Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

Teaching history is apparently wrong, at least according to the right wingers. :sad:
I see it this way.
If your politics mean you have to deny history or facts, your politics are probably bullshit.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Good for him. You idiot libtards think it's alright to teach satans religion, Islam, but not Christianity, the one truth. What a bunch of scumbag idiots. Libtards stupidity.

Are they teaching Islam? Or are they teaching history, of which Islam is a part?

The difference is clear. I do not think any religion should be taught in a public school (except perhaps a comparative studies type class). But religions do have an effect on history. To ignore that is ridiculous.
Is it any wonder why the US does not lead the world in education when parents try to shield their kids from topics in history or the sciences that they are ignorant of?
You can't teach your kids that Islam is "satans religion (sic)" if they are taught an objective course about Islam.

No, you cannot teach a classroom full of kids that a major religion is "satan's religion", no matter how fervently you wish you could. You also can't drag people off and torture them for being heretics. The law really gets in the way of your religion, doesn't it?
Then they should also be taught Christianity. In fact teach Buddhism and taoism as well. Instead of history call it a comparitive religion class. It's not history.

Yes, religions do have a place in history classes. Islam is a powerful force in the history of the middleeast.

Just like Christianity is a powerful force in many areas of world history. But there is a difference between teaching what a religion did, as it relates to history, and teaching the tenets and dogma of a religion.
You idiot libtards think it's alright to teach satans religion, Islam

This must be that "outreach to minorities" the GOP was talking about after losing the 2012 election.

Or are you one of those LBJ Democrats we keep hearing about?

I'm not GOP, but in America, we don't need them. We need a civil war to set our priorities internally before addressing the bigger issue. Washington and the machine have gone off the reservation. It's up to America now, or............

The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.

And that history would include the numerous terrorist attacks, the honor killings, torture, beheadings, oppression of women and intolerance of other religions.

There is a huge difference between teaching the history of something and promoting something by outright lying about it.

Of course, the real reason the father was angry was because the girl's homework was pages of crap glorifying Islam. The schools do not have students memorize any parts of the bible or teach that Christianity is the best. Islam is getting promoted and it's likely because the Nation of Islam is helping with the curriculum. The dad has every right to be angry and most parents would be if they saw the actual assignment the girl had. It's disgusting the way it promotes Islam and neglects to mention a single negative.

And speaking of accurate history, the teachers should be letting students know that Muslims want to claim that the Holocaust never happened. They are fighting to have that removed from school history books. Of course, the left is okay with that and doesn't have a single criticism over that.

Perhaps it would help if you had read the entire article and not just jumped in with a knee-jerk reaction to the word "Islam".

from the OP link:

“This is a world history class,” Simpson explained. “We are not teaching religion. Part of those world history studies involves the economics of a region and part of that is the religion which relates to the economy of that part of the world. In the Middle East, Islam is the only religion and it contributes greatly to the economics of the region.

In the overall scope of things, she said, Christianity is taught in segments about the reformation in Europe, along with Hinduism and Buddism.

At some point we do comparative religion,” she said. “Religion is a big part of world history.”

Charles County Public Schools issued a letter to parents explaining their stance:

"Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) social studies curriculum adheres to the Maryland World History curricular standards that are a requirement for all counties in the state. These standards include an analysis of the elements of culture such as art, music, religion, government, social structure, education, beliefs and customs in societies throughout history. Regarding the study of history specifically, the standards also state that students should be able to analyze the customs and beliefs of world religions and their expansion, as well as how their establishment has impacted other areas of culture, and in certain times and regions, even caused conflict.

"The particular unit in question at La Plata High School is on the formation of Middle Eastern empires in which students learned the basic concepts of the Islamic faith and how it, along with politics, culture, economics and geography, contributed to the development of the Middle East. Other religions are introduced when they influence or impact a particular historical era or geographic region. For example, when reviewing the Renaissance and Reformation, students study the concepts and role of Christianity. When learning about the development of China and India, students examine Hinduism and Buddhism."
Christianity is taught in American history.

To say otherwise is to reveal abysmal ignorance.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Good for him. You idiot libtards think it's alright to teach satans religion, Islam, but not Christianity, the one truth. What a bunch of scumbag idiots. Libtards stupidity.
Willful ignorance and the promotion of myth: Conservative education policy.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.
what is there to study, everyone should already know by now that islam/muslimes are the worlds worst enemy, unless of course some people.., like libercrats, have been living in a rotten stump in a wilderness far, far away should know by now those people (?) and their fucking religion should be eradicated from the surface of the Earth !!

why do liberfools and dummycrats defend this :bsflag: we always hear from the leftwing of utter stupidity ????
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.
what is there to study, everyone should already know by now that islam/muslimes are the worlds worst enemy, unless of course some people.., like libercrats, have been living in a rotten stump in a wilderness far, far away should know by now those people (?) and their fucking religion should be eradicated from the surface of the Earth !!

why do liberfools and dummycrats defend this :bsflag: we always hear from the leftwing of utter stupidity ????

Perhaps you should look at what was actually being studied??

The formation of Middle Eastern Empires? This would be looking at the effect of religion on the culture, economics, and population of the middle east hundreds of years ago. Ever hear of the Ottoman Empire? How did they rule? Why is studying the rise of Islam in the 7th century a threat to anything current??
Because the right wing don't want anyone to understand anything about Islam.
Should people ever see Muslims as humans, their far right bullshit is dead.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Good for him. You idiot libtards think it's alright to teach satans religion, Islam, but not Christianity, the one truth. What a bunch of scumbag idiots. Libtards stupidity.

I believe government schools should be abolished - parents should be able to control educational material.

Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Good for him. You idiot libtards think it's alright to teach satans religion, Islam, but not Christianity, the one truth. What a bunch of scumbag idiots. Libtards stupidity.

I believe government schools should be abolished - parents should be able to control educational material.


That sounds like a great idea. But have you looked around at the level of ignorance in our world? You want them to be the teachers? lol
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
To be specific YOU are being stupid. Accusing ALL conservatives is closed minded and ignorant. Got it?
Read carefully...
If the course is WORLD history, the parent is wrong. If this is AMERICAN history, the parent is correct.
Now, there is no reason why students cannot study about Islam as it relates to the history of the world or that of Eastern civilizations.
However, too often study means indoctrination. Or at least to cast a culture or nation into a light that is absent of facts for the purposes of political correctness.
Our public schools have been roundly and justifiably criticized for offering students inaccurate or sanitized information.
There is no Islam in American history?
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

You agree with him right? Or are you forgetting about keeping religion from the classroom?
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

You agree with him right? Or are you forgetting about keeping religion from the classroom?

There is a huge difference between teaching the historical significance and effect of a religion, and teaching that religion.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
To be specific YOU are being stupid. Accusing ALL conservatives is closed minded and ignorant. Got it?
Read carefully...
If the course is WORLD history, the parent is wrong. If this is AMERICAN history, the parent is correct.
Now, there is no reason why students cannot study about Islam as it relates to the history of the world or that of Eastern civilizations.
However, too often study means indoctrination. Or at least to cast a culture or nation into a light that is absent of facts for the purposes of political correctness.
Our public schools have been roundly and justifiably criticized for offering students inaccurate or sanitized information.
There is no Islam in American history?

Of course there is.

Muslims sold slaves to the US.

Muslim pirates did and still raid US shipping.

Muslims flew planes into tall buildings.

Muslims set off bombs at Boston.

OBL was a Muslim.

Lots of Muslim history.

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