Cons want to bring baby Charlie to US!?

I have done thousands of spinal tops-----it's not all that bad----but I see no reason to try to
get a "might be..." from a tap-----in fact the information might not be correct

I know you said you are a doctor, so I believe you have DONE a lot of spinal taps...but have you ever gotten one. 'It's not that bad' also depends on who the doctor is and how well he performs the procedure. I eventually did have to get one, and the doc sucked. His 1st attempt was more like 'exploratory surgery' before he finally found his way in between the vertebrae and into the spinal column. It wasn't fun...but most assuredly agree - no reason to try to get a 'might be' from a tap that might not yield correct info.

He's upped the odds after examining Charlie. If it's upward towards 56% you gotta go for it

Doctors from Great Ormond Street, where Charlie is hooked up to life support machines, have said the tot will die from the illness.

But Dr Hirano, 55, believes his experimental theory could give Charlie "an 11% to 56% chance of clinically meaningful improvement".

US doctor examines desperately ill Charlie Gard in last chance talks

for the record-----the fact that an examining doc-------determined that the kid MIGHT be improved
by treatment------IINDICATES that the baby is NOT BRAIN DEAD. The fact that the attending docs
prognosis is "he will die from present illness"-------DOES NOT EXCLUDE the possibility of some sort
of effective treatment. A dying infant is always a tragedy-----THEY LOOK SO GOOD (usually---
even the deformed babies somehow look FRESH AND NEW)

Righties would step forward and pay the expenses for this child out of their own pocket.

Lefties would reach into the righties' pockets when they weren't looking, take all of their cash and give half to the family for the child's medical care and keep the other half for administrative fees.
Somebody donated the money for the baby's care. It sure wasn't any leftist. The left wants to paint this as taxpayers supporting this experimental treatment when it is no such thing. Even if, by some magic, there was no money for Charlie Gard's treatment, the funds would still not be available to "da po' ".

It isn't this child's treatment the left objects to. It's the research and development that gave the experimental treatment. That's what costs. The left wants to stop the advancement of medical science. Maybe they can spend the money on global warming instead. The left is known for being anti science anyway.

Actually Trump wants to cut medical research funding. Price want to cut pre screening for cancer.


So T is not going to spend a red cent of his money, he does whatever to get out of paying taxes, 0 tax is his goal for HIMSELF and his family and rich buddies.

I try to minimize my taxes at all times.

Does that make me a bad person?

yes----your condition is hopeless
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

The bigger issue is that you're ignoring the very "death panels" you were warned about.

Are they wrong? It's an aweful situation. But this poor kid is only alive because of a ventilator. The poor parents are blinded wh grief .

I hate to be cold, but how many resources are being used for this baby that doesn't have a chance ?

And the death board is making a decision to kill the child. What business is it of theirs if the parents are willing to pay for the cost of treatment themselves? What do YOU think gives the government the right to say "no, you can't do that"?
I have done thousands of spinal tops-----it's not all that bad----but I see no reason to try to
get a "might be..." from a tap-----in fact the information might not be correct

I know you said you are a doctor, so I believe you have DONE a lot of spinal taps...but have you ever gotten one. 'It's not that bad' also depends on who the doctor is and how well he performs the procedure. I eventually did have to get one, and the doc sucked. His 1st attempt was more like 'exploratory surgery' before he finally found his way in between the vertebrae and into the spinal column. It wasn't fun...but most assuredly agree - no reason to try to get a 'might be' from a tap that might not yield correct info.

yes---I got one too----epidural for C section. (just about the same thing) Not so bad----but I am
better at it. It takes PRACTICE
MS is not a genetic disease.
And your expertise and qualifications to make such a statement is...what exactly?

Having family members with the disease I have done much study and interaction with doctors on it. True, doctors can not say / prove at this time MS is a genetic disease, but studies have shown that a lot of family members do have it...without being exposed to similar stimuli / factors.

My point being, people need to be careful when making such 'definitive' statements out of the, 'there is no hope for Charlie' without having any medical background or knowledge. (Not saying that you did that.)
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

But who should determine that? I think the gov should be the last to decide that. What happens if they say being black, Jewish, Muslim or Christian isn't good quality of life. Once you start justifying the killings it gets ugly fast

Common sense tells you what's going to happen with a nationalized health care system. THIS kind of thing will be common and the moonbat left will defend ot just as they are doing here. Yes, it can get ugly fast but it will be unacceptable from the get-go. Before it gets to the Jews, blacks or Muslims, it's the elderly who don't have much longer to live anyway. It's someone with a terminal illness, who isn't likely to improve. These are the first people to get rationed out when the rationing starts... and the rationing HAS to happen in a nationalized system. There is no other option.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

That left you are talking about , the Dems are the reason so many uninsured people now have insurance, and the Right , your brothers, wants to take it away.

Many have insurance at the barrel of a gun, thanks to the Dems. The right wants to remove the gun.
According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?

How does a court refuse to let a couple go to another country for any reason?

Or is it that the court will not make the government pay for treatment in the US?
MS is not a genetic disease.
And your expertise and qualifications to make such a statement is...what exactly?

Having family members with the disease I have done much study and interaction with doctors on it. True, doctors can not say / prove at this time MS is a genetic disease, but studies have shown that a lot of family members do have it...without being exposed to similar stimuli / factors.

