Conservatism Riddled With Scams

Mike Huckabee said:
"You know, God wasn't armed. He didn't go to the school. But God will be there in the form of a lot people with hugs and with therapy and a whole lot of ways in which I think he will be involved in the aftermath. Maybe we ought to let him in on the front end and we wouldn't have to call him to show up when it's all said and done at the back end."

So, what Huckabee is saying is that God will be there to comfort people after the murders but can't do anything beforehand to prevent it. And, He can't do anything about it because "He's not allowed," even though He is, you know, God, the most powerful being in the universe.

Yeah, that'll fly when he runs in 2016.

No it's because God gives us free will and the right to choose God gave us Ten Commandments to live by thou shall not kill being one of them we are also told what the rewards in the next life will be for following the Commandments and consequences for choosing not to. God gave us rules and guidelines to live by and the right to choose if we want to or not the choices we choose to make are our responsibility not Gods.
Mike Huckabee said:
"You know, God wasn't armed. He didn't go to the school. But God will be there in the form of a lot people with hugs and with therapy and a whole lot of ways in which I think he will be involved in the aftermath. Maybe we ought to let him in on the front end and we wouldn't have to call him to show up when it's all said and done at the back end."

So, what Huckabee is saying is that God will be there to comfort people after the murders but can't do anything beforehand to prevent it. And, He can't do anything about it because "He's not allowed," even though He is, you know, God, the most powerful being in the universe.

Yeah, that'll fly when he runs in 2016.

No it's because God gives us free will and the right to choose God gave us Ten Commandments to live by thou shall not kill being one of them we are also told what the rewards in the next life will be for following the Commandments and consequences for choosing not to. God gave us rules and guidelines to live by and the right to choose if we want to or not the choices we choose to make are our responsibility not Gods.

Yeah. Or not, and you are rationalizing religion.

In this interview, Pastor Haggee said that Katrina was a judgement of God against New Orleans for having a homosexual parade.

Pastor John Hagee on Christian Zionism : NPR

All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they are -- were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other Gay Pride parades. So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know that there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the day of judgment. And I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.

Here, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blame liberals for 9/11 for mocking God.

Rev. Falwell Blames for Terrorist Attacks

Now, we have a serious Republican Presidential candidate saying that kicking God out of schools is why the massacre happened.

See a pattern?
So, what Huckabee is saying is that God will be there to comfort people after the murders but can't do anything beforehand to prevent it. And, He can't do anything about it because "He's not allowed," even though He is, you know, God, the most powerful being in the universe.

Yeah, that'll fly when he runs in 2016.

No it's because God gives us free will and the right to choose God gave us Ten Commandments to live by thou shall not kill being one of them we are also told what the rewards in the next life will be for following the Commandments and consequences for choosing not to. God gave us rules and guidelines to live by and the right to choose if we want to or not the choices we choose to make are our responsibility not Gods.

Yeah. Or not, and you are rationalizing religion.

In this interview, Pastor Haggee said that Katrina was a judgement of God against New Orleans for having a homosexual parade.

Pastor John Hagee on Christian Zionism : NPR

All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God, and they are -- were recipients of the judgment of God for that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that parade was that it was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other Gay Pride parades. So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know that there are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the day of judgment. And I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.

Here, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blame liberals for 9/11 for mocking God.

Rev. Falwell Blames for Terrorist Attacks

Now, we have a serious Republican Presidential candidate saying that kicking God out of schools is why the massacre happened.

See a pattern?
No I see you trying take isolated incidents and make them norm the simple truth is the country has trivialized and marginalized god Huckabee is giving his opinion that it plays a role in these type of things I can't say for a fact it does can you say for certain doesn't ? When did Huckabee become a serious republican contender for 2016 ? I have not heard say he was running or even considering it your doing a little assuming it seems.
as much as "conservatives" say it, the liberals are the ones who actually think on heir own.

hard to believe she did not mention the Queen of Distortion - Palin.
No I see you trying take isolated incidents and make them norm the simple truth is the country has trivialized and marginalized god Huckabee is giving his opinion that it plays a role in these type of things I can't say for a fact it does can you say for certain doesn't ? When did Huckabee become a serious republican contender for 2016 ? I have not heard say he was running or even considering it your doing a little assuming it seems.

He was a serious candidate in 2008, and speculation is that he may be in 2016.

