Congressmen Smith And Schiff Get Pummeled By Benghazi Security Team

Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?
i'm not sure you understand what evidence is. for instance, when you said you wanted to know why "bob" did what he did because you claimed he couldn't do anything without approval from his superiors i showed you the passage in the senate intelligence committee report that says exactly what was going on during those 25 minutes - attempts at obtaining militia help and arms.

now, do you have the ability to do me the same courtesy? what was the new information in the hannity clip?

You really really really think that's the whole story?

Did you not just read when I mentioned Judicial Watch getting the reply to their first FOIA which revealed a massive lie on the part of the White House about Benghazi????

You don't strike me as someone actually doing any independent research other than what is spoon fed by one party. The Senate is run by the biggest idiot Democrat ever to serve there.
i'm having difficulty finding the judicial watch foia request that was granted about a month ago that either exposed a massive lie or blew the lid off of anything.

would it be possible for you to provide a link?

I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email

Since when is something that came out 5 months ago "new facts"?

Furthermore there is absolutely nothing in that email that wasn't already known.when Susan Rice was first interviewed following the actual Benghazi attack.

Are you are addicted to soap opera reruns too?

Your credibility in this thread was completely trounced when you swore to everyone I never wore a uniform. Which I did for almost 10 years. And you know that's EASY to prove. It was just one of many lies from you.

So where was the apology, you fucking piece of shit. You're a liberal liar, not someone with any class.

You ran off with your tale between your legs..................keep running, liar.

Except that I never "swore to everyone", cupcake, and as I recall I did acknowledge your service in post #298 so lying about me only exposes that you are the one utterly devoid of any class.

But what proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are everything that you accuse others of being is that instead of dealing with the FACTS as provided in my post you lash out with a mindless ad hom attack.

That tells everyone reading this thread that you cannot defend your feckless position when it comes to the FACTS.

So you have effectively conceded that you have nothing whatsoever of any value to offer other than to dishonor the uniform your wore with your foul mouth.

Have a nice day.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1-5. No cover up.

6-7. No.

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

9. Well, they can't talk about the economy or Obamacare can they?
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
just admit you don't know what you're talking about.

and anyone paying you for tutoring isn't getting their money's worth. but you know what they say about a fool and his money...
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
just admit you don't know what you're talking about.

and anyone paying you for tutoring isn't getting their money's worth. but you know what they say about a fool and his money...

Don't know of any business executives that would pay to be lectured by someone with a foul mouth who plays fast and loose with the facts.

On the other hand if she is being well paid by business men for an entirely different kind of foul mouthed service that would make more sense.
You really really really think that's the whole story?

Did you not just read when I mentioned Judicial Watch getting the reply to their first FOIA which revealed a massive lie on the part of the White House about Benghazi????

You don't strike me as someone actually doing any independent research other than what is spoon fed by one party. The Senate is run by the biggest idiot Democrat ever to serve there.
i'm having difficulty finding the judicial watch foia request that was granted about a month ago that either exposed a massive lie or blew the lid off of anything.

would it be possible for you to provide a link?

I disagree with the characterization below as a smoking gun but it certainly reveals how people should be second guessing what they hear from the Administration about Benghazi.

Weekly Update JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun - Judicial Watch

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.” Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an “attack” and a possible kidnap attempt.

Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie? Not at all. The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much. But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive – until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

This has been a long battle. We filed our first Freedom of Information (FOIA) request on October 12, 2012, to gain access to documents about the controversial talking points used by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice for a series of appearances on television Sunday news programs on September 16, 2012. Ultimately, we had to sue to get them. But it was well worth the effort.

On April 18, 2014, JW obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents. They include a newly declassified email

Since when is something that came out 5 months ago "new facts"?

Furthermore there is absolutely nothing in that email that wasn't already known.when Susan Rice was first interviewed following the actual Benghazi attack.

Are you are addicted to soap opera reruns too?

Your credibility in this thread was completely trounced when you swore to everyone I never wore a uniform. Which I did for almost 10 years. And you know that's EASY to prove. It was just one of many lies from you.

So where was the apology, you fucking piece of shit. You're a liberal liar, not someone with any class.

You ran off with your tale between your legs..................keep running, liar.

