Conservative columnist ask, "Where is Ted Cruz now?"

I don't care about their popularity, all I'm looking at is Obama's approvals at this point in time, that is the one that COUNTS for me...

Obama is not running for election in 2014, so that's pretty stupid.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

whatever dude, I'm not going to worry over something that is two fucking year's away
if you want to be that stupid, have at it

One year, but who's counting.

The popularity of the Republican Party has plunged to a record low since September.

A record low. 28 percent compared to 43 percent for the Democrats.

27 percent of Republicans now hold an unfavorable opinion of the GOP. Cruz has alienated a huge swath of the base.



I don't care about their popularity, all I'm looking at is Obama's approvals at this point in time, that is the one that COUNTS for me...

Obama is not running for election in 2014, so it is pretty stupid for making that all that matters to you.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Seeing Obama's last term in office being a lame duck President is a joyous thing to behold.

yes he does and he's living inside the libs/lefties head 24/7 DRIVING them crazyyyyyyyyyyy

they have to add one more obsession to tell their shrinks

I think it's great, go CRUZ:clap2:


The popularity of the Republican Party has plunged to a record low since September.

A record low. 28 percent compared to 43 percent for the Democrats.

27 percent of Republicans now hold an unfavorable opinion of the GOP. Cruz has alienated a huge swath of the base.



Yet, the TPM support cruz by nearly 70% sTILL. GOP primaries will be a b(tch in 14.

The more TP loons in the primaries, the better it will be for the Dems. I expect O'Donnell would love to run again!
I don't care about their popularity, all I'm looking at is Obama's approvals at this point in time, that is the one that COUNTS for me...

Obama is not running for election in 2014, so that's pretty stupid.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

whatever dude, I'm not going to worry over something that is two fucking year's away


You just keep digging deeper and deeper.

The mid-terms are ONE year away. And that makes 28 vs 43 very significant.

if you want to be that stupid, have at it

The irony is just too rich! :lol:
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Someone on my facebook page keeps falling for the satire site pieces on Cruz. She posts them and then has to eat crow. She is so desperate to believe the worst about him.

Must marginalize Cruz!
Obama is not running for election in 2014, so that's pretty stupid.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

whatever dude, I'm not going to worry over something that is two fucking year's away


You just keep digging deeper and deeper.

The mid-terms are ONE year away. And that makes 28 vs 43 very significant.

if you want to be that stupid, have at it

The irony is just too rich! :lol:

and I said you want to worry over everything else, have at it
so now what are you bitching about?
just to be bitching or being a piss drinking ass?
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Obama is not running for election in 2014, so it is pretty stupid for making that all that matters to you.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.


Don't be comin' 'round here wit dem facts and stuff. Sack Baggers hate facts!
I don't care about their popularity, all I'm looking at is Obama's approvals at this point in time, that is the one that COUNTS for me...

Obama is not running for election in 2014, so it is pretty stupid for making that all that matters to you.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Seeing Obama's last term in office being a lame duck President is a joyous thing to behold.


Yup, get rid of the black guy and then...OH NOOOOOO :eek:

Ted?s Excellent Adventure: How Cruz Rocked the Value Voters Summit - The Daily Beast

But inside the city’s Omni Shoreham hotel, where the annual Values Voters Conference was kicking off, it was just like freaking Christmas. Droves of family-values voters filled the Regency Ballroom to revel in a parade of speechifying by Congress’s conservative rock stars: Sens. Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio (looking to redeem himself after that ugly immigration reform business), and Tim Scott.

It was, as you would expect, the definition of a political love-in.

Here's the accompanying photo of Ted Cruz channeling Howard Beal:


This is not a psychotic episode. It is a cleansing moment of clarity.

Ted Cruz is not running for president

Now, speaker of the House maybe a different story!
Cruz is looking at the newest poll numbers showing the popularity of Republicans has plummeted to a record low since September and he is trying to think of a way to blame the darkies. Even Republicans are sick of the Republican Party fondling Ted Cruz's balls. 27 percent of them. That's a huge segment of your base you can't afford to alienate before the mid-terms.

Every threat of a shutdown from here forward is going to induce a Pavlovian response of disgust in more and more people.

Yeah, we believe NBC polls.
Worth repeating.

How do you know when you are dealing with an idiot?

When the only response their comment is worthy of is a belly laugh.

