Conservative columnist ask, "Where is Ted Cruz now?"


Is as if Jim Jones passed out the Kool Aide then went off to some bar and got drunk on beer.

I pandered to the Tea Party, the way I always do
How was I to know, defunding wouldn't go thru?
I was demagoging
Obamacare, I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money, dad, get me out of this

I'm taking Republicans down to my level
They're stuck between the rock
and a hard place
But I'm still the man of the people, It's just a bit of personal luck
But if Mitch could do it, he'd run over me with his truck

I'll need lawyers, guns and money
Send lawyers, guns and money
Send lawyers, guns and money
Send lawyers, guns and money
Yeah, yeah, yeah
"The Legend of Ted Cruz"

Crack that whip
Get a better grip
Time to step up the attack
When momma breaks her back

When Obama comes along
You must whip it
Actin' like Mao Zedong
You must whip it
When something's goin' wrong
You must whip it

Now whip it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To whip it
Whip it good

Before the word gets around
You must whip it
Before they get it down
You better whip it
Don't let it slip away
Everybody whip it

I say whip it
Whip it good
I say whip it
Whip it good

Crack that whip
Get a better grip
Time to turn your backs
On those with heiart attacks

When Obama comes along
You must whip it
Better choke Mao Zedong
You must whip it
When somethin's goin'' wrong
You must whip it

Now whip it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To whip it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To whip it
Well, whip it good
Where is Ted Cruz now? He's listening to his constituents and doing their bidding.

The question what is Obama and Reid doing right now? Playing games with the American people. Close things down until it hurts. Most people don't notice the change and just may decide that the slim down could be permanent. Government is just too damn big. Put three quarters of the Park Rangers on permanent vacations without pay.

Rangers sitting in their cars 24/7 to make sure no one walks down a path or drinks out of a drinking fountain? That job can go permanently.
Obama is not running for election in 2014, so it is pretty stupid for making that all that matters to you.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.


Don't be comin' 'round here wit dem facts and stuff. Sack Baggers hate facts!

Facts make TPs PP.

The popularity of the Republican Party has plunged to a record low since September.

A record low. 28 percent compared to 43 percent for the Democrats.

27 percent of Republicans now hold an unfavorable opinion of the GOP. Cruz has alienated a huge swath of the base.



I don't care about their popularity, all I'm looking at is Obama's approvals at this point in time, that is the one that COUNTS for me...AND if the people want the progressive party and more of Obama, they deserve what is coming and living with over 7% of unemployment for all five years since he was elected...hell his second term is half over and it HASN'T budged...You think that would tell them something

And there you have it, the rightwing in a nutshell.

To hell with sound, responsible governance, to hell with facts and the truth, and to hell with what’s best for the Nation, as long as the hated Obama ‘looks bad.’

It’s clearly a manifestation of mental illness.

please, you don't criticize the Democrats action's or hold them responsible in ANYTHING, so don't blow smoke how you care about, sound governance....

none of you partisan Democrats here do

and you all prove that liberalism is a mental disorder
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