Consequence Culture - Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, The Dixie Chicks and Jane Fonda


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
So we've seen a few threads on these boards about how Gina Carano was fired by Disney after she repeatedly posted racist, conspiratorial and transphobic memes on Twitter, and someone decided that she wasn't the best person to have on your Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family. Yes, after spending 4 BILLION to buy the rights to Star Wars, they didn't want some third tier actor dragging them into controversy they didn't need.


Fun Space Adventure... Calling them "Younglings" so you don't have to say, "Killed Children"

Anyway, the Right Wing has gone apoplectic over this. How dare we punish this poor woman for merely expressing her opinion.

Of course, these were the same people who insisted that the NFL Fire Colin Kaepernick because he took a knee protesting police misconduct and killing of black people.


Eventually, he was proven right when the country exploded into riots after George Floyd was murdered. Even big corporations got in on the act.

Then there were the Dixie Chicks. Remember them? They were a country band that expressed the opinion that our war with Iraq over weapons that didn't exist was probably a bad idea. (Actually, only one of them did, but they all paid for it.


Eventually, they were proven right. Heck, you'd be hard pressed to find a Right Winger today who would argue the Iraq War was a good idea.

Then there was the grandmother of all "Cancel Culture", Jane Fonda. You remember Jane? She was the one who said our undeclared war in Vietnam was a terrible idea. Even humanized the people we were mercilessly bombing by visiting them.


Well, she was proven right. The war was a bad idea. Not that it did her any good, people still denounced her as "Hanoi Jane" and her career was pretty much over by 1980.

Point is, the Right Wing was for Cancel Culture (really, "Consequence Culture") before they were against it.

So let the right wing outrage begin!!!
So we've seen a few threads on these boards about how Gina Carano was fired by Disney after she repeatedly posted racist, conspiratorial and transphobic memes on Twitter, and someone decided that she wasn't the best person to have on your Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family. Yes, after spending 4 BILLION to buy the rights to Star Wars, they didn't want some third tier actor dragging them into controversy they didn't need.

View attachment 464341
Fun Space Adventure... Calling them "Younglings" so you don't have to say, "Killed Children"

Anyway, the Right Wing has gone apoplectic over this. How dare we punish this poor woman for merely expressing her opinion.

Of course, these were the same people who insisted that the NFL Fire Colin Kaepernick because he took a knee protesting police misconduct and killing of black people.

View attachment 464342

Eventually, he was proven right when the country exploded into riots after George Floyd was murdered. Even big corporations got in on the act.

Then there were the Dixie Chicks. Remember them? They were a country band that expressed the opinion that our war with Iraq over weapons that didn't exist was probably a bad idea. (Actually, only one of them did, but they all paid for it.

View attachment 464343

Eventually, they were proven right. Heck, you'd be hard pressed to find a Right Winger today who would argue the Iraq War was a good idea.

Then there was the grandmother of all "Cancel Culture", Jane Fonda. You remember Jane? She was the one who said our undeclared war in Vietnam was a terrible idea. Even humanized the people we were mercilessly bombing by visiting them.

View attachment 464344

Well, she was proven right. The war was a bad idea. Not that it did her any good, people still denounced her as "Hanoi Jane" and her career was pretty much over by 1980.

Point is, the Right Wing was for Cancel Culture (really, "Consequence Culture") before they were against it.

So let the right wing outrage begin!!!

Those are all good points but I do wonder what did Gina Carano say that you label as racist, conspiratorial and transphobic? What even is transphobic?
Those are all good points but I do wonder what did Gina Carano say that you label as racist, conspiratorial and transphobic? What even is transphobic?

Irrational fear of transsexual Americans.

Those are all good points but I do wonder what did Gina Carano say that you label as racist, conspiratorial and transphobic? What even is transphobic?

Irrational fear of transsexual Americans.

Bt what exactly did she say?
While I don't share his beliefs, Tim Tebow was vilified by the left for kneeling in silent prayer. No more disruptive than anything Kaepernick did, the act was considered intolerant and outright disgusting by the shit-stained left.


Tebow knelt in an act of silent, personal prayer. Kapernick knelt in an act of public defiance. The left looked at Tebow as some sort zealot and at Kaepernick as some sort of hero. Kapernick is no hero and Tebow is no zealot, yet only the act of one of them is acceptable to the dumbfucks who inhabit the left...
Those are all good points but I do wonder what did Gina Carano say that you label as racist, conspiratorial and transphobic? What even is transphobic?

Irrational fear of transsexual Americans.

