Cons want to bring baby Charlie to US!?

Why doesn't this couple adopt a child, one who is hungry, why because they are selfish people. You want a baby and can't have one, adopt , do not get in vitro. Look in the mirror next time you are anti the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Look in the mirror next time you think we should nuke Iran and NK.

Why do you selfish mother fuckers want to kill other peoples children? Huh? Killing your own isnt fulfilling enough? How about you keep your busy body asses out of other people's affairs.

Well for one thing they do not live in the US and they have very good care in the UK. Keep your opinions on abortion to yourself as well. The parents are the selfish ones. You gun packers who want to repeal the ACA are hypocrites.
Courts do it all the time ! If someone is a minor or incapacitated, the courts will order an attorney or someone to represent the persons interest.

You've seen stories when parents decide on Prayer over medicine.
The parents aren't denying medical care. Your example is irrelevant.

YOU said it's up to the parents on what should or shouldn't be done .

Now your moving goalposts .

My point is that parents don't always have the kids best interest in mind . That's why we have Child Services!
Sure they do...they are fighting for his on the other hand have a political agenda. So STFU.

Let me ask you . Would you want to live if you were Charlie ?

Did you tell your family to keep you alive at all costs ? Even if rendered blind/deaf and possible brain damage ? Only to be kept alive by ventilation and feeding tubes ?
Just like a lib to start to lay it on thick with the emotional manipulation rhetoric. Again it's not UP to YOU. You do not live the situation, have all the information or will you be caring for the child. You are not the parents. You get no say.

They do not live in the US..... period, its none of our business.
As for my personal views ? I think the parents are selfish . They just HAD to have a biological child , knowing he could be hit by this awful disease because they were carriers .

I don't think they knew before hand , but they know now. I agree the parents are selfish.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

That left you are talking about , the Dems are the reason so many uninsured people now have insurance, and the Right , your brothers, wants to take it away.
Democrats are also the reason the middle class can no longer afford healthcare and treatment.

Democrats are the reason they have healthcare. Your pubs and pres. are clueless and so are you. The insurance companies are the ones who raised prices. You seem to be confused. There is now medical help for you.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!
The left wants to be able to decide who should die and who should be allowed treatment based on their political agenda. In other words we should all cave to what they SAY is in your best interest....based on how they FEEL at any given moment.

The left , who are they, the Democrats who finally did something about health insurance , the ACA and expanded Medicaid? Those dummies. Your pubs are so stinking cruel, as T said, the house plan is mean. All they want is the tax cut for the elites. Screw them. By the way, the death panels are not death panels. You guys are such hypocrites. They should make a law, if you refuse to buy health insurance and pay the fine, no care for you till you get insured. I am tired of people crying about the mandate. They need to raise the fines.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others
They want the kid because it's brain dead. Should fit right in.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

Fell in the well again?
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!
The left wants to be able to decide who should die and who should be allowed treatment based on their political agenda. In other words we should all cave to what they SAY is in your best interest....based on how they FEEL at any given moment.

The left , who are they, the Democrats who finally did something about health insurance , the ACA and expanded Medicaid? Those dummies. Your pubs are so stinking cruel, as T said, the house plan is mean. All they want is the tax cut for the elites. Screw them. By the way, the death panels are not death panels. You guys are such hypocrites. They should make a law, if you refuse to buy health insurance and pay the fine, no care for you till you get insured. I am tired of people crying about the mandate. They need to raise the fines.

The parents aren't denying medical care. Your example is irrelevant.

YOU said it's up to the parents on what should or shouldn't be done .

Now your moving goalposts .

My point is that parents don't always have the kids best interest in mind . That's why we have Child Services!
Sure they do...they are fighting for his on the other hand have a political agenda. So STFU.

Let me ask you . Would you want to live if you were Charlie ?

Did you tell your family to keep you alive at all costs ? Even if rendered blind/deaf and possible brain damage ? Only to be kept alive by ventilation and feeding tubes ?
Just like a lib to start to lay it on thick with the emotional manipulation rhetoric. Again it's not UP to YOU. You do not live the situation, have all the information or will you be caring for the child. You are not the parents. You get no say.

