Congresswoman Talib poses with Nazi antisemite leader

Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?
If they are doing that sort of thing they certainly are not Christian you dumbass
They certainly are. It is a cultural thing, not a religious thing.
Those things are unacceptable to any real Christian dumbass
And I am betting you are a "real" Christian dumb ass.

I inspected the fist picture and found it's been altered. As in things have been added. It's been photoshopped. The Man has been photoshopped in. As has his hands and his fingers. The background is real, the poster is real and she is real. He is photoshopped in. There is a reason the Dems haven't commented on it. It's a lie.

It appears that someone is trying to benefit from her. It might be the Israelis trying to cover up their most recent gaff or the Hussbolla trying to bolster their own cause. But either way, it's a lie.
The photo seems to be real.
The photo is real, he is in denial. Talib is a terrorist

What terrorist act did she engage in? What terrorist group is she a member of?

When you support terrorist, you are a terrorist. Obama is a terrorist because he gave money to Iran.


All hail the psycho

Coyote is right----there is nothing wrong with teaching children to
sing MAWT AL ___________________
fill in ^^^^^ the blank Hindu
Buddhist etc etc etc
especially on holidays and as part of prayer ceremonies. Kids
get candy and get taught about THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAM
Last edited:

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
21. Thou shall cut off your wife's vagina, if her mother didn't already chop it
Where in the Koran does it say that?
Grow up
Complete guide to ISLAMIC FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. Yes, it’s primarily a MUSLIM thing.
So you can’t show me anything in the Koran that mentions it.

May you can tell us why Christians in those same regions also practice FGM and Muslims in other parts of the world don’t?

FGM is mentioned in the Koran------for some reason liars like to lie about
that fact.-------it is not EMPHASIZED or SPECIFICALLY DEMANDED--
The practice is thought to have developed LONG AGO in Egypt and is
still prevalent there even amongst some copts.
however Islamic scholars have determined that it is mandatory-----the fact
that a few non muslims engage-----is a BIG ISSUE for big time liars. In
reality it is rare amongst non muslims-----but INVARIABLY ends up happening
in ALL those places that muslims invade-------even the USA. Where islam goes---or is imposed---there is FGM. For more information on the subject----
look at the medical literature. Coyote can name for us the MUSLIM country in which FGM does not happen. ----over to you, coyote.
I inspected the fist picture and found it's been altered. As in things have been added. It's been photoshopped. The Man has been photoshopped in. As has his hands and his fingers. The background is real, the poster is real and she is real. He is photoshopped in. There is a reason the Dems haven't commented on it. It's a lie.

It appears that someone is trying to benefit from her. It might be the Israelis trying to cover up their most recent gaff or the Hussbolla trying to bolster their own cause. But either way, it's a lie.
The photo seems to be real.
The photo is real, he is in denial. Talib is a terrorist

What terrorist act did she engage in? What terrorist group is she a member of?

When you support terrorist, you are a terrorist. Obama is a terrorist because he gave money to Iran.


All hail the psycho

Coyote is right----there is nothing wrong with teaching children to
sing MAWT AL ___________________
fill in ^^^^^ the blank Hindu
Buddhist etc etc etc
especially on holidays and as part of prayer ceremonies. Kids
get candy and get taught about THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAM

Teaching jihad against your own country is not only wrong it's treason, no matter what country. Islam is not a religion, it is the political philosophy of hate, does that mean all Muslims are terrorist? Not exactly because good people are born into bad situations every day, just ask any girl who's mother removed her clitoris to make her a good follower of her husband.

Anyone who defends this is a terrorist, Ill explain this to anyone face to face as I am proud of who I am and pity them all
Or could it be, her being Palestinian, that she wants Palestine to be it's own country? Well, cupcake, so do I. You have no idea how many problems in the Middle East that would cure. Your STMS is showing.

You forgot to mention that the subhuman garbage wants this country of Palestine to exist where the current country of Israel sits.

Gawd, these stupid pieces of leftist shit annoy me with their antisemitism.
Or could it be, her being Palestinian, that she wants Palestine to be it's own country? Well, cupcake, so do I. You have no idea how many problems in the Middle East that would cure. Your STMS is showing.

You forgot to mention that the subhuman garbage wants this country of Palestine to exist where the current country of Israel sits.

Gawd, these stupid pieces of leftist shit annoy me with their antisemitism.
Not that I necessarily disagree, but I do not call people cupcakes and never used the acronym STMS, so please do not attribute that quote to me as I did not write it.
The photo is real, he is in denial. Talib is a terrorist

What terrorist act did she engage in? What terrorist group is she a member of?

When you support terrorist, you are a terrorist. Obama is a terrorist because he gave money to Iran.