What I'm saying is that people who claim to be religious are saying that tragedies occur because they've rejected God with zero evidence that this is the case. It is offensive. If I said your mother died because you are a sinner, I would fully expect you to be furious with me. (And to be clear, I wish you and your loved ones nothing but the best.) But when some religious asshole says it, a good portion of the population nods their head and goes "yup, it's true," trivializing the horrific loss of life that was caused by humans, not having anything - unless they can walk the talk instead of unfounded assertions - to do with God.
No I see you trying take isolated incidents and make them norm the simple truth is the country has trivialized and marginalized god Huckabee is giving his opinion that it plays a role in these type of things I can't say for a fact it does can you say for certain doesn't ? When did Huckabee become a serious republican contender for 2016 ? I have not heard say he was running or even considering it your doing a little assuming it seems.

He was a serious candidate in 2008, and speculation is that he may be in 2016.

What I'm saying is that people who claim to be religious are saying that tragedies occur because they've rejected God with zero evidence that this is the case. It is offensive. If I said your mother died because you are a sinner, I would fully expect you to be furious with me. (And to be clear, I wish you and your loved ones nothing but the best.) But when some religious asshole says it, a good portion of the population nods their head and goes "yup, it's true," trivializing the horrific loss of life that was caused by humans, not having anything - unless they can walk the talk instead of unfounded assertions - to do with God.

Huckabee is closet liberal.

So is Dick Morris.

I don't trust ether of them.
Mike Huckabee said:
"You know, God wasn't armed. He didn't go to the school. But God will be there in the form of a lot people with hugs and with therapy and a whole lot of ways in which I think he will be involved in the aftermath. Maybe we ought to let him in on the front end and we wouldn't have to call him to show up when it's all said and done at the back end."

So, what Huckabee is saying is that God will be there to comfort people after the murders but can't do anything beforehand to prevent it. And, He can't do anything about it because "He's not allowed," even though He is, you know, God, the most powerful being in the universe.

Yeah, that'll fly when he runs in 2016.

No it's because God gives us free will and the right to choose God gave us Ten Commandments to live by thou shall not kill being one of them we are also told what the rewards in the next life will be for following the Commandments and consequences for choosing not to. God gave us rules and guidelines to live by and the right to choose if we want to or not the choices we choose to make are our responsibility not Gods.

... God gave us Ten Commandments to live by .....

and the Conservatives lost them ... and use theirs instead.
No I see you trying take isolated incidents and make them norm the simple truth is the country has trivialized and marginalized god Huckabee is giving his opinion that it plays a role in these type of things I can't say for a fact it does can you say for certain doesn't ? When did Huckabee become a serious republican contender for 2016 ? I have not heard say he was running or even considering it your doing a little assuming it seems.

He was a serious candidate in 2008, and speculation is that he may be in 2016.

What I'm saying is that people who claim to be religious are saying that tragedies occur because they've rejected God with zero evidence that this is the case. It is offensive. If I said your mother died because you are a sinner, I would fully expect you to be furious with me. (And to be clear, I wish you and your loved ones nothing but the best.) But when some religious asshole says it, a good portion of the population nods their head and goes "yup, it's true," trivializing the horrific loss of life that was caused by humans, not having anything - unless they can walk the talk instead of unfounded assertions - to do with God.

Huckabee is closet liberal.

So is Dick Morris.

I don't trust ether of them.

Good to know.
Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

This coming from a pussy who will neg you for disagreeing......this is pure projection.....which is why liberals have their ideas forced on people by courts and unions.....and why they sont allow any dissent....omg a cross in public....toba liberal that is the worst thing ever....theyll back these crazyass shooters alllll day long
Mike Huckabee said:
"You know, God wasn't armed. He didn't go to the school. But God will be there in the form of a lot people with hugs and with therapy and a whole lot of ways in which I think he will be involved in the aftermath. Maybe we ought to let him in on the front end and we wouldn't have to call him to show up when it's all said and done at the back end."

So, what Huckabee is saying is that God will be there to comfort people after the murders but can't do anything beforehand to prevent it. And, He can't do anything about it because "He's not allowed," even though He is, you know, God, the most powerful being in the universe.

Yeah, that'll fly when he runs in 2016.

