Congresswoman Blackburn on Trudeau abuse of power

Yes, you really do have a dog in that fight.

Everyone liked Mussolini too because he made the trains run on time.

You know what, the trains running on time are not that important when compared with the right to peacefully protest. Sorry white, the fact you will agree with jackboots as long as they make your life better in the now is the main problem. That is how authoritarians always get to power. Every. Damn. Time.
This wasn't a peaceful protest of anything.

This was astroturfing at its finest. :)
We need to put economic sanctions on Canada until they stop this tyrannical bullshit and publicly execute Trudie.

that may be a little harsh, but...

well, this reminds me of how little i know about Canada... specifically its form of govt... Apparently, Trudie was elected so they presumably have a system not terribly different from the US?

But just like the US it has become corroded w/ cronyism and corruption....

anything you can do to inform me RE Canada's system would be appreciated..
There is no abuse of power. Canada is under attack from right wing Nazis. They do not have the right to prevent people from moving around. They do not have the right to block the free flow of traffic. They do not have the right to demand that Trudeau resign. He was elected by the people of Canada and they do not support this. Blackburn is a Nazi thug as well. Kinzinger said that the next civil war will not be a war between the states. We are seeing the beginning of the civil war. Blackburn is a enemy of this country.

You are as full of shyte as you can be. They have the "right" to do all of that. BLM and ANTIFA did all of that to American's.
Pay no attention to Marsha. I don't. She's new right wing anti-business anti-American labor. Some of those car parts held up on the bridge come all the way to Tennessee to factories with Tennesseans wishing to work and make a living. She is not too big on how the slow-downs would affect US automobile manufacturers in Michigan and other states, either. She would sacrifice them to her anti-mask, anti-vaccine social agenda in a heartbeat.
what a bunch of hooey

hey, did you know lying was one of the sins you go to Hell for?

don't believe in hell?

you'll believe in it when you get there... which you will, according to my best info... unless u turn from your crooked path
Yes, you really do have a dog in that fight.

Everyone liked Mussolini too because he made the trains run on time.

You know what, the trains running on time are not that important when compared with the right to peacefully protest. Sorry white, the fact you will agree with jackboots as long as they make your life better in the now is the main problem. That is how authoritarians always get to power. Every. Damn. Time.
They got to peacefully protest. What is your point?
what a bunch of hooey

hey, did you know lying was one of the sins you go to Hell for?

don't believe in hell?

you'll believe in it when you get there... which you will, according to my best info... unless u turn from your crooked path
Look slick. The bridge needed to be reopened, so commerce (our included) could continue. They got to park their truck where they liked for a week, right on the public thoroughfares, shutting down traffic and transportation for several days. What is it, you wanted? What is it Marsha wanted out of a protest in another country 1036 miles from her home state, a state with various automobile factories and thousands employed in them? Her goals politically are often more serving of politics, than working people or the economy. What can I say?
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This wasn't a peaceful protest of anything.

This was astroturfing at its finest. :)
Seems multiple people on the left are applying this term here.

It is CLEARLY not 'astroturf.'

It appears like you do not even know what the term means. There is no logical way to apply the term here.
Look slick. The bridge needed to be reopened, so commerce (our included) could continue. They got to park their truck where they liked for a week, right on the public thoroughfares, shutting down traffic and transportation for several days. What is it, you wanted? What is it Marsha wanted out of a protest in another country 2000 miles from her home state, a state with various automobile factories and thousands employed in them? Her goals politically are often more serving of politics, than working people or the economy. What can I say?
you could have saved yourself the trouble of writing to me

I'm sorry (though libs are the ones who should be sorry... sorry they are such)

but I don't listen to libs for news...

now you know... now u won't waste your time (keystrokes)
you could have saved yourself the trouble of writing to me

I'm sorry (though libs are the ones who should be sorry... sorry they are such)

but I don't listen to libs for news...

now you know... now u won't waste your time (keystrokes)
As you waste yours. You did not refute, only said you never listen. What a goof! That's your best adult response? Here, I found your picture on the web:
You are as full of shyte as you can be. They have the "right" to do all of that. BLM and ANTIFA did all of that to American's.

Are you kidding me! BLM and ANTIFA had riots in Canada and Trudy didn't do anything. They didn't wear masks, and he just sat there.

Now, I am not up to snuff on if they did any damage while doing it, but it sounds like rules for thee, and not for me, from my perspective.
Seems multiple people on the left are applying this term here.

It is CLEARLY not 'astroturf.'

It appears like you do not even know what the term means. There is no logical way to apply the term here.
"Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection"

And finally, yes, far left, but no worse than some of the alt-right things I've seen quoted around here.

Bottom line, astroturf. Either you're in denial..or YOU don't know what it mean. :)
"Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection"

And finally, yes, far left, but no worse than some of the alt-right things I've seen quoted around here.

Bottom line, astroturf. Either you're in denial..or YOU don't know what it mean. :)

Seriously dude? I have friends up there, these are the everyday folks. Lose the Prog crap sites
"Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection"

And finally, yes, far left, but no worse than some of the alt-right things I've seen quoted around here.

Bottom line, astroturf. Either you're in denial..or YOU don't know what it mean. :)
And it does not apply here.

The truckers started this. End of story.

That is not denial, it is simple recognition of reality. No larger institutions were hiding behind the truckers and creating the movement.
There is no abuse of power. Canada is under attack from right wing Nazis. They do not have the right to prevent people from moving around. They do not have the right to block the free flow of traffic. They do not have the right to demand that Trudeau resign. He was elected by the people of Canada and they do not support this. Blackburn is a Nazi thug as well. Kinzinger said that the next civil war will not be a war between the states. We are seeing the beginning of the civil war. Blackburn is a enemy of this country.
PUt on 3 masks and STFU Fascist. Trudeau is showing his true colors like all Fascist eventually do.............And the people are turning on him. GOOD. Enjoy the KARMA.
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I am still reading through this.. will be back soon w/ comments

for now the comment that suffices is

Trudeau is a moron
For me and other well educated readers all we needed was to see the link to LOL. Breitbart is a tabloid that uses lies, damn lies, half-truths and other misinformation to convince biddable fools such as you.
For me and other well educated readers all we needed was to see the link to LOL. Breitbart is a tabloid that uses lies, damn lies, half-truths and other misinformation to convince biddable fools such as you.

Nothing about you says "educated", all you reveal crass partisanship.

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