Cons overuse “socialism “ so much that it has lost all meaning

on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Just because a specific group of people supposedly can't define it, that doesn't mean it has lost all meaning. Of course, the "left" attempts to disassociate with their failures so often that you're really not helping to make it easily definable. For example, claiming Venezuela is something oxymoronic, like "State Capitalist" when it's applied Socialism, or claiming that Soviet Russia was "Communist" when it was applied Socialism. The same can be said for Nazi Germany, Maoist China, and Fascist Italy.

Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, something all of the above-mentioned Governments had in common.

American Heritage Dictionary:

Socialism n. A system or theory of social organization which the producers posses both political power and production and distribution means

You mean like Exxon-Mobil?
Or Fox News?
Or Koch Industries?
Or The Federalist Society?
Or Northrup-Grumann?
Or E. I. Dupont?
Or Goldmann-Sachs?
Or Trump Industries?

You mean like that?
I feel as though the way you're trying to define it is purely word salad. The term comes from "Social", which refers to the type of control it has over the means of production, which would be cooperative, public, common, or citizen ownership of the means of production. All of these terms, however, come down to State Ownership since they're a monopoly on arbitration, putting themselves over the people and business as a whole. The people would be voting for the ruler who makes all of the decisions while trying to convince the people that it's what they want.

You see, what we have in America isn't capitalism, either, if that's the argument you're attempting to make. It thoroughly fits the definition of a Fascistic Corporatist State. If it makes you happy, though, I will freely state that America is power-walking towards Socialism with every passing week. You can watch it happen if you check the Federal Register.
Who SOCIALIZED Senior Drugs (at retail cost no less to bilk the taxpayer to the max and get huge contributions from BIG PHARMA for life)?

Answer - W and a "Republican" Senate and House....
The socialists stole the term "liberal" back in the 1920s, to try and disguise their true intentions.....They just can't admit what they are, now want to debase the language even more.

Another one .

Can’t define it or even give an example .

If you get a pizza with anchovies on it are you like “this pizza is socialism!” .

Only if the government mandates that all pizzas are to have anchovies on them.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
The right wing is simply clueless and Causeless.

Government is socialism.

We have a Command economy. Congress Commands fiscal policy and the Fed Commands monetary policy.

The right wing prefers to use the word to appeal to emotion instead of reason.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
I can't believe people toda\y are still socialists, or a\t least think they are.

BTW, having a second language is a wonderful thing, but let's stick to standard English here, OK?
Government is socialism

Not true.

There can be democracy without socialism. We had that before the #2 all time traitor LBJ. All government should do is defend the country, enforce the laws, and allow the market to provide goods and services. That is not socialism.

When W socialized senior drugs, he did so at the maximum cost to the taxpayer, which has resulted in fat profits for BIG PHARMA and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to the political sellouts who voted for it. The result is typical, our high schools are now flooded with dangerous, addictive, taxpayer funded pills.

And, of course, wherever the desire to SOCIALIZE exists, there is also the NEED to LIE.....

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
You can say that about racism but not about socialism...we all had enough of it under Obama...the nation is still pulling back from socialism so its meaningless?...I don't think so sugar.....

Well if we had enough under Obama then you can easily give some examples .
I can give you a huge one....Hillary (Obama policies) lost to a TV celebrity and NY real estate don't need more evidence than that do you?....

That is not an example of American socialism .

You say there are so many example , yet you can’t come up with one ?
Government is socialism

Not true.

There can be democracy without socialism. We had that before the #2 all time traitor LBJ. All government should do is defend the country, enforce the laws, and allow the market to provide goods and services. That is not socialism.

When W socialized senior drugs, he did so at the maximum cost to the taxpayer, which has resulted in fat profits for BIG PHARMA and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to the political sellouts who voted for it. The result is typical, our high schools are now flooded with dangerous, addictive, taxpayer funded pills.

And, of course, wherever the desire to SOCIALIZE exists, there is also the NEED to LIE.....

Inquiry Confirms Top Medicare Official Threatened Actuary Over Cost of Drug Benefits

An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more than the White House acknowledged.