They do not live in the US..... period, its none of our business.
And yet here you are sending your gaseous fumes out into the ozone cuz you cant keep your pie hole shut telling everyone what the parents should do with THEIR child.

Can it fruit loop.
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So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

That left you are talking about , the Dems are the reason so many uninsured people now have insurance, and the Right , your brothers, wants to take it away.
Democrats are also the reason the middle class can no longer afford healthcare and treatment.

Democrats are the reason they have healthcare. Your pubs and pres. are clueless and so are you. The insurance companies are the ones who raised prices. You seem to be confused. There is now medical help for you.
You do realize that the middle class can't afford it now and 13/15% of your precious "poor" signed up and never paid a single premium...even at a discount...And the young ...they are saying " screw this " and opting for the fines....yes?

So who is supposed to keep paying for this suck hole? Hmmmm?
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!
The left wants to be able to decide who should die and who should be allowed treatment based on their political agenda. In other words we should all cave to what they SAY is in your best interest....based on how they FEEL at any given moment.

The left , who are they, the Democrats who finally did something about health insurance , the ACA and expanded Medicaid? Those dummies. Your pubs are so stinking cruel, as T said, the house plan is mean. All they want is the tax cut for the elites. Screw them. By the way, the death panels are not death panels. You guys are such hypocrites. They should make a law, if you refuse to buy health insurance and pay the fine, no care for you till you get insured. I am tired of people crying about the mandate. They need to raise the fines.
They did something alright. They put the healthcare industry and hospitals in financial trouble and are destroying the middle class.
Poor little baby, now just a political tool to be used & cast aside when people lose interest and move on.
Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?

Property? I think the last time that argument was made it was by Democrats in the 1850s.

Try to get this through your neanderthal noggin... you belong to yourself. You don't belong to the state. If you are a minor, your parents are in charge of making decisions for you. That doesn't allow them to kill you or otherwise violate your human rights.

Secondly... this is not a popularity contest. It doesn't matter how many people want to live any kind of way. It's not a matter of what you would prefer or what you think is best. If you were the parent, you would have this decision.

FYI: I was hit by a car when I was 5 years old. I spent 96 days in Children's Hospital, mostly in critical condition. When I first arrived, doctors told my parents I had only a 10% chance of surviving through the night. Thank God government bureaucrats weren't in charge and it wasn't left up to idiots like you to decide my fate.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

If we keep Obamacare, we can have a death panel deem him unfit to live and move on.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

If we keep Obamacare, we can have a death panel deem him unfit to live and move on.

There are no death panels in the ACA...... period.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!
The left wants to be able to decide who should die and who should be allowed treatment based on their political agenda. In other words we should all cave to what they SAY is in your best interest....based on how they FEEL at any given moment.

The left , who are they, the Democrats who finally did something about health insurance , the ACA and expanded Medicaid? Those dummies. Your pubs are so stinking cruel, as T said, the house plan is mean. All they want is the tax cut for the elites. Screw them. By the way, the death panels are not death panels. You guys are such hypocrites. They should make a law, if you refuse to buy health insurance and pay the fine, no care for you till you get insured. I am tired of people crying about the mandate. They need to raise the fines.
They did something alright. They put the healthcare industry and hospitals in financial trouble and are destroying the middle class.

Wrong , read the stats. Even Medicare is stronger and in better shape now. If they repeal the PPACA you will hear a big swoosh of jobs being let go from the healthcare industry.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

If we keep Obamacare, we can have a death panel deem him unfit to live and move on.

There are no death panels in the ACA...... period.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

If we keep Obamacare, we can have a death panel deem him unfit to live and move on.

You cons would have it that he would never have a chance . No health insurance, no treatment . Right ?
The poor baby Charlie is nothing more than a talking point for the cons and Trump. I do not believe they care at all about him, by they way they talk about Medicaid and the ACA. The cons have been destroying the PPACA since inception.

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