Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

Is it any wonder why the US does not lead the world in education when parents try to shield their kids from topics in history or the sciences that they are ignorant of?

...Of which they are ignorant.

Just saying...

If you are going to accuse others of being ignorant, it is best if you try not to sound ignorant while doing so...
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.

Did dad finish high school, was he home schooled by right wingers, or worse?
Is it any wonder why the US does not lead the world in education when parents try to shield their kids from topics in history or the sciences that they are ignorant of?

Had some in-laws that took their kids out of public school because they taught evolution. When at their house they had FOX on at all times. Think there's connection and does watching FOX cause stupidity or does stupidity cause one to watch FOX? :eusa_think:
Damn right. Any Conservative without hate of cancerous Islam in his heart is rare indeed.

I am totally stumped as to why minorities are not attracted to the Right.

Oh, wait. I know! It must be "because gifts"!

Especially the kind the want to commit mass murder against Americans. Yeah, Democrats love those kinds of minorities, don't they?
Then they should also be taught Christianity. In fact teach Buddhism and taoism as well. Instead of history call it a comparitive religion class. It's not history.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Damn right. Any Conservative without hate of cancerous Islam in his heart is rare indeed.

If you want to be taken seriously get rid of that idiotic looking howdy doody cowboy hat
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Damn right. Any Conservative without hate of cancerous Islam in his heart is rare indeed.

If you want to be taken seriously get rid of that idiotic looking howdy doody cowboy hat
Cavalry hat. Not cowboy.
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Ok... so the school is going to teach about the affect and effect the Muslim Religion had on the world as part of World History..


I wonder if they are going to include the fact that they killed those who refused to either convert or pay a special tax?
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Why would any father want his daughter taught that she is rapable, stoneable and pretty much at the mercy of any man?

Why wouldn't any father want her to be brought up to learn Christianity as the basis of her life not Islam?
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.

And the Inquistion. And the KKK.

It's so nice to see the Right not flocking to a subject about Muslims and stereotyping them.

Oh, wait...
What is wrong with the stereo typing? They are exactly as one would think they are from the terrorists down to the minimal believers.
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.

And the Inquistion. And the KKK.

It's so nice to see the Right not flocking to a subject about Muslims and stereotyping them.

Oh, wait...
What is wrong with the stereo typing? They are exactly as one would think they are from the terrorists down to the minimal believers.
g5000 is the typical sheeple who would welcome Sharia Law. That is until they have to lay their head on the chopping block.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Why would any father want his daughter taught that she is rapable, stoneable and pretty much at the mercy of any man?

Why wouldn't any father want her to be brought up to learn Christianity as the basis of her life not Islam?

Except for stonable, sounds a lot like hardcore Christianity.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Why would any father want his daughter taught that she is rapable, stoneable and pretty much at the mercy of any man?

Why wouldn't any father want her to be brought up to learn Christianity as the basis of her life not Islam?
You're close minded, just what you accuse Muslims of being.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Good for him. You idiot libtards think it's alright to teach satans religion, Islam, but not Christianity, the one truth. What a bunch of scumbag idiots. Libtards stupidity.

It just goes to show how stupid cons are when they don't want their kids being taught history. Hate to tell you this dumbass, but the school is not teaching a class on Islam as a religious class. They are teaching how Islam had an impact on Middle East history, and you dumb fucks think we should ignore it. Damn, America is becoming dumber by the second.
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.

And that history would include the numerous terrorist attacks, the honor killings, torture, beheadings, oppression of women and intolerance of other religions.

There is a huge difference between teaching the history of something and promoting something by outright lying about it.

Of course, the real reason the father was angry was because the girl's homework was pages of crap glorifying Islam. The schools do not have students memorize any parts of the bible or teach that Christianity is the best. Islam is getting promoted and it's likely because the Nation of Islam is helping with the curriculum. The dad has every right to be angry and most parents would be if they saw the actual assignment the girl had. It's disgusting the way it promotes Islam and neglects to mention a single negative.

And speaking of accurate history, the teachers should be letting students know that Muslims want to claim that the Holocaust never happened. They are fighting to have that removed from school history books. Of course, the left is okay with that and doesn't have a single criticism over that.
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.

And that history would include the numerous terrorist attacks, the honor killings, oppression of women and intolerance of other religions.

There is a huge difference between teaching the history of something and promoting something by outright lying about it.

Of course, the real reason the father was angry was because the girl's homework was pages of crap glorifying Islam. The schools do not have students memorize any parts of the bible or teach that Christianity is the best. Islam is getting promoted and it's likely because the Nation of Islam is helping with the curriculum. The dad has every right to be angry and most parents would be if they saw the actual assignment the girl had. It's disgusting the way it promotes Islam and neglects to mention a single negative.

Should they teach how the USA tried to bomb innocent Iraqis into peace and democracy? Christians have killed a lot of Muslims too.
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.

And that history would include the numerous terrorist attacks, the honor killings, oppression of women and intolerance of other religions.

There is a huge difference between teaching the history of something and promoting something by outright lying about it.

Of course, the real reason the father was angry was because the girl's homework was pages of crap glorifying Islam. The schools do not have students memorize any parts of the bible or teach that Christianity is the best. Islam is getting promoted and it's likely because the Nation of Islam is helping with the curriculum. The dad has every right to be angry and most parents would be if they saw the actual assignment the girl had. It's disgusting the way it promotes Islam and neglects to mention a single negative.

Should they teach how the USA tried to bomb innocent Iraqis into peace and democracy? Christians have killed a lot of Muslims too.

I'm sure that is already taught. I see no reason for teachers to paint a pretty picture of Islam. Enough of the PC crap that has nothing to do with reality.
Conservative dad threatens ‘sh*tstorm’ if daughter’s world history class includes Islam

An angry father has been banned from a Maryland high school’s campus after he made vague but ominous threats against the school because his daughter’s history homework mentioned the Islamic faith. reported that La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland has issued a No Trespass order after parent Kevin Wood — a former U.S. Marine — called the school and threatened to disrupt classes if his daughter’s world history class continued to study the religion and its impact on human history.

Wood reportedly telephoned Vice Principal Shannon Morris last Thursday enraged over a homework assignment which dealt with the formation of Middle Eastern empires centuries ago. History teacher Katie O’Malley Simpson said that the history curriculum has never been considered controversial in the past.

It's got to be genetic, Conservative stupidity.
Why would any father want his daughter taught that she is rapable, stoneable and pretty much at the mercy of any man?

Why wouldn't any father want her to be brought up to learn Christianity as the basis of her life not Islam?
Boy, these RWs are double dumb.
The history of Islam should be studied.

For the same reason Nazism and Leninism/Stalinism should be studied.

And the Inquistion. And the KKK.

It's so nice to see the Right not flocking to a subject about Muslims and stereotyping them.

Oh, wait...

You're right, the KKK should be on the curriculum, with Grand Wizard Democrat Byrd and "******* voting Dem 200 years" LBJ as the introductory lesson on the topic.

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