My point being, people need to be careful when making such 'definitive' statements out of the, 'there is no hope for Charlie' without having any medical background or knowledge. (Not saying that you did that.)

Familiar tendencies, not an inherited condition. Have you done studies of twins separated at birth and they both have MS?

These parents are both carriers of a mutated gene.

This condition is inherited in an
Credit: U.S. National Library of Medicine
">autosomal recessive pattern
, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition.

TK2-related mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, myopathic form
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

That left you are talking about , the Dems are the reason so many uninsured people now have insurance, and the Right , your brothers, wants to take it away.

Many have insurance at the barrel of a gun, thanks to the Dems. The right wants to remove the gun.

Well , you don't call and get home insurance when your house is on fire.
MS is not a genetic disease.
And your expertise and qualifications to make such a statement is...what exactly?

Having family members with the disease I have done much study and interaction with doctors on it. True, doctors can not say / prove at this time MS is a genetic disease, but studies have shown that a lot of family members do have it...without being exposed to similar stimuli / factors.

My point being, people need to be careful when making such 'definitive' statements out of the, 'there is no hope for Charlie' without having any medical background or knowledge. (Not saying that you did that.)
multiple sclerosis
MS is not a genetic disease.
And your expertise and qualifications to make such a statement is...what exactly?

Having family members with the disease I have done much study and interaction with doctors on it. True, doctors can not say / prove at this time MS is a genetic disease, but studies have shown that a lot of family members do have it...without being exposed to similar stimuli / factors.

My point being, people need to be careful when making such 'definitive' statements out of the, 'there is no hope for Charlie' without having any medical background or knowledge. (Not saying that you did that.)

Familiar tendencies, not an inherited condition. Have you done studies of twins separated at birth and they both have MS?

These parents are both carriers of a mutated gene.

This condition is inherited in an
Credit: U.S. National Library of Medicine
">autosomal recessive pattern
, which means both copies of the gene in each cell have mutations. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive condition each carry one copy of the mutated gene, but they typically do not show signs and symptoms of the condition.

TK2-related mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, myopathic form
You still did not answer me regarding your expertise and / or qualifications to make such a declaration. I have done much studying and research, too, but that does not make me qualified to declare anything definitive about MS...or any other area of expertise snowflakes on this board feel they are qualified to pass judgment on at times. :p

Again, I am not attacking you - just would like to know your background. Thank you for the information and the discussion. Seriously.
Well , you don't call and get home insurance when your house is on fire.
There is a reason young people do not pay much attention to health insurance, especially when they are young and healthy. There is also a reason Obama and the democrats had to FORCE young people to sign up for Obamacare - in similar ways it was like a Ponzi scheme of sorts. The young have to pay for the elderly.

When I was stationed in Florida, I rented a place right on the water. It was beautiful. After 3 months a hurricane (Cat 5) began coming....and THAT is when I thought about insurance. I called up my car insurance company and asked about renter's insurance for the Cat 5 4 hours off the coast and coming head-on to where I was. When they stopped laughing they told me to call them back AFTER it had passed.

Many young people are stupid - that is, inexperienced and have to learn the hard way. That has nothing to do with why Obama forced young people to buy a product they did not want, though.
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property ?

Let me ask . Who here would want to live if you had to be deaf n blind only only survive because a machine forces air into your lungs and a feeding tube forcing food into your gut?
"The inheritance pattern of multiple sclerosis is unknown, although the condition does appear to be passed down through generations in families. The risk of developing multiple sclerosis is higher for siblings or children of a person with the condition than for the general population."

Yup - this iw what I was talking about. While it APPEARS to be potentially passed down, capable of skipping generations / family members, the inheritance pattern - if at all - is still unknown / un-proven.

'*All' I know is that is sucks.

Thanks again for sharing the back to the topic...
Well , you don't call and get home insurance when your house is on fire.
There is a reason young people do not pay much attention to health insurance, especially when they are young and healthy. There is also a reason Obama and the democrats had to FORCE young people to sign up for Obamacare - in similar ways it was like a Ponzi scheme of sorts. The young have to pay for the elderly.

When I was stationed in Florida, I rented a place right on the water. It was beautiful. After 3 months a hurricane (Cat 5) began coming....and THAT is when I thought about insurance. I called up my car insurance company and asked about renter's insurance for the Cat 5 4 hours off the coast and coming head-on to where I was. When they stopped laughing they told me to call them back AFTER it had passed.

Many young people are stupid - that is, inexperienced and have to learn the hard way. That has nothing to do with why Obama forced young people to buy a product they did not want, though.

Are Charlie and his parents young ? Yes.

Bad stuff can happen to young people. Hell, young people have babies , and that's expensive !
[Hold on now . When it's a fetus you righties say it's it's own person . Now that it's a full grown baby on a respirator, the kid is the parents property?
No, snowflake. Conservative Pro-Life proponents have claimed that a baby in the womb is a PERSON. No one has made the argument that a baby inside the womb or recently out is somehow capable of making their own decisions, ect. That is why parents are responsible and accountable for children until a certain age.

Your ridiculous post FAILS massively in whatever argument you were trying to make.
Are Charlie and his parents young ? Yes. Bad stuff can happen to young people. Hell, young people have babies , and that's expensive !

The difference is Conservatives don't want to step in and strip them of their right to make their own decisions and choices like Liberals/ snowflakes do.

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