No it's because God gives us free will and the right to choose God gave us Ten Commandments to live by thou shall not kill being one of them we are also told what the rewards in the next life will be for following the Commandments and consequences for choosing not to. God gave us rules and guidelines to live by and the right to choose if we want to or not the choices we choose to make are our responsibility not Gods.
The commandment is to do no murder - not do no killing! Big difference.
And this is when Liberals won!


Do you see how they have a chronic need to complain and be bitter and frustrated?
We're just trying to get you to leave the bubble, Frankie! Stop the willing self-delusion! These people don't give a shit about you or conservatism, my brother. They just want to perpetuate their fame and wealth by hustling the weak-minded. You're just another mark to these grifters, son. Step off that bus! Because those fumes you've been inhaling deeply are making you stupid. And I say that with love.
Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

Of course and if someone from the right posted a video from Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck showing how liberalism is a scam you and the other lefties would react how?
If it's backed up by verifiable facts? I would be pissed, and that person or organization would no longer have any credibility with me. And furthermore, if I saw it that way, then a bunch of us would see it that way, and social media would spread the word, and pretty soon that scammer would be finished in the marketplace of ideas.

Now, why can't the Right operate with that kind of integrity?
No I see you trying take isolated incidents and make them norm the simple truth is the country has trivialized and marginalized god Huckabee is giving his opinion that it plays a role in these type of things I can't say for a fact it does can you say for certain doesn't ? When did Huckabee become a serious republican contender for 2016 ? I have not heard say he was running or even considering it your doing a little assuming it seems.

He was a serious candidate in 2008, and speculation is that he may be in 2016.

What I'm saying is that people who claim to be religious are saying that tragedies occur because they've rejected God with zero evidence that this is the case. It is offensive. If I said your mother died because you are a sinner, I would fully expect you to be furious with me. (And to be clear, I wish you and your loved ones nothing but the best.) But when some religious asshole says it, a good portion of the population nods their head and goes "yup, it's true," trivializing the horrific loss of life that was caused by humans, not having anything - unless they can walk the talk instead of unfounded assertions - to do with God.

Huckabee is closet liberal.

So is Dick Morris.

I don't trust ether of them.
You're basically saying that a large number of Republicans are damn stupid people, fooled by these fake's conservative disguises.
Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

This coming from a pussy who will neg you for disagreeing......this is pure projection.....which is why liberals have their ideas forced on people by courts and unions.....and why they sont allow any dissent....omg a cross in public....toba liberal that is the worst thing ever....theyll back these crazyass shooters alllll day long

Did you ever consider that I don't neg for merely disagreeing, but for being disagreeable, acting like an asshole, and posting stupid shit?
Really good video, exposing how conservative hucksters scam their followers and true believers.

I think some Righties will be surprised and pretty pissed off at some of this.

Conservatism Riddled With Scams
Suprised? No. That owuld be silly as it would require me to thinlk that super pacs run in all their secracy wiould be a good place to 'donatee' my money to.

Angry? No, not at all. Why would I be. Again, this is a super pac issue. Something I care little to nothing about. Donators themselves should be watching where there money goes and ensuring that it is spent wisely. I don't care if he rolled all that cash up and set it on fire. What does it matter? It was not my money. It was not the republicans money. It was the money of people that thought it would be a good idea to donate to a stupid Super Pac without knowing where the money was going to. Those people should have looked a little more closely at what they were doing.

Now, instead of looking like an idiot by trying to attach this to the 'republicans' perhaps you should actually be honest with yourself and realize that there are thieves everywhere, ESPECIALLY those that are asking you to 'donate' to such and such cause without any real path to show you. This is not a 'republican' thing. They are everywhere. Try watching TV late at night, televangelists are still on are they not? There you go, even in religion they are there. Even in your vaunted democratic party.

Expected reaction. Wingnuts don't allow anything to permeate the bubble.

And as Frank Rich says in the follow-up interview, wingnuts should have no problems with conservatives scamming their own followers: it's just following Ayn Rand's philosophy of every man for himself:

Rachel Maddow Show

Of course and if someone from the right posted a video from Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck showing how liberalism is a scam you and the other lefties would react how?
If it's backed up by verifiable facts? I would be pissed, and that person or organization would no longer have any credibility with me. And furthermore, if I saw it that way, then a bunch of us would see it that way, and social media would spread the word, and pretty soon that scammer would be finished in the marketplace of ideas.

Now, why can't the Right operate with that kind of integrity?
Neither are you.

