Cons overuse “socialism “ so much that it has lost all meaning

on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
‘Cons overuse “socialism “ so much that it has lost all meaning’

True - particular given the fact most on the ignorant right have no idea what ‘socialism’ actually is.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Everything about the Lefts agenda is socialism, how can it be overused?

And why are you terrified of the label?

Never mind, we know.

Thanks for proving my point .
If conservatives aren’t exhibiting their ignorance as to what ‘socialism’ actually is, they lying about ‘socialism’ – such as the lie that Democrats are ‘socialists,’ or the lie that Democrats advocate for ‘socialism,’ neither of which couldn’t be further from the truth.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?


In your dreams, Jake

Soros pushed you fuckers out on a limb, without voter fraud you're fucked
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
/——-/ Socialism has not lost all meaning. You’re saying that because you’re tired of defending that failed system and want to silence us.
Yes, they've completely diluted the term into meaninglessness, just as the Left has done with "racist".

So similar in their behaviors. Peas in a pod.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
How about if we start by noting the fact that a social safety net is not the same thing as socialism.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Quit falling down the well
Socialism in any form is a born failure... its has been tried countless times throughout civilization.
Long term it has a 100% failure rate...
Long term? All systems have been proven to fail. The key is adaption - between more or less government control depending on all sorts of complex factors. Sometimes a communist dictatorship serves best, sometimes pure capitalism. Very briefly though. Extremes seems to be short lived.
Socialism is a means to improve the lot of the poor. Only the rich and their puppets have a problem with it.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
How about if we start by noting the fact that a social safety net is not the same thing as socialism.
Yes, it is. Merely using the Other Peoples' money and running the risk of running out, is socialism.
The once mainstream Democrat has evolved so far to the left they lost their identity. Socialism, forms of socialist democracies, progressivism, or whatever one wishes to call it, is a proven failure in both economic and social terms. Centralized state controlled means of production, distribution, managed by the politically connected, for the benefit of the worker, downtrodden... is a farce, it only serves those connected. Today Europe is on the cusp of economic ruin, their shot at revitalizing individual state economies is rapidly coming to a close, negative interest rates, government mandated controls, entitlements, to name just a few, can not be undone. Simply put they have spent and taxed themselves into the abyss.The European experiment embraced by collegiate professors in the 1940's and now by the new democrat will fail in America and cost the American citizen their freedom and Constitutional rights. It took a long time, yet today has succeeded in replacing the work ethic and quest for freedom of those that built this country. Theory is great, reality resulting from adoption of failed theories sucks. There is no return once one has lost their freedom to choose and receive the fruits of labor and ingenuity. Face in up to now the Bernie Sanders of this country would not have been given the time of day, yet today we have an entire generation embracing a proven failed social and economic theory, they call it social justice. Baaaaa Baaaa!
The once mainstream Democrat has evolved so far to the left they lost their identity. Socialism, forms of socialist democracies, progressivism, or whatever one wishes to call it, is a proven failure in both economic and social terms. Centralized state controlled means of production, distribution, managed by the politically connected, for the benefit of the worker, downtrodden... is a farce, it only serves those connected. Today Europe is on the cusp of economic ruin, their shot at revitalizing individual state economies is rapidly coming to a close, negative interest rates, government mandated controls, entitlements, to name just a few, can not be undone. Simply put they have spent and taxed themselves into the abyss.The European experiment embraced by collegiate professors in the 1940's and now by the new democrat will fail in America and cost the American citizen their freedom and Constitutional rights. It took a long time, yet today has succeeded in replacing the work ethic and quest for freedom of those that built this country. Theory is great, reality resulting from adoption of failed theories sucks. There is no return once one has lost their freedom to choose and receive the fruits of labor and ingenuity. Face in up to now the Bernie Sanders of this country would not have been given the time of day, yet today we have an entire generation embracing a proven failed social and economic theory, they call it social justice. Baaaaa Baaaa!

The voters in last months elections voted otherwise. Your failed way of thinking is being extinguished from the national lexicon.

Theory is great, reality resulting from adoption of failed theories sucks.

Exactly. That failed theory being trickle down economics, and giving tax breaks to rich people.

A theory that is no longer accepted, and will be completely reversed over the next few years.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?

Providing assistance to Capitalists is PATRIOTISM
Providing assistance to the people is SOCIALISM
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?

Socialism is any time you take free-market capitalist systems, and instead create a system of government control.

Any legislation where you move towards more government control, is a move towards socialism.
Any legislation where you reduce government control, and more towards a free-market, is a move towards capitalism and away from socialism.

So clear examples would be the endless controls on banks, and health care. Unsurprisingly the two most problematic areas of our economy.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?

Providing assistance to Capitalists is PATRIOTISM
Providing assistance to the people is SOCIALISM

In a capitalist system, everyone is a capitalist. I sell my labor to my employer. I am capitalist. I have a 401K, I am a capitalist. I own a home, a car, and other things that have value. I am a capitalist.

Providing assistance to the people.... if that means taking my hard earned money (which based on my pay stub is exactly what you mean), then yes that is socialism. Taking money from the hard working people of this country, to give to people who have not earned it, is socialism.