I don't see anything racist or transphobic there. And I agree with her about the face diapers. And it is a fact that people were turning other people in during Nazi Germany. They are even doing that now in the US and reporting people for not wearing a face diaper.
The biggest example of right wing cancel culture were the red scares and Joe McCarthy.

Both wings are off the same bird. That is why it is best not to be a part of any wing and use your own logical thinking skills and what is best for freedom and liberty for all. All we all really want is to just be left alone and live our lives the way we want as long as we aren't hurting others.
While I don't share his beliefs, Tim Tebow was vilified by the left for kneeling in silent prayer. No more disruptive than anything Kaepernick did, the act was considered intolerant and outright disgusting by the shit-stained left.

Except nobody insisted on firing him.

Tebow knelt in an act of silent, personal prayer. Kapernick knelt in an act of public defiance. The left looked at Tebow as some sort zealot and at Kaepernick as some sort of hero. Kapernick is no hero and Tebow is no zealot, yet only the act of one of them is acceptable to the dumbfucks who inhabit the left...

Kapernick kneeled because he lives in a country where police can murder people like him, with no consequences. That's kind of a big deal.

Tebow kneeled because he thinks his Imaginary Friend in the Sky is invested in him winning a football game.

Frankly, I've always wondered about a God who really is invested in who wins a football game but could care less about starving children in Africa.

It kind of trivializes your God, doesn't it?
I don't see anything racist or transphobic there. And I agree with her about the face diapers. And it is a fact that people were turning other people in during Nazi Germany. They are even doing that now in the US and reporting people for not wearing a face diaper.

Um, yeah, people get very upset when you endanger their health by breathing over them.
I don't see anything racist or transphobic there. And I agree with her about the face diapers. And it is a fact that people were turning other people in during Nazi Germany. They are even doing that now in the US and reporting people for not wearing a face diaper.

Um, yeah, people get very upset when you endanger their health by breathing over them.

You have to be very ignorant to think a health person will make you sick. That is a fraud so they could force the lock downs and people to wear these face diapers.
You have to be very ignorant to think a health person will make you sick. That is a fraud so they could force the lock downs and people to wear these face diapers.

525,000 people died. This isn't a fraud.

Most people with Covid are asymptomatic. They have the germs but they aren't showing symptoms.

Wearing masks was good policy.

The Japanese had 100% mask usage. They were into wearing masks even before this started. And low and behold, they didn't have massive infections even though the virus got there earlier.

But you and Carano think this is a conspiracy to take your "Freedom"... and we have more cases than any country in the world.
While I don't share his beliefs, Tim Tebow was vilified by the left for kneeling in silent prayer. No more disruptive than anything Kaepernick did, the act was considered intolerant and outright disgusting by the shit-stained left.


Tebow knelt in an act of silent, personal prayer. Kapernick knelt in an act of public defiance. The left looked at Tebow as some sort zealot and at Kaepernick as some sort of hero. Kapernick is no hero and Tebow is no zealot, yet only the act of one of them is acceptable to the dumbfucks who inhabit the left...

Oh just stop with this bullshit comparison. He got picked on by the left wing idealists. But he wasn't blackballed by the NFL, he wasn't colluded against by NFL owners and unable to land a team, and he wasn't hung out to dry by the collective NFL players association. Eventually he was out of the league. Why? Not because of his religious beliefs or the fact that he kneeled in prayer. Because in the end, he wasn't a very good quarterback. Compare that to Kapernick who had way more upside than Tebow at the QB position and took his team to a Super Bowl. And he can't land a job because he takes a knee protesting the treatment of black men? C'mon.
Except nobody insisted on firing him.

Sure they did. I personally know several little bitches on the left who felt he should not be allowed to put his faith on display as he did, and that he should be removed from the roster...

Frankly, I've always wondered about a God who really is invested in who wins a football game but could care less about starving children in Africa.

I won't speak to what someone's God is invested in. I will, however, say that this has nothing to do with what God is invested in and everything to do with what Kaepernick and Tebow were invested in...

It kind of trivializes your God, doesn't it?

Man, I just love dipshit idiots like you.

I don't have a God, dumbass. I'm Agnostic. But ignorant little nippleheads like you will jump to such a conclusion simply because I choose to come down more in support of someone who kneels in prayer as opposed to the little whining bitch who kneels in protest.

Oh just stop with this bullshit comparison. He got picked on by the left wing idealists. But he wasn't blackballed by the NFL, he wasn't colluded against by NFL owners and unable to land a team, and he wasn't hung out to dry by the collective NFL players association. Eventually he was out of the league. Why? Not because of his religious beliefs or the fact that he kneeled in prayer. Because in the end, he wasn't a very good quarterback. Compare that to Kapernick who had way more upside than Tebow at the QB position and took his team to a Super Bowl. And he can't land a job because he takes a knee protesting the treatment of black men? C'mon.

