Connecticut State could be the swing state in Election 2016.


Dec 27, 2015
Connecticut State is normally considered as a blue state. But there is a possibility it could become a new swing state in 2016.

1. Latest Poll
October 7-11th 2015 Quinnipiac Poll
Hillary 44% | Carson 42% Hillary 47% | TRUMP 40%

QU Poll Release Detail

Well Hillary takes the lead. But not that much big gaps as consider ‘Blue State '

2. let’s focus on racial demographic in Connecticut state(2014)
Connecticut QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

White 68.8%| Latino 15% | Asin 4.5% | Black 11.5% | American Indian 0.5% |

Thinking about racial vote turnout factor.

White’s vote turnout going to be a higher in 2016 (with immigration,terrorism factors). Hispanic low registered voter(because with there are many underage hispanics.) & low vote turn out. Asian are similar with Hispanic.

Actual influence on the racial vote share in Election Day, I’d predict

White 76.5% | Latino 8.5% | Asian 2.5% | Black 12% | American Indian 0.5%

Main supporter races of Democrats Latino and Black race, Not so many in Connecticut State compare to average of USA.

I going to predict % of the republican party and democratic party in Connecticut State on Presidential Election 2016 with calculation.

If Republican party capture Connecticut state in 2016. They need Total 49.5% (in 2012 minor party gathered slightly more than 1%. so (100-1)/2 = Require 49.5% to win.

3. I’d guess Republican Party need 57% White Support to win. (in 2012, it was 48%)
76.5%(actual influence of White voters in Connecticut) x 57% = 43.6%

12%(actual influence of Black voters) x 10% support = 1.2%

8.5%(actual influence of Hispanic voters) x 30% support = 2.55%

2.5%(actual influence of Asian voters) x 48% support = 1.2%

0.5%(actual influence of American Indian) x 50% support = 1%

(GOP got 48% support from Asian in midterm 2014 election. and currently most GOP candidates get similar support or ahead to hillary from Asian race)

Tota 49.55% (Which amount enough to win with considering about total votes from third candidates was 1%+@ in 2012)

So, the key point of Connecticut State. If GOP gets 57% support from the white,Then GOP win. If GOP gets 56% support from the white, then It can’t sure which party going to win. If GOP gets support from the white less than 56%, then democrat going to be win.

In Election 2012, GOP gathered 48% support from the white voters in Connecticut state. But, with Immigration,Terrorism issue, I’d predict it is going to be rise more than 48% for almost sure.

The point is how much amount it going to be?In my opinion raise from 48% white support to 57% in Connecticut state is not a ‘mission impossible’ to GOP party. That’s why I’d Classify Connecticut state as a ‘Could be swing state’.

I can't see that. I can see florida, virginia, and ohio easily going R this time though.
Don't count your chickens. When it appeared that long time Conn. democrat senator Joe Lieberman was becoming too cozy with the republican administration the DNC merely kicked him out of the party and ran an ultra liberal for his seat. Low and behold the ultra liberal lost big time to Lieberman who was forced to run as an independent. The DNC is so far behind the times that it assumes that people will vote strictly according to racial demographics. Democrats are so out of touch with reality and stuck in the good old days of segregation that they still judge people by the color of their skins
Don't count your chickens. When it appeared that long time Conn. democrat senator Joe Lieberman was becoming too cozy with the republican administration the DNC merely kicked him out of the party and ran an ultra liberal for his seat. Low and behold the ultra liberal lost big time to Lieberman who was forced to run as an independent. The DNC is so far behind the times that it assumes that people will vote strictly according to racial demographics. Democrats are so out of touch with reality and stuck in the good old days of segregation that they still judge people by the color of their skins

332-206....a touch of reality for you.
Pennsylvania is going to be the key swing state, and it's going Republican.
Pennsylvania is going to be the key swing state, and it's going Republican.
Republicans have lost PA for 6 straight elections and every 4 years we hear how they are finally going to win it again. Probably not going to happen.
Who knows. I haven't seen a less excited Democrat electorate since Carter ran again Reagan. I can't see any groups except of college-educated white women anxious to vote for the Beast. She is a seriously wounded candidate who is already staggering toward a finish line 10 months away.
Extremely unlikely. There isn't anything in the national environment to suggest a political earthquake like this would happen.
Who knows. I haven't seen a less excited Democrat electorate since Carter ran again Reagan. I can't see any groups except of college-educated white women anxious to vote for the Beast. She is a seriously wounded candidate who is already staggering toward a finish line 10 months away.

Clinton will win college educated Americans on the whole
Clinton will win Hispanics
Clinton will win women
Clinton will win blacks
Clinton will win Asians

In a binary system, anything can happen but if she stays on message, the GOP may be looking at a historic loss.
Who knows. I haven't seen a less excited Democrat electorate since Carter ran again Reagan. I can't see any groups except of college-educated white women anxious to vote for the Beast. She is a seriously wounded candidate who is already staggering toward a finish line 10 months away.

Clinton will win college educated Americans on the whole
Clinton will win Hispanics
Clinton will win women
Clinton will win blacks
Clinton will win Asians

In a binary system, anything can happen but if she stays on message, the GOP may be looking at a historic loss.
Candy, Clinton may win those groups except maybe Asians, but their turnout will never match Obama's. Hillary is not a champion of anyone except pampered white women. The Obama coalition was falling apart already under his failure and the Beast is not a leader that they will re surge around,

Read my lips. Hillary and liberal politics are a spent force.
Who knows. I haven't seen a less excited Democrat electorate since Carter ran again Reagan. I can't see any groups except of college-educated white women anxious to vote for the Beast. She is a seriously wounded candidate who is already staggering toward a finish line 10 months away.

Clinton will win college educated Americans on the whole
Clinton will win Hispanics
Clinton will win women
Clinton will win blacks
Clinton will win Asians

In a binary system, anything can happen but if she stays on message, the GOP may be looking at a historic loss.
Candy, Clinton may win those groups except maybe Asians, but their turnout will never match Obama's. Hillary is not a champion of anyone except pampered white women. The Obama coalition was falling apart already under his failure and the Beast is not a leader that they will re surge around,

Read my lips. Hillary and liberal politics are a spent force.

Hillary is actually quite popular with minorities and female voters. It's actually the white liberals in places like New Hampshire and Minnesota that probably are the biggest challenge for her, hence Bernie's popularity in those areas.

Connecticut has gotten significantly MORE Democratic even since 2004. I see absolutely nothing on the horizon which will change this. Even an unpopular candidate will not shift the entire electorate (not that I agree Hillary will be unpopular).

You would need an entire political re-allignment to make Connecticut vote Republican in a Presidential election. That's just not happening in 2016.

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