Congresswoman Talib poses with Nazi antisemite leader

Rashida Tlaib poses with Hezbollah-backing anti-Israel activist

Destroy Israel she chants


I inspected the fist picture and found it's been altered. As in things have been added. It's been photoshopped. The Man has been photoshopped in. As has his hands and his fingers. The background is real, the poster is real and she is real. He is photoshopped in. There is a reason the Dems haven't commented on it. It's a lie.

It appears that someone is trying to benefit from her. It might be the Israelis trying to cover up their most recent gaff or the Hussbolla trying to bolster their own cause. But either way, it's a lie.
The photo seems to be real.

To you. But I blew it up and saw that his pic has some inconsistencies that shows a gifted Photoshopper even better than I am and I am pretty damned good. No matter how good you are, a good graphic artist can find it. Don't be fooled. But that's what they are banking on.
You can use the pic for a google search and if it was a fake, results would show you the original.

Nope, he lives in his own fake world

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?

Can your provide some evidence of his link to the Nazis?
Anyone who wants all Jews and Israel annihilated is a Nazi, can you provide any proof that this piece of shit loves Israel
Where has she called for annihilating Jews?

Why is she supposed to love Israel? She is AMERICAN, not Israeli :dunno:
She had a terrorist who wants Israel annihilated at her swearing in

What terrorist act did he commit?

Did I ever say it was?

You might be imagining things
No. But the implication is clear, you put two unrelated pictures together to create the impression they are related. Common tactic.

The photos are related, if you accept that hatred of Christians and Jews is a way of life for some.

You can deny all you want but heads are being sawed off right now somewhere.

Primarily by the people who hate Israel.


I inspected the fist picture and found it's been altered. As in things have been added. It's been photoshopped. The Man has been photoshopped in. As has his hands and his fingers. The background is real, the poster is real and she is real. He is photoshopped in. There is a reason the Dems haven't commented on it. It's a lie.

It appears that someone is trying to benefit from her. It might be the Israelis trying to cover up their most recent gaff or the Hussbolla trying to bolster their own cause. But either way, it's a lie.
The photo seems to be real.
The photo is real, he is in denial. Talib is a terrorist

What terrorist act did she engage in? What terrorist group is she a member of?

When you support terrorist, you are a terrorist. Obama is a terrorist because he gave money to Iran.


All hail the psycho
You sound like a looney.

What terrorist group did she provide material support to?

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?

When your heart opens you will understand, not before

Did I ever say it was?

You might be imagining things
No. But the implication is clear, you put two unrelated pictures together to create the impression they are related. Common tactic.

The photos are related, if you accept that hatred of Christians and Jews is a way of life for some.

You can deny all you want but heads are being sawed off right now somewhere.

Primarily by the people who hate Israel.

You realize there are a whole lot of different groups out there, with different aims. So you post photos of ISIS atrocities and conflate it with an elected US representative. That is delusional.

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?
If they are doing that sort of thing they certainly are not Christian you dumbass

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?

When your heart opens you will understand, not before
Ok, so you are incapable of answering. Got it.
I inspected the fist picture and found it's been altered. As in things have been added. It's been photoshopped. The Man has been photoshopped in. As has his hands and his fingers. The background is real, the poster is real and she is real. He is photoshopped in. There is a reason the Dems haven't commented on it. It's a lie.

It appears that someone is trying to benefit from her. It might be the Israelis trying to cover up their most recent gaff or the Hussbolla trying to bolster their own cause. But either way, it's a lie.
The photo seems to be real.
The photo is real, he is in denial. Talib is a terrorist

What terrorist act did she engage in? What terrorist group is she a member of?

When you support terrorist, you are a terrorist. Obama is a terrorist because he gave money to Iran.


All hail the psycho
You sound like a looney.

What terrorist group did she provide material support to?

So you are hearing voices...… Not mine I haven't made any sounds here. LA LA LA

She provides support to BDS

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Defends BDS Against Charges of Antisemitism in CNN Interview
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?

When your heart opens you will understand, not before
Ok, so you are incapable of answering. Got it.

You are incapable of feeling or caring, when the Lord God shows you his love, you will want to share it, until then you will know only emptiness

The photo seems to be real.
The photo is real, he is in denial. Talib is a terrorist

What terrorist act did she engage in? What terrorist group is she a member of?

When you support terrorist, you are a terrorist. Obama is a terrorist because he gave money to Iran.


All hail the psycho
You sound like a looney.

What terrorist group did she provide material support to?

So you are hearing voices...… Not mine I haven't made any sounds here. LA LA LA

She provides support to BDS

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Defends BDS Against Charges of Antisemitism in CNN Interview
So what? People have the right to boycott.

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?
If they are doing that sort of thing they certainly are not Christian you dumbass
They certainly are. It is a cultural thing, not a religious thing.

Can your provide some evidence of his link to the Nazis?
Anyone who wants all Jews and Israel annihilated is a Nazi, can you provide any proof that this piece of shit loves Israel
Where has she called for annihilating Jews?

Why is she supposed to love Israel? She is AMERICAN, not Israeli :dunno:
She had a terrorist who wants Israel annihilated at her swearing in

What terrorist act did he commit?

He does not love Israel
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?
If they are doing that sort of thing they certainly are not Christian you dumbass
They certainly are. It is a cultural thing, not a religious thing.
Those things are unacceptable to any real Christian dumbass
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?
If they are doing that sort of thing they certainly are not Christian you dumbass
They certainly are. It is a cultural thing, not a religious thing.
Those things are unacceptable to any real Christian dumbass
And I am betting you are a "real" Christian dumb ass.
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?
If they are doing that sort of thing they certainly are not Christian you dumbass
They certainly are. It is a cultural thing, not a religious thing.

Indeed Muslim culture
Female genital mutilation (FGM) or clitoridectomy is an Islamic tradition, rampant in the Muslim world. As the hijrah to the West continues, so does the insistence that we adopt Islamic mores and traditions, no matter how horrific.

Medicalizing clitordectomies. This is the latest approach of Muslim groups. “Medical.” There is nothing medical about clitordectomies. It is an affront to the Hippocratic Oath, first do no harm. The same was tried in America.

The American Academy of Pediatrics proposed a resolution to begin to practice this barbaric mutilation in a multicultural, dhimmi effort — a “nick” they euphemtically called it. This would have given clitoridectomy the seal of approval by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

There was uniform protest by my colleagues, counter-jihadists and other human rights groups to withdraw the American Pediatric Academy’s FGM resolution. And it withdrew the resolution. Some Muslim girls across America were saved in the nick of time ….

Whatever their twisted intention, such consideration was unfathomable to decent, reasoned human beings.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) or clitoridectomy is an Islamic tradition, rampant in the Muslim world. Hadiths have Muhammad justifying it. Over 96% of the women in Egypt have been clitoridectomized. Back in 2008, devout members of the Egyptian parliament have made female genital mutilation (circumcision) legal again in Egypt. With the advent of increased Muslim immigration, this has become a pressing issue here in America. Campaigns like the one described here are foredoomed to failure, because they don’t address the Islamic roots of the problem

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