Except that I never "swore to everyone", cupcake, and as I recall I did acknowledge your service in post #298 so lying about me only exposes that you are the one utterly devoid of any class.

But what proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are everything that you accuse others of being is that instead of dealing with the FACTS as provided in my post you lash out with a mindless ad hom attack.

That tells everyone reading this thread that you cannot defend your feckless position when it comes to the FACTS.

So you have effectively conceded that you have nothing whatsoever of any value to offer other than to dishonor the uniform your wore with your foul mouth.

Have a nice day.

I don't care how you shuck and jive to spin the truth - as you slimey libs are known for -- you LIED OUT YOUR TEETH ABOUT MY WEARING A UNIFORM. I'll post it right here below to remind you what a liar you are. It's from your post #277:

".....While you probably enjoy wallowing in the partisan gutter that is your own mind others prefer to take a higher road. What we have established beyond all reasonable doubt is that even on your very best day you could never match wits with an average 4th grader.

From the other posts in this thread I gather that you have never served in uniform whereas posters like Lakhota (and myself) actually have done so and are therefore more qualified than you will ever be to comprehend what happens in real life situations. Your Hollywood version with FauxNews graphics makes us laugh at your expense.

What happened in Benghazi was a tragedy but if you know any adults who have actually served you can ask them how quickly a real firefight starts and ends. How much you are actually aware of while it is happening and how long it takes for even air support to arrive on the scene.

Your feeble attempts to second guess and armchair quarterback those who have been in similar situations says volumes about your nefarious partisan motives. No amount of inane questioning is going to uncover any "new facts" about what happened.

The smart move here is to learn the hard lesson and never let it happen again.
But no one has ever accused you of making the smart move, have they?"

One more thing, little boy, this quote from your current post #423:

"...other than to dishonor the uniform your wore with your foul mouth."

you've just implied that all those infantrymen and special operators -- the people who do most of the heavy lifting in the military -- that have ever uttered a cuss word out of uniform have dishonored their uniform .....makes you look like an even BIGGER idiot than imaginable.

But by all means, keep digging that hole, moron.

It's not about the numbers dumb ass. It's about the lying afterward.

"A House investigation into the Benghazi embassy attack concluded that the Obama administration was not guilty of any deliberate, negligent wrongdoing, according to Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.). Thompson told SFGate that the report, from a GOP-led panel, "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order" was given to troops in the area."
House intel report on Benghazi finds no secret Obama scandal - The Week

Just keep on spinning away with your narrow-minded hate and keep on looking like an egotistical political hack! :eusa_clap:
I'm severely bored with you! You are way too easy. You need to tear yourself away from the obvious strongly biased talking points that have already been debunked. :disbelief: :lmao:

You're an idiot Kiwi. The more you post in this thread, the more of an idiot I see you are. What you just posted as your justification just about made me fall in the floor with laughter. It's ok though....the little light will go off for you at some point. As for talking points, shits for brains....that's you darling. My insight on this doesn't come from liberal ass articles or severely outdated reports you put so much more stock in than decorated Veterans that were actually there.

But thanks for bumping my thread, dumb ass.

:lol: You're the one who has bragged endlessly about how much you know and then didn't deliver. You've been exposed,,,,,,,by yourself! :lmao:Way to go!
Last edited:
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1-5. No cover up.

6-7. No.

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

9. Well, they can't talk about the economy or Obamacare can they?

Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1-5. No cover up.

6-7. No.

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

9. Well, they can't talk about the economy or Obamacare can they?

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

Wait, mean the way pathetic libs slimed Bush for all those years during the Iraq War????????????????

It is so fricken fun pointing out liberal lies, inconsistencies, stupidities, hypocrisy, and BS!
Now Boo, you're actually one of the libs I respect on here, so you deserve respectful treatment when I disagree with you, so I'll gently tell you that ya fell flat on that entire post, and that was just one example.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
just admit you don't know what you're talking about.

and anyone paying you for tutoring isn't getting their money's worth. but you know what they say about a fool and his money...

I love it when you reveal your stupidity in so few words. How do you know what and whom I tutor?? LMAO.

No, you don't. Again, any independent thinker sees this stupidity as a reflection of all your other stupidity, LOL.

But thanks for being one of my useful idiots, LOL.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
just admit you don't know what you're talking about.

and anyone paying you for tutoring isn't getting their money's worth. but you know what they say about a fool and his money...

