Cons want to bring baby Charlie to US!?

you are talking about a MOTHER's SON------how about you quit the "BODY PART
BULL SHIT" ------there, that's a good boy

I find it hypocritical of the left to comment on child health / life issue after the PP situation.

Since PP gives free or very inexpensive birth control, pre-natal, post-natal and pediatric care, I can see why you don't like them.

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Why not bury the aborted babies?

WHAT!!!! There is gold in them there dead babies!!!!!!


Each family, woman makes that choice,that decision.

SassyIrishLass is, as usual, lying

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What did I lie about you freaking loon? Listen up, you need to stop your trolling and LYING yourself, you do it constantly
Sonyou don't believe these parents have a right to seek help, when there could be a small chance of hope?
And he is the US doc that said there is a small chance, vs the U.K. court which proclaimed none. My point was regarding luddlies claim before any US doc had had a chance to examine him, he was in pain and no chance, before any from here examined him.
That's the problem, minimal information, conjecture. You, as a doctor would not make a definitive diagnosis on someone with minimal information, without seeing them and running your own tests.[QUOTE="irosie91,

It's not all that bad------The HIRANO name is famous. I trust his evaluation "hirano bodies" as
a finding in the histology of the brain------were described a bit more than 50 years ago. -----who could
doubt a neurologist with SUCH A FAMILY BACKGROUND. It's Japanese. ------if he is wrong he
would be obligated to commit----you know what-------ie shove a sword in his own gut

PAIN? the term "no quality of life"------does not necessarily mean PAIN
What about his doctors? Should they get a say?

Of course they get a say. Their say its to give the parents an informed spectrum of options and allow them to make the best choice for their child and family.

Every doctor takes an oath to do no harm. Withholding treatment violates that oath.

Treatments are specific actions that have a chance of helping. "Treatment" is NOT throwing anything and everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?
I never said that, you idiot.

And you would gleefully deny them food stamps.

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Why does a British couple need American food stamps?

You phony christians pretend you care about this baby but have voted against health care and even food stamps for the sick, handicapped poor in the US.

I started a thread in healthcare about another little boy who needs help and not one of you miserable hypocrites had anything to say.

Why don't you want people to support themselves? Work is one of the greatest gifts man has. Free will is another one. When we work hard to produce more than we use and then freely give what the Lord has blessed us with we begin to see the Hand of Providence in our society.

I'd rather live free then depend on politicians to give me back my money

I appreciate that you admit you want to starve the needy but most who get food stamps DO work.

But, read the thread about the woman who worked two jobs but wanted one of her employers to not change her schedule without any notice at all.

RWNJs, especially you phony christians, have no respect or appreciation for anyone's needs but their own.

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Reading comprehension isn't your forte
There is no treatment for this poor baby.

No matter what is done, he will die.

Guess what, Einstein? Everyone is going to die!

The individual is sovereign. In this case, the parents represent the individual but the sovereignty of the individual remains. That means it's WRONG to allow state interference. The problem with the left is, you don't believe in individual sovereignty... unless it's a woman demanding an abortion. Then, her sovereignty even trumps the life of the individual inside.
Of course they get a say. Their say its to give the parents an informed spectrum of options and allow them to make the best choice for their child and family.

Every doctor takes an oath to do no harm. Withholding treatment violates that oath.

Treatments are specific actions that have a chance of helping. "Treatment" is NOT throwing anything and everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano
Treatments are specific actions that have a chance of helping. "Treatment" is NOT throwing anything and everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?
The U.K. Wouldn't let them.
And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?
And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?
im sure you've heard the story . This baby in England has some terrible disease . He's blinded and deaf and only kept alive by a ventilator. In England the doctors think they should pull the plug . The parents want him
To get some experimental treatment in the USA .

The weird part. Two republicans are floating a bill to make the kid and his parents legal residents of the us so they can come over !

Since when do cons care about medical coverage ? Especially for immigrants !

Republicans cynically offer Charlie Gard U.S. citizenship to get the health care they won’t give to others

When the country of origen wants to kill said kid? And why would hisHis parents want to come here to the most broken medical system in the world? Half Black Jesus said Europe had it all figured out?


That's nonsense of course.

There is no treatment for this poor baby.

No matter what is done, he will die.

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No matter what is done everyone will die.

That doesn't mean we need to rush his death or anyone else's
According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?
According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?

Maybe they think the parents are acting on his best interest.
The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?
The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?

Maybe they think the parents are acting on his best interest.

What? Stop responding, you make no sense
The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?
The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?

Maybe they think the parents are acting on his best interest.

What? Stop responding, you make no sense

You act like parents always do what's best for their kids . They don't .

Is it true these two had a kid knowing he might be stricken by this disease as they are carriers ?
Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?
Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?

Maybe they think the parents are acting on his best interest.

What? Stop responding, you make no sense

You act like parents always do what's best for their kids . They don't .

Is it true these two had a kid knowing he might be stricken by this disease as they are carriers ?

Idk but listen up,toad. The baby is THEIR child, it's NOT ANYONE'S decsion but theirs.
Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?
Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?

Maybe they think the parents are acting on his best interest.

What? Stop responding, you make no sense

You act like parents always do what's best for their kids . They don't .

Is it true these two had a kid knowing he might be stricken by this disease as they are carriers ?

Where you dream up this bullshit? Have you no shame? If they were "carriers" they would be DEAD!
The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?
The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

The court refuses to let them, there is the problem, they have the money, the US is willing to accept Charlie, the parents want to do this but the courts refuse. Why?

Maybe they think the parents are acting on his best interest.

So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!
So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive?

That is what you want to argue?

YES! The Left is arguing that it's in your best interest to DIE whenever things appear hopeless for you!

This is exactly why these insane moonbats, consumed with death culture, should NEVER have control of our health care!

EXACTLY who said that?

Link, please.


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And this has a chance of working. So what's your point

According to whom?

The specialist who examined him

The US specialist didn't examine him. He has consulted with the parents and other doctors via phone.

Just to be clear, who is preventing the parents from coming to the US to see this doctor?

Yeah the US specialist did examine the baby. You people don't have the first clue, he examined him yesterday. Dr Michio Hirano

Yes, I just read that. Thank you for your thoughtful response!

Why can't the parents go to the US for treatment?

It's not "treatment".

It will only prolong his time on a respirator.

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So the parents are not acting in the Childs best interest by keeping him alive? That is what you want to argue?
Timmy and other snowflakes want to argue that what is in the best interest of the child is to have the parent's rights stripped and for some self-appointed snowflake who believes themselves to be the smartest person on the planet capable of making this decision to strip Charlie and his parents of any chance at survival. 'Just die already'.

He's just a baby - the parents haven't had him THAT long, so how strong of an attachment could they have to him. They can make another one, right, snowflakes?

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