Cry me a river.

The fact remains that, by and large, the left (not just "left wing idealists") took great exception to Tebow's quiet display of faith.

I hope Kaepernick never plays another down as an NFL quarterback and, the way it's looking, he's not going to. I absolutely support his right to do what he wants to; if he wants to kneel in protest, so be it. I don't have to like it.

But, as much as I don't have to like it, so does he need to live with the ramifications of his actions. The fact is that a lot of football fans gave up on the game because of this kneeling nonsense, and it's hurt the bottom lines of NFL teams. Well, they're not there to bring about social change. They're businesses, and they're there to make money. If Kaepernick's antics result in him not being able to find a job, because those antics will negatively impact the bottom line of an NFL team, well, he needs to be man enough to accept that.

Whining that he can't get a job is pathetic...
Oh just stop with this bullshit comparison. He got picked on by the left wing idealists. But he wasn't blackballed by the NFL, he wasn't colluded against by NFL owners and unable to land a team, and he wasn't hung out to dry by the collective NFL players association. Eventually he was out of the league. Why? Not because of his religious beliefs or the fact that he kneeled in prayer. Because in the end, he wasn't a very good quarterback. Compare that to Kapernick who had way more upside than Tebow at the QB position and took his team to a Super Bowl. And he can't land a job because he takes a knee protesting the treatment of black men? C'mon.

Cry me a river.

The fact remains that, by and large, the left (not just "left wing idealists") took great exception to Tebow's quiet display of faith.

I hope Kaepernick never plays another down as an NFL quarterback and, the way it's looking, he's not going to. I absolutely support his right to do what he wants to; if he wants to kneel in protest, so be it. I don't have to like it.

But, as much as I don't have to like it, so does he need to live with the ramifications of his actions. The fact is that a lot of football fans gave up on the game because of this kneeling nonsense, and it's hurt the bottom lines of NFL teams. Well, they're not there to bring about social change. They're businesses, and they're there to make money. If Kaepernick's antics result in him not being able to find a job, because those antics will negatively impact the bottom line of an NFL team, well, he needs to be man enough to accept that.

Whining that he can't get a job is pathetic...

So, by your assessment, you agree that Gina Carano deserves the same fate?
Tebow kneeled because he thinks his Imaginary Friend in the Sky is invested in him winning a football game.

Here's the difference between you and me:

I do not believe in God. I can allow for the possibility of some "higher power", but I suspect I'll go to my grave never knowing who or what that is. I don't begrudge anyone their religious beliefs. I'm intelligent enough to understand that faith plays a large role in the lives of many, and that's perfectly okay. Why would I have a problem with that?

You, on the other hand, are so juvenile and immature that you can't even allow yourself to respect the fact that someone believes differently than you and, as a result, you mock them.

You're nothing but an ignorant child...
Oh just stop with this bullshit comparison. He got picked on by the left wing idealists. But he wasn't blackballed by the NFL, he wasn't colluded against by NFL owners and unable to land a team, and he wasn't hung out to dry by the collective NFL players association. Eventually he was out of the league. Why? Not because of his religious beliefs or the fact that he kneeled in prayer. Because in the end, he wasn't a very good quarterback. Compare that to Kapernick who had way more upside than Tebow at the QB position and took his team to a Super Bowl. And he can't land a job because he takes a knee protesting the treatment of black men? C'mon.

Cry me a river.

The fact remains that, by and large, the left (not just "left wing idealists") took great exception to Tebow's quiet display of faith.

I hope Kaepernick never plays another down as an NFL quarterback and, the way it's looking, he's not going to. I absolutely support his right to do what he wants to; if he wants to kneel in protest, so be it. I don't have to like it.

But, as much as I don't have to like it, so does he need to live with the ramifications of his actions. The fact is that a lot of football fans gave up on the game because of this kneeling nonsense, and it's hurt the bottom lines of NFL teams. Well, they're not there to bring about social change. They're businesses, and they're there to make money. If Kaepernick's antics result in him not being able to find a job, because those antics will negatively impact the bottom line of an NFL team, well, he needs to be man enough to accept that.

Whining that he can't get a job is pathetic...

So, by your assessment, you agree that Gina Carano deserves the same fate?

Does she deserve it? I dunno'.

Then again, I've never taken the position that Kaepernick "deserves" to be kicked out of the NFL.

In both instances, I believe that their employers "deserve" to have the right to determine what will hurt their bottom line and act accordingly. If that means firing them, so be it...

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