Don't know of any business executives that would pay to be lectured by someone with a foul mouth who plays fast and loose with the facts.

On the other hand if she is being well paid by business men for an entirely different kind of foul mouthed service that would make more sense.

No kidding. When I read EC's profanity laced posts I have this image pop up in my mind:


  • untitled.png
    10.1 KB · Views: 62
It's not about the numbers dumb ass. It's about the lying afterward.

"A House investigation into the Benghazi embassy attack concluded that the Obama administration was not guilty of any deliberate, negligent wrongdoing, according to Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.). Thompson told SFGate that the report, from a GOP-led panel, "confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order" was given to troops in the area."
House intel report on Benghazi finds no secret Obama scandal - The Week

Just keep on spinning away with your narrow-minded hate and keep on looking like an egotistical political hack! :eusa_clap:
I'm severely bored with you! You are way too easy. You need to tear yourself away from the obvious strongly biased talking points that have already been debunked. :disbelief: :lmao:

You're an idiot Kiwi. The more you post in this thread, the more of an idiot I see you are. What you just posted as your justification just about made me fall in the floor with laughter. It's ok though....the little light will go off for you at some point. As for talking points, shits for brains....that's you darling. My insight on this doesn't come from liberal ass articles or severely outdated reports you put so much more stock in than decorated Veterans that were actually there.

But thanks for bumping my thread, dumb ass.

:lol: You're the one who has bragged endlessly about how much you know and then didn't deliver. You've been exposed,,,,,,,my yourself! :lmao:Way to go!

It's so fun watching you libtards try to tell independent thinkers the oceans are made of bubblegum and the skies made of cake. LOL

This thread is full of information for bright people. You tards? just makes your dicks shrink up. LOL

I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
just admit you don't know what you're talking about.

and anyone paying you for tutoring isn't getting their money's worth. but you know what they say about a fool and his money...

Don't know of any business executives that would pay to be lectured by someone with a foul mouth who plays fast and loose with the facts.

On the other hand if she is being well paid by business men for an entirely different kind of foul mouthed service that would make more sense.

No kidding. When I read EC's profanity laced posts I have this image pop up in my mind:

See post #433.

Wow, I can take all you idiot libs on with both hands tied behind my back, LMAO.

But to remind serious readers, if you haven't seen the video because you're just getting on this thread, there are many copies of it throughout this thread that reveal what a bunch of liars Democrat politicians have been on this subject.

They've been caught red-handed in this one.....there for all to see!
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1-5. No cover up.

6-7. No.

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

9. Well, they can't talk about the economy or Obamacare can they?

Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1-5. No cover up.

6-7. No.

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

9. Well, they can't talk about the economy or Obamacare can they?

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

Wait, mean the way pathetic libs slimed Bush for all those years during the Iraq War????????????????

It is so fricken fun pointing out liberal lies, inconsistencies, stupidities, hypocrisy, and BS!
Now Boo, you're actually one of the libs I respect on here, so you deserve respectful treatment when I disagree with you, so I'll gently tell you that ya fell flat on that entire post, and that was just one example.

I would like to point out that Iraq did not attack us on 9-11. Also if you will recall, President Bush enjoyed huge bipartisan support in the wake of 9-11 and in support of the effort to kill or capture those involved. Republicans and Democrats gathered together to sing "God Bless America" in front of the capital. The Iraq invasion and occupation is a different matter.

But don't be modest, when the Administration put out their talking points on the Sunday shows what crimes were they covering up?
I get paid a very high fee for helping people that need to be coached in the areas of basic business principles, economics, math, and others. I'll sit down and spend the 10-20 hours or so to summarize this for you at my going fee, since you're too incapable of researching yourself.

Or you can watch the video...............and then read the answers in this thread, shit-for-brains.

But to sit for hours holding your hand while you learn how to do objective research for free.....uhhh uhhhhh....ain't gonna happen Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.

Because you STILL wouldn't be smart enough to grasp objective info anyway.

In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
just admit you don't know what you're talking about.

and anyone paying you for tutoring isn't getting their money's worth. but you know what they say about a fool and his money...

Don't know of any business executives that would pay to be lectured by someone with a foul mouth who plays fast and loose with the facts.