As for providing assistance to 'capitalists'..... if you have to give money to someone from the government, stolen from working people... then it is not patriotism, or capitalism.... that a socialist system.

Why do you think Amazon got tons of government freebies from a bunch of left-wing democrats? Democrats are socialists, who were engaging in socialist policies. This isn't a surprise.
The once mainstream Democrat has evolved so far to the left they lost their identity. Socialism, forms of socialist democracies, progressivism, or whatever one wishes to call it, is a proven failure in both economic and social terms. Centralized state controlled means of production, distribution, managed by the politically connected, for the benefit of the worker, downtrodden... is a farce, it only serves those connected. Today Europe is on the cusp of economic ruin, their shot at revitalizing individual state economies is rapidly coming to a close, negative interest rates, government mandated controls, entitlements, to name just a few, can not be undone. Simply put they have spent and taxed themselves into the abyss.The European experiment embraced by collegiate professors in the 1940's and now by the new democrat will fail in America and cost the American citizen their freedom and Constitutional rights. It took a long time, yet today has succeeded in replacing the work ethic and quest for freedom of those that built this country. Theory is great, reality resulting from adoption of failed theories sucks. There is no return once one has lost their freedom to choose and receive the fruits of labor and ingenuity. Face in up to now the Bernie Sanders of this country would not have been given the time of day, yet today we have an entire generation embracing a proven failed social and economic theory, they call it social justice. Baaaaa Baaaa!

The voters in last months elections voted otherwise. Your failed way of thinking is being extinguished from the national lexicon.

Theory is great, reality resulting from adoption of failed theories sucks.

Exactly. That failed theory being trickle down economics, and giving tax breaks to rich people.

A theory that is no longer accepted, and will be completely reversed over the next few years.

So one problem: Trickle down is how the economy works. You can't say it's a failed theory, when absolutely everything in this economy exists because of it.

If you doubt that, look at the computer you are using right now. That computer benefits you. Who built it? A poor person, or a rich person? You tell me.

Tickle down is how the entire world works. Your house was built by a rich person, and now benefits you. Your car was built by a rich person, and now benefits you. The food you eat, the furnace that keeps your house warm, the gas you burn, the clothes you wear, everything..... was made by rich people, and that wealth has trickled down to all of us.

Trickle down is not a failed theory, it is a universally observed empirical fact.

The fact the left-wing still denies this, is proof of their utter economic incompetence.

And if you still doubt that, just look at every country that has driven away the rich. Each and every single country that has driven the rich out of their country, has ended up in crisis or collapse.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Everything about the Lefts agenda is socialism, how can it be overused?

And why are you terrified of the label?

Never mind, we know.

Thanks for proving my point .
If conservatives aren’t exhibiting their ignorance as to what ‘socialism’ actually is, they lying about ‘socialism’ – such as the lie that Democrats are ‘socialists,’ or the lie that Democrats advocate for ‘socialism,’ neither of which couldn’t be further from the truth.
I have yet to hear a Socialist describe socialism. Be the first.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Just because a specific group of people supposedly can't define it, that doesn't mean it has lost all meaning. Of course, the "left" attempts to disassociate with their failures so often that you're really not helping to make it easily definable. For example, claiming Venezuela is something oxymoronic, like "State Capitalist" when it's applied Socialism, or claiming that Soviet Russia was "Communist" when it was applied Socialism. The same can be said for Nazi Germany, Maoist China, and Fascist Italy.

Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, something all of the above-mentioned Governments had in common.

American Heritage Dictionary:

Socialism n. A system or theory of social organization which the producers posses both political power and production and distribution means

You mean like Exxon-Mobil?
Or Fox News?
Or Koch Industries?
Or The Federalist Society?
Or Northrup-Grumann?
Or E. I. Dupont?
Or Goldmann-Sachs?
Or Trump Industries?

You mean like that?

So I just looked up Socialism in the American Heritage Dictionary, and got a different definition from what you posted.

The American Heritage Dictionary entry: socialism

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.​

Funny how dishonestly omitting key words, drastically changes the definition to suit your desired argument.
Socialism is a means to improve the lot of the poor. Only the rich and their puppets have a problem with it.
How’d that work out in socialist governments?

Oh yeah. Parents were forced to eat the bodies of their dead children.

What’s Capitalism done for the poor?

Oh yeah. Poor in America is having an iPhone 5 and your DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Everything about the Lefts agenda is socialism, how can it be overused?

And why are you terrified of the label?

Never mind, we know.

Thanks for proving my point .
If conservatives aren’t exhibiting their ignorance as to what ‘socialism’ actually is, they lying about ‘socialism’ – such as the lie that Democrats are ‘socialists,’ or the lie that Democrats advocate for ‘socialism,’ neither of which couldn’t be further from the truth.

But they do. What part are you confused about?
Socialism is a means to improve the lot of the poor. Only the rich and their puppets have a problem with it.

Which explains why Maduro in Venezuela lives in luxury, while the poor literally starve to death.

And following your own statement, I assume you support this, since only the rich and their puppets have a problem with it. You wouldn't want to be a puppet of the rich, right? So this is great that people are dying of starvation. After all, socialism is there to improve the lot of the poor!


Be proud of what you stand for Tommy.

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