Cons want to bring baby Charlie to US!?

So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.

LInk, please.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

When the country of origen wants to kill said kid? And why would hisHis parents want to come here to the most broken medical system in the world? Half Black Jesus said Europe had it all figured out?


That's nonsense of course.

There is no treatment for this poor baby.

No matter what is done, he will die.

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Says whom? You ? Me ? Her kid she decides. Sure, her Drncan say what he wants and if he doesn't see wisdom on going any further then he can stop. But he doesn't get to make any decisions reguarding the life of this child. Anyway, Obama bragged the European health system up and down, yet here they are trying to retroactively abort a child.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.

Of course he does, he wants research money.
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

They are both carriers of the gene, so they really should not mate each other unless one becomes sterile.

what gene? what is the child's diagnosis?

Read his history and the history the parents.

oh-----you don't know?

How do you think genetic diseases get passed on. Read.
Who is Charlie Gard, what is the disease he suffers from and why are medical experts meeting?
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

The bigger issue is that you're ignoring the very "death panels" you were warned about.
Name me an insurance company which would pay for this experimental treatment. Then let's talk about "death panels" without you blindly parroting a lie of omission.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.

LInk, please.

Here you go. He's in Britain now examining Charlie for the second day.

Charlie Gard: British baby to be evaluated by US doctor -
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.

Of course he does, he wants research money.

Considering the billions spent on *cough* climate change and global warming I personally wouldn't mind some $$$$$$$$$ being diverted to medical research that could help someone in the future.

As it is he already has research money but if he needs more I'd prefer that than giving hard earned tax dollars to politicians who can't fix the pot holes let alone the economy but claim they are able to save the planet.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

The bigger issue is that you're ignoring the very "death panels" you were warned about.
Name me an insurance company which would pay for this experimental treatment. Then let's talk about "death panels" without you blindly parroting a lie of omission.

Yawn. You're boring. Who is paying for this treatment?
Now, did, or did the Gov not decide that the baby should die rather than be taken to the US?
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.

LInk, please.

Here you go. He's in Britain now examining Charlie for the second day.

Charlie Gard: British baby to be evaluated by US doctor -

I'm going to assume you are referring to the "11-56% chance of clinically meaningful improvement." I don't know, not being a doctor, if that translates to "a good life."
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.

LInk, please.

Here you go. He's in Britain now examining Charlie for the second day.

Charlie Gard: British baby to be evaluated by US doctor -

I'm going to assume you are referring to the "11-56% chance of clinically meaningful improvement." I don't know, not being a doctor, if that translates to "a good life."

Who cares, there's a chance and if you try and tell us you wouldn't grab at that chance you are a liar.
There might not be any chance at all that this child would even live. The chance that the scientists might learn something to help the next child is the expected result.

But, we know how liberals hate science.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

But who should determine that? I think the gov should be the last to decide that. What happens if they say being black, Jewish, Muslim or Christian isn't good quality of life. Once you start justifying the killings it gets ugly fast

Common sense tells you what's going to happen with a nationalized health care system. THIS kind of thing will be common and the moonbat left will defend ot just as they are doing here. Yes, it can get ugly fast but it will be unacceptable from the get-go. Before it gets to the Jews, blacks or Muslims, it's the elderly who don't have much longer to live anyway. It's someone with a terminal illness, who isn't likely to improve. These are the first people to get rationed out when the rationing starts... and the rationing HAS to happen in a nationalized system. There is no other option.

Problem is we aren't dealing with people who use common sense
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

Who has said the child is the parents property? He is their responsibility.

Look the word up if you aren't familiar.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

The bigger issue is that you're ignoring the very "death panels" you were warned about.
Name me an insurance company which would pay for this experimental treatment. Then let's talk about "death panels" without you blindly parroting a lie of omission.

Yawn. You're boring. Who is paying for this treatment?
Now, did, or did the Gov not decide that the baby should die rather than be taken to the US?
Answer my question. Name the insurance company which would pay for this experimental treatment.

You think this is the first baby with this illness? Find one where insurance paid for this experimental treatment in the US.

I bet Fox News and all the usual propaganda outlets aren't bending over backwards to find one. Because they would discover the same baby would be doomed here, too.

You tards never really THINK, do you.

Many health insurers decline coverage for experimental medical treatments simply because there is not enough evidence of success to warrant deeming them medically necessary. Because these treatments and medications cannot be established as effective for a large group of patients, the cost of covering them is not justifiable.

See, the propaganda outlets are masters of the lie of omission.

They know you tards have ZERO critical thinking skills and that they can count on your willful ignorance and stupidity to parrot what you are told to parrot, and bleev what you are told to bleev.

"Death panels." :rolleyes:
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

But who should determine that? I think the gov should be the last to decide that. What happens if they say being black, Jewish, Muslim or Christian isn't good quality of life. Once you start justifying the killings it gets ugly fast

Common sense tells you what's going to happen with a nationalized health care system. THIS kind of thing will be common and the moonbat left will defend ot just as they are doing here. Yes, it can get ugly fast but it will be unacceptable from the get-go. Before it gets to the Jews, blacks or Muslims, it's the elderly who don't have much longer to live anyway. It's someone with a terminal illness, who isn't likely to improve. These are the first people to get rationed out when the rationing starts... and the rationing HAS to happen in a nationalized system. There is no other option.

Problem is we aren't dealing with people who use common sense

So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

The US neurologist says Charlie stands a good chance of an improved life.

Of course he does, he wants research money.

For the sake of argument let's assume Charlie is treated and dies.

Why is it bad that we now have more knowledge and research on how to treat this illness?
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

The bigger issue is that you're ignoring the very "death panels" you were warned about.
Name me an insurance company which would pay for this experimental treatment. Then let's talk about "death panels" without you blindly parroting a lie of omission.

Yawn. You're boring. Who is paying for this treatment?
Now, did, or did the Gov not decide that the baby should die rather than be taken to the US?
Answer my question. Name the insurance company which would pay for this experimental treatment.

You think this is the first baby with this illness? Find one where insurance paid for this experimental treatment in the US.

I bet Fox News and all the usual propaganda outlets aren't bending over backwards to find one. Because they would discover the same baby would be doomed here, too.

You tards never really THINK, do you.

Who is saying any insurance needs to cover it?

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