On the other hand if she is being well paid by business men for an entirely different kind of foul mouthed service that would make more sense.

No kidding. When I read EC's profanity laced posts I have this image pop up in my mind:


Yup, she has no clue that spewing vulgarities exposes her trailer trash lifestyle. On top of that her repeated failures to deal with the questions from numerous posters has resulted in her destroying her own credibility. She really has zero self discipline and nothing in the way of coherent posts.

All told she fits the description of epic failure to a tee.
Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1-5. No cover up.

6-7. No.

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

9. Well, they can't talk about the economy or Obamacare can they?

Can an honest Conservative please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1-5. No cover up.

6-7. No.

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

9. Well, they can't talk about the economy or Obamacare can they?

8. When the country is attacked, both parties usually come together and rally behind the President, not criticize him while the attacks are still occurring.

Wait, mean the way pathetic libs slimed Bush for all those years during the Iraq War????????????????

It is so fricken fun pointing out liberal lies, inconsistencies, stupidities, hypocrisy, and BS!
Now Boo, you're actually one of the libs I respect on here, so you deserve respectful treatment when I disagree with you, so I'll gently tell you that ya fell flat on that entire post, and that was just one example.

I would like to point out that Iraq did not attack us on 9-11. Also if you will recall, President Bush enjoyed huge bipartisan support in the wake of 9-11 and in support of the effort to kill or capture those involved. Republicans and Democrats gathered together to sing "God Bless America" in front of the capital. The Iraq invasion and occupation is a different matter.

But don't be modest, when the Administration put out their talking points on the Sunday shows what crimes were they covering up?

I see where you're going because I used to follow those principles until libs stepped all over them. Libs have broken all the principles as far as I'm concerned.

The problem is you contradict yourself by saying only the 9/11 attack counts and Iraq War doesn't. So you basically just said what Obama's doing doesn't count because he has gone back into Iraq. If you start mincing words that he has not, I won't waste time with that semantic dance.
In other words - you can't answer my questions without looking like an obsessive fool. Why don't you just be honest enough to say so instead of all the hateful self-righteous nonsense?

Like I said, you're welcome to send me a fat check to sit and walk JUST YOU through all the information we've already covered and can be found by anyone interested in the minimal amount of independent research.

But we all know you're not interested in facts. Stop pretending you even know how to spell HONEST.

Just face it, your boy's going down, your party's going down. Senate will be taken away from you idiots. Just face it, hun.

And thanks for bumping this thread, Obama's Lakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky.
just admit you don't know what you're talking about.

and anyone paying you for tutoring isn't getting their money's worth. but you know what they say about a fool and his money...

Don't know of any business executives that would pay to be lectured by someone with a foul mouth who plays fast and loose with the facts.

On the other hand if she is being well paid by business men for an entirely different kind of foul mouthed service that would make more sense.

No kidding. When I read EC's profanity laced posts I have this image pop up in my mind:


Yup, she has no clue that spewing vulgarities exposes her trailer trash lifestyle. On top of that her repeated failures to deal with the questions from numerous posters has resulted in her destroying her own credibility. She really has zero self discipline and nothing in the way of coherent posts.

All told she fits the description of epic failure to a tee.

Dream on Princess DeeDee. LOL

This thread is chocked full of information. See, keep appealing to other useless liberal hacks...I keep appealing to independent thinkers to look at the video, etc. and make up their own minds. And THEY can clearly see I've offered a lot of data in this thread.

But thanks for being my useful idiot. :)
I would like to point out that Iraq did not attack us on 9-11. Also if you will recall, President Bush enjoyed huge bipartisan support in the wake of 9-11 and in support of the effort to kill or capture those involved. Republicans and Democrats gathered together to sing "God Bless America" in front of the capital. The Iraq invasion and occupation is a different matter.

But don't be modest, when the Administration put out their talking points on the Sunday shows what crimes were they covering up?
Democrats voted for the invasion as well, not sure where you were. One of obama's claim to fame is he was one of the few objectors. many Dems were against the surge but were proven wrong.

The cover up, since you and some libs here are still so unbelievably uninformed, is that they sent out Susan Rice to run her blowhole about how the attack was a reaction to that stupid anti-muslim flick that nobody saw. This was designed to cover up the fact that they were asleep at the wheel and radical Islam was not under control the way they were putting forth.

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