All hail the psycho
You sound like a looney.

What terrorist group did she provide material support to?

So you are hearing voices...… Not mine I haven't made any sounds here. LA LA LA

She provides support to BDS

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Defends BDS Against Charges of Antisemitism in CNN Interview
So what? People have the right to boycott.

the boycott which coyote supports is nothing new-------it was designed to
be a starvation siege. Way back in the 1940s----East Jerusalem was
under "boycott"----which actually was a real starvation siege-----to coyote's
delight. People did die About 2 million biafran kids died in the starvation siege boycott inflicted on the "IBO" aka Christian people of
Nigeria-----babies dead in the dust. When the Hindus of East Pakistan
(now Bangladesh) fled the attack by muslim west Pakistan (circa 1971)
------relief efforts were attacked and people dropped dead in their tracks.
There was some positive results of the continued desperate attempts
at starvation siege on Israel------in the field of PUBLIC HEALTH.
Thru very careful planning------
the staples (according to jewish mothers) ----to wit----bread and milk ---
were subsidized. way back circa 1950 ------make that whole wheat
bread. eggs were also made available---another jewish mother fave.
Anyone here remember cod liver oil ?
The biggest problem is that many lefties have no religious affliation at all, but of course deem themselves as experts on all religions. They also put all religions in the same "they are crazy" bucket because they really have no basis of knowledge on the subject.

Just because some nut who kills a bunch of people claims to be a Christian doesn't make him so. The bible does not promote such things. Christians condemn this behaviour, however, in the rare occasions when this happens, Liberals are quick to attempt to blame Christinanity and all Christians, because they are ignorant of facts and of course they want to push their secular agenda.

In fairness, Christians and Conservatives do the same thing when a person who claims to be a Muslim kills people, which just happens to be much more frequent around the globe. Also in fairness, Muslims don't seem to denounce the violence with much ferver and the Koran undeniably includes pointed language that supports these types of actions.

There is wide support or Israel by Christians because Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were his chosen people. Muslims not only want to destroy Isreal and the Jews, but anyone who disagrees with them, including, somewhat ironically, the secular in the US that back them in most instances against Christians. Real Christians do not condone violence against those with which they disagree. This is a point which seems to be lost on the secular left.
The biggest problem is that many lefties have no religious affliation at all, but of course deem themselves as experts on all religions. They also put all religions in the same "they are crazy" bucket because they really have no basis of knowledge on the subject.

Just because some nut who kills a bunch of people claims to be a Christian doesn't make him so. The bible does not promote such things. Christians condemn this behaviour, however, in the rare occasions when this happens, Liberals are quick to attempt to blame Christinanity and all Christians, because they are ignorant of facts and of course they want to push their secular agenda.

In fairness, Christians and Conservatives do the same thing when a person who claims to be a Muslim kills people, which just happens to be much more frequent around the globe. Also in fairness, Muslims don't seem to denounce the violence with much ferver and the Koran undeniably includes pointed language that supports these types of actions.

There is wide support or Israel by Christians because Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were his chosen people. Muslims not only want to destroy Isreal and the Jews, but anyone who disagrees with them, including, somewhat ironically, the secular in the US that back them in most instances against Christians. Real Christians do not condone violence against those with which they disagree. This is a point which seems to be lost on the secular left.

there are OTHER FACTORS----in determining if an action is based
on an IDEOLOGY ----vs individual crank. Of course it is idiotic to jump
to a conclusion simply because a person is a member of a described or
invented "GROUP" or novel "race" As to who is a "real" this or that----
THAT is another even more complex issue. When a person SAYS he did
what he did because of his ideology------I tend to believe it.
The biggest problem is that many lefties have no religious affliation at all, but of course deem themselves as experts on all religions. They also put all religions in the same "they are crazy" bucket because they really have no basis of knowledge on the subject.

Just because some nut who kills a bunch of people claims to be a Christian doesn't make him so. The bible does not promote such things. Christians condemn this behaviour, however, in the rare occasions when this happens, Liberals are quick to attempt to blame Christinanity and all Christians, because they are ignorant of facts and of course they want to push their secular agenda.

In fairness, Christians and Conservatives do the same thing when a person who claims to be a Muslim kills people, which just happens to be much more frequent around the globe. Also in fairness, Muslims don't seem to denounce the violence with much ferver and the Koran undeniably includes pointed language that supports these types of actions.