A report on the investigation, issued Tuesday, says the administrator of Medicare, Thomas A. Scully, issued the threat to Richard S. Foster while lawmakers were considering huge changes in the program last year. As a result, Mr. Foster's cost estimate did not become known until after the legislation was enacted.
Government is Social-ism.
Who SOCIALIZED Senior Drugs (at retail cost no less to bilk the taxpayer to the max and get huge contributions from BIG PHARMA for life)?

Answer - W and a "Republican" Senate and House....
Your point being?
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?

Conservatives think Social Security and Medicare and not socialist.. No, really, they don't. They always drawl "I paid into it, all y'all!". Yeah, that's socialism, ya gap-toothed bumpkin.
Your point being?

The post 1998 GOP is 100% socialist, and has already proven so....

Indeed, the quest for socialism by the GOP has roots in what the GOP lies about every day....

"Socialism" = a way to exterminate those noticing TOO MUCH TRUTH
Your point being?

The post 1998 GOP is 100% socialist, and has already proven so....

Indeed, the quest for socialism by the GOP has roots in what the GOP lies about every day....

"Socialism" = a way to exterminate those noticing TOO MUCH TRUTH
Pretty much, though the democrats aren't even trying to conceal it anymore.
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?

Socialism= eating grass in north Korea

on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Quit falling down the well
Socialism in any form is a born failure... its has been tried countless times throughout civilization.
Long term it has a 100% failure rate...
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?

Conservatives think Social Security and Medicare and not socialist.. No, really, they don't. They always drawl "I paid into it, all y'all!". Yeah, that's socialism, ya gap-toothed bumpkin.

No kidding . In another thread I pointed out Alaska sending checks to all the residents . “That’s not socialism “.
The socialists stole the term "liberal" back in the 1920s, to try and disguise their true intentions.....They just can't admit what they are, now want to debase the language even more.

Another one .

Can’t define it or even give an example .

If you get a pizza with anchovies on it are you like “this pizza is socialism!” .
How about if we go with something else...





That make you feel better, comrade?
Now you are talking conservative southerners
on the daily there’s a bunch of threads here about “socialism “. Almost now of them have to deal with true socialism . Instead it becomes a slur for somthing they don’t like .

When confronted , cons can’t even define the word . Or even give coherent examples .

So I ask. What is “socialism”? . And what are examples of socialism in the US ?
Just because a specific group of people supposedly can't define it, that doesn't mean it has lost all meaning. Of course, the "left" attempts to disassociate with their failures so often that you're really not helping to make it easily definable. For example, claiming Venezuela is something oxymoronic, like "State Capitalist" when it's applied Socialism, or claiming that Soviet Russia was "Communist" when it was applied Socialism. The same can be said for Nazi Germany, Maoist China, and Fascist Italy.

Socialism is Social Control of the means of production, something all of the above-mentioned Governments had in common.

American Heritage Dictionary:

Socialism n. A system or theory of social organization which the producers posses both political power and production and distribution means

You mean like Exxon-Mobil?
Or Fox News?
Or Koch Industries?
Or The Federalist Society?
Or Northrup-Grumann?
Or E. I. Dupont?
Or Goldmann-Sachs?
Or Trump Industries?

You mean like that?
I feel as though the way you're trying to define it is purely word salad. The term comes from "Social", which refers to the type of control it has over the means of production, which would be cooperative, public, common, or citizen ownership of the means of production. All of these terms, however, come down to State Ownership since they're a monopoly on arbitration, putting themselves over the people and business as a whole. The people would be voting for the ruler who makes all of the decisions while trying to convince the people that it's what they want.

You see, what we have in America isn't capitalism, either, if that's the argument you're attempting to make. It thoroughly fits the definition of a Fascistic Corporatist State. If it makes you happy, though, I will freely state that America is power-walking towards Socialism with every passing week. You can watch it happen if you check the Federal Register.

The exact word for word definition from the dictionary isn't word salad. The OP is quite correct in their premise of the rights use of the word, and obvious ignorance as to what it really means.

To the right, being called out for theft and fraud is promoting socialism.

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