republicans vying for a seat on the Benghazi kangaroo court, also known as the Select House Committee to Inflate a Tragedy Into a Scandal. Half the House has asked to ‘serve’ on the committee, which is understandable since it’s the perfect opportunity to avoid any real work while waving frantically to right-wing voters stomping their feet in the grandstand.”

“…won’t pass a serious jobs bill, or raise the minimum wage, or reform immigration, but House Republicans think they can earn their pay for the rest of the year by exposing nonexistent malfeasance on the part of the Obama administration.”

“…they would love to blame for the administration’s crackdown on conservative groups, if only they could prove there was a crackdown, which they can’t, because there wasn’t.”

“…need to rouse the most fervent anti-Obama wing of the party and keep it angry enough to deliver its donations and votes to Republicans in the November elections. For a while it seemed as if the Affordable Care Act would perform that role, but Republicans ran into a problem when the country began to realize that it was not destroying American civilization but in fact helping millions of people.”

“Democrats who are now debating whether to participate in the committee shouldn’t hesitate to skip it. Their presence would only lend legitimacy to a farce.”

More: Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

"It's Gowdy Doody Time" pretty much sums up the Benghazi circus.

And yet here we have evidence those dumbass Democrats thinking of skipping the committee had no idea what they were talking about.

The video of the debate from a few days ago clearly showed that. No matter how many liars say otherwise.

The Benghazi Security Team PUMMELED the Congressmen.

It's here for all the world to see.

For those who have open eyes.

Normal people don't see things the way Fox News disciples see things.

Wait a minute, Lakhota, are you a chick? If so, sorry I thought you were a guy. Ok so your posts on here are still misguided.

When you NaziCons hold Bush accountable - I'll take a fresh look at Obama.
LMAO, what did Bush have to do with Benghazi???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And in no other embassy attacks were there COVERUPS. Investigations were completely supported by the White House for each. You libs are such idiots on this topic.

Oh, look it's dumb (Lakky) and dumber (dotcommie) pretending they can even find Benghazi on a map, LOL.

To answer your question, nit wit, no other president that's had embassy or consulate attacks on their watch engaged in cover ups.

All other presidents have turned the investigations over to whatever independent organization was tasked with the investigation, and the WH at those times were supportive of those investigations.

You want me to repeat that very important distinction for you dumbasses again?

It's obvious it wouldn't help. You're little flakes. Really gullible ones. The whole board knows it; even your buddies.

How low are your IQs? Maybe 30? 40 tops?
Fox News Mushrooms: The Moonie Strain . . .

Fox News grows a special genetically altered strain called “The Moonie Strain”. They are naturally kept in the dark, like one would expect, and fed a special diet of Slanted Halfwit Ideology Transmissions (S.H.I.T.). Each mushroom is fed 40 pounds of S.H.I.T. per day to match its IQ. The Moonie Strain thrives on this special diet.

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