This piece has some facts in it, like the cash went to news max. Then it has MASSIVE conjecture in saying that money went to buy emails. Notice that she completely changes terminology when talking about that part to 'likely' and 'possibly' rather than affirmatives. That's because it is all massive conjecture. You took this as gospel right off the bat because you it fits your worldview but don't mistake it for fact. It is no more factual than that of Glen Beck and Rush in all their glorious claims against liberals.

Try and actually think.

What she claims is possible. What she claims could also be the fact that being a part of these conglomerates means he knows the people in them and has networked with many of them. Networks that can be useful.
So, what Huckabee is saying is that God will be there to comfort people after the murders but can't do anything beforehand to prevent it. And, He can't do anything about it because "He's not allowed," even though He is, you know, God, the most powerful being in the universe.

Yeah, that'll fly when he runs in 2016.

No it's because God gives us free will and the right to choose God gave us Ten Commandments to live by thou shall not kill being one of them we are also told what the rewards in the next life will be for following the Commandments and consequences for choosing not to. God gave us rules and guidelines to live by and the right to choose if we want to or not the choices we choose to make are our responsibility not Gods.
The commandment is to do no murder - not do no killing! Big difference.

King James version says "Thou shalt not kill."
Really good video, exposing how conservative hucksters scam their followers and true believers.

I think some Righties will be surprised and pretty pissed off at some of this.

Conservatism Riddled With Scams
Suprised? No. That owuld be silly as it would require me to thinlk that super pacs run in all their secracy wiould be a good place to 'donatee' my money to.

Angry? No, not at all. Why would I be. Again, this is a super pac issue. Something I care little to nothing about. Donators themselves should be watching where there money goes and ensuring that it is spent wisely. I don't care if he rolled all that cash up and set it on fire. What does it matter? It was not my money. It was not the republicans money. It was the money of people that thought it would be a good idea to donate to a stupid Super Pac without knowing where the money was going to. Those people should have looked a little more closely at what they were doing.

Now, instead of looking like an idiot by trying to attach this to the 'republicans' perhaps you should actually be honest with yourself and realize that there are thieves everywhere, ESPECIALLY those that are asking you to 'donate' to such and such cause without any real path to show you. This is not a 'republican' thing. They are everywhere. Try watching TV late at night, televangelists are still on are they not? There you go, even in religion they are there. Even in your vaunted democratic party.

Of course and if someone from the right posted a video from Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck showing how liberalism is a scam you and the other lefties would react how?
If it's backed up by verifiable facts? I would be pissed, and that person or organization would no longer have any credibility with me. And furthermore, if I saw it that way, then a bunch of us would see it that way, and social media would spread the word, and pretty soon that scammer would be finished in the marketplace of ideas.

Now, why can't the Right operate with that kind of integrity?
Neither are you.

This piece has some facts in it, like the cash went to news max. Then it has MASSIVE conjecture in saying that money went to buy emails. Notice that she completely changes terminology when talking about that part to 'likely' and 'possibly' rather than affirmatives. That's because it is all massive conjecture. You took this as gospel right off the bat because you it fits your worldview but don't mistake it for fact. It is no more factual than that of Glen Beck and Rush in all their glorious claims against liberals.

Try and actually think.

What she claims is possible. What she claims could also be the fact that being a part of these conglomerates means he knows the people in them and has networked with many of them. Networks that can be useful.

I guess you didn't pay too much attention. It was not all super PACS. Newt's scam is just parlaying his Speakership into money into his pocket. Same with Santorum (Google him!).

And I didn't mention Republicans in the OP, yet you ascribe that to me.
I guess you didn't pay too much attention. It was not all super PACS. Newt's scam is just parlaying his Speakership into money into his pocket. Same with Santorum (Google him!).

And I didn't mention Republicans in the OP, yet you ascribe that to me.

Really good video, exposing how conservative hucksters scam their followers and true believers.

I think some Righties will be surprised and pretty pissed off at some of this.

Conservatism Riddled With Scams

No, I suppose that you said 'righties' and 'conservatives' but you were not talking about republicans at all.

And I should pay more attention?! You didn't reply to a single point I made then leveled a false claim about what you said and say I should pay more attention. Utter fail. Why don't you try again.

Also, what are you getting at with 'all' super pacs? Did you even bother to read what I wrote? I don't mention anything about other super pacs.
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