Conn. govt orders gun owners to turn in or destroy unregistered "assault weapons"


Let's round up all the paranoid redneck fucks who won't follow the laws.

I'm sick of gun owners who think it's patriotic to break the law.

When a black guy robs his house to get money to survive, does Mr. Gun Nutter call the black guy a patriot?? No.

See, that's how you nutters appear to us -- a bunch of criminals.
I am sick of you idiot commie libtards who like to violate our rights. Shut the hell up you sick commie.

What fucking decade are we living in that people still call each other commies? Thanks gramps.
Punk, commies are commies no matter what decade.
No one is coming for those guns


name the officer coming after their guns

When this person is reminded over and over that government is, in fact, forcing people to give up their legally-acquired guns when they've done nothing with them at all, all he can do is grunt and mindlessly repeat his already-debunked mantra over and over.

This is what normal people have to deal with today, when trying to keep their constitutional rights.

name the officer coming after their guns
What a great idea. NOT!!!!
Please remind me how a government that orders me to turn in a gun I legally purchased and never hurt or threatened anyone with, is NOT violating my 2nd amendment rights to keep and bear arms?

Am I the only one who thinks they're blatantly violating the 2nd?

If the 2nd doesn't forbid this, then what does it forbid?

Seems to me like your problem is with Adam Lanza's Mother. They were both law abiding gun owing citizens............of Conn. if i remember correctly. Her irresponsible actions caused a strong re action from the general populace.

Something about having so many kids killed does crazy things to people. You should understand. A law was passed. Many support the law. Many support following the law. If there are people in Conn. who don't want to follow Conn law, shouldn't they move?

To Texas? Or Arizona? Maricopa County.

Do you support abiding by the law?

name the officer coming after their guns

When this person is reminded over and over that government is, in fact, forcing people to give up their legally-acquired guns when they've done nothing with them at all, all he can do is grunt and mindlessly repeat his already-debunked mantra over and over.

This is what normal people have to deal with today, when trying to keep their constitutional rights.

name the officer coming after their guns
What a great idea. NOT!!!!

no one you fool.

NO officer is being assigned the job of collecting the gun.
that is the point

Let's round up all the paranoid redneck fucks who won't follow the laws.

I'm sick of gun owners who think it's patriotic to break the law.

When a black guy robs his house to get money to survive, does Mr. Gun Nutter call the black guy a patriot?? No.

See, that's how you nutters appear to us -- a bunch of criminals.

I think you should, haznonuts! Find someone in your area that you know has guns, and you go kick down his door at three in the morning.

The world will be a better place for your action!
You seem upset. Gonna do something besides bitch? Maybe you should take a deep breath.

What are you Khmer Rouge types going to do?

You know full well the law is unconstitutional and the application is ex post facto. It cannot survive a court challenge. This is just leftist thugs trampling civil rights, as usual.
I'll wait for a real news source, hater dupes....none in 5 Google pages about drive by media lol...One big Pub propaganda machine quoting and repping each other lol...much like RW posters on here...
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Please remind me how a government that orders me to turn in a gun I legally purchased and never hurt or threatened anyone with, is NOT violating my 2nd amendment rights to keep and bear arms?

Am I the only one who thinks they're blatantly violating the 2nd?

If the 2nd doesn't forbid this, then what does it forbid?
What fucking decade are we living in that people still call each other commies? Thanks gramps.

Do you prefer "Marxian?"

What decade are we living in, that people still push agendas outlined in the Communist Manifesto?

BTW, if a government orders me to turn in or destroy a gun that I bought legally and have never hurt, endangered, or threatened anybody with.... is that NOT a violation of my rights under the 2nd amendment?
Please remind me how a government that orders me to turn in a gun I legally purchased and never hurt or threatened anyone with, is NOT violating my 2nd amendment rights to keep and bear arms?

Am I the only one who thinks they're blatantly violating the 2nd?

If the 2nd doesn't forbid this, then what does it forbid?

Liberals like to pretend that the 2nd amendment is there for hunting purposes. They forget that an armed public can rise up against a tyrannical government and that is the reason we have the right to bear arms. Those far lefties who cheer on the formation of a tyrannical government would prefer that people are helpless against it.

Legal gun owners are rarely the problem. Law abiding citizens choose to protect themselves because they are smart enough to know that police can't be everywhere and certainly can't be where they are needed on time. Some just don't want to be victims.

Most of the ones who want guns banned are those who are guaranteed protection by armed guards. Nice how they would throw the rest of us to the wolves since they needn't worry about their own butts.

