Conservative Contempt & Hatred of the Democratic Process

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....
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When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

61% of the people oppose this dumbshit....
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

THat was a mistake. Next time we will run you out of town.
You're forgetting the tar and feathering part.
I'll enjoy the next election when the Dums will get their butts kicked. The Blues are already soiling themselves trying to run away from this mess. Just wait until the taxes to pay for health care kick in long before the benefits.

But this thread just typifies the hypocrisy of the Left, which knows no bounds and no shame.
Conservative Contempt & Hatred of the Democratic Process

I've known that for years. Every science and engineering magazine for both terms of the Bush administration wrote articles complaining that his administration tried to force scientists to change their data to match administration policy. That is like right out of Stalin's Russia.

The mess they made of the justice department. And the way they misrepresent. It's disgraceful.

The country that is closest to the Republican ideal of how a country should be run is actually, believe it or not, Iran. The clergy is in power. The clergy hand picks all presidential candidates.

When President Obama took office, he mistakenly thought that he could work with these people. Even when they openly called for his death, he believed it was just rhetoric.

I think that with the stall tactics on the health care bill, the partisan voting, the lies and smears, the name calling, the threats, he finally is beginning to understand that many in the Republicans party have become infected with a type of rabies. It's why they are foaming when they scream and rant. You have to fight back. They must be marginalized, otherwise, the contagion spreads and you have an even worse epidemic of religions and wacko right wing nut-balls.

The best way to fight back is to keep telling the truth and expose them for what they are. You have drag them kicking and screaming into the light so their lies and rhetoric are exposed for everyone to see. Death Panels, comfort to terrorists, kill Grandma. These people will say or do anything.

Worse, the infection has spread so far, many of them actually believe these deranged accusations.
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

THat was a mistake. Next time we will run you out of town.

When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

61% of the people oppose this dumbshit....
since when did the right start caring about public opinion? :lol:

One of the leading Cons of the last decade laughed in the face ot public opinion: Cheney
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

61% of the people oppose this dumbshit....
since when did the right start caring about public opinion? :lol:

One of the leading Cons of the last decade laughed in the face ot public opinion: Cheney

who is cheney?
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

THat was a mistake. Next time we will run you out of town.

go fuck yourself you little girlyman/boy
You're forgetting the tar and feathering part.
I'll enjoy the next election when the Dums will get their butts kicked. The Blues are already soiling themselves trying to run away from this mess. Just wait until the taxes to pay for health care kick in long before the benefits.

But this thread just typifies the hypocrisy of the Left, which knows no bounds and no shame.
gawd you,re so pathetic. you can't even offer anything worth thinking about
Your premise is flawed. You are confusing the democratic process with the legislative process.
You're forgetting the tar and feathering part.
I'll enjoy the next election when the Dums will get their butts kicked. The Blues are already soiling themselves trying to run away from this mess. Just wait until the taxes to pay for health care kick in long before the benefits.

But this thread just typifies the hypocrisy of the Left, which knows no bounds and no shame.
gawd you,re so pathetic. you can't even offer anything worth thinking about

And if I did you wouldn't know what to do.
Your premise is flawed. You are confusing the democratic process with the legislative process.

I'm hoping that the judicial process will kick-in and the healthcare bill will be declare unconstitutional. That would be a very good end to the healthcare debate.
Your premise is flawed. You are confusing the democratic process with the legislative process.

I'm hoping that the judicial process will kick-in and the healthcare bill will be declare unconstitutional. That would be a very good end to the healthcare debate.

State AGs are mobilizing as we speak to urge just that outcome. Then watch the Left scream about subverting the democratic process.
Oops, the left opposes this piece of shit legislation too.
When did conservative hatred and contempt of the Democratic process become so acceptable?

Try convincing anyone with even an ounce of integrity and fairness that conservatives have shown respect for the democratic process.

When they were in power recently they would not even allow a bill sponsored by a Dem to reach the House Floor unless it had a few GOP cosponsors. They had come to power with W who promosed a bipartanship agenda...uniter not divider.

Then Obama and the Dems win everything and the conservatives use the GOP to block every little thing and even go so far as to question the elligibility of and citizenship status of the duly elected President of the United States of America.

If this isn't one example of contempt and hatred of the democratic process and the principles on which this nation was founded, I don't know what is.

Mitch McConnell was confronted with the fact that his party and he were complaining about things they themselves had been doing only a year ago and he laughed.

The list of shit goes on....

Your apparent dishonesty here is quite telling.

Conservatives don't hate the democratic process.....what they hate is the fact that it's been hijacked by a bunch of hyper partisan left wing loon progressives who want to remold our country in the European model. Simply blaming conservatives for everything is really quite stupid and naive on your part....and frankly getting a little boring. The way you and those like you have to have someone to blae for all that's wrong is really quite dishonest.

When the republicans were in power they DID in fact practice bi-partisanship....but you choose to call it forcing the Democrats to obtain Republican co-sponsors. In nearly EVERY SINGLE BILL brought to the floor in Congress by Rep's during the Bush years there were Democrat co-sponsors and vice versa.

What's the matter? Can't stand to see 2 sides working together like they should? Is the current state of affairs what YOU like to see happening?

and I could care less that some loons attacked Obama's birth's meaningless in the big picture as the guy's President and you just need something to whine about.

You're entitled to your opinion but I think if you stepped back and really looked at the situation you would see that this contempt began happening long before Bush.
"Any plan I sign must include an insurance exchange -- a one-stop shopping marketplace where you can compare the benefits, costs, and track records of a variety of plans -- including a public option to increase competition and keep insurance companies honest."

- President Obama - Weekly Radio Address - July 17, 2009
By Gordonskene Thursday Dec 24, 2009 7:00pm crooks and liars.

So . . . what happened? Approaching the finish line the house starts to negotiate? Cm on guys you can do it!
Your premise is flawed. You are confusing the democratic process with the legislative process.

I'm hoping that the judicial process will kick-in and the healthcare bill will be declare unconstitutional. That would be a very good end to the healthcare debate.

end the health care debate? You believe health care is fine the way it is?
Your premise is flawed. You are confusing the democratic process with the legislative process.

I'm hoping that the judicial process will kick-in and the healthcare bill will be declare unconstitutional. That would be a very good end to the healthcare debate.

It wouldn't end the debate. Set the prospect of legislation back by quite a few years, yes, but not end the debate.

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