When someone uses the plural "their" to refer to the singular "an idiot." This illogical construction was imposed by screeching femininny titwits, who went into spasms of penis envy over the fact that "his" has always been used to refer to indefinite-gender singulars. It not only shows how they've crippled our minds to not be disturbed by this silliness, but how much power freaks have if they can intimidate practically everybody into using this brain warper.
Obama is not running for election in 2014, so it is pretty stupid for making that all that matters to you.

The Republicans and Democrats are running for the House and Senate in 2014, and the GOP is now standing at 28 percent approval to the Democrats 43 percent approval. I can't help it if you are too stupid to be seriously concerned about that and are instead sticking with your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Seeing Obama's last term in office being a lame duck President is a joyous thing to behold.


Yup, get rid of the black guy and then...OH NOOOOOO :eek:


Seeing Obama's legacy as worst POTUS in history will suit me fine. :eusa_angel:

Hillary should have won in 2008. The D backstabbers really did her in.

Pity. I at least believe she does love America and Americans and would have or if chance will have become the President of all Americans.

Not just the left that Obama chooses to be the President of.

Since the appellation "conservative" is not defined , anyone can be a conservative:

Is Charles Krauthammer Clueless, Delusional, or Is He Lying?

Thomas DiLorenzo

J.M. writes that he watched Charles Krauthammer on “Faux News with Bret Bair” last night. He’s a stronger man than me for being able to stomach such a spectacle. The creepy, snarling, neocon warmonger (who once said that in any civilized society the public must be disarmed) boasted that his mentor, William F. Buckley, Jr., the man who once said that black people in the South were “retarded” and who supported white supremacy throughout his entire life, thankfully purged allegedly racially insensitive conservatives like Ron Paul from the conservative movement.

yes he does and he's living inside the libs/lefties head 24/7 DRIVING them crazyyyyyyyyyyy

they have to add one more obsession to tell their shrinks

I think it's great, go CRUZ:clap2:


The popularity of the Republican Party has plunged to a record low since September.

A record low. 28 percent compared to 43 percent for the Democrats.

27 percent of Republicans now hold an unfavorable opinion of the GOP. Cruz has alienated a huge swath of the base.



I don't care about their popularity, all I'm looking at is Obama's approvals at this point in time, that is the one that COUNTS for me...AND if the people want the progressive party and more of Obama, they deserve what is coming and living with over 7% of unemployment for all five years since he was elected...hell his second term is half over and it HASN'T budged...You think that would tell them something

And there you have it, the rightwing in a nutshell.

To hell with sound, responsible governance, to hell with facts and the truth, and to hell with what’s best for the Nation, as long as the hated Obama ‘looks bad.’

It’s clearly a manifestation of mental illness.
Its as thought the Republicans really do not want to ever win another election.

It's a repeat of the last election. They have walked, nay, RAN right back to the confounds of their Right Wing Bubble...


I mean, this wasn't even a full two years ago and they're back to doing the exact. same. thing.

They're just digging in deeper and deeper into their RW radicalism.

These bastards just. don't. learn.


WELL we are all happy that blew your skirt up over what some writer of a column has to say

but, YAWN yawn yawn

Cruzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the new Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh, the new Rushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the new

What have you added to the discussion Stephanie?

As usual...nothing.


The popularity of the Republican Party has plunged to a record low since September.

A record low. 28 percent compared to 43 percent for the Democrats.

27 percent of Republicans now hold an unfavorable opinion of the GOP. Cruz has alienated a huge swath of the base.



I don't care about their popularity, all I'm looking at is Obama's approvals at this point in time, that is the one that COUNTS for me...AND if the people want the progressive party and more of Obama, they deserve what is coming and living with over 7% of unemployment for all five years since he was elected...hell his second term is half over and it HASN'T budged...You think that would tell them something

And there you have it, the rightwing in a nutshell.

To hell with sound, responsible governance, to hell with facts and the truth, and to hell with what’s best for the Nation, as long as the hated Obama ‘looks bad.’

It’s clearly a manifestation of mental illness.
You wanna see something cool...?

Remember when these RW bastards were using 9% instead of 7%?


By 2014, 2015 when the number is below 7% I wonder what rabid radical RWers like Stephanie and her ilk will be spewing.

What will be their excuse and talking point then?
Hey libs where is Cruz hiding?

No one has explained this yet. I have him out there front and center but the OP is claiming he is hiding.

So where is he?

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