The others who would like gun bans are the criminals, who aren't affected in the least by laws because they already have illegal fire arms, and they would like to have a safer work environment and truly helpless victims.

I suppose some are just so trusting of government that they will agree to anything in exchange for being taken care of from cradle to grave. Never mind that government is completely incapable of doing that. They've proven how inept they are with border security, social security and now health care. Some just don't believe people can do for themselves or they just don't want us trying. Don't work, they'll feed you and give you health care. Don't own a gun, they'll protect you. It's all bullshit because they promise that if we cede more freedom and liberty, they'll more than make up for it. They can't, so why should we give up anything?

I'm also tired of the hypocrisy with them telling us that we must obey the laws laid down by liberals, yet they will openly break immigration laws or any other that they don't like. And they will trample our rights if it threatens their agenda. Fuck that, we'll keep our rights and obey reasonable laws.
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Back to the subject:
These gun owners are, of course, people who have never killed anybody, never shot anybody, never even scared anybody with their guns, never done the slightest thing "bad" with them.

And now the Connecticut legislator has made criminals of them.

What, exactly, will that government do next when the gun owners CONTINUE to do nothing, as they have done all along?

And who, exactly, will be the wrongdoer when the government does it?

You still get to keep your peashooter so the second isn't affected. They just get to choose what type to get to carry. Nothing wrong with that...
Liberals like to pretend that the 2nd amendment is there for hunting purposes. They forget that an armed public can rise up against a tyrannical government and that is the reason we have the right to bear arms.

Convenient excuse and the biggest laugh of all...oh, yeah, the tyrannical govt. While your form of govt is one of the worst in the Western World, I wouldn't go so far as to say you'll have a tyrant in office any time soon. Most in the armed services appear to be conservatives, so the idea of any of them backing a tyrant (unless the person in questions name is Santorum or Perry) is very low. Not to mention there are probably more ex service men and women than there are serving at the moment, and they are by and large cons as well. So that little neocon fantasy is not going to happen any time soon..
What decade are we living in, that people still push agendas outlined in the Communist Manifesto?

BTW, if a government orders me to turn in or destroy a gun that I bought legally and have never hurt, endangered, or threatened anybody with.... is that NOT a violation of my rights under the 2nd amendment?

Even without the second;

{Ex post facto

Latin for "from a thing done afterward." Ex post facto is most typically used to refer to a criminal law that applies retroactively, thereby criminalizing conduct that was legal when originally performed. Two clauses in the US Constitution prohibit ex post facto laws: Art 1, § 9 and Art. 1 § 10. see, e.g. Collins v. Youngblood, 497 US 37 (1990) and California Dep't of Corrections v. Morales, 514 US 499 (1995).}

Where is Saul Goodman? (C_Clayton_Jones)
Please remind me how a government that orders me to turn in a gun I legally purchased and never hurt or threatened anyone with, is NOT violating my 2nd amendment rights to keep and bear arms?

Am I the only one who thinks they're blatantly violating the 2nd?

If the 2nd doesn't forbid this, then what does it forbid?

Liberals like to pretend that the 2nd amendment is there for hunting purposes. They forget that an armed public can rise up against a tyrannical government and that is the reason we have the right to bear arms. Those far lefties who cheer on the formation of a tyrannical government would prefer that people are helpless against it.

Legal gun owners are rarely the problem. Law abiding citizens choose to protect themselves because they are smart enough to know that police can't be everywhere and certainly can't be where they are needed on time. Some just don't want to be victims.

Most of the ones who want guns banned are those who are guaranteed protection by armed guards. Nice how they would throw the rest of us to the wolves since they needn't worry about their own butts.

The others who would like gun bans are the criminals, who aren't affected in the least by laws because they already have illegal fire arms, and they would like to have a safer work environment and truly helpless victims.

I suppose some are just so trusting of government that they will agree to anything in exchange for being taken care of from cradle to grave. Never mind that government is completely incapable of doing that. They've proven how inept they are with border security, social security and now health care. Some just don't believe people can do for themselves or they just don't want us trying. Don't work, they'll feed you and give you health care. Don't own a gun, they'll protect you. It's all bullshit because they promise that if we cede more freedom and liberty, they'll more than make up for it. They can't, so why should we give up anything?

I'm also tired of the hypocrisy with them telling us that we must obey the laws laid down by liberals, yet they will openly break immigration laws or any other that they don't like. And they will trample our rights if it threatens their agenda. Fuck that, we'll keep our rights and obey reasonable laws.


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