There is wide support or Israel by Christians because Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were his chosen people. Muslims not only want to destroy Isreal and the Jews, but anyone who disagrees with them, including, somewhat ironically, the secular in the US that back them in most instances against Christians. Real Christians do not condone violence against those with which they disagree. This is a point which seems to be lost on the secular left.

there are OTHER FACTORS----in determining if an action is based
on an IDEOLOGY ----vs individual crank. Of course it is idiotic to jump
to a conclusion simply because a person is a member of a described or
invented "GROUP" or novel "race" As to who is a "real" this or that----
THAT is another even more complex issue. When a person SAYS he did
what he did because of his ideology------I tend to believe it.

A person very well may have done it because of their idelogy., but it could be a very skewed view from a disturbed person. My point is that a person who says he is a Christian who says they did it because of Christianity is using a perverted view of the religion and God's word. A person who is a Muslim who says he did it because of his religion can back up his claim with many quotes from the Koran. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but many seem complicit with terrorist acts.
So what? People have the right to boycott.

Here's the thing: people like you (and I know you pretty well) have a pattern of making statements siding with criminals and people of low character. There's always some rhetorical dodge like "You sound like a looney. What terrorist group did she provide material support to?" to demand the opponent provide facts and credible links to which you'd reply "So what?"

The fact is, people on the far left, with "special group" status, the whiny/delicate , those with an ax to grind over ideology or fringe issues, single issue warriors... - they always have an excuse why they don't like civil society and our laws. They always have a reason malicious people should be given whatever they want.

I reject that. That way of thinking is defeatist and toxic. It's a cancer on society. Imho, they are cowards and crybabies who simply want to be taken care of out of other peoples' wallet and not have to be responsible for themselves. It is the very epitome of laziness.
The biggest problem is that many lefties have no religious affliation at all, but of course deem themselves as experts on all religions. They also put all religions in the same "they are crazy" bucket because they really have no basis of knowledge on the subject.

Just because some nut who kills a bunch of people claims to be a Christian doesn't make him so. The bible does not promote such things. Christians condemn this behaviour, however, in the rare occasions when this happens, Liberals are quick to attempt to blame Christinanity and all Christians, because they are ignorant of facts and of course they want to push their secular agenda.

In fairness, Christians and Conservatives do the same thing when a person who claims to be a Muslim kills people, which just happens to be much more frequent around the globe. Also in fairness, Muslims don't seem to denounce the violence with much ferver and the Koran undeniably includes pointed language that supports these types of actions.

There is wide support or Israel by Christians because Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were his chosen people. Muslims not only want to destroy Isreal and the Jews, but anyone who disagrees with them, including, somewhat ironically, the secular in the US that back them in most instances against Christians. Real Christians do not condone violence against those with which they disagree. This is a point which seems to be lost on the secular left.

there are OTHER FACTORS----in determining if an action is based
on an IDEOLOGY ----vs individual crank. Of course it is idiotic to jump
to a conclusion simply because a person is a member of a described or
invented "GROUP" or novel "race" As to who is a "real" this or that----
THAT is another even more complex issue. When a person SAYS he did
what he did because of his ideology------I tend to believe it.

A person very well may have done it because of their idelogy., but it could be a very skewed view from a disturbed person. My point is that a person who says he is a Christian who says they did it because of Christianity is using a perverted view of the religion and God's word. A person who is a Muslim who says he did it because of his religion can back up his claim with many quotes from the Koran. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but many seem complicit with terrorist acts.

yeah----ok-----other factors like does a significant group of people actually
SUPPORT THE ACTION---------I do not believe that a significant group of
Christians-----based on their Christianity-----or red-necks based on their
red neckness------or military veterans, based on their military experience----
ACTUALLY SUPPORT TOMOTHY MC VEIGH------to me he was a lone crank..
Osama bin Laden is----on the other hand----a cult leader for millions----he was
a muslim terrorist for islam. Young "shoot-up the high school" criminals----
don't seem to be doing it as an ideology------more like disaffected angry kids.----
lone cranks. There is no doubt in my mind that someone who drives
a truck thru a crowd screaming ALLAHUAKBAR------is most likely looking for
a free pass into Jannah and is an ideologue whether he read or can quote the
Koran-----most muslims never read the koran
So what? People have the right to boycott.

Here's the thing: people like you (and I know you pretty well) have a pattern of making statements siding with criminals and people of low character. There's always some rhetorical dodge like "You sound like a looney. What terrorist group did she provide material support to?" to demand the opponent provide facts and credible links to which you'd reply "So what?"

The fact is, people on the far left, with "special group" status, the whiny/delicate , those with an ax to grind over ideology or fringe issues, single issue warriors... - they always have an excuse why they don't like civil society and our laws. They always have a reason malicious people should be given whatever they want.

I reject that. That way of thinking is defeatist and toxic. It's a cancer on society. Imho, they are cowards and crybabies who simply want to be taken care of out of other peoples' wallet and not have to be responsible for themselves. It is the very epitome of laziness.

its a way to REACH FOR DENIAL and avoid finding the root of THE PROBLEM.
Lets expound on the HUMANITY OF Heinrich Himmler ----"inside, we are ALL
the same"
What's good is that the amorphous movement known as "Q" is creating a great many new Trump voters through that little avenue, and that's what's going to count in 2020.

American Votes.

The left seem to have none of that kind of organizing.

Skimming through this forum in general, people have learned from the Holocaust, NOT that killing, genocide, massacres, war mongering etc. are wrong.
But, that these are ONLY wrong when Kosher people are the victims.

What a bunch of dumb@$$es.

the catechism whore GOT YOUR MIND
Or could it be, her being Palestinian, that she wants Palestine to be it's own country? Well, cupcake, so do I. You have no idea how many problems in the Middle East that would cure. Your STMS is showing.

You forgot to mention that the subhuman garbage wants this country of Palestine to exist where the current country of Israel sits.

Gawd, these stupid pieces of leftist shit annoy me with their antisemitism.

No, I didn't forget a thing. You are just making things up again. Right now, the West Bank is up for (or should be) for discussion for that small country. It's already a semi autonomous region already with Israel playing some pretty underhanded games. Just make the West Bank the new Palistine. Simple as that. If Israel wants to construct a wall separating the West Bank for Israel, more power to them. But allow the Palistinians to have their own industries, etc. without any reliance or interference from Israel. I believe the UN would be very happy to supervise such a venture. And have Israel go wipe Hamas off the face of the earth because they are a terrorist organization that is contrary to both the Israelis and the Palistinians as well as Egyptians and every other Middle Eastern country.
Or could it be, her being Palestinian, that she wants Palestine to be it's own country? Well, cupcake, so do I. You have no idea how many problems in the Middle East that would cure. Your STMS is showing.

You forgot to mention that the subhuman garbage wants this country of Palestine to exist where the current country of Israel sits.

Gawd, these stupid pieces of leftist shit annoy me with their antisemitism.

No, I didn't forget a thing. You are just making things up again. Right now, the West Bank is up for (or should be) for discussion for that small country. It's already a semi autonomous region already with Israel playing some pretty underhanded games. Just make the West Bank the new Palistine. Simple as that. If Israel wants to construct a wall separating the West Bank for Israel, more power to them. But allow the Palistinians to have their own industries, etc. without any reliance or interference from Israel. I believe the UN would be very happy to supervise such a venture. And have Israel go wipe Hamas off the face of the earth because they are a terrorist organization that is contrary to both the Israelis and the Palistinians as well as Egyptians and every other Middle Eastern country.
Why don’t they put new Palestine in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in southern iraq... That makes a lot more sense.
Or could it be, her being Palestinian, that she wants Palestine to be it's own country? Well, cupcake, so do I. You have no idea how many problems in the Middle East that would cure. Your STMS is showing.

You forgot to mention that the subhuman garbage wants this country of Palestine to exist where the current country of Israel sits.

Gawd, these stupid pieces of leftist shit annoy me with their antisemitism.

No, I didn't forget a thing. You are just making things up again. Right now, the West Bank is up for (or should be) for discussion for that small country. It's already a semi autonomous region already with Israel playing some pretty underhanded games. Just make the West Bank the new Palistine. Simple as that. If Israel wants to construct a wall separating the West Bank for Israel, more power to them. But allow the Palistinians to have their own industries, etc. without any reliance or interference from Israel. I believe the UN would be very happy to supervise such a venture. And have Israel go wipe Hamas off the face of the earth because they are a terrorist organization that is contrary to both the Israelis and the Palistinians as well as Egyptians and every other Middle Eastern country.
Why don’t they put new Palestine in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in southern iraq... That makes a lot more sense.

Easy answer. Why did the Navajo end up in the God Forsaken land they ended up with. Why was the Cherokee transferred to Oklahoma? The same goes for transferring the Palistinians to the area you are talking about. it's prime farm land. Very rich and very productive. Good luck convincing Iraq to give that up. And it's also a huge watershed that has a great amount of Hydroelectric power. Your Souix really should have been sent to some God Forsaken Desert in the early 1900s if history had been kept instead of leaving them in the Black Hills. Someone screwed up.
You must warn us about that graphic images made by sunni terrorist groups.
Christians and Jews get no warnings, just death by the knife.
Those are most likely Syrian or Iraqi soldiers. Little chance they are Christian.

It is still happening.
Jihadist rebels behead several Syrian soldiers in Idlib
The right constantly claims genocide against Christians while ignoring that 50x that number of Muslims have been killed.

Why would we care about the Muslims being killed?

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